Xiaobai tried many times, but was thrown out, unable to pass through the cirrus belt at all.

"Master, it's strange. The peninsula in the cloud vortex is obviously connected to the other one. The sea water outside the island should not be able to form a circulation, so how can a water vortex be formed?"

After Xiaobai surfaced, he looked at the cloud vortex in the distance, humming, he was very unwilling, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get to that peninsula.

"I also find it strange. It seems that this Skull Island really has a different meaning."

Jiang Lin also frowned. If he wanted to enter, he would have to rely on his levitation ability to fall from the eye of the storm in the sky.

But even so, it is estimated that the success rate is extremely low, and there are powerful thunderbolts in the cloud vortex, and there is a lot of risk in forcibly breaking in.

"Then let's go back first."

Although Xiaobai was very unwilling, he also knew that he could not board this peninsula, so he had to give up first.


At this moment, Anya's screams suddenly came from the other peninsula.

what happened?

Shouldn't they wait for me to go back?

Jiang Lin looked at the source of the sound, but he didn't think much about it, so he asked Xiaobai to rush back immediately.

Chapter [*] King Kong

It's really just like what Carl said, there are human beings on this Skull Island.

After Jiang Lin landed on the island, he walked into a cave leading to the world on the island. On the side of the cave, there were many human skeletons.

There was a faint scream in his ears, and Jiang Lin stopped paying attention to the surrounding environment and accelerated his running speed.

When Jiang Lin walked through the stone forest, climbed the stone steps, crossed the wooden bridge, and passed the high wall, he found that Carl and the others were surrounded by a group of savage skinned like charcoal.

Many strong male savages grabbed the sailors and actors, pressed their heads to the stones, and then went down with a bone mallet, and their heads exploded like watermelons.

Jiang Lin rushed over and kicked a stout savage.

This sturdy savage vomited blood and knocked more than [*] of his companions into the air. If Jiang Lin hadn't used his strength, he would have been shattered to death on the spot.

When the other savages saw Jiang Lin, they screamed sharply and rushed towards him.

Jiang Lin stretched out his arms, and yang fingers shot out from his fingers, shooting at the legs of these savages.

The savage fell down at once, and they knew the fear and gathered together.

A group of sailors and actors quickly broke free and retreated to Jianglin.

Carl picked up a pistol from the ground and quickly ran to Jiang Lin's side. He pointed to the depths of the Savage Tribe and said to Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, hurry up and save Anya, she was taken away by several old women."

At this moment, a group of sailors with submachine guns and machine guns also arrived.

Now that they arrived, Jiang Lin didn't go to take care of Karl and the others, and immediately ran in the direction Karl pointed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In front of Jiang Lin, there was a loud noise, and at the same time there was a beast roar.

Jiang Lin jumped and looked into the distance. Then he saw a giant orangutan more than ten meters tall running excitedly in the mountains.

King Kong!

Jiang Lin's eyes were wide open. He had never seen such a huge orangutan.

And this King Kong is not a monster, it is a beast.

Looking down a little, he saw Anya. At this time, her hands were tied to two wooden stakes on the edge of the cliff, and she screamed in horror.

She screamed and struggled desperately.

Beside Anya, seven or eight gray-haired savage old women bowed down to the giant King Kong, chanting obscure incantations.

Seeing King Kong getting closer and closer, she beat herself in the chest and screamed strangely. The fear of death stimulated Anya's potential. After she broke free from the rope, she didn't go to the back to break out. She took off her jacket and grabbed with both hands. Using it as a parachute, he jumped off the cliff.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately teleported over and jumped off the edge of the cliff.


Jiang Lin's wrists converged, and a pillar of fire was discharged upwards. With the help of the force of recoil, he chased after Anya.

But at this time, King Kong had already arrived, and with a big wave of his hand, he was about to grab Anya.

Anya let out a loud cry. She looked down, and immediately released her hands. The speed of the fall increased sharply, and she escaped the grab of the giant orangutan.


As soon as King Kong did not catch Anya, he immediately let out a roar, it stretched out its arms, and its big hands became palms.

Jiang Lin used his levitation ability to make an emergency stop in the air.


King Kong slapped with both hands to form a powerful air cannon. Although Jiang Lin escaped its slap, he was blown away by the air cannon.

"Fuck you, be a mosquito!"

Jiang Lin saw King Kong spitting out white air from his huge nostrils, and when he shot it again, he got angry too.

"Master, leave this idiot to me!"

Xiaobai emerged from Jiang Lin's arms and wanted to go up to compete with King Kong.

"No, you are not its opponent."

Jiang Lin pressed Xiaobai back. Although this King Kong is not a monster, it is so big and powerful.

It can be seen from the fact that air cannons can appear when it slaps with both palms.

Even if Xiaobai manifests his body, he is probably not the opponent of this monster.

"Great ape, eat the master of the turtle style qigong!"

Jiang Lin was in mid-air, his palms gathered spiritual energy and Yang Yan, emitting a huge pillar of fire.

King Kong was only concerned with making Jiang Lin into meat sauce, but he never thought that this ant-like human had superhuman abilities.

Its eyebrows were hit by the pillar of fire blasted by Jiang Lin, and the huge bombardment force made its head tilt back, and even its entire body tilted backwards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Lin accelerated with recoil and landed on the tree scratching Anya.


As soon as Anya was pulled by Jiang Lin, she rushed into his arms and cried.

She has experienced several dangerous situations in succession, and now she is a little broken.

"Don't cry, this gorilla is difficult to deal with, we have to leave quickly."

If Jiang Lin wanted to destroy this Donkey Kong, he would have to use a big move like Jinwu Shuyang, but the vegetation on this island was extremely lush, and once bombed, fires would inevitably break out, which was not what he wanted.

He tore off his belt, and after simply bandaging Anya's calf that was scratched by the branches, he carried it on his back.

King Kong has stood up again.


King Kong raised his head to the sky and roared wildly, his fists beating his chest, making a deafening thumping sound.

Jiang Lin jumped, and he and Anya soared up. He finally understood why there was a [*]-meter-high wall where the savages gathered. It should be to guard against this Donkey Kong.

Seeing that the top of the high wall was getting closer, Anya behind Jiang Lin suddenly screamed again: "Jiang Lin, boulder, boulder!"

Jiang Lin turned his face and saw that King Kong had pulled a [*]-pound boulder from the mountain and smashed it at them.

"Grandma, grandpa, I didn't hurt you!"

Jiang Lin spat, and he stretched out his arms and grabbed the boulder.

Taking advantage of the above, Jiang Lin suddenly turned his direction and flew towards the rushing King Kong.

"Hold me tight!"

Jiang Lin explained to Anya who was behind him, and then stretched out his arms, palms one after the other.

The pillar of fire sprayed from Jiang Lin's palm, causing his body to rotate, just like a bamboo dragonfly.

Before King Kong could react, he was slashed by the Yang Finger Sword from Jiang Lin's arms.

The sixteen-meter-long front and rear Yang-finger swords, like huge propellers, cut through King Kong's chest and abdomen.

Even if the diamond skin is rough and fleshy, it can't stand such a serial cut.

Immediately, blood like a fountain erupted from the wound on King Kong's body.

And King Kong himself also retreated again and again because of the severe pain, stepped on the air again and fell down.

Jiang Lin landed on a big tree, jumped up immediately, and ran forward on the canopy.

He will not go to the sky for the time being, otherwise he will have to be hit by King Kong as a target.

Chapter [*] Jurassic Park

After climbing a tree that was [*] to [*] meters high, Jiang Linmaoli jumped and glided to the next hill.

He now needs to distance himself from King Kong so that he can ascend vertically and go over the wall.

"Jiang Lin, you are my god."

Anya hugged Jiang Lin's neck tightly. When she and Jiang Lin were filming together before, although she had seen some of Jiang Lin's extraordinary abilities, it was only a distant view after all.

Now that she was rescued by Jiang Lin from Donkey Kong's hands, and witnessed him defeat the giant orangutan on Jiang Lin's back, this personal experience made her feel about Jiang Lin completely different.

She used to be surprised and shocked, but now she completely treats Jiang Lin as a god.

"God, you big-headed bastard! Before I left, I clearly told you to wait for me to come back and land on the island. The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out?"

Jiang Lin didn't have a good tone. If it wasn't for Carl and Anya being disobedient, he wouldn't have to bother saving people.

"It's not that we want to land on the island. After you left, a giant salamander suddenly appeared under the water and climbed onto the boat. We can only abandon the boat and land on the island."

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