Two days later, Jiang Lin and Eve took Alex to Egypt.

Jonathan didn't go, he finally managed to pretend to be a bachelor and lure a few women home, where would he want to follow his sister and brother-in-law.

Showing affection every day, his eyes hurt.

At the same time as Jiang Lin and the others went to Egypt, a group of pagans in red clothes and scarves also went to Egypt from England.

It's just that the place they went was Hamna Tower, the city of the dead that Jiang Lin had visited back then.

They want to use the sun scriptures and the undead black scriptures in their hands to resurrect the thousand-year-old mummy-Imorton.

In fact, both of these two classics were brought to Middle-earth by Jiang Lin at the beginning, but Eve rubbed them down when researching the contents above.

When Jonathan was sorting out Eve's things, he found those research documents. This funny comparison full of thieves, he asked someone to make fakes of two scriptures and sold them as genuine.

The last two fake scriptures were transferred to the hands of the pagans. Although the scriptures were false, the scriptures above were all true, and naturally they could resurrect Immorton again.

Seven days later, Jiang Lin and Eve found the ruins of a palace that had been covered in dust for thousands of years in the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt.

"If you didn't really find this underground palace, I really thought that your dream was purely a conscious activity."

After the Flying Rat King dug out the entrance to the palace, Jiang Lin couldn't help but glance at Eve one more time.

It can be said that Eve found this palace ruins entirely by relying on her, to be precise, by relying on her dreams after falling asleep and her subtle senses.

Eve shrugged and said, "I'm also very confused. Let's go in and have a look. Maybe you'll find the reason for my situation inside."

Jiang Lin nodded and asked Eve and Alex to step back. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the gate of the temple, his body suddenly exerted strength, and a stone gate weighing several thousand kilograms was pushed down by him like this.

"Wow, uncle, you are really superman!"

Alex opened his mouth wide, as if seeing a miracle.

"Hey, uncle, the spiral decoration on this is the same as the tattoo on your wrist, with pyramids, eyes and emperors."

With a glance, Alex saw the carvings on the stone wall and couldn't help but be surprised.

Jiang Lin followed his direction to look over, and compared the tattoos on his lower wrist, it was exactly the same.

It's weird enough.

"Eve, come close to me, eldest nephew, you are also right behind me."

Jiang Lin planned to find out what was going on. Not only was Eve puzzled, but he couldn't find a reason to explain it.

"Uncle, I want to study the frescoes and words above."

"Okay, Jerry, you're guarding Alex."

After explaining to the mouse, Jiang Lin and Eve entered the palace together.

Jiang Lin released the Yang Yan from his body, and everything in the palace came into their eyes.

There were cobwebs everywhere, except for the cobwebs, they could only see scorpions.

Thousands of scorpions.

The person watching is numb.

Jiang Lin expelled a burst of yang flames, rushed through a path, and led Eve all the way in.

Eve glanced around and said to Jiang Lin, "I think I've been here before, and the feeling is very real, but it's impossible, it's impossible, no one has come in here for at least three thousand years."

Then she moved a stone pillar not far away, and a door suddenly opened on the wall in front.

"Don't think about it if you can't figure it out. The answer should be in this underground palace. Let's find it slowly."

Jiang Lin kissed Eve's forehead, soothing her emotions.

It didn't take long for the two to reach a closed stone room. This was the secret room that Eve had dreamed of. On the door of the secret room, there was a relief of a giant scorpion.

Eve stared at the relief on the wall, and suddenly had a hallucination. She seemed to have returned to ancient times and saw the people and things here.

"Husband, this time I saw the scene in the dream without falling asleep, but it's much more real than the dream. I even saw how the door of this secret room opened."

"Then go, I'm here."

"it is good."

Eve took a deep breath, stepped forward, and locked the octagonal star turntable next to the giant scorpion relief with one hand. Then she was like opening a combination lock. With one pull, two turns, and one press, the door of the secret room slowly opened. opened.

Entering the secret room, Eve was stunned by the light reflected by the gold plates on the pillars on both sides, and went up to remove the cobwebs on the gold plates.

A scorpion is carved in the center of the golden plate, and there is a guard with a human jackal head next to it.

"Giant scorpion, Anubis' army, this... This is the badge of the Great Scorpion. He should be just a fictional character. There is no record of him in the literature, and there is no cultural relic related to him."

Eve was very surprised, she actually found the badge here that proves the real existence of the Scorpion Emperor.

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-five chapters of the devil scorpion emperor, the bracelet of death (below)

"Emperor Demon Scorpion? The name of Haolafeng, is it a demon in ancient Egypt?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. A lot of ordinary monsters are kings, such as his two pets, a colorful tiger king and a flying rat king. If they like to play 13, there are also self-proclaimed kings.He once killed a Snow Eagle King, and not long ago he killed a Yellow Wind King.

If a monster's cultivation reaches the level of a monster emperor, it can also be named "Emperor", but it will not be a great emperor, unless it is a peak level monster emperor, who dares to call himself "the emperor".

If this underground palace is a demon emperor cave, then you have to be very careful.

Eve shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be. According to rumors, he was a warrior who was invincible more than [*] years ago. He was also a tribal king trying to conquer the world. But in the end, this tribal king died in a battle. When he was about to die, he swore to Anubis, the god of death, that if he could spare his life and let him conquer the enemy, he was willing to let all those who obeyed him be sacrificed to the god of death. The supreme god. Anubis agreed to his prayer and gave him the holy weapon to mobilize his army - the bracelet of death, and let him lead his army to fight in the north and south. In some legends, the scorpion emperor Bigu The first pharaoh of Egypt unified Egypt earlier. He used the scorpion as a symbol of his kingship, so he was also called the king of scorpions. But I don't know if the scorpion emperor failed to fulfill his promise or for other reasons, and ended up with Anubis. The troops were buried underground together."

After a pause, Eve continued: "Although there is basically no documentary record about the Great Scorpion Emperor in history, many scholars believe that the legend is true. In the past five thousand years, many people have tried to dominate the world. People from all over the world have come to Egypt to find clues about the Scorpion the Great and the bracelet of death that Anubis gave him. These are all recorded, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Emperor Napoleon all sent people to Egypt ."

"Then this should not be the palace of the Great Scorpion Emperor."

After listening to Eve's story, Jiang Lin became interested in the bracelet of the god of death she spoke of. Anubis' army should be the underworld soldiers.

When he dealt with hundreds of billions of locust swarms in the northwest of Middle-earth, he had the idea of ​​borrowing Yin soldiers. However, because of his great achievements, the underworld was unwilling to lend Yin soldiers.

If he can find this token, he can borrow the power of the underworld soldiers.

When the monsters and monsters are in front of him, they will all be paper paste.

It is a pity that Emperor Scorpion was a figure from more than [*] years ago. This underground palace is only more than [*] years ago, and the time is not right.

"Whoever's palace this is, I just want to find out what my dream is about."

Saying that, Eve took a step forward.

Under the wall facing the chamber door, there is a stone platform on which is placed a dusty box.

Eve researched for a long time, but couldn't find a way to open the box. Her dream was only interrupted before the secret room, and now she can only rely on her professional knowledge.

"Eve, try the way you opened the door earlier."

Jiang Lin found a special necklace on the chest of a standing corpse, took it off, and gave it to Eve.

After Eve took it, she inserted the pendant into the depression of the box, and with a "pop", the box lid popped up.

Bracelet of Death.

In the box is a bracer decorated with the head of a scorpion and a jackal. In ancient Egypt, this kind of bracer made of metal or jade was called a bracelet.

"Husband, this... this is the bracelet of death."

Eve's eyes widened. The legendary holy weapon that could mobilize Anubis' army was now in front of her eyes.

It's so lucky, isn't it?

Jiang Lin was also stunned. He originally thought that since this palace did not belong to the Great Scorpion Emperor, the bracelet of the god of death would definitely not appear here.

But now, the bracelet was placed in front of him.

Eve took out the bracelet of death and checked it carefully, but as soon as the bracelet left the box, the entire palace shook violently.

As if it were about to collapse.

"Oh my god, hubby, I'm so excited."

Eve put the bracelet back immediately. After seeing the ancient writing on the top of the box, she looked at Jiang Lin apologetically: "It says 'Anyone who disturbs this bracelet must drink the water of the Nile'."

"It's okay, the wife is in trouble, and the husband is in charge. It doesn't sound like it."

As soon as Jiang Lin's voice fell, the walls not far away collapsed one after another, and the flood rushed into this underground palace with the power of destroying the dead.

when I didn't say anything.

Jiang Lin touched his nose, then immediately grabbed Eve's waist and galloped outside at high speed.

If he was flooded, he would be fine himself, but Eve would be in trouble.

Five minutes later, Jiang Lin, Eve, and Alex were standing in front of a body of water, and the palace was completely flooded.

"Alex, you just said that three explorers also entered the palace, looking for the bracelet of death?"

"Yes, Auntie. But they were all played by me and Mouseboy as monkeys."

Alex pointed to the distance, the three explorers were riding horses, looking towards them, and then the three of them galloped away without looking back.

"Husband, we went to Banqiao Academy. Although we found something in the secret room, I still don't know what my dream has to do with the bracelet of death."

"According to your."

Jiang Lin nodded. He just opened the box and activated the bracelet with spiritual power, but it had no effect. To make it work, it is estimated that Eve, an archaeological expert, had to be relied on.

That direction, isn't it Hamnatha?

In the process of riding a camel to Eve's former residence, Jiang Lin found that a thick cloud of lead appeared in the sky hundreds of miles away, and there was grievance in the cloud.

Wouldn't that guy from Immorton be resurrected again?

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. He had seen such a vision before, when the thousand-year-old mummy, the Dark Archmage was reborn.

But after thinking about it, he thought it was impossible. After all, the Sun Sutra had been collected by the system, and the Black Sutra of the Undead was also in his home.

Jiang Lin never thought that the scriptures in the two scriptures had been sold by his uncle.

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-six chapters are lost again

At this time, many red-clothed pagans gathered at the site of Hamna Tower, in addition to many Egyptian workers.

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