Hundred Ghosts at Night.

In addition to ghosts, there are all kinds of ghosts and skulls and bone racks.

"Close-up, close-up!"

Jiang Lin patted Carl and asked him to hold the camera and approach the ghosts to get closer to the camera.

"Mother, I... I can't take it anymore."

Carl's legs were weak, and he didn't dare to go there. Although he heard Jiang Lin talk about the existence of ghosts and ghosts in the past two days, it was only a matter of hearing. Where dare you go there.

"You can't be a director, you have to come."

Jiang Lin walked over with the camera on his back.

"Master, how do you want us to cooperate?"

A group of ghosts immediately bowed to Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin asked them to come over, but he gave them a favor. Moreover, Jiang Lin himself was the Secretary of Yin of Middle Earth, so they were very willing to cooperate.

The first thousand two hundred and nine chapters made a sensation in the American film industry

"I'll take a few shots in a while, then you can have fun, and finally bow to the group of coffins in the open space. When I cast a spell to attack you, you can just drop the smoke bombs under your feet. After this is done, I will give you a break. , let your souls return to your hometown and be reborn as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin threw some smoke bombs at these ghosts. Although he pursued the special effects of duangduang, he could not completely break away from the technical framework of this era.

Scenes that are too real, such as ghosts scattered, cannot be made into the film, so smoke bombs can only replace the scene where ghosts are "killed".

"No problem, follow the instructions of the priest."

The ghosts agreed in unison that they died in a foreign land. If they wanted to be reborn, they had to enter the underworld first, and then be transferred to the underworld by the ghost messenger. It was very slow. Now that Jianglin is the yin division of the middle earth, it can save a lot of procedures. .

"Carl, if I... let's shoot... come out, will it scare people to death?"

On this side, Anya came to Carl tremblingly. She was very worried that once the footage was released, it would cause huge panic.

If this film is made, the horror effect will definitely be the best in the world, not to mention ordinary people, even the naive and daring can scream out loud.

"You can rest assured, Jiang Lin has already made wax figures, and spent a lot of money to find people to reproduce these faces with props. At that time, we will explain that the horror scenes are all filmed with wax figures and masks."

Carl waved his hand. He had already discussed these matters with Jiang Lin, and he already had a solution.

And in this era, people are very curious. As long as the visual effects of the film are realistic, they don't care what they use to shoot it.

However, for safety reasons, when the film is released, they will have a solemn reputation, and people with heart disease and young and old will not be admitted to the hospital.

"Come here, the main event is coming."

Jiang Lin beckoned to Carl and the others. The next thing to be filmed is Xiao Gaoqichao of the whole movie, and zombies appear.

In order to prevent Carl and the others from being too frightened to take pictures, Jiang Lin specially gave Carl and the others a book on the corpse removal technique in Western Hunan, and then translated it for them.

He didn't say that it turned the corpse into a zombie, otherwise no one would dare to shoot.

Carr, his assistant, and another film crew brewed for a long time before setting up the cameras in three positions.

Close-up close-up shots, long-range perspectives to render the atmosphere, and shooting scenes and objects. After more than [*] reshoots, I finally shot the scene where the zombies appear.

"The next paragraph I think is better in one shot."

Jiang Lin put forward his own suggestion, because the upcoming plot is about him chasing and killing a zombie, and the shooting scene will span several miles, and it will be too troublesome to shoot section by section.

And today is the fifteenth, it is the full moon, the night sky is clear and cloudless, the moonlight is very bright, and there is no need for any lights at all, that is to say, if the filming of this section is not good in two days, you have to wait for the next full moon, which is very time-consuming .

"This mountain is uneven, and the car has to be bumpy to go in. It's impossible to do it in one shot. If you really want to shoot like that, the camera will blind the audience's eyes."

Carl spread his hands, and the effect of one shot was really great, but unfortunately they couldn't finish it.

"The mountain road is indeed a problem."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind. The vehicle could not guarantee smooth shooting, but Xiaobai could.

As long as Xiaobai manifests his body and someone sits on its head, it can be solved perfectly.

After that, Jiang Lin called out Xiaobai and told Carl what he thought.


Karl repeatedly expressed his unwillingness to let him watch the giant snake from a distance, but asking him to get in close contact with it is absolutely impossible.

His heart would burst with fright.

Xiaobai also arrogantly refused, it refused to have any close contact with any man except Jiang Lin.

"Mr. Jiang, I have also carefully observed your filming behavior in the past few days. I think it should not be a problem to use a camera. Should I film it?"

Anya offered to sit on Xiaobai's head and take the job of filming.Xiaobai can speak people's words, and the voice is a cute girl, so she is not very afraid of this snake monster now.

"You are not afraid?"

"I'm afraid it's a little scary, but since this is a movie I'm participating in, it's okay for me to do my part."

Anya took a deep breath and said that she would overcome her inner fear.

OK, just do it.

Jiang Lin immediately made Xiaobai reveal his body and made him carry Anya and the camera.

"He... is he iron?"

Anya, who was sitting on Xiaobai's head, felt that she had doubts about life, because in the plot of the film, Jiang Lin tied the zombie with a corpse rope and was dragged by it, so Jiang Lin would be thrown around by the zombie.

But when Jiang Lin hit it, even a big tree with a diameter of half a meter was broken, which was even more shocking than Jiang Lin's jumping and flipping before.

Of course, this was also designed by Jiang Lin himself. If that group of guinea pigs wanted to use this movie to vilify the Chinese people, he would deify the role he played, but this required a transition. The image of a superman and a tough guy, and then a little bit higher.

And there is nothing illogical about this image. The clip of him performing the magic attack has been filmed before. If there are good people watching the movie to pick on the thorns, there are books to verify the magic attack in the Middle Earth Taoism.

This episode was filmed until four or five o'clock in the morning. Jiang Lin changed seven or eight sets of clothes before it was completely completed. The clothes he wore were all ground into strips of cloth.

After more than a month, Jiang Lin and the others went to Chinatown, the cemetery, and the pier. After [*] days of shooting, the film was completed.

During the period, Carl saw that Anya was not afraid of hard work and was very dedicated, so he suggested Jiang Lin to increase Anya's role.

In the killing part at the end of the movie, it was Anya who learned the Qiankun Yin-Yang Sword in Middle-earth Taoism, and eliminated the zombies only by combining the Kun-Yin Sword and Jiang Lin's Qian-Yang Sword.

Jiang Lin didn't want to agree at first, but Anya's small mouth was very good at saying, "Even the psychic I play is willing to learn Middle-earth Taoism, doesn't it mean that Middle-earth Taoism is broad and profound"?

So after being rubbed several times by Anya, Jiang Lin agreed.

When Carl sent the samples of "Maoshan Tianshi" to the investors, it only took one morning, and the film caused a sensation in the entire American film industry.

"It's over, there's no box office!"

"My God, was this made by someone? My best director at the Oscars!"

"Why? Why! Why am I born in the same era as Carl!"

"What to do? What to do! People compare people and goods."

On this day, in the whole rice film industry, I don't know how many directors are moaning with their hair pulled, they are almost desperate.

They didn't actually see the content of the demo, but only saw the poster, and that's how they reacted.

Oscar for best director once a year, centennial Carl Denham!

Jiang Lin didn't ask Carl to add his name to the director, so others didn't know that he was also the director of the film.

Jiang Lin is not interested in this false name. The greater Carl's reputation, the greater the benefit to him.

Chapter [*] One ticket is hard to find, box office myth

"Jiang Lin, the sales are crazy, the sales are crazy! Not a single ticket will be reserved!"

Three days later, Jiang Lin and the others were promoting the movie in front of the largest theater in the United States. Anya covered her mouth in excitement, and then hugged Jiang Lin.

After working with Jiang Lin for more than a month, and playing the opposite role in the play, Anya no longer calls Jiang Lin "Mr. Jiang".

The reason why she is so excited is that she has already received olive branches from many film companies before the movie is released.

Moreover, the promotion of pre-sale movie tickets proposed by Jiang Lin also went very smoothly. It was a sure thing that she became popular.

"So many people are watching. Besides, in public, you should still call me Mao Shanlin by my pseudonym."

Jiang Lin noticed that Anya was getting more and more excited, so he reminded her.

Whether it was the promotion this time or the introduction of the actors in the movie, Jiang Lin's name did not appear. This is what he did deliberately, so that other directors would not go to Middle Earth to inquire about his name and find him to make a movie in the future.

"I...I'm sorry, Jiang Lin, I...I'm too excited."

Anya let go of her arms and stepped aside with a blushing face. She really forgot that there were still many people watching.

At this time, in front of the theater, there were crowds of people, including ordinary people and newspaper reporters.

Jiang Lin, Anya, and Carl were all on the booth, and behind them was a huge poster that was extremely realistic. The poster was based on sketches, and was rendered in scary colors such as purple, green, and red.

This is also what Jiang Lin asked Carter to find a famous sketch master, who made him draw in front of the freeze-frame camera.

The background of the poster is the Barren Mountain Cemetery, and in the center is the image of a huge Qing Dynasty zombie with green face and fangs, the evil ghost on the left, the snake demon on the right, Jiang Lin holding a spirit sword and Anya holding a gossip mirror in both hands.

In addition to this huge poster, there are various realistic wax figures and actors in scary makeup or scary masks on the booth.

Because it was broad daylight, the scary effect was much reduced, but it also aroused the curiosity of many people.

In the center of the booth, Carl bragged to a group of reporters and prospective audiences, saying that the film he shot had various elements that had never been seen before, and solemnly explained that anyone with heart disease must not watch it. , the elderly and children are also not good.

But saying this, it has aroused the curiosity of thousands of people in the audience) (Hope, they want the movie to be released immediately, so that they can see it for themselves.

On this day, Jiang Lin's film grabbed the headlines of almost all newspapers in the United States.

"Maoshan Tianshi" has become a talking point for many Americans after dinner. The day before the movie was released, a large number of people lined up all night at the entrance of many theaters, waiting for a movie ticket to watch the premiere of the movie.





After the movie was released, almost all the movie theaters have been emitting all kinds of hysterical screams, with high energy throughout.

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