Carl looked at Jiang Lin with a look of hope. The oriental horror series he was going to shoot had never been tried in the film circle. Taking advantage of the rarity of the subject matter and the unique sense of mystery in the oriental world, there was great hope for a turnaround.

But the premise is that the quality of the film produced must be excellent. If the filming fails, there will be no hope.

Since Jiang Lin rejected the script, he must have a better idea.

"This is not something that can be solved by suggestions. It has to be knocked down and reopened. Who is this screenwriter? You can fire him. The script he wrote doesn't even count as a complete story, and the protagonist is an American, so what are you doing? Garlic on the cross, worshiping God and destroying the zombies, what kind of thing."

"This screenwriter is now the hottest screenwriter Jack, and his reputation is not small now. How dare I fire him, and he is not only a screenwriter, but also a male lead."

Carl looked embarrassed. If the original script was completely overturned, I'm afraid that Jack would not want to, and he might also stop acting.

"The male protagonist? Okay, take me to the studio tomorrow to see. The specific script must be based on the actor's acting skills. Otherwise, no matter how good the script is, if the actor can't control it, it's useless."

When Jiang Lin planned to rest, he thought about the general plot a little, and waited until he went to the studio to see the acting skills of the actors of this era, and then decided on what to play.

If the acting skills of those actors are really not good, he will act hard, scare them to the point of crying, and come to a terrifying documentary.

Carl nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the studio tomorrow."

It was getting late, and Carl didn't go back. He asked for a room in the hotel where Jiang Lin was temporarily staying.

That night, he called the screenwriter Jack and asked him to revise the script first.

The next day, Jiang Lin and Carl went to Anya's residence and took her to the city center.

When he got to the studio, Carl asked his assistant to contact the actors. After Jack arrived, he gave Carl and several actors the script he had driven out overnight, and Anya also took a copy.

"Jiang Lin, what do you think of the revision?"

After Carl turned over the script, he gave it to Jiang Lin.

One of his big-selling horror films in the past was inspired by chatting with Jiang Lin, so even if he was the director, Carl humbly asked Jiang Lin for advice.

"One word, bad, two words, bad."

Jiang Lin directly gave a pertinent evaluation, Nima made a horror movie, and this script also added a lot of emotional scenes.

What about making romance movies?

Carl: "..."

"Who is he? He is also qualified to evaluate the script I wrote so hard and stayed up late?"

Jack went crazy. He is also a well-known screenwriter now, and the script he wrote was actually judged as a bad drama.

"Jack, don't be impatient."

Carl soothed Jack's emotions, and said to Jiang Lin, "Why don't we just follow a section of the script to pat and watch."

"Then you shoot first."

Jiang Lin also wanted to see how Jack and Anya's acting skills were, so he stepped aside.

Carl immediately let the staff set the scene, and Jack and Anya were also on the side of the line.

Anya is very serious, she really needs this opportunity so much, compared to Anya, Jack is a little perfunctory.

"Stop, stop."

Jiang Lin couldn't watch it halfway through, what was he playing?

Make a terrifying expression, just open your mouth and stare.

"Come, come, come and act! I am a star who has acted in an unknown number of movies, and I still need you to teach me my directing skills?"

Jack laughed angrily and asked Jiang Lin to do the demonstration himself.

If Jiang Lin can't demonstrate, he will ask Carl to kick Jiang Lin out and not make trouble here.

Not only Jack, but other actors except Anya had opinions on Jiang Lin, and they urged Jiang Lin to show them how to act.

You can you up, no can no bb.

"I don't need to act, I'll find someone at random and show you what acting is."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, then called Carl's assistant to his side.

"Mr. Jiang, let me come."

Anya volunteered herself. She is a pure newcomer and can't wait to be recognized by others. Now that she has the opportunity to express herself, she wants to take the opportunity in her hands.

"I'm afraid you can't bear it. Next, you will see incredible and terrifying things."

"I'm not afraid, no matter what, I will definitely make every expression well."

Anya insisted on going into battle on her own, but Jiang Lin saw her firm attitude and did not object.

"Carl, get the camera ready, take a moment to capture her reaction and expression as a template."

After greeting Carl, Jiang Lin patted his chest: "Xiao Bai, come out."

So, a black snake jumped out of his arms and landed at Anya's feet.


Anya screamed in fright and took a few steps back.

Jiang Lin pointed to Anya's expression and said to Jack and the rest of the actors, "Have you seen it? This is fright."

"Master, what are your orders?"

Xiaobai swayed the snake's tail, raised his head and looked at Jiang Lin with a letter.

"Can... can talk? Did I hear it wrong?"

Anya almost became a sculpture, she wiped her eyes and looked at the black snake on the ground again.

"Well, that's unbelievable. What did you guys do just now?"

Jiang Lin took Anya as a model again. Just now, Jack and the others did not even have one-tenth of the authenticity of Anya's expression.

"Anya, pay attention, be mentally prepared."

Jiang Lin reminded Anya again, and then let Xiaobai manifest his own body.


Anya's voice was really sharp, and Jiang Lin's ears were itchy.

"Have you seen it? This is the natural response to extreme terror. Look at yourself again, what kind of thing are you playing?"

Jiang Lin's eyes turned from Anya to Jack and the others, but he found that Jack and a group of actors and staff, including the director Carl, were so frightened that they were screaming for their father and mother, or shouting for God.

There were a few others, all of them were so scared that their crotch was wet.

"Change back."


Xiaobai's ten-meter-long snake body instantly shrank and turned into a little black snake again.

Jiang Lin folded his arms and said to the frightened people, "Don't be afraid, it's not dangerous. In Middle Earth, this kind of animal beyond human imagination is called a monster."

After a long time, everyone came back tremblingly, and none of them was not in a cold sweat.

"Jiang...Jiang Lin, it seems to listen to your words, can you make it bigger? I will take a picture and give it to the investor, so that I will definitely be able to win more financial support."

After returning to his senses, Carl immediately found a turning point in Jiang Lin. His psychological quality was stronger, and the big snake he had never seen before was obviously obeying Jiang Lin's orders, so when he thought of this, the fear in his heart disappeared. Go down a lot.

Developed, developed!

At this moment, Carl's heart is full of huge business opportunities. If nothing else, if there is this giant snake in the film he is about to shoot, the box office will definitely be guaranteed.

"This is no problem, but I have a request. You are the director and I will be the assistant director. At the same time, I will also give you technical support, and in addition to this condition, I also hold the shares of your film."

Jiang Lin agreed to Carl's request, but also put forward his own conditions.If Carl's next film sells at the box office, he will naturally gain both fame and fortune, and if he holds a stake in the film, of course, he will also make a profit.

At that time, he can give all the proceeds to Karl as a reward for helping him find things.

This is clearly a win-win situation.

But in order for a movie to sell well at the box office, quality must be the key, and Carl's directing experience alone cannot guarantee it, so Jiang Lin must have the power of a director.

Chapter [*] Tianshi Director (middle)

"no problem."

Carl agreed without hesitation, as long as Jiang Lin is willing to make that giant snake on camera, it will have more box office appeal than any popular celebrity.

"Is that the monster you're talking about? I don't remember hearing you say that monsters are basically brutal and harmful creatures. How could you bring it with you?"

"Because I am a Taoist priest, that is, a mage as you understand it."

"You are actually a Taoist priest, that is, a missionary of the Eastern mysterious religion?"

Carl was quite surprised, he never knew Jiang Lin had this identity.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "As much as you understand."

"Oh! Taoist priest! Demons, ghosts, oriental horrors!"

The expression on Carl's face is extremely excited, and with a Middle-earth Taoist guiding his filming, it can definitely guarantee the original horror.

This time the box office is definitely going to set a record, and I, Carl, want to leave a name in the history of film!

Carl thought about his future, and then said to Jiang Lin: "Hurry up and let it change back. I will shoot a video. This video alone will definitely impress my investors. You don't know how big the box office is. value."


Jiang Lin asked Xiaobai to cooperate with Carl, and then he called out the charm in the shadow, and put a Zhang Lingfu on Carl's camera and let him shoot.

These things are a hundred times stronger than the special effects of any props, special effects duangduang.

Carl was terrified and excited, and screamed directly. After that, he asked Jiang Lin to scrutinize the script first, and took the film reels he shot to the film company to find his own investors.

"That... should... how to shoot, you say, we all... listen to you."

On behalf of all the actors, Jack expressed his willingness to follow Jiang Lin's command.

Just kidding, the other party has a super snake and a demon, who dares to be disobedient.

Jiang Lin pointed to the camera on the side and said, "Okay, let's go watch the clips just shot. The true meaning of horror movies is to scare yourself first and then others, and think about your acting skills."

Hey, what about Anya?

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