Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, even Daoist Yun Ting couldn't do it.

After he is corpse, he can use his mind to control things, but it is difficult for him to do things like transporting himself.

Not long after, the two arrived at the Treasure Pavilion in the mountains. Seeing the dazzling array of treasures in the pavilion, Jiang Lin completely felt that he was completely like a nouveau riche among Taoists, or a nouveau riche.

This Tianshi Mansion is a serious "family business". He is rich in oil, but Nima's Tianshi Mansion is full of oil!

Jiang Lin grumbled, "I've been practicing Taoism for more than ten years, and I've come and gone in the wind and rain, dancing on the tip of my knife, and the treasure reserves are not comparable to that of a corner of the Treasure Pavilion. I'm really dissatisfied. ."

"Dissatisfied? What's your dissatisfaction? Why should the efforts of hundreds of generations of our Tianshi Mansion be surpassed by your knife-tip dancing for more than ten years?"

Daoist Yun Ting rolled his eyes, this Nima was still dissatisfied.

I was speechless.

Daoist Yun Ting's words are like a rich N generation saying: Why should the efforts of several generations of our family lose to your ten years of hard work?

Jiang Lin glanced at it roughly, and in just a short while, he saw a lot of tempting treasures, especially several rare metals and array materials, which made him feel that it was absolutely necessary.

Just like the undersea pregnant copper in the opposite cabinet, it is an extremely rare metal. If he adds some of the spirit swords to his wives, the power will be greatly increased.

In addition, the next time he upgrades his own zheng bone sword, if he can swallow half a catty or three taels, it can directly improve the quality.

There is also the Longkun Stone displayed next to it, which is the main material needed to arrange the seven-star array of flying dragons.

Jiang Lin was not polite. He went up and took the Longkun Stone and the pregnant copper from the bottom of the sea. After turning his eyes, he took out another immortal seal. The talisman in this ancient book is just like its name, which can be sealed.

Jiang Lin invited Bao Yi, the thief-looking fairy, to go home. Maybe she would move around a lot. With this collection, he would be able to attack this fairy when necessary.

Moreover, he offended the upper realm not long ago. Maybe there are other immortals in the world. If he is given a mission by the upper realm, it is not impossible to come to him.

So the importance of this collection to him is self-evident.

"I said, friend, look at me sending "Dao Zang" for thousands of miles. This is not only important for ceremony, but also for friendship. I will take three extra pieces, which is not too much..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Lin glanced at him and said again: "Take four pieces..."

Turning his eyes again, he changed his words again: "It's just five pieces..."

The golden light in the corner flashed his eyes, Jiang Lin coughed twice, and said solemnly, "Six extra."


Daoist Yun Ting's face is as black as the bottom of a pot, extra, extra, he's corrupting your second uncle!

You give me two extra words, believe it or not, I'm in a hurry with you? !

"Who will go with you four, five, six, four, five, six! Three, just three, no more!"

He got off his wheelchair and rushed in front of Jiang Lin, blocking Jiang Lin with his arms.

If you don't block it, maybe there will be more than four or five or six, but Nima can have an extra seven or eight.

No, I only know this Daoist Li Yang thoroughly now, Nima is not greedy swallowing elephants, no, it is swallowing whales.

Swallow the dinosaur!

Daoist Yun Ting made up his mind. In the next trading session, he had to keep the price down.

Taking three rare treasures all at once made him feel a pain in his heart.

He stared at Jiang Lin carefully, and whenever Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, he kept those treasures in his heart.

Daoist Yun Ting planned to price those treasures according to the degree of light in Jiang Lin's eyes.

That was what he cared about the most, and he had to practice the Qi method to change it.

That one is very important to him, and the two next to it, except for the three alchemy scriptures, will never be replaced.

Taoist Yun Ting was thinking in his heart.

Hey, what about leaving me here to follow?

Jiang Lin couldn't help slandering, thinking that Taoist Yun Ting was not being kind.

If you plan to fight with me, you may not know that I am an old man who has lived for thousands of years.

This time, my brother will let you know what is sold but not bought.

If Jiang Lin played with his mind, he would be able to pretend to be a tiger and eat a pig. Back then, in Lingyun Grotto in Shu, Lan Dali and Xu Fu were both demon emperors and green-eyed zombies.

Daoist Yun Ting planned to make a plate in front of him, but it was still tender.

Jiang Lin made a bid while taking the treasure. He deliberately made the bid a little higher, and then asked Daoist Yun Ting to give a spiritual stone as his head.

"Rao head? No, no."

Taoist Yun Ting immediately waved his hands excitedly like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

He thought that what Jiang Lin asked him to forgive was what Jiang Lin really wanted, and he was willing to forgive him casually.

However, what Jiang Lin asked Daoist Yun Ting to forgive was really something that was not necessary for him. He was putting smoke bombs there.

The next few times Jiang Lin's bids were too high, and he had to spare things. Daoist Yun Ting also had a weight in his heart for the value of the treasure. In the end, he felt that it was unreasonable, so he gave Jiang Lin the inner pill of the Snail Demon King.

In fact, the inner alchemy of the snail demon king is very useful to Jianglin. The snail is hermaphrodite, the shell is yang and the body is yin.

This thing is not only useful to Jiang Lin, it is also useful to his wife Xiaoru, whose body is yin and yang.

After that, the two Heavenly Masters, Jiang Lin and Daoist Yun Ting, were in the Treasure Pavilion, bargaining like a groceries aunt and a hawker in the market.

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed randomly, and sometimes he would exchange things he didn't need at all, making Daoist Yun Ting not sure what he really needed.

Therefore, in most cases, Jiang Lin suffered a small loss on the surface, but actually made a big profit.

They all say that from Nanjing to Beijing, what you buy is not what you sell.


Buying can be compared to selling more fine, monkey fine monkey fine.

Daoist Yun Ting always felt that something was wrong, he seemed to be tricked by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin pouted, glanced at Taoist Yun Ting, and said, "How can you be the same as a vegetable seller, the contemporary Heavenly Master of your dignified Heavenly Master's Mansion."

"Aren't you the same as a grocery shopping aunt, what the fuck, a Maoshan Taishan Beidou, a peak Tianshi, you can even say Raotou!"

Daoist Yun Ting was about to give Jiang Lin his middle finger. He was so tired and crooked that Jiang Lin gave him a routine, and when he turned back, he choked him.

Can we happily exchange treasures together?

Chapter [*]: Ginseng Chiwa (Part [*])

Most of the treasures in the Treasure Pavilion that were useful to Jiang Lin were replaced by him. After that, he went to the medicine field with Daoist Yun Ting.

Jiang Lin originally intended to open up a medicinal field in Huixing Mountain after moving to Xugang, so some spiritual medicines that are surviving are necessary, and even the soil must be taken away.

The medicine field of Tianshifu can just solve this problem for him.

The two chatted in the medicine field for nearly two hours before Taoist Yun Ting pushed Jiang Lin away, otherwise, he would have suffered a massive heart hemorrhage.

However, although Daoist Yun Ting's heart was bleeding, he still left Jiang Lin and Hei Yue to temporarily stay in the Tianshi Mansion.

Jiang Lin declined politely. He said that he brought his family members here, and now they are resting several miles away, and they will come together tomorrow.

"Since fellow Daoist will go up the mountain tomorrow, Yun Ting will no longer retain him. Tomorrow Pindao will personally lead the fellow Daoist family on a tour of Longhu Mountain."

Daoist Yun Ting was pushed by Daotong and personally sent Jiang Lin and Hei Yue to the foot of the mountain.

"Then I'll harass you again tomorrow."

After Jiang Lin said goodbye to Taoist Yun Ting, he and Hei Yue went to the place where Ren Tingting and the others stayed.

Come back fully loaded.

Jiang Lin is in a very good mood, and his harvest in Longhu Mountain is not small.

By the way, I have always forgotten to tell Heiyue about the martyrdom of Daochang Bai.

Outside Dafang Town, when the Sangha-Dao Alliance dealt with Fei Zong, Heiyue's uncle Bai Daochang also participated in it, and later he was martyred.

Jiang Lin also forgot to tell Heiyue about this when he returned to Liyangju. If Taoist Yun Ting had not asked them about the current situation of Taiping Mountain on the way to send them, he would not have remembered it.

Turning his head to look at Heiyue, Jiang Lin could not help frowning, Heiyue kept his head down and did not speak.

He deliberately didn't ride a tiger with Heiyue, but walked, just to accompany this wife, but she didn't say anything to him.

And usually, Heiyue is not like Ren Tingting and the others, she often accompanies him, most of the time, she is practicing in the training room.

If it wasn't for the improvement of the couple's relationship on weekdays and nights, Heiyue was very cooperative, and Jiang Lin wondered if she was indifferent in some way.

"Yue'er, let me ask you, are you tired of living like this? If so, you can go back to Mount Taiping..."

"You... are you going to drive me away?"

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, Heiyue's face turned pale and her expression was stunned. Her bright eyes were wide open, and soon tears appeared and dripped down.

"Husband, please, don't drive me away! You can't leave me... woo woo..."

Hei Yue clasped Jiang Lin's arm with both hands, trembling in fear.

"I didn't say to drive you away."

Jiang Lin was a little confused. He just wanted to ask Heiyue if he needed to go back to Taiping Mountain to bring the bad news. If she felt tired of staying in Liyang Residence, she would also stay in the teacher's house for a while to adjust her mood. That's it.

As a result, his wife thought he didn't want her anymore.

"You don't have much interaction with Tingting and the others on weekdays, and you don't talk much to me, and you don't even see you acting like a spoiled child at me. I don't know what's going on with you. Do you regret following me?"

"No, no."

Heiyue wiped away her tears and held back her cry: "I just... felt that I was dependent on Li Yangju and didn't leave, and you... only wanted me, and compared with Sister Tingting and the others, I didn't have them. So beautiful, I don't dare to argue with them. Husband, I can't live without you, don't drive me away."

"You stupid girl."

Jiang Lin took Heiyue into his arms, wiped her tears, kissed her lips again, and said, "You married me on a sedan chair, and you didn't do anything wrong, even if you don't have Tingting. They are so beautiful, and you are still my wife. As for what you said, you stayed in Li Yangju and didn't leave, why didn't you ask Tingting and the others, some of them didn't give themselves to me on their own initiative. Oh, just because of this , do you feel that you have a lower status than them? You are not as good-looking as them, but you are good-looking. You didn't tell me anything, I thought you were tired of living with me and them. "

"Yes... I'm sorry, I'll tell you what I think in the future."

Heiyue sobbed and leaned into Jiang Lin's arms, she just thought Jiang Lin was going to leave her.

"Actually, I just asked you if you wanted to go back to Taiping Mountain because your uncle, Daochang Bai, was killed while dealing with Fei Zong, and I wanted you to bring a message back."

"Then... let's go together, shall we?"

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