It's no wonder that the director, Carl, has hollowed out his mind to make a different movie.

As evening approached, Jiang Lin was walking on the streets of New York. Before he had walked a long way, he saw at least five cinemas and grand theatres, more than the number of hotels.

He just walked to a theater, and it's still in action.) (Dance show.

Jiang Lin took out a note with Carl's address. At this moment, a foreign girl with a round hat and a light gray trench coat, also holding a note, bumped into him.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry."

The foreign girl apologized to him again and again, and then walked to the theater behind him.

I was looking for someone to ask for directions.

Jiang Lin turned around and saw the girl looking at the sign in front of the theater and the note in her hand, and finally gritted her teeth and tore the note.

"Hello, how can I get to this address?"

"This address is far away, and it takes an hour's drive to get there, sir, I'm sorry just now."

"It doesn't matter, it won't bother you."

Jiang Lin smiled and went to a bank not far away. Since he had to take a car, he had to exchange the gold bars on him for some local currency.

Seeing that it was about to fall into the night, Jiang Lin found a hotel to stay temporarily.

Coincidentally, he just came out of the hotel and saw the girl who bumped into him before.

At this time, the girl was patrolling the door of a fruit shop. She hesitated for a moment, then covered her stomach again, and finally took an apple and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Hey, you have to pay, or I'll take you to the police station."

The store manager grabbed the girl's wrist and didn't let her go.

"Miss, your coin has dropped."

Seeing this, Jiang Lin walked up, took a coin from his pocket, and winked at the girl.

The girl took the coin and threw it into the money box on the fruit cabinet, and the store manager stopped embarrassing her.

"Thank you, sir, my name is An, are you from the East? You can call me An Ya."

After the store manager walked away, Anya blushed and thanked Jiang Lin. She felt ashamed of herself. If she hadn't seen Jiang Lin, it would be fine. The two of them only met and separated a quarter of an hour ago.


Anya's stomach began to sing an empty city plan, Jiang Lin glanced at her, and said, "I just want to eat, shall we?"

"No, I..."

Anya was about to refuse, but her stomach made a protest sound.

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, I'm not a person who is used to accepting alms from others. I... I've never taken anything that doesn't belong to me. I'm just so hungry, I haven't gotten my salary for two weeks."

In the restaurant, Anya, after gobbling it up, explained to Jiang Lin that she didn't want Jiang Lin to misunderstand that she was a thief.

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and said, "It's nothing, I also saw that you were very polite, and I asked you for the way before, so I helped you out."

"Oh! My God, Jiang Lin, is that you? What a coincidence!"

At this moment, a fat man in a suit entered the restaurant. It was Carl, the fat director Jiang Lin had not seen for a long time.

"It's such a coincidence, I'm going to find you tomorrow. Isn't your residence seven or eighty kilometers away from here, why did you come here?"

Jiang Lin was also surprised that Carl met him without him looking for it.

"Forget it, the original female lead of my movie is on strike, and I'm going to find an actress to replace her."

"Carl, are you the director Carl? You're looking for an actress? I'm very talented in acting."

As soon as Anya heard that Carl was looking for an actress, she remembered that this was a well-known director, and then she fought for herself.

If she could be in a movie, she wouldn't have to eat the last meal.

Chapter [-] You know nothing about terror

Carl looked at Anya and asked Jiang Lin, "Is this your friend?"

Jiang Lindao: "It's just that I happened to meet twice. I asked her for directions again, and I just asked her to have a meal. I just met."

"You are also an actor?"

Carl frowned. Generally, as long as he is an actor, he has seen it, but Anya is very face.

Anya hesitated before telling Carl that she was performing in a circus before.

"Please give me a chance. No matter how hard or tired I am, I can accept it. I will not disappoint you, even if the reward is small."

Saying that, Anya didn't care about being in public, she showed Carl some unique skills with the knife and fork on the table.

"OK then."

Carl thought about it for a while and nodded. Now he has encountered a problem. The funds given by the investor are limited, and he has not been able to hire some famous actresses.

And for a while in the future, there may be adventures at sea, and it is not easy to find actors who agree to go.

Now that he has a circus performer with acting experience, he doesn't need to run around anymore and can be filming in a few days.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you very much for your hospitality. Thanks to you, I have this opportunity."

Carl handed the script to Anya. After Anya took it, she bowed to Jiang Lin several times. If she hadn't met this stranger, let alone a movie actress, she would still be hungry now.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "This is also your chance, you don't need to thank me so much."

"That... Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, can you lend me some money, and I'll pay you back when I have income."

Anya looked at Jiang Lin with embarrassment, and now she really has no money.When she met Jiang Lin before, she once stopped in front of the theater of a dance show, and it was because she had no money to fill her stomach that someone introduced her there.

But in the end, she would rather go hungry than sell her dignity as a woman.

"My address is here, I won't run away after borrowing money."

Then Anya hurriedly tore up the blank space of the script, wrote an address and handed it to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and tore the note. He took out a few dollars and handed it over, saying, "Maybe you will become a nationally famous celebrity because of a movie."

It's just a little money, and Jiang Lin doesn't care. When he came to the United States this time, in addition to going to sea with Carl, he also wanted to make more friends and let them help him.

Anya herself has skills, and it is not impossible for her to become popular with a movie, and she lends a helping hand when she is in the most difficult time. If she has any requests in the future, she should not refuse.

Jiang Lin regarded it purely as a human investment.

Anya thanked Jiang Lin again, and then said goodbye to him and Carl: "Director, I will definitely read the script carefully."

"Carl, is the time to go to Skull Island set?"

After Anya left, Jiang Lin and Carl talked about business.

After drinking a sip of tea, Jiang Lin continued: "This time I am here, in addition to going on an expedition with you, I also want to use your connections to help me with some things and find an antique for me. Of course, I will not let you in vain. helpful."

"Uh...Jiang Lin, to tell you the truth, I have some situation here. I don't know if I can leave it out when I go out to sea to find the Skull Island. As for you asking me to help find the ancient relics, I'm really helpless."

Carl and Jiang Lin talked about his recent situation in the past few years. In the past few years, he did make a lot of movies that sold well at the box office, but since the [-]s, the film industry has been booming, and there are several movies a year. Hundreds of movies appeared, and he already had a lot of movies.

So that investors are now reluctant to invest funds in him, and his original plan to go overseas has been delayed.

Unless he can make a good movie again, get a good box office, and make up for the shortfall, then he can have a future plan.

If there is no box office for the film made this time, his capital chain will be completely broken. At that time, let alone going to Skull Island, even his own life is estimated to be a problem.

That's why he made Anya the heroine of his next movie.

I rub!

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. He knew Carl in the United States, and Anya just met him today. He came all the way to get this well-known director to help him.

As a result, Carl is now going bankrupt.

Jiang Lin tapped his fingers on the dining table, thinking about how to arrange his own plans.

"Is the type of film you're going to make the Oriental Horror you mentioned in your letter? If so, I'll give you advice and maybe even be a consultant on your screenplay."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin decided to help Carl. He was in a foreign country and didn't know anyone. He wanted to find someone to help him find Xianzi Jue, unless he paid money.

But even with money, without a certain human basis, this is not a long-term thing.

It is impossible for Jiang Lin to stay in the United States for a long time, and it is unrealistic to find someone else. It is better to help Carl to help him through the difficulties.

He has been with Carl for a while, and he still knows a little about him.

And the way he chooses doesn't cost much.

As a person who has traveled from later generations, Jiang Lin's experience in watching movies can be said to be quite rich. To put it bluntly, he can dump the directors of this era in this world.

He can't guarantee other movies, but horror movies are so easy.

He himself is a Taoist priest who hunts ghosts and removes corpses, and if he makes some realistic scenes, it is more terrifying than any horror movie.

"It's an oriental horror genre. This is the script. You can take a look. I'm quite satisfied with this script. And these are the "Dracula" I made before and several other scripts of the same type."

Carl quickly took out a stack of scripts and gave them to Jiang Lin.

In fact, he didn't know the identity of Daoist Jiang Lin, but he was chatting together on the ship. He found that Jiang Lin had a lot of research on strange things and thought he was a writer or something.

"What am I...what are you doing!"

Jiang Lin threw the two scripts on the table. He thought that Carl had heard some ghost stories from himself, and he could make a good movie.

Totally a piece of shit!

Even the highest-grossing "Dracula" is scumbag, and the new script is even more scumbag.

"What's wrong? Is it bad? I think it's already scary."

"Horror, you don't know anything about terror!"

Jiang Lin almost burst out laughing, even the neurotic depression movies in horror films in later generations are much better than this.

Chapter [-]: The Director of the Celestial Master (Part [-])

"Give me some advice, I'll ask the screenwriter to revise the script."

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