Jiang Lin suddenly realized that Anya was not with Jack and the others. He turned his head and saw that the foreign girl was squatting beside the prop box with her legs in her arms, shivering and wiping tears.

Jiang Lin walked over and asked, "You...Are you all right?"

"Mr. Jiang, it's too much for you."

Anya looked at Jiang Lin, and then her face was full of grievances. She burst into tears and beat Jiang Lin on the shoulder with her fist.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Can this be my fault?You insisted on it yourself, and I have also explained in the matter, you will see very terrifying things.

Jiang Lin was very speechless. Anya herself asked for a demonstration, but now she was actually blaming him.

But seeing that the girl was really frightened, he didn't refute anything.

After comforting Anya a few words, Jiang Lin sat aside and thought up the movie script.

Two hours later, Carl came back excitedly, pulling Jiang Lin and Jack to discuss the script together.

Jiang Lin requested that all the original emotional scenes be deleted. A horror movie is a horror movie, adding romantic elements, which is nondescript.

Moreover, he also asked Carl to find another Chinese man who knew martial arts to be an actor. Jack, a foreigner, who was wielding a mahogany sword and chanting spells in front of the altar would be completely wrong.

Carl had no opinion at all, saying that everything followed Jiang Lin's advice.

But Jack quit. He didn't object to Jiang Lin finding someone to occupy his role, but he didn't want to act.Carl asked to use the snake demon and "devil" brought by Jiang Lin to make a movie, how could he dare to participate in the film.

Later, Carl tried his best to keep him, and Jack was willing to play a supporting role, and when he didn't play a role, he was determined not to come to the set.

"Mr. Jiang, what should I do? I...I have to pay you back."

Anya on the side was in a hurry. Jiang Lin asked to delete all emotional scenes, so there was no need for the heroine. Naturally, she had nothing to do.

She has no role arrangement, so she doesn't get any pay, and she has to eat a meal without a meal.

"Jiang Lin, let me make a suggestion. It's better to let Anya play a psychic medium. Now American movies all have heroines. We have to cater to the public's taste."

Carl also told Jiang Lin about his thoughts at this time. Horror is scary and not romantic, but there must be a heroine in the movie.

No way, the audience loves to watch it.

And Anya is also a girl with outstanding appearance, which can add a lot to the movie.

"Yes, yes, even if you let me play a witch, I'm willing."

Anya put her hands together and prayed to Jiang Lin.

Well, just add a psychic character to the movie.

Jiang Lin didn't insist any longer. In the end, he and Carl decided on a script for the Maoshan Tianshi, telling the story of a Maoshan Tianshi who went overseas to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

After the script was finalized, Jiang Lin and Carl split up on the same day. Carl went to New York Chinatown to find actors and make props, while Jiang Lin went to the local museum. Since he wanted to make a horror movie, he would prefer a zombie movie. Buy an oriental corpse, use his own zombie blood to make it corpse, and after the shooting is complete, he will take back the zombie blood.

Two days later, Jiang Lin brought back an ancient corpse to the studio, but Carl encountered a problem. He couldn't find a candidate, and the investors also intervened, requesting that a young man from the east be cast in the film.

"Go away from me!"

After Jiang Lin heard about this, he immediately sneered, TMD, this little white face with thin arms and thin legs, and she was so naive.

This is the role of Taoist Maoshan?

Where to stay where it is cool!

He invested in this film, although it was for his own business, but objectively, it also showed the culture of Middle-earth.

Grandma, now foreigners' impression of Middle-earth is still at the level of having pigtails and smoking cigarettes. He will add another label of Middle-earth man as a sissy?

Kola barren pour it!

In this era, Chinese people are called "Oriental Sick Man" by foreign countries. If he let this little girl participate in this movie, wouldn't he change the label to "Oriental Sick Woman"?

After Jiang Lin went into a rage, everyone didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that whoever provokes him would be unhappy, and he would use snake demons and evil spirits to teach him a lesson.

"It's really annoying. If you don't let people play it, you can't play it~ It's not what people want to play~"

Niang Pao covered his face, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances, but he didn't make fun of himself and left.

"Jiang Lin, this should be because the investor wanted to vilify China, so he arranged such a person."

Carl looked at Jiang Lin apologetically. All of his sponsors did not understand movies, and would only take it for granted that vilifying other countries would increase their selling point.

"Oh? Do you want to vilify Middle-earth? Well, this time I'll let the viewers treat us as land gods."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, he didn't plan to let Carl find someone again, and went directly to himself.

Chapter [*]: The Director of the Celestial Master (Part [*])

At the beginning, Jiang Lin just wanted to use some real evil spirits to add effects to the movie and create a terrifying atmosphere. He didn't plan to play as an actor himself.

But now it is interesting. He provided the idea and provided the props, but the investor came to smear the Chinese people in this movie.

Very interesting.

"You act? It's amazing, absolutely authentic!"

Carl looked surprised. Jiang Lin was originally a Taoist priest, and he played the role of a Taoist priest in the movie. He didn't need to think about acting.

However, after the surprise, he was worried again. If the investor withdrew capital because of this, it would still be a problem.

"Are you worried about your funders? It's not a problem. If they withdraw, I will provide the funds. If they are swaying, they will be kicked out and we will do it ourselves."

Jiang Lin naturally saw Carl's concerns, but the latter's worries were nothing to worry about.

He also brought a lot of property with him this time, enough to support Carl to finish the filming. After the release, the box office is guaranteed, and these funds will naturally return to his pocket.

In order to reassure Carl, Jiang Lin took a box of gold bars directly from his arms and told him that it was only a small part of his assets.

Holy shit!Thighs!

Carl's eyes went straight when he saw the box of gold bars that Jiang Lin took out. He didn't care how Jiang Lin stuffed such a large wooden box into his arms, as long as it was real gold.

"Okay, I'll call them right now."

Carl suddenly felt that his back was straight. If his financial master bbw anything again, he would learn from Jiang Lin and slap his face directly.

With the subject matter and unprecedented "props", and now there is no need to worry about breaking the capital chain, Carl can already foresee what the film will be like.

Love to invest but not to invest. After those idiots withdraw their capital, don’t even think about making a small share of the box office.

After Carl talked to the investors, the funders didn't dare to say anything. They invested in movies and naturally had their own eyesight. The movies that Carl and Jiang Lin were about to shoot were definitely potential stocks. If they broke up with Carl completely, Really big loss.

"Everything is done. How to shoot the movie is up to us. How about we go to choose the scene immediately? By the way, Jiang Lin, you can read some books on acting in the past two days. Let's try our best to go through it."

Carl asked his assistant to bring some books to Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin put them aside.

In his career of subduing demons and subduing demons, he doesn't know how many demons, ghosts and monsters have died. Does he still need to recharge?

"It's up to me to choose the horror scenes, and the rest of the plot transition scenes are up to you."

Although Jiang Lin served as the assistant director, he was actually a layman, and he couldn't do all the work. He could only talk about part of the filming work. The director does it.

So, with the cooperation of Jiang Lin and Carl, seven days later, their crew of "Maoshan Tianshi" officially started filming.

During the period, other actors also heard the news that Carl was going to make an oriental horror movie, and also inquired that the upcoming filming of "Maoshan Tianshi" might be a masterpiece of the year, so they all contacted Carl and expressed their willingness to participate in the role. .

Among them, many actresses, including several popular movie stars, are willing to drop their salaries, as long as Carl makes them the heroine.

But Jiang Lin didn't think about it at all. What he wanted was an actor who didn't play big names and was willing to listen to his arrangements. Anya was already suitable.

"Mr. Jiang, I really don't know how to thank you."

On this day, Anya memorized the lines and came to Jiang Lin to thank him again.

When she heard that there were many female movie stars competing for the heroine of this movie, she was always apprehensive. After all, she was far worse than them.

To her surprise and surprise, Jiang Lin actually insisted on making her the heroine.

In fact, those people not only contacted Carl, but also found her and were willing to give her a lot of money to let her give up participating in the show.

But in the end she was rejected.

Anya felt that Jiang Lin helped her when she needed help the most, and she could not give up this hard-won opportunity for money.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me. You are very serious and have a very good attitude. I insist on letting you come because Carl and I can see your efforts. The most important thing is that you are obedient."

Anya smiled sweetly, and went to ponder the script and today's scene.

I have to say, he is really my lucky star.

Anya looked at the script while looking at Jiang Lin not far away. If she hadn't met this oriental man, she didn't know if she would betray her dignity because she couldn't stand hunger.

"My God, my God!"

Carl turned the camera's turning handle while covering his mouth, for fear that his voice would affect the shooting.

So shocking.

The scene he was filming was Jiang Lin's battle with the snake demon. Jiang Lin's movements, flipping, moving, and jumping were like running clouds and flowing water.

Jiang Lin can jump seven or eight meters high, and when he kicks his legs, a pit will appear on the ground.

Moreover, there is still light on Jianglin's body when he casts spells, and when he is wielding the peach wood sword, he is dressed in hunting and hunting, and the tip of the sword can escape the sword's energy.

Karl couldn't believe he could capture such a video.

Completely subverted his cognition.

Not only Carl, but Anya and Jack, as well as other actors and staff were all dumbfounded.

There has never been a scene like this in any movie.

What shocked them even more was that Jiang Lin was clearly a man of flesh and blood, yet he was able to do things beyond the limits of human beings again and again.

"Crack! Great, great!"

After a long shot, Carl jumped excitedly, and everything was much better than he expected.

"Logistics, today's work meal, add chicken legs! No, add roast lamb legs! Give that little white a few whole roast lambs!"

Carl is like drinking a bucket of stimulants, dancing with excitement. If he can complete the shooting, he will definitely make a name for himself in the history of film.

In the evening, Jiang Lin and the others went to a barren mountain again. Jiang Lin put a talisman on Carl's camera, and then he opened the eyes of Carl and the staff, and made a group of ghosts appear.

These ghosts are all the little ghosts he collected from the cemetery, including hanged ghosts, headless ghosts, ghost brides and so on.

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