Anya quickly explained the reason to Jiang Lin. When the giant salamander first appeared, it ate a few sailors. They didn't even have time to get their weapons, so they landed on the island and ran for their lives.

Unexpectedly, the savages on the island and King Kong are more terrifying than the giant salamander.

"I know there must be danger on the island. If there is no accident, I will definitely listen to you. Don't be angry with me, don't leave me behind."

Anya continued to admit her mistake, for fear that Jiang Lin would get angry and leave her alone.

"I've come down to save you, can I throw you away?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and Anya's mind was out of control.

This slight distraction made Jiang Lin's reaction slow for half a beat, and behind a big tree he was about to fall, a huge monster head appeared.


This monster saw Jiang Lin and Anya flying over, and immediately stood up, let out a loud roar, and then moved its bloody mouth towards Jiang Lin and them.

My name is Nima!

What the hell is this?

Dinosaur? ? ?

As a person who has traveled from the future, it goes without saying that Jiang Lin's knowledge reserves, as long as they are young people in the [*]st century, there are basically no people who don't know dinosaurs.

The huge monster that appeared in front of him was the ancient creatures he had seen on the Science Channel and in the movies—the long-extinct dinosaurs.

Jiang Lin completely felt that his cognition had been overturned. Although he heard from Carl that there might be prehistoric creatures here, but what, it was too prehistoric!

Dinosaurs, creatures on the earth tens of millions of years ago, still exist!

Jiang Lin was right, the monster with a bloody mouth in front of him and Anya was a dinosaur, and it was also a Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Anya's sharp voice broke out in Jiang Lin's ears, let alone her, anyone who saw such a ferocious and terrifying beast would have to scream madly.

This Tyrannosaurus Rex was eight or nine meters tall and nearly twenty meters long, and the teeth in its mouth were almost the same as those of an adult's forearm.

Because the Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared too abruptly, and Jiang Lin was distracted before, so before he could react, he and Anya were bitten into the mouth by the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, nothing happened to them for the time being. When the Tyrannosaurus Rex closed its upper and lower jaws, Jiang Lin raised his arms and took the fatal bite.

The size of this Tyrannosaurus Rex was comparable to that of an ordinary whale, and the bite force was unknown to thousands of kilograms. Even if Jiang Lin's body was hard, if it was bitten firmly, it would only become a pile of minced meat.


Jiang Lin sent all the corpse poison in his bones into his flesh and blood, completely turning into a zombie.

He strengthened the defense of his limbs and torso, and turned on the battle pattern mode, which was able to withstand the bite force of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The Tyrannosaurus rex's mouth made a gasp, and the giant beast hadn't reacted to what was going on.

Before the Tyrannosaurus Rex really exerted its strength, Jiang Lin immediately rushed out the Yang Yan in his body along his limbs.


The mouth was burned by the flames, and the Tyrannosaurus rex screamed and opened its mouth again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Lin kicked the Tyrannosaurus Rex's giant teeth, and withdrew from the dragon's mouth with Anya.

However, as soon as he came out of the bloodbath, the Tyrannosaurus rex swung its tail, and a tail like a diamond pillar was drawn in his abdomen.

Jiang Lin spit out a blood mist, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball.


Before Jiang Lin could catch his breath, another Tyrannosaurus rex ran out from behind him.

CNM, is this Nima Skull Island or Jurassic Park!

"Anya, close your eyes!"

Jiang Lin endured the severe pain in his abdomen and told Anya to close his eyes. If he was besieged by two Tyrannosaurus Rex, even if he was a Celestial Master and Mao Zong, he would still be finished.

Anya didn't think about anything, closed her eyes tightly, and buried her face behind Jiang Lin.

Blind your dog eyes!

Jiang Lin recovered the corpse poison from his body, and a blazing bright light erupted from all over his body.

The eyes of the two Tyrannosaurus rex were suddenly stimulated by the strong light, and they screamed.

Jiang Lin did not delay at all, using both hands and feet to climb up a giant tree not far away.

When he reached the top of the tree, he put Anya down and spit out another mouthful of blood.

At this time, King Kong also chased after him. The two Tyrannosaurus rex saw King Kong, and they stopped looking for Jiang Lin and rushed towards him.

"Just dog bite dog."

Jiang Lin gasped heavily, and rested on the branch to recuperate from his wounds.

As for Anya, she was so frightened that she lost her strength and slumped beside Jiang Lin.

After adjusting the injury a little, Jiang Lin looked around, lest he and Anya would go into the tiger's mouth again.


This is really Jurassic Park!

In addition to the two Tyrannosaurus rex here, Jiang Lin found other dinosaurs in the distance. Some of them had necks that were longer than the height of Tyrannosaurus Rex, some had diamond-shaped spines on their backs, and some were in the sky. Flying in the middle, the wingspan is more than ten meters long.

"Jiang Lin, I want to go back and stop making movies."

Anya followed Jiang Lin's gaze and saw other monsters on this island. She took Jiang Lin's hand, trembling.

Now she just wants to leave quickly and never come again.

"There may be unknown dangers ahead, let me rest for a while."

Jiang Lin intends to recover for a while, otherwise there will be dinosaurs in the sky and land ahead, and it will still be difficult for him to climb over the high wall.

After sitting down again, Jiang Lin tugged at his back and said to Anya, "By the way, do you know how to wash clothes? After I went back, I washed my clothes, but you got wet."


Anya's face suddenly looked like a big ripe apple, she was really scared and incontinent before.

The first thousand two hundred and seventeen chapters want to go back and have no play

"I...I'll wash you, you...don't tell anyone."

Anya shook Jiang Lin's arm. She is a big girl. It would be embarrassing if others found out that she was scared and incontinent.

"Am I that boring? Will I go around preaching about a girl's embarrassment?"

Jiang Lin gave Anya a roll of eyes, then took off his gown and put it on Anya.

Anya's clothes had been wiped off because they were scratched by the branches.


"It's yours anyway. If you don't want it, I don't care. You are in good shape."

Jiang Lin shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Anya.

Anya followed Jiang Lin's gaze and bowed her head, then her cheeks turned even redder, and she quickly wrapped Jiang Lin's gown tightly.

"You're not too scared. It's safe for now. Let's relax and watch the big show below."

Anyway, the injuries on his body had to be dealt with, so Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to leave, and just watched Donkey Kong and Tyrannosaurus below from the tree.

King Kong vs. Tyrannosaurus Rex.

epic movie.

What 3D movies in the future, Hollywood blockbusters, compared with this, it is simply weak.

"Are they the dinosaurs that scientists say? Didn't they say they were extinct long ago?"

Because Jiang Lin was by her side, An Ya's fear was reduced a lot. She asked Jiang Lin while watching the battle below with Jiang Lin.

"It's not necessarily all extinct, it's just that it may not be discovered by humans. This Skull Island has been shrouded in sea fog for many years, and it is far away from the mainland. It is not too strange to have unknown creatures."

Jiang Lin could only explain to Anya like this, but he himself knew that this statement was basically untenable.

It's just an island, even if it is relatively large, its ecological capacity is limited. It is too difficult to accommodate such a huge dinosaur and maintain a normal ecological environment.

Unless he discovered the blood orchid and the big abyss where the giant pythons got together, there were top-level spiritual treasures growing.

As soon as this guess appeared in his mind, Jiang Lin felt that this trip to Skull Island was correct.

"My God, this gorilla is too strong, and neither dinosaur is its opponent."

When Anya saw King Kong rubbing the two Tyrannosaurus rex on the ground, she was also quite surprised.

Donkey Kong is a primate and can use both hands and feet, so even if the size is somewhat different from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is not difficult to fight against two.

"Can't let it win, let them keep fighting."

Jiang Lin stood up, and while King Kong was tyrannizing the Tyrannosaurus rex, another qigong of the turtle style came, which slapped King Kong in the mouth and gnawed at the mud.

The two Tyrannosaurus rex took this opportunity to counterattack and bit on King Kong's arm.


Jiang Lin carried Anya on his back again and rushed towards the high wall in the distance.

Along the way, Jiang Lin and the others were chased by several waves of carnivorous dinosaurs, and Anya's heart was still hanging.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin was agile and strong, and his physical strength was superhuman, so he was safe from danger.

But when they were about to reach the top of the stone wall, another accident occurred.

The previous dinosaurs chased the two and made a lot of noise, which alarmed the pterosaurs in the sky.

Dozens of pterosaurs swooped towards the two of them. Because Jiang Lin was in mid-air, he had no way of borrowing help. He had no problem protecting himself, but it was a little difficult to protect Anya.


Anya was caught by a giant pterosaur leader and flew into the distance.

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