When the Song and Yuan Dynasties met, the Quanzhen Sect in the north established and developed rapidly. At that time, the Quanzhen Sect and the Tianshifu worked together to compile this Taoist scripture.

But just when the compilation of the Taoist scriptures was completed and the new path of practice was just beginning, an unprecedented disaster occurred in Taoism.

At that time, the real person Qiu Chuji in Changchun met with Genghis Khan and stopped killing him.

Since it is a person who cultivates in the world, it naturally includes Buddhist disciples and other religious disciples.

This is the root cause.

At that time, practitioners other than Taoism also realized that the environment had changed. After learning that Tianshifu and Quanzhen Sect had compiled Taoist Tibetans and explored a new way, they joined forces to attack.

Just at that time, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty were worried that the Quanzhen Sect would affect their rule, and some people in the Quanzhen Sect used different techniques to assassinate, and there were two so-called "Buddhist and Taoist debates".

The end result is that an unknown number of Taoist temples in the world have been converted into temples, thousands of Taoist priests were forced to shave their hair to become monks, and millions of Taoist scriptures were burned.

Daozang was also lost in that turmoil, and almost all of the main editors were killed.

It is also for this reason that the new path of cultivation was stillborn as soon as it appeared.

For hundreds of years, Tianshi Mansion and the Quanzhen Sect in the north have never stopped exploring, but because the "Dao Zang" has been lost, it is very difficult to find a way again.

Sixty or seventy years ago, after the head of the Heavenly Master Mansion received the dream of the patriarch, he asked his disciples to stop going out of the mountain unless it was necessary to do the work with all their might.

Daoist Yun Ting's legs, and the strange illness that his junior brother entered into meditation were all caused by mistakes in his exercise.

No wonder I haven't seen any Quanzhen disciples for so many years. It seems that the situation is similar to that of Tianshi Mansion.

"Ahem, Daoist Yun Ting, the poor Dao came to your place. One is to return the "Dao Zang", and the other purpose is to take a trip from the treasure pavilion and medicine field of Tianshifu to bring some treasures back."

Seeing that Taoist Yun Ting's emotions had calmed down, Jiang Lin stated his purpose.

Chapter [*] There are too many babies, I'm worried

In such a good place of feng shui as Longhu Mountain, there will inevitably be natural treasures to grow, and they will not be ordinary treasures.

Moreover, the Tianshi Mansion has a history of thousands of years. In addition to the treasures, the reserves of treasures are not comparable to ordinary sects.

Jiang Lin is going to do a lot of shopping here.

"Treasure Pavilion, Medicine Field?"

Daoist Yun Ting frowned slightly. These two places are forbidden areas of the Tianshi Mansion. Not to mention outsiders, even the disciples of this sect cannot enter. Only the contemporary Tianshi has permission to enter.

"Daoist Li Yang, you have come to the shelter to return the Taoist scriptures. The Tianshifu owes you a great favor, but the Treasure Pavilion and the Medicine Field here have always been closed to outsiders. Why don't you do this, fellow Daoist, what herbs do you need? Utensils, you tell me to listen, if you need any function, you can also say, I will get it to you."

Although he felt a little embarrassed, Taoist Yun Ting still did not reject Jiang Lin. After all, "Dao Zang" was too important to their Tianshi Mansion.

Jiang Lin traveled far to the East, and after a series of fierce battles, he obtained it, and then sent it in person, so it is understandable to ask for compensation.

"I think it's better for me to take a trip. In addition to the extra part, I'm also going to exchange some with your Tianshi Mansion."

Jiang Lin beckoned to the outside of the hall, and the cat took the sack beside him in.

Daoist Yun Ting and his two uncles were a little puzzled. They didn't know what Jiang Lin was doing with a sack.

"On "Dao Zang" there are only directions and conjectures about the method of refining Qi. Even if your Tianshifu obtains it, I am afraid you will still have to cross the river with stones. On my trip to the east, I have already explored the demonic way of the East. I grabbed the Qi refining method."

Jiang Lin took out a manuscript from the sack. Although "Dao Zang" is precious, the ready-made results in his hands are not less valuable than this Taoist scripture.

It took hundreds of years for Dongyang Yaodao to explore a new way after obtaining "Dao Zang". Even though Tianshi Mansion has also worked hard for hundreds of years, but there is no Taoist scripture as a guideline, if you want to explore the road, Don't know how long it will take.

When Jiang Lin came to the Tianshi Mansion, he planned to return with a full reward. He would not let him go to Taobao in person.


Daoist Yun Ting swallowed his saliva, his eyes fixed on the manuscript in Jiang Lin's hand, unable to move away.

They have worked hard for hundreds of years to open up new paths, but now, the map is in front of him.

"These are several elixir scriptures that Pindao got by chance. They are the collection of the old immortal Nanhua, Zuo Ci's mentor. Based on the medicine field of Tianshifu, it is estimated that it is not difficult to make elixir."

Jiang Lin took three more silver books. Back then, he obtained three elixir books in Nanhua Xianfu, and he had already copied down the useful or possible contents of them.

Now he plans to deal with these elixir, because the content on the elixir is too difficult to identify, so Jiang Lin directly took out the original instead of the transcript, so that no one would doubt the authenticity of the elixir.

"The Tibetan scriptures of the old immortal Nanhua? But the Taiqing Dan Jing, the Jiuding Dan Jing and the Jinye Dan Jing?"

Daochang Changliu stretched his neck and opened his old eyes, staring at the silver book in Jiang Lin's hand.


Jiang Lin nodded, and then said to Daoist Yun Ting: "Daoist friend, your two uncles are probably because of the unsteady breath caused by Qi? Although it is not like you and your junior brother, Daoji has already If it is damaged, I guess it will not be uncomfortable, right? If the medicinal pills in these alchemy books are refined, they should be able to solve their problems. Even the strange symptoms of your junior brother’s entering meditation can also be improved.”

"Is this true?"

When the two old Taoists heard Jiang Lin's words, their hearts pounded. As Jiang Lin said, their own conditions were also caused by exploring a new path of cultivation.

Although this consequence made them a blessing in disguise and pierced through the barriers of the Celestial Master level, they could not stand firm on it at all.

That is to say, both of them are celestial masters of paper, let alone the zombie king, it is enough for them to deal with ghost generals, demons and adult zombies.

That's not to mention, every time the seasons change, they are tortured and miserable.

If what Jiang Lin said is true, they are very likely to repair their own Dao foundation, and they are more likely to become real Celestial Masters.

Daoist Yun Ting was once again shocked. Now that "Dao Zang" has returned to their Tianshi Mansion, Jiang Lin has the results of refining the Qi method again, which means that if they get it, they don't need to spend any more time and energy.

And if the problem of his two uncle Daoji is solved again, there may be three heavenly teachers in their Tianshifu.

In addition to the two uncles, his younger brother has already stepped into the level of Tianshi with one foot. If he returns to normal, with his talent, he may not be able to rush again.

Four Celestial Masters?

At this moment, it seems that he can clearly hear his heartbeat.

"The two of you can read the test."

Jiang Lin threw the three elixir to the two veterans. Since he wanted to exchange treasures with the Tianshi Mansion, it was okay to show his sincerity first.

"Or... I said, rules are dead and people are alive."

"Yeah, who said no."

After Chang Liu and Cangsong looked at the elixir, they looked at each other, they really wanted to hold the elixir and not return it.

Jiang Lin smiled, then took out an umbrella and a whisk from the sack, and continued: "Today, Luo Umbrella and Baiyu whisk were both artifacts of the monk era, but they lost their spirituality. It is not impossible for them to reproduce the brilliance of the master's residence."

These two ancient treasures were retrieved by him from Zuo Ci's tomb. Because of the great loss of spirituality, they were useless to him, but not necessarily to the Tianshi Mansion.

This is the second sun base in the world, and it is also an excellent place to raise utensils.

My God, what the hell is in this sack?

No, this is a sack, it's a treasure bag! !

"By the way, I still have some magic tools and treasures here."

"This is a bone sword, made from the bones of a thousand-year-old red dragon."

"Millennium Bupleurum."

"Luo Han Guo is also a thousand years old."

As Jiang Lin took out the treasures from the sack one by one, the expressions on Taoist Yun Ting and the two old Taoists gradually solidified.

Oh!My grandfather of the three Qing ancestors.

Daoist Yun Ting pinched hard on his arm, and a pain came from his arm, and he confirmed that this was not his hallucination.

"Daoist Li Yang, where did you get these treasures?"

After calming down a little, Daoist Yun Ting looked at Jiang Lin with strange eyes. He suspected that many things in Jiang Lin's sack were looted.

To talk about buying or bartering with money, he really doesn't believe it.

"Eighty percent of them were collected from Dongyang. The last time I traveled to Dongdu, I traveled all over Japan, whether it was useful or not, as long as it was a good thing, I didn't even keep any seedlings, and I also visited their treasury. Once again, there are really many good babies."

Jiang Lin naturally heard the meaning of Daoist Yun Ting's words, and explained the source of the treasure to them.

Taoist Yun Ting: "..."

Chang Liu and Cangsong said, "..."

Holy crap, is there such an operation?Looting the Toyo treasury, Beer!

"Sorry, so many babies are useless."


Daoist Yun Ting and the others are completely speechless, why are you so useless that you don't even keep the seedlings?

"Don't look at me like that, I'm telling the truth. There are too many babies, I'm worried."

Jiang Lin was a little helpless, he told the truth, but Taoist Yun Ting looked at him with contempt in his eyes.

Many of the treasures and other treasures he got were not needed. In order to convert them into useful ones for himself and his family, he had to wander around China for a year or two, visiting Taoist temples and temples.

Find someone to exchange treasures everywhere.

Even one or two years is not enough, and it may not be useful to exchange.


"How is it? These things are estimated to be of great value to you. Can I go to your Treasure Pavilion and Medicine Field?"

Jiang Lin put the treasures and utensils back into the sack one by one, waiting for Taoist Yun Ting and the others to reply.

It would be really boring to talk to him about what outsiders are not allowed to enter.

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-seven chapters sold the essence that was not bought

Daoist Yun Ting looked at his two uncles, and then at Daoist Chongyao who was in Dingzhong. Finally, he nodded and said: "Since you owe Daoyou a great favor, and Daoist friend has the materials in your hands. The treasure and the scriptures are of great use to the Tianshi Mansion, and the poor Taoist is not a person who sticks to the rules and is unreasonable, just come with me."

Afterwards, Daotong pushed Daoist Yun Ting's wheelchair and left the hall. Jiang Lin asked Heiyue to wait for a while, and he followed Daoist Yun Ting to the back mountain.

"You wait here."

When they arrived at the back mountain, Taoist Yun Ting explained to the Taoist boy, and he ordered the wheelchair to levitate and climbed all the way along the stone steps in the mountain.

Combination of Taoism and Alienism?

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