Especially the scenes shot by Jiang Lin, the close-up of the snake demon, the close-up of the grimace, and the acting skills of the actors are all frightened, which are infinitely close to the realism, making the audience feel like they are there.

After the first audience came out, they directly blew the horror film, so more people rushed to buy tickets.

On the day of the premiere, many people ran all over New York's cinema, but couldn't even buy a ticket.

Hard to get a vote.

Even the resale tickets were fired at five or six times or even ten times the price.

Not only people who haven't seen it grab the tickets, but even those who have seen it, they are scrambling to go to the second and third brushes, and it is not enough to watch it once.

That night, the audience's enthusiasm for watching reached its peak, and midnight is more suitable for horror movies!

"Jiang Lin, box office myth, box office myth!"

Carl called Jiang Lin. He couldn't sleep at all. In just one day, the movie he directed broke many box office records and left all the movies on the street.

And he couldn't sleep either. Many friends came to him and asked him to send him a movie ticket.

The same thing happened to Anya. Her former circus colleagues also found her and asked her to find a way to get movie tickets.

"Okay, calm down."

Jiang Lin's heart was not fluctuating. He had expected such a result early on. Although the film was limited to the technology of the times, the visual effect of the film he and Carl made to the audience was equivalent to that of the late 3th century. of movie lovers saw the first [*]D giant-screen movie "Avatar."

"Jiang Lin, don't worry, I will do my best to find the antiquities you asked me to find for you. If I can't find them, let my son and my grandson find them!"

On the other end of the phone, Carl patted his chest and assured Jiang Lin that he had already identified Jiang Lin as his nobleman, and he absolutely wanted to maintain a good relationship with this nobleman.

With Jiang Lin's help this time, it was no longer as simple as letting him win the Oscar for Best Director. After a while after the box office statistics were collected, he was an unprecedented director in the film industry.

As for whoever came later, he couldn't guarantee it, but at least in the next thirty or forty years or even half a century, no one could surpass him.

"With your words, I'm relieved. For the part that I benefit from the box office, you can just leave a tenth of it for me, and the rest will be put there for you to use as funds to find that antique."

Jiang Lin nodded. This was the result he wanted. It was much quicker and more effective to help a film director ascend to a high position than if he used other methods.

"Master Maoshan!"

"Snake monster!"

"Vampire (zombie)!"

Jiang Lin heard the shouting from Carl's side again through the microphone. It turned out that the midnight show was over. I don't know how many audience members who had left the movie theater were shouting loudly in the street. They were so shocked that even after watching it, The excitement in my heart has not passed.

After that, Jiang Lin hung up the phone, and he had already arranged the matter of looking for Xianzi Jue. Next, he would go out to sea to find Skull Island, and search for heaven and earth treasures on it.

The next day, all the newspapers were slaughtered by the movie "Maoshan Tianshi" and related characters, and Carl and Anya went directly to the New York Times.

Originally, Jiang Lin was also invited for an interview, but he refused.

"I'm going, but there are still bad reviews? In this era, the public relations have invited the navy to black peers?"

Jiang Lin was eating breakfast, and looking at the newspaper in his hand, he found that there were comments on the films he directed.

Looking down, he couldn't help but smile.

There are roughly three reasons for the audience to give bad reviews. The first is that the appraiser's friend/wife/girlfriend is scared to cry; the second is because many young audience members are clamoring to go to the Middle Earth and marry a Taoist priest in the Middle Earth. , especially the Taoist priest Maoshan, which made many male viewers very upset, and gave bad comments against their own conscience.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin's expression was quite wonderful. If Daoist Qianhe and Daoyuan Simu or even Mao Xiaofang married foreign wives in the future, the picture would be too beautiful.

As for the last evaluation, the peers poured dirty water, they had to pour it, their own movies were not even arranged in the cinema, and they couldn’t even get back the food expenses, not to mention other investments such as the actors’ remuneration. Spent.

Chapter [*] Polar Light

However, these evaluations failed to stop the audience's enthusiasm for watching the movie. For three consecutive days, many movie theaters were full.

Jiang Lin doesn't care about box office anymore. He only cares about when Carl starts to act.

To his relief, when he had just eaten breakfast, Carl called and said that he had notified his friends and asked them to collect clues.

In addition to informing about this, Carl also asked Jiang Lin to go to other cities with him and Anya to promote the movie.

Since Carl acted so neatly, Jiang Lin did not refuse this request.

The group took a special car and went to other cities in the United States to promote the film.

"Carl, what is the strange light in the sky?"

When he arrived in Alaska, Jiang Lin discovered that the sky above the city was filled with extremely splendid light, some like clouds and some like jade belts, spreading out in the sky.

"Wow, so beautiful, so beautiful."

Anya stuck her head out of the car window, looked at the glare in the sky, and couldn't help but admire.

"Oh, you said this beautiful light? It's the aurora. There are more than [*] days a year here."


Jiang Lin frowned. Although his English was good, he couldn't understand such uncommon words for a while.

"It's the polar light," Carr explained. "You can see this amazing light from the North Pole."

Aurora Borealis?

Jiang Lin raised his brows, he didn't expect such a strange light to exist here.

After everyone found a hotel to stay, Jiang Lin left the room, and when he reached a place outside the city where no one was there, he floated up to the height of [*] meters.

In the future, after he breaks through the realm, the exercises to cultivate the sun will not only require strange fires, but also all kinds of strange lights. In recent years, he has often gone to the sky to eat Xia Shi Xi at dusk and sunrise.

However, Xiaguang and Dawn are much worse than the polar light.

Now that he has encountered it, he will absorb part of it.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin absorbed a huge amount of aurora, and the spiritual power liquid ball in his dantian bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

"Li Yang Xuanguang!"

The spiritual power surged in his body, and Jiang Lin's entire body was covered with strong light, like a huge ball of light in mid-air.

Unfortunately, this is not the North Pole after all.

Jiang Lin felt the intensity of his own profound light, and felt a little regretful. The aurora here had already attenuated a lot, and he could not form a light source in his own Taoist base.

It seems necessary to consider whether or not to go to the poles.

After Jiang Lin landed, he thought about it, thinking of the North Pole absorbing the aurora.

However, in his impression, there seems to be no land in the North Pole, and Skull Island is in the South Pacific, one south and one north, and it is not easy to pass.

There should also be aurora in Antarctica, but I don't know if there will be any when I go there.

Jiang Lin thought for a while and decided to go back and find some astronomy books to learn about the polar regions.

If there is an aurora in Antarctica at the moment, he intends to go there.

Skull Island is in the South Pacific, and Antarctica is south of the South Pacific. Going south should be able to reach that kind of human exclusion zone.

"Carl, where's Jiang Lin?"

"I don't know, are you looking for him?"


Anya was silent for a moment, and then asked, " much do you know about Jiang Lin?"

As soon as she asked, Anya was discouraged, she actually wanted to ask Carl Jianglin if he had a wife.

In the process of getting along for the past two months, Anya found that she always wanted to know more about Jiang Lin, especially these few days, she always paid attention to Jiang Lin involuntarily, and wanted to know if Jiang Lin was single.

Now, she seems to have found herself emotionally attached to this oriental man.

Anya and Jiang Lin are often together when filming. One plays the male lead and the other plays the female lead. In the movie, they can be regarded as a happy couple.

She admires the maoshan Taoist priest who is strong and resolute and is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles in the play, and that role is played by Jiang Lin's true character, so she naturally has a special affection for Jiang Lin himself.

"A very reliable friend who is trustworthy. I chatted with him for a while when I was on the boat, but then I wrote to him to ask him for help, and he came all the way, and you know what happened after that. Even if I'm down, he's still willing to help me."

Carl complimented Jiang Lin, and Anya listened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A man you can trust.

"why are you laughing?"

"No...nothing, I'll go back to rest first."

Anya hurriedly went back to her room and closed the door, laying on her stomach by the window, hoping to see Jiang Lin, who was out, come back.

In the next few days, Jiang Lin and the others visited several cities, and finally returned to New York.

After Jiang Lin returned to the hotel, he asked Carl's assistant to go to the libraries in the city and surrounding cities to find some books about the aurora and polar regions.

Oh, the northern and southern lights are basically mirror images, that is to say, there are polar lights in the South Pole.

Three days later, Jiang Lin read a lot of books and learned a lot of information.

At this moment, Anya dialed his number.


"Jiang Lin, are you there? I'm blocked again, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to confess to you."

As soon as the call was connected, Anya complained to him again.

Since the movie was released, Anya has been blocked as soon as she goes out. She is either asking for an autograph or asking for a group photo. What's more, a lot of women chase after her and ask where Mao Shanlin lives, and especially if she and Mao Shanlin are male. girlfriend.

Now that she has changed residences, she has been found.

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, he really didn't expect that watching a horror movie would make people chasing stars.

"I'm kind to you, you can't do this to me."

Jiang Lin didn't agree with Anya to sell him. He had to read books at the moment. If he was really blocked, he would be annoyed to death.

"Hmph, I don't care, I'm going to take my revenge. Huh, who made you so popular with women?"

Anya snorted softly, and there was a sour taste in her tone.

"Hello? Hello? This girl, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang used to be so happy, but now you're hanging up on me?"

Jiang Lin then talked to Carl, he was determined to avoid those fanatical groupies, and he also needed to discuss with Carl about going to sea.

Putting on a pair of sunglasses, Jiang Lin went downstairs and asked his assistant to drive him to Carl's place.

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