"What are your plans for going to sea?"

After that, Jiang Lin asked Carl about his search for Skull Island, which was the purpose of his trip.

"Take care of yourselves in the next two or three days. I'll go find the ocean liner and elite sailors today, and I'll set off in three days."

Now that there is no need to worry about the box office, Carl is ready to arrange the trip to the sea. Anyway, the follow-up income of the movie will go directly to his account, whether he is or not.

Jiang Lin asked, "We? Anya is going too?"

"Yes, seeing your snake demon, I am even more convinced that there are prehistoric creatures on Skull Island, and I am going to make another "Beauty and the Beast" to break the director's path and prevent others from leaving. "

Carl's face is full of smugness and enthusiasm. After filming the supernatural horror, he will shoot the monster horror again.

Then he took out a map and told Jiang Lin about some information he had heard over the years.

Looking for Skull Island, he is [*]% sure.

"I think it's better to avoid it. After all, in the ocean, the risk factor is not small, and according to what you said, the location of Skull Island is far away from the normal route, and it is still in the sea fog area. This journey is not a pleasant one. "

Jiang Lin persuaded Carl not to mess around, just take the sailors and even bring the crew and staff there, it was nothing to do.

"Even if I don't let them go, it is estimated that neither they nor the investors are willing."

Carr explained, because the plan to go to sea was made early in the morning, as was his idea for the movie, but it was delayed.

But the agreement has long been signed.

Now that he has made a film that has set more than [*] records, the investors are eager for him to make another similar film, and they want to make money.

"Anya, what Jiang Lin said also makes sense. This trip may be dangerous. If you don't want to go, I respect your opinion and invite other actresses."

"I'll go. Now that I have my own way, I can't swell. I have to show the attitude I used to have."

Anya glanced at Jiang Lin and immediately decided to go with him.

Carl still wants to make a movie. She thought that Jiang Lin was still the male lead, so she felt a little conflicted about letting Jiang Lin play opposite other actresses.

Although she already knew that Jiang Lin had a wife, it was still difficult for her to let the feelings in her heart disappear for a while.

In this case, it is useless to say more.

Jiang Lin didn't say any more. He had already said the reminder, and it didn't matter to him whether others listened or not.

Three days later, Jiang Lin, Anjakar and a large group of people were at the San Francisco port dock, and they were greeted by a ship, a freighter.

"Don't tell me, you are bringing this group of people to shoot people and monsters fighting?"

Jiang Lin looked at the sailors on the boat and a group of fierce-looking sailors with a lot of hot weapons and animal traps, and felt that Carl was really swelled, and he was swelled to the point of death.

"Don't look at me like that. They didn't come from me, they were my former sponsors. I was in charge of filming, and they were in charge of catching some prehistoric creatures that might appear and putting them back in the theater for exhibition."

Carl feels that he is very innocent. No matter how high his achievements are, he is only a director who makes movies. He is only interested in movies and has no interest in hunting.

Since it is a capitalist work, then work hard.

Knowing that the matter had nothing to do with Carl, Jiang Lin was too lazy to meddle in his own business.

In the afternoon of that day, an ocean-going freighter entered the Pacific Ocean mightily and headed for the South Pacific.

This time Jiang Lin didn't have too many worries. He brought Xiaobai out just to deal with emergencies.

If he encounters something like what happened last time in the Indian Ocean again, he doesn't have to be sad about the Pacific Ocean.

If Xiaobai showed his body, he would swim faster in the water than a ship.

And before he came, he prepared enough fresh water and food in the ancient mirror. The fresh water was enough for him for two years. If it really floats, he is not afraid.

"Jiang Lin, why didn't you participate in Carl's film?"

On this day, Anya heard that Carl said that Jiang Lin was not involved in the filming of the movie, and found Jiang Lin to ask why.

Jiang Lin explained: "I'm not an actor at all, and I made the previous movie to help Carl and solve his predicament, and let him use his financial resources and connections to help me find an antique. Now he is no longer No matter how embarrassed it is, my mission is over."

"I seem to have heard Carl mention, is the thing you're looking for in the United States?"

"I don't know, in which country, on land or in the sea, I don't know. I don't know how much it will cost to find it, otherwise what am I going to do for Carl with so much money?"

"In this case, you should continue to participate in the movie. You don't know how much it will cost, so you must plan for the worst. If I were you, I would continue to prepare funds. You think, if the funds are enough If Carl goes to a location to shoot, he can pay local people to search for what you are looking for, which will definitely be more efficient.”

Anya looked at Jiang Lin and analyzed with him seriously.

In fact, she just didn't want to play with other actors. This movie has romance scenes, and she didn't want to cuddle with other men.

"It makes sense."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, then looked at Anya and asked, "You seem to want me to continue acting with you?"

Anya pouted and said, "Of course, you are very popular now, and you have a lot of influence. Many children have bought Taoist uniforms and pretended to be Taoist priests of Maoshan. Famous, but if you can continue to shine, who wouldn't want it? Besides, because of you, I have negative news now, if I can come up with another good work, it will definitely eliminate some of the influence."

Under An Ya's sensible and emotional softness, Jiang Lin finally agreed to another film.

What Anya said also makes sense. Carl would run around the world for filming. If he left a sum of money to find Xianzijue in every place he went to, it would also save him from going to other countries to make friends in the future.

Chapter [*] The Pacific Ocean, Skull Island (Part [*])

During the voyage of the ship, Jiang Lin finished his role in only three or four days.

After all, the important scenes are on Skull Island.

On the way forward, although I encountered a lot of wind and waves, it was always a near miss, and I did not encounter any troubles like super sea monsters and deep sea monsters.

Seven or eight days later, the ship crossed the equator and entered the South Pacific. After another six or seven days, the fog in the sea became thicker.

In the end, all the compasses on the freighter failed, and the entire ship lost its direction in the fog, and almost hit the reefs in the sea several times.

"Jiang Lin, get out, we found it, finally found it!"

In the morning half a month later, Carl excitedly patted the door in front of Jianglin's room.

After more than half a search in this foggy sea, he finally saw the inaccessible Skull Island on the map.

After Jiang Lin opened the door, he followed Carl to the deck. The sea fog in front of him had dissipated a lot in the morning light, and a huge hazy island appeared.


Jiang Lin took a pair of binoculars from a sailor's hand and stared in the direction of the island.

But even his eyesight can only see vague scenes.

On the island in front, there is a city wall-like building. According to the proportion, it should be [*] meters high, and there are a large number of cumulus clouds next to the island, forming a huge cloud.

The cloud is so large that it is much larger than the island next to it in width alone, and thunderstorms and lightning flashes are emitted from time to time in and around it, which makes people feel extremely terrifying from a distance.

"Hurry up and let the captain pass by."

Jiang Lin noticed that the sea fog was starting to thicken again, so Carl told the captain to speed up.

There are many small black spots in front of them, all of which are densely covered reefs. Otherwise, if the fog reappears, the ship will easily hit the reefs.

And the waves in front are rushing, even if the distance is not too far, without the direction of the compass, the sea fog will come up again, and it will not be easy to reach the vicinity of the island.

Carl also noticed that the sea fog was gathering again, so he quickly went to the captain's room.

"Jianglin, is that Skull Island? Are there really prehistoric creatures on it?"

Anya came to Jiang Lin's side, feeling both novelty and fear of the unknown island ahead.

Jiang Lin said: "It should be Skull Island, but I hope there will be prehistoric creatures on it. Hold on to the railing, there are waves ahead."

As soon as the voice fell, a wave hit the hull on the other side of the ship.


Anya screamed and flew out of the boat.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin reached out his arm, grabbed her by the back collar, and pulled it back.

Anya was so frightened that her arms wrapped tightly around Jiang Lin's waist, and she didn't dare to let go.

A blood-colored thread appeared in Jiang Lin's pupils. He looked through the water and shouted in the direction of the captain's room: "There is a reef below the left front!"

"There is a wrecked hull fifteen meters ahead, pay attention to avoid it."

With Jiang Lin's reminder, the ship avoided many reefs and got closer to Skull Island.

"So it wasn't a cloud pillar."

As the distance got closer, Jiang Lin could see the whole picture of Skull Island. The entire Skull Island was connected by two peninsulas.

One of them was what he and Carl had seen in the telescope before. Not far from the edge of the island was a stone wall [*] meters high; the rest of the peninsula was in a powerful rotating storm.

What Jiang Lin had seen before was not an ordinary cloud, but was driven by this terrifying swirling storm, and the super-large tornado cloud vortex formed was four or five hundred meters high.

"My God, this is a miracle of nature."

A boat of sailors and Carl also saw the large cloud vortex on the half of Skull Island, and they all opened their mouths.

If you get involved, let alone ships, even fighters will be torn to shreds.

The captain immediately changed the sailing track, preparing to land on the island from the other end of the peninsula.

"Master, I can vaguely feel that there should be an extremely powerful lifeform on the island surrounded by tornado clouds, which has some connection with my bloodline."

Xiaobai emerged from Jiang Lin's arms, and Snake Tong looked at the giant cloud vortex in front of him, looking quite excited.

Because it has the spirit of a dragon in its body, it is extremely difficult to transform into shape. Now it has almost reached the peak of the Great Demon level, but it can only speak human words. If it cannot transform into shape, its cultivation speed will be much slower.

"Okay, wait a while and I'll take you to see if you can pass through the cirrus belt and let you confirm it."

Seeing Xiaobai shaking his head with excitement, Jiang Lin also touched its head. Although he didn't take away Xiaobai's life and soul, Xiaobai has always been loyal.

And the plan to go to the polar regions in the future will depend on this little guy. If possible, Jiang Lin would naturally want Xiaobai to benefit.

"I'll go over there first, you'd better wait for me to come back before landing on the island."

When the ship was moored on the side of Skull Island, Jiang Lin gave An Ya and Carl, who were filming, an order, and then he let Xiaobai show his body and swim with him.

Xiaobai carried Jianglin and swam to the edge of the cloud vortex, but the intensity of the storm was too high, even a [*]-ton freighter would lose control under such a strong wind.

Xiaobai is no exception.

Seeing that the wind was unstoppable, it dived underwater.

But the storm not only stirred the cumulus clouds above, but also the sea water outside the island rolled at a super high speed.

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