He can't do it without sunglasses. Except for very few activities, he hasn't appeared in the past few days. Compared with Carl and Anya, he, the protagonist of the movie, has filled the curiosity of the audience and reporters.

If he was recognized, he would shake his hands while waiting for the signature.

The first thousand two hundred and twelve chapters Tianshi make scandal

Coincidentally, on the way, Jiang Lin saw Anya who was being chased, and he asked the driver to turn him over.

After opening the car door, Jiang Lin reached out and grabbed Anya's wrist, trying to pull her in to relieve her.

"Rogue! Help!"

Anya has a strong sense of self-defense, and when she finds herself being pulled, she immediately struggles outwards, and shouts as she struggles.

"it's me."

Jiang Lin lifted the sunglasses up, and then exerted strength again on his hands.

After seeing Jiang Lin in the car, Anya stopped struggling and rushed into the car.

Originally, if she didn't rush, Jiang Lin could pull her to the seat and sit down, or if Jiang Lin didn't exert any force, Anya could rush in and sit well.

But both of them exerted force at the same time, which was too much force.

Anya threw herself on Jiang Lin's body, and the two of them kissed tightly.


Anya screamed and sat up immediately.

"Close the door, you, the driver drives!"

Jiang Lin got up in a hurry, reached out and closed the door.

"It's the Tianshi Maoshan! The two of them, the two of them really have an affair!"

A gossip reporter outside the car was quick-witted and just took a picture of Jiang Lin and Anya's kiss. Other reporters also raised their cameras to take pictures.

Big news here

"I just said she didn't want to give Mao Shanlin's address, there must be a reason."

"Maybe both of them are already married!"

Others are also talking at length, wishing to catch up with the car and ask to understand.

"I...my first kiss."

In the car, Anya covered her lips, her blushing and pretty face was full of grievances, and she looked at Jiang Lin.

"Cough, this is an accident, I just want to help you clear the siege."

Jiang Lin coughed twice. He didn't expect that he wanted to help, but he asked for Anya's first kiss.


Anya grumbled aggrievedly: "I read books about middle-earth men, and it says that middle-earth men are very responsible. It's not like you, eat them clean, and treat them as nothing."

Jiang Lin was ashamed and said, "Have you misunderstood the word 'eat and wipe'? Could it be that you want me to be responsible?"

"Who held you responsible? Not even an apology."

"Don't apologize. I haven't asked you to reason with you, and you're the one who rushed over, or you apologize to me."


Anya was at a loss for words and turned her face to the side.

"I don't know if you have a wife or not. When I travel to Middle-earth and tell your wife that you eat tofu from other girls."

Having said this, Anya secretly paid attention to Jiang Lin's expression.

"My wife is..."

Halfway through Jiang Lin's words, he found that Anya was peeking at him, he smiled and said, "Why do I think you are asking me if I have a wife in a different way."

Anya's face turned red again, and she said anxiously, "You... do you have a wife, what's the matter with me?"

Jiang Lin smiled and said nothing.

The two of them didn't know how much trouble the two people's accident just caused to the newspaper and the film and television industry.

Jiang Lin is not an actor, and Anya is also an actor who just turned from a circus acrobat, so they really don't know how much the media can blow.

In addition, the movies they starred in cut off the financial fortunes of many directors and actors, so after those people learned about the information captured by reporters, they went all out to spread rumors.

Because the road was congested, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Carl's residence two hours later.

"Carl, I saw a lot of old people and children on the road. Didn't they say that these people were not allowed to watch the movie?"

On the way here, Jiang Lin saw that many movie theaters were open to the elderly and children. Isn't this a joke?

"I can't do this, because the box office is too hot, and those investors don't want to set any more restrictions. The same is true for movie theaters. Can they make money if they make money? I also objected, but they said that the United States has Halloween every year. Movies are so much scarier, they don’t scare people at all.”

Carl shrugged helplessly. When Jiang Lin suggested that the young and old should not watch the movie, he supported it, but now that the movie has been filmed, he is not the distributor and can't control the show.

Evil capitalism.

Jiang Lin expressed deep contempt for the sponsor behind Carl, and he didn't care about anything just to make money.

"Stop talking about this, when will you two get better?"

Carl took out a newspaper, and the photo above was the scene of Jiang Lin and Anya "making out" in the car more than two hours ago.

Why is it in the newspaper so quickly?

Jiang Lin looked at the newspaper in Carl's hand and felt incredible. They came all the way by car. Could this newspaper be sent by those reporters by plane?

In fact, he didn't know that photo fax machines already existed in this era. After those reporters took photos, they faxed them directly to the newspaper headquarters.

"Oh my God!"

Anya grabbed the newspaper and checked the news content on it.


"This is clearly a rumor!"

Anya was so angry that her face was blushing and her neck was thick. Those unscrupulous reporters actually wrote in the newspaper that she and Jiang Lin had already lived together. They also said that according to the gossip, she and Jiang Lin both had a son who was a few years old.

"I just turned [*] years old, where is the old son from!"

Anya is completely mad, it's all nonsense, it's all slander!

Then she excitedly explained to Carl what was going on, and blamed Jiang Lin for ruining her reputation.

"You calm down. When you become an actor, these things are inevitable. As long as the fact is not the case, these news will attract some people's attention, and no one will take it seriously in the future."

Carl persuaded Anya to watch it. Now Anya has turned from a circus performer into a popular actress with a movie. Naturally, some people are jealous, and it is certain that people will throw dirty water when they get a chance.

However, for the consideration of Anya's future development, Carl decided to find an assistant for her to handle such matters.

Jiang Lin flipped through the newspaper, but he didn't take it seriously.

He has seen this kind of thing in later generations, and there are many people who are popular.

He didn't intend to clarify anything. After he went to Skull Island, he would no longer stay in the United States. How people here evaluate him has nothing to do with him.

"Director, it's not good!"

At this time, Carl's assistant ran in from outside with another newspaper in his hand.

"Jiang Lin, see for yourself."

Carl glanced at the contents of the newspaper and handed it to Jiang Lin.

"Married men don't care about their wives and children to hook up with actresses in foreign countries. Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality."

Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of tea after seeing the headline of the newspaper headline.

In this newspaper, there is a wedding photo of him and Shu Ning, as well as a photo of them and Shentong Zhiwa.

The latter photo was taken by him and his wives when they returned home after their long trip.

How could these photos appear in the United States, and they were even published in the newspapers.

Jiang Lin was really dumbfounded.

In fact, this is the credit of his newsman wife, Shu Ning.

Shu Ning used to study in the United States, where he met some close female friends, including a journalist.

She sometimes sends her own photos to friends here, including wedding photos, and the photos of the two dolls are also sent after she took them.

After watching the movie, Shu Ning's friends naturally recognized Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin rarely showed up, and the two never met.

Today, Jiang Lin is "carrying out an affair" behind Shu Ning's back in the United States, and her friend is naturally angry, so she has this newspaper and the photos on it.

"Jiang Lin, this should be true, right? If it continues to ferment, it will affect the movie's box office. I mean to clarify your relationship with Anya."

Carl wants Jiang Lin to come forward and explain that if there is no such newspaper, even if Jiang Lin and Anya really have any relationship, it is only news, but now it is completely a scandal.


Jiang Lin really didn't expect that he, a Celestial Master, would actually make a scandal.

Chapter [*] The Pacific Ocean, Skull Island (Part [*])

"What is there to clarify, I am not developing here, and this kind of thing, the more you describe it, the more serious you are, the more fiercely the media will bite. When someone asks, you say no to them. That's it. As for the impact on the box office, that's bullshit, we're making a horror movie, not a movie that sells people's faces, and the quality is so good that it's beyond the table, so many people watch it."

Jiang Lin still didn't take Carl's words seriously. There was nothing between him and Anya, and there was nothing to clarify.

And in this case, just to clarify, there are also a lot of reporters who jeered and denied it, so why bother with those useless work.


Carl felt that what Jiang Lin said made sense, so he ignored it.

Anya didn't make a statement. She was looking at the photos in the newspaper and felt very uncomfortable.

Jiang Lin has a wife and children.

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