He still has to take care of Anya and Carl, otherwise the pterosaurs will easily take away the people above.

"Jiang Lin, post it, post it again! We're going to create a box office myth again!"

Karl hung from a branch and used a camera to capture the big scene below.

Just as he was shooting, a large piece of blood dripped down from the top of his head, and then a huge pterosaur fell from his side.

Jiang Lin slashed a pterosaur flying towards him with a flying sword.

"If you leave it here to shoot, believe it or not, I smashed your camera and don't climb up!"

Jiang Lin roared at Carl angrily. There were pterosaurs hovering above, and some small adult dinosaurs were climbing along the mountain below. This guy was still thinking about his movie.

Carl found seven or eight very flexible little dinosaurs in the camera, and he was so frightened that he shouted: "My mother, that is a velociraptor, run! They are gregarious dinosaurs, just like jackals, they often hunt and kill more than them. Much larger prey, even large carnivorous dinosaurs!"

"I'm going, this is the raptor in the movie? If you don't want to kill those guys who dare to fight the Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

Jiang Lin was very impressed with this kind of dinosaur. The last few films of the Jurassic series he watched all featured this velociraptor as the protagonist.

As soon as the words fell, the two raptors jumped up and charged at him, tearing him apart with the sharp claws on their two hind feet.

"Damn it, the bad luck of the Tyrannosaurus Rex coming to me is not worth it, you little scumbags also treat me as a soft persimmon?"

Jiang Lin pinched the sword-fighting art with both hands, and the two raptors were pierced through his body by his bone sword and strung on the sword.

What kind of stuff, it's not even half as good as in the movie.

Jiang Lin pouted. In the Jurassic movies, the velociraptor was blown to bend the steel bars, and he killed them instantly.

Seeing this, the remaining raptors did not go to trouble Jiang Lin, but instead chased after Carl and the others.

However, although the slope of the mountain is not large, it is inconvenient to settle down after all. These seven or eight raptors were finally targeted by Jiang Lin and shot down.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Lin and the others climbed to the top of the mountain. There were not many casualties on Carl's side, but only half of the hundreds of sailors remained.

These seafarers, who think they are so good, don't dare to rely on the hot weapons in their hands anymore. Now that they have only left half the island, they have lost a lot of companions. For their own personal safety in the future, these idiots Unanimously decided to apologize to Jiang Lin and show goodwill.

Since these guys were willing to put their hot faces on their cold butts, Jiang Lin didn't show any stinky faces anymore. Carl and the others had a lot of people, and with the hot weapons in the hands of the seafarers, he could also relax a lot.

After a short rest, hundreds of people set off again, crossed Skull Island, and went to the other side of the island.

"Everyone, don't say a word."

On the morning of the third day, Jiang Lin stopped everyone behind him. He found a Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him that had once fought against King Kong.

"Hungry eyes are staring. This is because someone will send pillows when you are sleepy, and someone will send you meat when you are hungry."

Jiang Lin licked his lips. Before landing on the island, he consumed a lot of physical strength in the cloud vortex belt. Later, he fought with King Kong and was injured by the Tyrannosaurus Rex. He and Carl and others were on the island for the past two days. Haven't eaten anything.

Now Jiang Lin felt that he was hungry enough to eat a dinosaur, or a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Chapter [-] Dragon Hunting (Part [-])

After Jiang Lin fell from the tall tree, Anya asked in a low voice, "Jiang Lin, what's ahead?"

"It's one of the two Tyrannosaurus rex we met before. You are hungry too. I'm going to kill the previous Tyrannosaurus Rex. Let's have a dinosaur dinner."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then let Xiaobai come out of his arms.

Prehistoric beasts like Tyrannosaurus Rex can't be hunted if they want to hunt. When the Tyrannosaurus Rex and King Kong fought, King Kong used a boulder to suffocate this guy's head, but he couldn't smash his head into flowers. It can be seen that the Tyrannosaurus Rex's Strong body defense.

Therefore, Jiang Lin planned to avoid confrontation with the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Xiaobai could control his body shape freely, and he could also be invisible and teleport.

"Jiang Lin, are you crazy?"

Anya pulled Jiang Lin's arm and shook it. The last time she and Jiang Lin escaped from the dinosaur's bloody mouth, they were lucky. Now Jiang Lin actually said that he wanted to hunt Tyrannosaurus Rex and eat its meat.

"Shh, don't make a sound, we both suffered a big loss from it last time, I have to find a place."

He stroked Anya's blond hair with his palm, and Jiang Lin jumped to the tree.

After he hid his figure, he and Xiaobai split up to approach the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Anya, what did Jiang Lin find? Why did he go?"

Carl walked to Anya's side. The previous conversation between Jiang Lin and Anya was quiet because of the low voice and Carl's eyes were also faint from hunger, so he didn't hear anything.

"Jiang Lin said that there is a Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him, and he wants to catch one and eat its meat as food."


Carl was completely stunned, hunting Tyrannosaurus rex?

This is an international joke!

Just when he was about to make a sound, Carl subconsciously covered his mouth, but there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him. If he called it out, he would have been stunned.

"Assistant, hand me the submachine gun later."

Now that Jiang Lin had gone out, Carl couldn't call him back, but he was still worried about Jiang Lin's safety, so he climbed up the tree with his bloated body.

In case something happened to Jiang Lin, he felt that he could rescue him.

On the other hand, while Jiang Lin was invisible, he also used his teleportation ability to quietly approach the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After hiding under the belly of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he waited for Xiaobai to climb over.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is just a prehistoric beast, it cannot perceive the demonic energy on Xiaobai, and Xiaobai is now in the form of a black snake, and there are many on the island. Even if it finds Xiaobai, it doesn't care at all.

Second uncle, want to eat your grandpa, grandpa, I will stab your lungs!

Jiang Lin clenched the bone sword in his hand and jumped with his legs together. Under this huge momentum, his bone sword and two arms clenching the hilt both stabbed into the belly of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

No matter how tough the dinosaur's flesh was, it couldn't withstand such an attack.


The Tyrannosaurus rex burst into a deafening roar.

"Look at me!"

Xiaobai cooperated very tacitly. After Jiang Lin succeeded, it immediately manifested the body of the giant snake, climbed onto the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, wrapped its body in a circle, and hooped it tightly.

In an instant, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's huge body fell on its side, and the blood in its body was like an oil well, gushing out from the wound, and Jiang Lin was directly pushed out by the eruption of blood.

"My mother-in-law!"

Carl, who was preparing to support Jiang Lin on the tree, had already committed an occupational disease, and placed the camera on his back.

When he saw this scene, his jaw was dislocated, it was really dislocated.

The others were startled when they heard the dinosaur's roar, and a few strong sailors also climbed up the tree and looked ahead.

Then they were collectively silent.

Is this Nima still a human thing!

At this time, Xiaobai had wrapped the Tyrannosaurus Rex's two legs with his long body, preventing it from standing up.

Although the Tyrannosaurus rex has two forearms, the forearms are not as long as the thighs of adults. They are only used for balancing the body and cannot play a role at all.

The two hind legs were tightly entangled by the giant snake, and the forearm could not play any role. The Tyrannosaurus Rex could only hit the ground with its head.

Jiang Lin took this opportunity to use his zhengbone sword as a dragon slaying knife, and slashed wildly in the abdomen of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Because he wasn't sure how hard the Tyrannosaurus rex's bones were, Jiang Lin didn't choose to cut off the dragon's head and cut open the Tyrannosaurus Rex's stomach. Even if he couldn't kill it for a while, he could still make it bleed.

While breaking open the Tyrannosaurus rex's belly, Jiang Lin also gathered his own Yang Yan into a ball and stuffed it into its abdominal cavity.

The howl of the Tyrannosaurus rex can be heard everywhere.

Pity a prehistoric overlord, the king who stood at the top of the dinosaur food chain, was slaughtered by Jiang Lin like this.


Perhaps the shadow of death stimulated the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and its legs instantly burst out with extremely powerful strength, making Xiaobai's snake body rattle.

Xiaobai screamed, and the snake bones in its body were broken by the tens of thousands of kilograms of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex kicked Xiaobai aside with a kick of both legs, and then it suddenly turned over and bit it with its mouth wide open.

Now it can't wait to swallow this big worm alive.

Jiang Lin did not expect that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had already been disemboweled, and there was not much blood left in his body, so he could stand up again.

He was about to save Xiaobai when the Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail swiped towards him.

Fortunately, Xiaobai shrank his figure at a critical moment, so that the Tyrannosaurus rex took a bite.


At this time, the trees in the distance collapsed like waves, and at the same time, a roar of a Tyrannosaurus rex broke out.

Another Tyrannosaurus Rex has appeared again!

Generally speaking, this top predator has its own territory. The so-called "one mountain does not allow two tigers", but these two Tyrannosaurus rex are one male and one female.

The Tyrannosaurus rex rushing towards the battle circle was slightly smaller and male.

I say!

Jiang Lin's face turned black. He and Xiaobai cooperated in a raid, and only seriously injured a female Tyrannosaurus rex, and now another one has arrived.

And Xiaobai is now injured and has almost no fighting power.

Must go to the next city first!

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it at all. The Tyrannosaurus rex that was severely injured by him and Xiaobai might not die for a while. If the Tyrannosaurus rex couple joined forces, he could only avoid the edge.

And once they retreat, Anya and Carl are in danger.

"Grandpa depends on how tough your mother Tyrannosaurus is!"

Jiang Lin roared, then immediately teleported to Xiaobai's side and carried him into his arms.

Then, he teleported again and arrived under the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Jumping up, Jiang Lin grabbed the wound of the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex with both hands and rushed in.

set fire!

Others are closing the door to beat the dog, but Jiang Lin is now closing the door and setting fire.

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