Jiang Lin extended his arms, grabbed the body of a pterosaur, climbed onto its back, and kicked it down.

With the help of the pterosaur's buoyancy, Jiang Lin glides forward.

He used the pterosaurs in the sky as his focus, and galloped in the sky.

True Flying Man!

In the end, Jiang Lin caught up with the pterodactyl leader and killed him with a sword after spraying Yang Yan with his Yang Yang palms.

Anya passed out because her shoulders were pierced by dragon claws.

Jiang Lin hugged An Yan and glide all the way. After more than ten minutes, he arrived at the edge of the island.

Carl and a group of sailors, sailors and actors are in the clearing by the island.

"Where's the boat?"

Jiang Lin landed on the ground with Anya in his arms. He looked around, and when he saw Carl and the others were frowning, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Could it be that someone drove the boat away and left Carl and the others on the island?

"Jiang Lin, when we came back, we already found that the ship was dragged away by a giant salamander and two sea snakes, and it is now parked on the other side of Skull Island."

Carl pointed to the distance and continued: "If we want to take a boat, we have to cross Skull Island. Someone has just passed along the edge of the island and found that there is no way at all."

"How could this be?"

As soon as Anya woke up, she heard the news that made her desperate.

This time I want to go back and have no play.

"Carl, there are... there are dinosaurs and ten-meter-tall gorillas in it. We can't get through it no matter what."

Anya was emotional and told Carl and the others about what happened under the high wall.

"Dinosaurs? There are dinosaurs in there? Gorilla, is it the legendary King Kong? That's great!"

Carl held his head in his hands and ran around excitedly. If he could capture the true face of dinosaurs, he would leave a glorious mark in the history of cinema, and he would shock the scientific community.

As a crazy director, Carl's brain circuit is obviously different from that of ordinary people. His first reaction is not how ferocious and terrible dinosaurs are, but how rare and rare they are.

Not only Carl was excited, but the sailors with weapons were also delighted. If they could capture one or two dinosaurs, they would not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives.

"You...you...you don't know how terrifying it is inside!"

Anya's face was flushed with anger. These people didn't know what she and Jiang Lin had gone through. It was fine if they didn't feel fear. They were so excited that they were married to a wife.

Can't you see the blood on her and Jiang Lin's body?

Men like Jiang Lin's Superman have suffered such serious injuries, doesn't that explain the problem?

As soon as she got excited, Anya's shoulder wound bleeds again, and she fainted again.

"Jiang Lin, what advice do you have, I will listen to you."

After a short period of excitement, Carl also calmed down, ready to follow Jiang Lin's advice.

After all, he had already seen Jiang Lin's abilities. If he wanted to go deep into Skull Island, he had to rely on Jiang Lin.

"I have to enter the island, you can follow along, but I have a word in advance, don't do anything, or you will be at your own risk."

Jiang Lin did not object to Carl and the others entering Skull Island, because the boat was indeed gone, and it was impossible for these people to stay on the island forever. If they wanted to go back, it was certain that they would enter the island again.

In addition, it is not impossible for him to go to the island to investigate, look for natural materials and treasures, and take care of Carl and the others on the road.

However, his care is only on the premise that these people do not cause trouble. Otherwise, he will save Carl who is useful to him. If other people want to do something like dinosaurs and kill them, then they will be with him. Relationships are gone.

Those who die are not saved.

Chapter [*] Bold Idea - Eating Dinosaurs

"I'm fine, I only make movies."

Carl hurriedly agreed. Although he was excited, it was only for his own movie, unlike those fierce seamen, who wanted to hunt.

"The filming is too deep into the film."

"Do you really think you are an onion?"

"What about the dinosaurs, it's just a few elephants stacked together."

Those sailors with guns didn't take Jiang Lin seriously.

Not many of them went to the movies. At that time, they all went to play with women and drink whiskey. Even those who have watched Jianglin movies, few took the plot in the movie seriously and thought it was a movie. Effect.

Therefore, in their view, Jiang Lin is just beyond the physical ability of ordinary people.

What's even more interesting is that they actually thought that if they entered the island again, Jiang Lin, Carl and other crew members would have to rely on them to protect them.

"There are grasses and woods over there. You'd better use grass color and sap as camouflage. The level of danger inside is higher than you think."

Jiang Lin pointed to the vegetation in the distance and gave Carl and the others suggestions.

The dinosaurs in Skull Island are basically behemoths, and it is the best thing to avoid being noticed by them.

Carl and the others immediately listened to Jiang Lin's advice and went to the woods over there.

Sailors and sailors also followed. Although these people did not take Jiang Lin seriously, they also thought that what Jiang Lin said had some truth.

"Master, why is there not enough spiritual energy here, but I can feel the blood in my body is abnormally active?"

Xiaobai emerged from Jiang Lin's arms. After staying on Skull Island for a long time, he found that he always had the desire to move around, and was much more excited than usual.

"It should have something to do with the oxygen content in the air."

Jiang Lin and Xiaobai did some popular science. The air on Skull Island is different from other places. There are so many giant creatures to survive, and their breathing conditions must be met.

"Master, you say those giant beasts are dinosaurs? Do they have dragon blood and dragon essence in them?"

Xiaobai spit out the letter, it needs dragon energy for cultivation, whether it is the energy of dragon veins formed by the terrain, or the blood energy of spirit beasts and dragons, it needs all the energy. When Jiang Lin said that the beasts on the island are dinosaurs, he was excited.

"That puts me down."

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. The word "dinosaur" was just a name. He couldn't tell whether the overlords of the earth tens of millions of years ago had anything to do with dragons.

Previously on the island, he did not contact the dinosaurs to the dragons.

"Master, it doesn't matter if you don't know. Let's hunt it a few times. I'll try it. Whether it has something to do with dragons, you'll know when you eat it."

"You greedy snake."

Jiang Lin flicked Xiaobai's head with his fingers. As the old saying goes, if greed is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant, Xiaobai wants to swallow a dinosaur.

However, Xiaobai's words also reminded him that the channels for him to understand dinosaurs are TV and books in later generations on the one hand, and dinosaur-themed movies on the other.

The latter had a greater impact on his cognition.

So he couldn't help but have a preconceived impression that dinosaurs would eat people.

If it wasn't for Xiaobai, the greedy snake, who told him about hunting dragons, he would not have thought about it.

Humans are the creatures standing at the top of the food chain in this great era, while dinosaurs are the prehistoric overlords of the earth.

Who says only dinosaurs can eat people?

Shouldn't you be the first human to eat dinosaurs?

Didn't the two Tyrannosaurus rex want to eat me?

After entering the island again in a while, I will come to counter-kill, no, counter-eat.

Jiang Lin felt that his idea was too bold. Eating dinosaurs was already a fantasy, and he still wanted to eat the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex.

Treat apex predators as food.

Eat it and you're done!

As for whether dinosaur meat was poisonous, or whether it contained a large amount of bacteria and parasites, Jiang Lin did not consider it.

With a strange fire in hand, especially the owner of the true sun fire, even if it is poisonous, he can refine it.

"You have a good rest, go inside, we master and servant, we will work on dinosaurs together."

Jiang Lin explained to Xiao Bai, and then carried Anya to the opposite direction, where there was a clear pool that could treat Anya's wounds.

When he was on the boat before, In order to let him participate in the movie, Anya also promised to help find Xianzijue in the future, so he didn't want Anya to be a drag bottle, and it would be less burdensome to let him recover as soon as possible.


By the side of the Qingtan, Anya woke up with pain in her shoulders. She looked at Jiang Lin, and felt that her shoulders were cold, so she looked down.


Seeing that several buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned and the suspenders of her underwear were pulled aside, Anya immediately crossed her arms to protect her chest.

"Don't be like an anti-wolf, I didn't want to take advantage of you."

Jiang Lin pouted and continued: "After returning to the New York contract, you will hand over two-thirds of your current income to Carl as the funds for him to help me find antiquities."

"Two-thirds of my income goes to Carl?"

"Why? Don't want to? If it wasn't for me, you would be dead, and you can't buy this medicine with money. If you don't use it, your arms will probably be useless. If you apply it, your injury will be very fast. It can scab without affecting the movement.”

Jiang Lin shook the cold marrow in his hand. If Anya didn't want to, he wouldn't use it and change to other medicines.

"I am willing."

Anya nodded quickly, she was still so young, how could she be disabled like this.

"What a miraculous medicine, almost no pain."

When the cold marrow was applied to her shoulders, Anya's eyes widened. She really couldn't believe that there was such a magical liquid in the world.

"Now you know that you took advantage of me? For the rest of the more hidden wounds, you can go to the pool and deal with them yourself. This is a new set of clothes, you can put them on after you have dealt with the wounds."

Jiang Lin took out a set of Eve's clothes in the ancient mirror. Anya lost the cover of her gown, and it was still very serious.

He originally wanted Anya to do the laundry for him, but for the sake of Anya's serious injury, he didn't make such an unreasonable request.

He is so kind.

Anya looked at the clothes in her hand and felt warm in her heart. Her clothes now had a stinky smell, and she couldn't wash them, and there was no other clothes to change.

When she was just worried about this, Jiang Lin had already thought about it for her.

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