My son, why are you so stubborn?

"Lin Zi, you're killing me. I can't understand Sheng Ke and Fu Cheng. How can I help you?"

"It's not that you are alone. I have already written to Uncle Qianhe, Uncle Simu, and Senior Brother Qiusheng on the way here."

Of course Jiang Lin knew that Zhang Han couldn't do it alone, so he wrote letters and invited a lot of people.

In addition to the few he said, he also wrote letters to fellow disciples Fat Bao and Xiao Hai, as well as four apprentices of Daoist Master Chunhua Feng Yu Lei Dian.

He also sent letters to Mao Xiaofang and Master Hong Zuobao, asking them to call their apprentices A Hai and Tian Zhao.

"Note: Because the three characters Hong Jinbao appear, they will be imprisoned in the house. In the future, "Master Hong Subao" will be used instead of this formation."

He called so many people. On the one hand, it was because the lack of manpower would affect the progress. On the other hand, his giant layout contained what he had learned all his life, and the fat and water did not flow to outsiders.

Daoist Chunhua and Master Hong Zuobao were both people he admired, and it was okay to ask their disciples to help and benefit from them.

Of course, he will definitely pay him enough.

"This layout is so complicated, why don't you do it yourself?"

Zhang Han took a closer look at the pattern on the talisman cloth, and the more he looked at it, the greater the amount of information, the layers were nested, and the edges were connected.

"I don't have that time. I won't be in Middle-earth for the rest of the time. I'll go to Dongyang first and then stroll around. I'll come back without a disaster last time, and there will be a second disaster."

Jiang Lin smiled. It had been a few years since the last time he crossed eastwards, and now there is enthusiasm in the oriental monastic world. He has to go over and distribute the newspaper again, so that they will remember the glory of that year.

In addition, last time he had something to do, this time, he specially brought Mochizuki Lingxi over to do a big search.

"Okay, just say this to you, your new home will be ok with us."

As soon as Zhang Han heard that Jiang Lin wanted to cross eastward, he was in favor of it with both hands and feet.

Five days later, Qiu Sheng and Daoist Qianhe came to Zhang Han's Taoist Hall. They saw the layout drawn by Jiang Lin, and their reactions were similar to Zhang Han's.

Completely incomprehensible.

Jiang Lin explained all the details to them, and there were notes on it. With so many people working together, nothing would happen again.

Jiang Lin left Qiusheng and the others a reward, and they embarked on the trip to the east on the same day.

This time, he specially used the spell on Mochizuki Lingxi's body, so there was no accident in the process of crossing the sea.

Three days later, the family went to Japan again.

Jiang Lin patted Mochizuki Lingxi and said, "Little guy, don't worry this time, there will be no more demon emperors coming to your door. For every five treasures found, I will reward you with one."


The little rhino let out an extremely excited cry, desperate to radiate his senses.

At this time, the monastic and political circles in the East were in great spirits. After all, they had already occupied the three eastern provinces of Middle-earth, and now they have gained a firm foothold.

Very happy.

These people never thought that the "scourge" of Jiang Lin would come again while they were happy.

That man, he's here again.

Chapter [*] The man, he is here again (Part [*])

Jiang Lin asked the colorful tiger king to carry Mochizuki Lingxi to search the surroundings first.

Because he brought a group of wives, Jiang Lin was not like when he was in Middle-earth. After all, he was riding a colorful giant tiger. If someone found out, he would still be in a lot of trouble.

In Japan, he can be regarded as the public enemy of the whole people here.

Jiang Lin then asked Jin Tianyi to bring some gold bars and two demon kings to buy seven or eight carriages in nearby towns.

"Husband, I didn't expect those little Japan to be so annoying, and the place where they live has such a scenery."

After Tian Ji looked around, she couldn't help but curl her lips. It really made her feel that Japanese people should have such a hometown.

Japanese people who like aggression should live in poor mountains and bad waters.

Yue Mei also echoed, "That's right, I'm really blind to such a landscape."

"When they live in such a place, a large number of treasures and elixir can be born, and our family can be filled."

Jiang Lin smiled. It didn't matter to him whether Little Japan lived well or not, but he was going to accept all the treasures hidden in the deep mountains and swamps here.

"That's right, if it's poor mountains and bad waters, our trip will be in vain."

"Yes, there is a treasure-hunting little rhino, let's pull up those elixir treasures for him!"

"Tell them to go to our Middle-earth to make trouble and steal our national treasures, and we will retaliate."

The thought of being able to scoop up all the treasures in this Japanese country made Tian Ji and Yue Mei feel better.

An hour later, Jin Tianyi brought eight carriages over, Jiang Lin and the others got into the carriage, followed Tiger King and Lingxi, and started a carpet-like stroll.


After half a day, Mochizuki Lingxi hummed again.

Jiang Lin got out of the carriage, jumped on the tiger's back, and moved in the direction Mochizuki felt.

Half an hour later, he came back with a thousand-year-old yam.

Two days later, Jiang Lin collected another top-quality gentian, and he digged up the roots and soil.

After another two days, Chen Yu was holding a red and green bellflower in a flowerpot.

A day later, Ren Tingting fiddled with the green leaves of a sunflower.

"Stolen, stolen!"

On this day, the magicians in the Fujisaki Hachiman Shrine shouted everywhere, and the treasure house where the medicinal materials and spiritual tools were stored in their palace was tossed over and over, and many medicinal herbs and utensils that were worth thousands of gold were gone.

This is naturally Jianglin's handwriting, not only this Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine, but also the rest of the shrines and temples he is not going to miss.

These oriental demons, I don't know how many treasures they have stolen from China, Jiang Lin made them poor.

A few days later, the same situation occurred at Kushida Shrine. What made the members of the shrine almost vomit blood was that the apricot stone of Kushida Ginkgo, the guardian of their shrine, was taken out.

Similar things happened one after another in the places where Jiang Lin and his family passed by.

With the moon-watching consonance, Jiang Lin even dug up the Dade Tomb where the abbot of the Pure Land Temple was buried, and took three relics from it.

The last time I was just walking around, I didn't expect so many good things.

When will this be received.


Jiang Lin looked at the spirit herbs and precious medicines in the hands of his wives, and couldn't help feeling a little melancholy. It was only half a month later, and he was a little reluctant to accept the treasures.

"Brother Rhino, our future happiness will fall on you, look for it harder!"

The Tiger King Panlan turned his head to urge Mochizuki Lingxi on his back, and the mouse boy, who was also on the tiger's back, shouted, "Brother Rhino, no big or small. Lord Niu, Brother Mouse, I'll slap your shoulders."

Mouse Boy jumped to Mochizuki Lingxi's shoulder and acted as a masseuse.

During this period of time, the two demon kings had received a lot of light from this treasure hunting rhino.

Among the treasures Jiang Lin received, if they were not of great use, he would also give a few copies to the two pets.

Those treasures may not be of great use to Jiang Lin, but they are useful to them, so now Tiger King and Mouse Boy are offering Mochizuki Lingxi as their grandfather.


Mochizuki Lingxi shook his head, enjoying the feeling of being a big brother, and then he raised his hoof and pointed to a piece of water.

Tiger King Panlan and Mouse Boy shouted in unison to the carriage behind: "Master, Bora is here!"

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin fished out a plant of Tianze Nymphs from the water, whose medicinal value was no less than thousand-year-old ginseng.

In this way, wherever Mochizuki Lingxi went, Jiang Lin received the treasure.

He did not let go of the shrines and temples he passed by.

Because these shrines and temples are basically not equipped with communication equipment, it is already seven days later when they come back and gather together.

By the time they reported the situation to Tokyo, the treasures that had been re-collected by the national treasury in recent years had all paid homage to Jiang Lin.


It has been a month and a half since he arrived in Japan. Jiang Lin has traveled all over the country, and in a few days, it will be one of the four major festivals in Japan. It is time to publish a newspaper.

But this time he didn't bring the newspaper, but it didn't matter.

He directly "borrowed" a newspaper office in Fukushima, where the photos of that year and the photos of the artisans and the corpses feeding the fish in Lingyun Cave were all washed and printed on the newspaper.

With Jin Tianyi, who can understand Japanese, and the newsmen Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan, these things are not difficult.

So, on Japan's Epoch Day, the national celebration day, thousands of newspapers rained down from the sky.

"La la la, la la la, I'm a little connoisseur of newspapers."

At an altitude of [*] meters, Jiang Lin threw the stacks of newspapers in his hands down, and the mouse boy standing on his shoulders also carried several stacks and threw them behind him.

"This faction is not far enough, you manifest your body, take these more than [*] newspapers, and glide down."

Jiang Lin turned the rat boy into a flying squirrel, making him carry stacks of newspapers and sprinkle them downward.




On this important festival, many magicians, monks, and different ninjas saw the newspapers flying down from the sky. After they saw the content on the paper, many people were so angry that they vomited blood on the spot.

"That man, he's here again!"

Before passing out, an old monk let out an unwilling roar.

He already remembered the fear of being dominated by Jiang Lin back then, and he still remembered that the man said that every few years in the future, he would come here to distribute newspapers.

Several years later, today, he is still here!

"Notify other shrines and temples that the man is here again!"

After the old monk passed out, he actually sat up again and shouted to the younger generation beside him. After shouting, he fell down again.

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