"He's here again, he's here again..."

The little bald man who was explained by the old monk repeated these words hysterically. He still remembered that after killing his master, Jiang Lin persuaded him like an elder, to practice Buddhism and Zen, go home and fight. Go beef shank.

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-four chapters Eve's strange dream

On this day, the Japanese people, who were supposed to celebrate the festival, no longer have any mood.

There are too many people in Japan who worship martial arts and believe in Buddhism, but the newspapers falling from the sky record the "supreme glory" of their own country's cultivating circles, so that they will remember it again.

"It's too much, it's a shame!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you must peel this child for cramps!"

"Unforgivable! I implore the Emperor to use the power of the whole country to destroy it!"

In the main hall of the Japanese Imperial Palace, many ministers beat their chests in anger and asked the current emperor to kill Jiang Lin.

The emperor looked at the newspaper in his hand and clapped his hands together.

But he didn't dare to order Jiang Lin to live forever. He still vividly remembers his father's fate.

If he uses force, once this Middle-earth Celestial Master counterattacks, no one can stop him.

And this time, Jiang Lin let Japan spread the news. Like last time, it also aimed at the cultivator world. If he did something again, [*]% of them would repeat the same mistakes.

If his father hadn't used the power of the army to kill Jiang Lin, the latter would not have killed him.

In the end, the emperor chose to endure, and he had to endure.

"Husband, if we do this, will it anger the Japanese ZF?"

"Yeah, you won't get on the plane and cannon to bomb our home?"

Xiaoru and Ningshuang were a little worried. They didn't expect Jiang Lin to distribute the printed newspapers like this. It is estimated that the newspapers floating in the sky could be scattered in half the size of Japan.

If it angers those in power here, it's still a big problem.

After all, if a country settles accounts with them, the consequences will be very serious. Japan's current national strength is not weak at all.

"Don't worry, if they dare to say a word, then prepare to change to another emperor."

Jiang Lin was not at all worried that his family would be called to the door. Didn't the former emperor fly horizontally, and he still died in his hands.

If the current emperor didn't want to sleep every night and was worried that someone would assassinate him, he wouldn't think about it and go to him.

The fact is the same as Jiang Lin said, no matter whether the Japanese monastic world or the ninja world, there is no action.

Aside from being so angry that they couldn't eat or drink tea, they were the only ones who were incompetent and furious, and they didn't even dare to put a p.

Even if those shrines and temples guessed that the theft of their sect was probably related to Jiang Lin, they could only smash their teeth and swallow blood.

Continue to collect treasures.

Jiang Lin continued to head north. A month later, he scoured the whole of Japan. There were so many treasures that he couldn't even fit the Mirror Void Realm in his ancient mirror.

At the end of March, the Jiang Lin family returned to Gantian Town.

He hadn't returned home for nearly three years, and the boys and girls waiting in Gantian Town, the officers and lieutenants had long since left.

He has been away for three years, and Gantian Town has changed a lot. Captain Song's father has passed away, and Captain Song has also become the director and became a family, and Zhou Yuan has replaced his captain's seat.

A Hai of Fuxi Hall left Fuxi Hall after returning to Gantian Town from Xiangxi.

Now there are only Mao Xiaofang and a little boy Ma Fan in Fuxitang. Mao Xiaofang adopted the orphan when he was traveling abroad and made him his apprentice.

Coincidentally, the day after Jiang Lin and the others arrived home, Lei Gang went back to Fuxi Hall to pay homage to his deceased father, and Jiang Lin took this opportunity to hold Axiu's wedding.

His wife broke through during the long trip and became a Taoist, so she doesn't need to go back to Fuxi Hall.

Now if Axiu brought the spirit sword that Jiang Lin made for her, it would not be a problem to chase after the zombie king.

In addition to Axiu, Tang Shasha and Chi Xiaoyu's wedding was also held on the same day.

"Husband, I have always had the same dream recently. The scene in the dream is very real. In the dream, I went to an ancient Egyptian palace. There is a secret room with a scorpion pattern on the door. It has been calling me. ."

Early this morning, Eve came to the front yard and told Jiang Lin, who was practicing martial arts, about the strange dream she had.

"A palace in Egypt? Do you miss your brother?"

Jiang Lin held Eve in his arms. In the past few years, only Eve and Zhang Xiaochuan had never been to their home. Zhang Xiaochuan had only been married for a few years. Because my home is in Egypt, I couldn't go there.

"I miss my brother and my hometown, but I think the reason for the dream may not be this. Look at my wrist."

Eve rolled up her sleeves, and a tattoo that had never been seen before appeared on the back of her wrist.

"Didn't you have it last night?"

"Yes, it appeared as soon as I woke up. This pattern is a symbol of the guardian of ancient Egypt, representing a warrior recognized by the Egyptian gods. I don't know why it suddenly appeared on my wrist."


Jiang Lin frowned, grabbed Eve's wrist and looked at it.

Although Eve often learns martial arts with Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi over the years, and often accompanies herself to practice boxing, it would be too much to say that she is a warrior.

Touching Eve's wrist, the tattoo on it moved, and moved directly from Eve's wrist to the same position on Jiang Lin's wrist.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin was a little stunned, and the tattoo came to him.

He felt his own condition and found that there was nothing abnormal.

Eve was also quite surprised. She thought for a moment and said, "I think this sign may be related to the palace in my dream."

"Then let's go to England and see my uncle there, and then we'll go to Egypt."

Jiang Lin stroked Eve's wavy blonde hair. His wife was far away from her homeland and married to the Middle Earth, which is thousands of miles away. Now that he is homesick, he will definitely accompany her back.

Moreover, he originally planned to go abroad. The fat director Carl in the United States sent another letter not long ago, saying that he would go to Skull Island and wait for his reply.


Eve put her face on Jiang Lin's chest, she didn't need to say what she was thinking, her man could understand.

Jiang Lin told Chen Yu and the others that he was going to sea, and sent a reply telegram to Carl in the United States.

On the same day, they packed up, brought Mouse and Xiaobai, and left Gantian Town together.

Eve was homesick, and Jiang Lin didn't take the steamer, but took the plane directly.

"I don't know if my uncle is still so funny after so many years."

When Jiang Lin thought of his uncle Jonathan, who loved Lafite the most in [*], he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This funny and his best friend Rick have been here all the time, I don't know how they are getting along.

Eve smiled and said, "He, I guess he's still the same. He spends money when he has money. I don't know if he can find a sister-in-law for me."

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-five chapters of the devil scorpion emperor, the bracelet of death (on)

Jiang Lin and Eve asked for directions according to the address in their hands. After half a day, the two found a western-style building.

After knocking on the door, Eve saw that it was a seven or eight-year-old foreign boy who opened the door, and asked, "Isn't this Jonathan's house?"

"You are... Auntie!"

When the boy saw Eve, he immediately shouted excitedly.


Eve was stunned for a moment, and the boy said, "Aunt Eve, I'm your nephew Alex, and my father is Jonathan! Auntie, you are so beautiful, even better than a photo."


Eve opened her mouth slightly, her nephew was so big.

"Aunt, is he my uncle? The superman of Middle-earth? I admire him very much. I have learned a lot of Middle-earth culture and can even speak a lot of Chinese."

Alex looked at Jiang Lin again, his blue eyes filled with adoration.

Jiang Lin touched Alex's head and said with a smile, "Eldest nephew, I am your uncle."

"Dad, don't sleep, aunt and uncle are here!"

Alex shouted into the room, and then invited Jiang Lin and Eve in.

It didn't take long for the scruffy Jonathan to come out of the room on the second floor with a sleepy look.

"Oh! My dear brother-in-law, you are here! I see who would dare to ask me for the account!"

After Jonathan saw Jiang Lin, he immediately regained his energy. With this superhuman brother-in-law around, he could straighten his back.

Sure enough, it is still the same virtue as before.

Eve rolled her eyes, the child is so old, and her brother is still a gambler and an alcoholic.

Moreover, her own brother, who was married and had a child, never wrote a letter to her.

"Wow, two old friends!"

Jonathan's best friend Rick came out of another room and was surprised to see Jiang Lin and Eve.

Eve asked about Jonathan's situation over the years, only to find out that the latter was not married at all, but only lived with Alex's mother for a period of time. Later, her sister-in-law left their father and son because Jonathan couldn't stand his drinking and gambling. .

"Aunt, are you going to Egypt this time? I'm going too! I often go to the British Museum to study the history of Egypt. I have read all the research materials you left in Egypt. Uncle, you told me on the way. When it comes to Taoist culture in Middle Earth, what is 'Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things', is very cool."

When Alex heard that Jiang Lin and Eve were going to Egypt, the expression on his face was extremely excited, and he shouted for Jiang Lin and the others to take him there.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Eve nodded, even though she was going to Egypt this time to find the palace of her dreams, she would take risks, but with Jiang Lin around, she didn't have to worry about anything.

For the next ten days, Jiang Lin and Eve stayed at Jonathan's house temporarily. Neither of them had ever been to the UK, so they specially experienced the British style here.

I really did not expect that Jonathan, who was eating and waiting to die, would have such a son.

Jiang Lin really doubted whether his eldest brother-in-law was a pick-up man. Alex didn't have any genetics from Jonathan. In addition to his native English, this little guy also mastered ancient and modern Egyptian and most of Chinese, even thousands of words. He will recite the text.

During this time, he also served as their tour guide, and his IQ was a few blocks away from his peers.

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