The entire site was dug by workers, and finally, under the guidance of a coquettish woman, these workers finally dug out a huge amber.

Inside is Immorton, who has degenerated into a mummified corpse.

An old man in a red robe said to the coquettish woman: "Mira, now let's let the master return to the world."

"Sect Master, it's not enough now. Even if he is resurrected, he is still very weak and may be defeated by the Egyptian mages. After we get the bracelet of death, it will be safer then."

The name of this coquettish woman is Mira, and her previous life was the queen of Seti I, that is, Ansuna, Immorton's lover.

Here's to trouble!

Adebe was among the workers, and when he saw Immorton was dug out, he was also very anxious, but these people all had firearms in their hands, and he had nothing to do at all.

As a Zoroastrian monk who guards the city of the dead, Adebe has been guarding around Hamna Tower, but there are too many pagans, and they blocked the surrounding area as soon as they came here, and he could only disguise himself as a worker. Watch for changes.

At this moment, the three explorers hired by this group of pagans to find the Bracelet of Reaper came here.

"The bracelet of death was taken away by others, a woman, an oriental man, and they also brought a child."

"I saw that kid in the casino in Wudu. It's the son of the gambler Jonathan."

"They may have something to do with Jonathan. It is estimated that the bracelet of death was brought back to Wudu by them. We don't want to pay you any more. We will show you the way."

The three explorers were pointed at guns by a group of pagans and quickly provided useful information.

"It's really useless!"

The pagan master killed three explorers with one shot, and then ordered the believers to return to Wudu.

In addition to his identity as a pagan leader, he has another identity as the curator of the British Museum. Sometimes the cultural relics obtained by Jonathan and Rick will be shot by him, so to find Jonathan, there is no need for others to lead the way.

A woman, a Middle-earth man, with Jonathan's son?

It's Eve and Jiang Lin!

Adebay's information provided by the three explorers deduced the identity of the person they said.

For a while, he was also relieved, after all, Immorton was resurrected back then, and it was destroyed by Jiang Lin's hands.

As long as Jiang Lin is around, things won't be too bad.

So Adebe followed this group of pagans and went to England, intending to find an opportunity to find Jiang Lin and inform him of the matter.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin and Eve took Alex to Eve's former residence and stayed at Banqiao Academy for two more days.

But Eve still didn't find many clues, and neither did the method to activate the bracelet of death.

In desperation, they could only return to Wudu first.

Back at Jonathan's place, Eve put the box on the table and went upstairs to read the documents she brought.

"Husband, otherwise we will try to find the legendary Amshe. I guess the bracelet of death can lead the way and guide us to that lost oasis."

Seeing Jiang Lin come in, she clings to it. She is an adventurous woman. She has been a little bored in Li Yangju for so many years. Now that she has returned to Egypt this time, she wants to have a romantic relationship with Jiang Lin. An exciting life of adventure.

"Go, if you really can't find it, you can only give up temporarily."

Jiang Lin basically would not refuse any request from his wife, and according to Eve's speculation, the burial place of the Scorpion Emperor might be in Amshe, and there might be a way to activate the bracelet of death.

"Husband, you really dote on me."

Eve hugged Jiang Lin and gave him a sweet kiss.

When the two of them were kissing each other, Alex downstairs used the pendant to open the box on the table. Jiang Lin refused to let him touch the sacred artifact along the way. Harmful to children.

Now that Jiang Lin and the others were away, the little guy took out the bracelet of death and put it on his hands.

As soon as it is put on, the bayonet of the bracelet is immediately closed, and the decoration of the jackal head above it shines, projecting a beam of light in front of it.

"Wipe, I can't take it off."

When Alex heard Jiang Lin and Eve going out upstairs, he wanted to take off the bracelet. Sadly, he couldn't take it off at all.

In a hurry, he could only pull down his sleeves and put a pocket sculpture into the box.

"Brother, do you know any Egyptian historians here?"

Eve walked to Jonathan's room, and seeing that the door was unlocked, she pushed the door in, and then she saw Jonathan being pressed down on the sofa by a group of people in red, holding a knife to his neck.


Eve realized that the situation was wrong and shouted, and the pagans inside immediately drew their guns and shot at her. Fortunately, there was a charm in her shadow, blocking a few bullets.

After Jiang Lin heard the sound, he immediately broke through the door and rushed over.

At the same time, a large number of pagans with live ammunition and many monks rushed in through the doors and windows, shooting at Eve and Alex.

The mouse boy immediately manifested the giant mouse body and protected the two of them.

When several monks saw this, they immediately sacrificed the snake head scepter in their hands, and at the same time chanted a spell in the air.

Immediately above the scepter, the phantoms of several huge cobras appeared. After the King of the Flying Rat and the snake in the phantom looked at each other, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Then it was hit by a few beams of snake shadows, and the huge body began to petrify rapidly.


Before it was completely petrified, the Flying Mouse King shouted upstairs and did not call Jiang Lin over. If something happened to Eve, Jiang Lin would have to strip it alive.

As soon as Jiang Lin, who was fighting the pagans, heard the anxious voice of the Flying Rat King, he stopped trying to save Jonathan. He exited the room and went down to protect Eve.

He transformed into a bone sword and slashed at the snake sticks of several monks who were chanting the curse.

These monks saw the horror of Jiang Lin, and directly let the snake stick explode, and the rich poisonous gas spread out in an instant.

"The bracelet is in hand, withdraw it!"

While Jiang Lin was protecting Eve and Alex, these people immediately hugged the boxes on the table, and then quickly retreated.

Jiang Lin turned his corpse into shape, opened his mouth, and inhaled all the poisonous gas in the whole room.

When he went back upstairs again, the group of people holding Jonathan was gone, along with Jonathan.

His eldest brother was lost again this time.

Jiang Lin rushed out of the window, but did not want a rocket to fly in the face.

He turned a yin fire whip into his hands, wrapped the cannonball, made it change its trajectory, and exploded in the pool in the backyard.

After such a delay, the car of the pagans had already driven away.

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-seven chapters fight against Immorton again

"Uncle, where is my father?"

After Jiang Lin came back, Alex hurriedly asked about Jonathan's situation. Eve had just told him that Jonathan had been held hostage by a group of people.

"He was taken away, did your father cause any enemy?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder. He had just come to the UK, and there was no conflict with the people here, but if the other party came for Jonathan, it wouldn't matter.

It's good that Jonathan is not doing his job, but it's impossible to say that he has such a big hatred with people.

This Nima person even brought a rocket launcher.

Eve pointed to the table and said, "Husband, I think those people should come for the bracelet of death."

Only at this time did Jiang Lin realize that the box containing the bracelet of death had disappeared. He pressed his eyebrows and said, "This is a little troublesome. We don't know the roots of this group of people. It's probably not an easy thing to find them."

"Oh my God, I'm still late!"

At this time, Adebe and Rick came in from the outside. The former saw that the place was in a mess, and knew that the group of heretics had attacked the place.

"Adebe? Aren't you in Hamna Tower, why are you in England?"

Jiang Lin looked at Rick, who responded, "Don't look at me, I met him on the road, and he said he was looking for you couple."

"Did you know that the gang who attacked here and took Jonathan were rooted?"

"I only know that they are looking for the bracelet of death, and I don't know much about the rest. It should be him who took Jonathan."

Adebe took a photo from his arms, it was the pagan leader.

Alex grabbed the photo in his hand and said, "Hey, I recognize him. He is Havertz, the curator of the British Museum."

"Wait, Adebe, when you came here, my brother was captured again, which means..."

"That's right, they dug up Immorton and wanted to revive him, and it is estimated that they will use your brother as a sacrifice."

Adebey nodded to Eve and told her and Jiang Lin about Hamnata.

But they do not have the Sun Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra.

Jiang Lin was puzzled. These two scriptures were necessary items for the resurrection of Immorton. The pagans didn't have them. Where would they go to resurrect Immorton.

After raising his own question, Jiang Lin got the answer, and Rick talked about the fact that he and his friends made the content of the scriptures studied by Eve into fake scriptures and sold them.

"Since Jonathan was taken away, it seems that the bracelet of death in your hands should also be taken away. With the bracelet of death, they will no longer have any scruples, and will resurrect Immorton tonight!"

Adebey rolled his eyes at Rick, and then he sighed. With the bracelet of death, even if Immorton would be quite weak after resurrection, it would become difficult to deal with.

"No, the bracelet of death is with me."

At this moment, Alex pushed up his sleeves and showed the bracelet on his wrist.

Then an embarrassed expression appeared on his face, and he said to Jiang Lin, "Uncle, I was so curious that I didn't listen to you. You know, when I put it on, I saw an image of a pure gold pyramid, and then' With a bang, I arrived at the Karak Temple. But I can't take this bracelet off."

"It turns out that the way to guide the way of the bracelet of death needs to be worn to find it."

Eve suddenly realized that she had studied the bracelet of death for so long, but she had never tried to wear it on her hand.

Adebey looked at Jiang Lin and said, "I suggest that we hurry to the British Museum, save Jonathan, and then reach Amshe as quickly as possible. As long as this bracelet is put on, after seven days, the Scorpion Emperor will Wake up with the army of Anubis, the god of death, and it will be the end of the world."

"Get ready, I need a little time."

At this point, even kicking Rick won't help. The most important thing is to get to the British Museum as soon as possible.

Jiang Lin pressed his palm on the statue of the Flying Rat King and injected spiritual power into it.

Rick also acted. In order to save his friends, he took out all his property and brought a large bag of firearms with him.

Half an hour later, the Flying Rat King returned to normal, and Jiang Lin and Eve drove to the British Museum with Rick and Adebe.

On the way, Adebe also told Jiang Lin and the others the purpose of the pagans. If the Scorpion Emperor wakes up, and if someone can kill him, he can order Anubis' army to return to dust or command They invade and conquer the world.

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