Chapter [*]: Crossing Skull Island (Part [*])

Looking at Jiang Lin's blood stained body because of saving herself, Anya's brain became hot, and she wrapped her arms around Jiang Lin's neck and kissed his lips.

After a while, her cheeks were flushed, and she murmured, " always say that I took advantage of you, but now I...I kissed you, and I'll pay you back."

"Aren't you still taking advantage of me?"

There was some bad intentions on Jiang Lin's face, and he betrayed Anya.

"You are bad."

Anya pouted, then she looked at Jiang Lin and said sincerely: "Jiang Lin, I'm in love with you, I can ignore everything, even if... even if we are really like those reporters who spread rumors, I... ...I don't need you to take any responsibility, it's all of my own accord."

She has already made it clear that if Jiang Lin accepts her, even if the two live together in the future or even have a child, it will be her own will.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "That won't work. You are just trying to take advantage of me. You don't want to be responsible for taking advantage of me."

I am completely voluntary, how can I be responsible?

Anya was stunned, Jiang Lin pinched her chin, took a sip on her mouth, and released Xiaobai, saying, "Xiaobai, let her know about the situation of the Jiang family."

After all, Jiang Lin went to Carl's side. There are pterosaurs that can fly in the sky on Skull Island. Just in case, he also needs to cut down trees to make some wooden wings for flight.

"You, you will be the mistress of the Jiang family in the future."

After Jiang Lin left, Xiaobai Mengmeng's girl's voice had a sour taste, and then she introduced Jiang Lin's family to Anya.

"My God, he already has a foreign wife?"

After listening to Xiaobai's story, Anya was very surprised, but then her heart was full of sweetness, Xiaobai's meaning was also obvious, Jiang Lin was willing to accept her, she was already the prospective hostess of Jiang Lin's family.

After cleaning the wounds on her body in the clear pool and applying the remaining cold marrow, Anya happily changed into Eve's clothes.


Anya trotted all the way, came to Jiang Lin's side, took his arm, and kissed his face again.

"You two..."

Carl was also a little confused when he saw Anya kissing Jiang Lin in the crowd. This couple of male and female protagonists seemed to be really good.

Anya blushed and explained, "After I finished filming this movie, I was going to quit filming and be the wife of the Jiang family in the future. Anyway, the outside media said that I was living with Jiang Lin, so I will do as they say."

Now that Jiang Lin was willing to accept him, Anya directly pointed out the relationship between the two.

"Then I have to change the script."

Carl felt that the movie he was going to make had another selling point. The audience's favorite movie, he might even be able to make it.

"It's getting late, take advantage of the dusk, let's go quickly."

Jiang Lin did not let Carl delay here, and sent Carl away so that he could free up time to do his own business.

So, a group of people followed the original path and went to the place where the wildlings lived. According to Carl, the high wall on the island had an entrance to the island, but it was very hidden.

Last time Jiang Lin didn't find out because he wanted to save Anya, otherwise he wouldn't need to climb over a high wall.

When everyone arrived under the high wall, those savages did not dare to come out and block the way because they had seen the horror of Jiang Lin before and tasted the power of hot weapons.

"God, dinosaur! Ceratosaurus, herbivorous, hurry up, pat!"

After passing through the high wall, it didn't take long for Carl to see a Triceratops. He was excited and hurriedly asked his assistant to set up a camera to capture the true face of the dinosaur.

"Karl, it's here!"

"Don't worry, this dinosaur should be relatively mild, as long as it is not aware of the danger, it will not actively attack."

Carl asked his assistant not to act rashly. As a director, Carl has a wealth of knowledge. He has read some books on dinosaurs and has a certain understanding of the habits of Triceratops.

However, Carl, the crew and the sailors were able to stabilize, but the group of sailors couldn't. When they saw the Triceratops getting closer, they pulled the trigger of the firearm.



Jiang Lin, who was looking at the road ahead from the tree, yelled at him. He heard Carl's command.

As soon as the gunshot rang, the Triceratops and the dinosaurs in the distance were immediately alarmed. Among them, a group of super-large Brachiosaurus was frightened and ran around.

Jiang Lin fell from a height, and with Anya, Carl, and the sailor, they quickly ran to a narrow valley a mile away.

If those giant dinosaurs with a body length of nearly [*] meters ran in groups in their direction, he would not be able to protect many people at all, and they would have to be trampled into meat sauce.

As for the sailors who will be attacked by the Triceratops, he doesn't care. From the beginning, this group of people relied on their submachine guns and machine guns, and they were not very obedient. Now let the dinosaurs teach them why the flowers are so red .

Even a capable man like him was cautious after entering Skull Island, but these guys had to feel that they were awesome.

"Look at them scared, I don't believe that dinosaurs are not afraid of guns?"

"Humans are the primates of all things, even if dinosaurs are alive, they have to be coiled!"

"Yes, humans must stand on the top of the biological pyramid!"

"Aim and fire!"

The funny thing is, these idiots still laugh at Jiang Lin and the others like cowards.

However, it didn't take long for the facts to slap the big ears of these stupid donkeys, and let them know what a bloody lesson.

The skull of the Triceratops is extremely hard, and the dinosaur skin on its body is much tougher than the elephant skin and rhino skin. The musket can cause damage to it, but it is not fatal for a while.

After a few blinks of an eye, many seafarers were pierced by the horns of the Triceratops, and some were knocked flying, leaving them out of breath.


"Oh, God!"

In just a few seconds, none of this group of guys who were looking for death did not cry for their father and mother to call God, and finally they turned on all their firepower and let the Triceratops fall.

But at this time, the earth was already like an earthquake, and the stones and clods on the ground jumped.


The whistling of the dinosaurs was getting closer, and the large trees were broken and broken, and a large group of dinosaurs rushed over.

The seafarers behind this group did not run far, and a small half of them were trampled into meat sauce.

Chapter [*]: Crossing Skull Island (Part [*])

In this direction alone, there are hundreds of dinosaurs.

Originally, if it was just a gunshot, it would not have caused such a big movement, but then the group of silly sailors fired one after another, attracting many carnivorous dinosaurs in the distance, which caused the dinosaur group to panic. Fleeing like crazy.

Many of the remaining sailors wished their parents had two more legs and fled towards the valley where Jiang Lin and the others were hiding.

After entering the valley, they breathed a sigh of relief, but what made them wailed was that many of the dinosaurs behind them rushed into the valley in a panic.

"Jiang Lin, what should I do?"

Carl turned the handle of the camera on the tripod while asking Jiang Lin.

You don't make a name for yourself in the history of movies, and the sky can't see it.

Jiang Lin's face was speechless. The dinosaur group in front of him was about to rush over. This Carl was still thinking about filming.

Dedication, Beer!

"What else can I do, run!"

Jiang Lin picked up Anya next to him, and dashed forward. Now there are several pterosaurs not only on the land, but also in the air, so it is not easy for him to float in the air to avoid the frightened group of dinosaurs.

So, in this canyon, a big escape was staged. Fortunately, the width of the valley was not large, so two Brachiosaurus could not be paralleled, so even if the dinosaurs were much faster than humans, they did not catch up with Jiang for a while. Lin et al.

Jiang Lin and the others ran out of the valley, only to realize that the valley was actually a mountain road, and now it has come to an end.

There is only a mountain with a small slope and a narrow road of seven or eight meters in front, and there are cliffs on the other side.

"It's okay, it's such a narrow road, they will definitely not chase it again."

Carl was gasping for breath. He was already a fat man, and he still had a tripod and a camera. After running for so long, he had no strength.

While resting, the director, who regarded the movie as more important than his own life, actually set up a tripod again and continued to shoot the famous scenes that followed.

This is something that can't be done with any special effects, and it's gone if you miss it.

"Can you not be so naive, a large group of dinosaurs are pushing against you, do you think they will stop?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, not to mention dinosaurs, even when people are fighting, they push the front, and it is difficult to retreat. To retreat can only be achieved if the rear team becomes the front team.

Now even if the dinosaurs in front see the narrow road ahead, they can't even brake.

Sure enough, as Jiang Lin said, the speed of a large group of dinosaurs in the valley hardly decreased, and they rushed straight towards the narrow road.

"My God Dad!"

Carl let out a strange cry, continued to hold the tripod, turned around and ran.


Because the road suddenly narrowed, many dinosaurs had no time to turn, and were pushed off the cliff by the same kind behind.

"Jiang Lin, the back, the back collapsed!"

Anya saw that the mountain road behind collapsed because it could not bear the weight of hundreds of tons, and quickly warned Jiang Lin.

"You go upstairs first."

Jiang Lin threw his arms and sent Anya to the protruding rock on the mountain above, and threw Xiaobai up to protect her.

After that, Jiang Lin extended his arms, grabbed Carl and the other actors and sailors one by one, and threw them to the bulge on the mountain or the tree that slanted out of it.

"Save us!"

The group of sailors with guns ran desperately while calling for help to Jiang Lin.

They all forgot that they didn't take Jiang Lin seriously before entering the island, but now Jiang Lin's supernatural ability has made them take it as a life-saving straw.

"No time."

Jiang Lin ignored these idiots. All of this was caused by these idiots. They were like giant babies. They wanted him to rescue him, but there was no way.

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