Chapter [*] Dragon Hunting (Part [*])


The mother Tyrannosaurus rex kept roaring, and every time it roared, a large amount of flames would spew out of its large mouth.

The funny thing is that it has completely lost its mind now, with its big mouth open and spewing fire everywhere, and the male Tyrannosaurus rex who came to rescue was also affected by Chiyu, and was burned by the flames it spewed and screamed.

It didn't take long for the female tyrannosaurus to let out a final whimper and fell down.

Other people's barbecues are tender on the outside and tender on the inside, but Jiang Lin this time rounded up the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex to be tender on the inside and tender on the outside.

In the mother Tyrannosaurus rex, Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense, sensed the outside world, he released the yang flame in his body, and burned the dinosaur blood on his body into black skin.

Now that another Tyrannosaurus Rex came, Jiang Lin wondered if he could kill two at once.

Because he still had to use the invisibility ability, and he was not sure how good the Tyrannosaurus Rex's sense of smell was, so he dispelled the dinosaur blood and smell from his body.


The male Tyrannosaurus rex was guarding the tyrannosaur corpse on the ground. It had seen Jiang Lin hide in the body of its own kind before, and as soon as Jiang Lin came out, it would bite it.

Although dinosaurs generally have low IQs, this IQ is still there.

But unfortunately, its IQ is not enough.

Jiang Lin just opened the wound of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and immediately teleported away.

Only the male Tyrannosaurus rex had question marks all over its head, with a confused look on his face.

It was stunned for a while, then directly bent its legs and drilled its head into the belly of the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"My name is Nima!"

Jiang Lin had planned to repeat the old trick and rip the belly of the male Tyrannosaurus rex, but he didn't expect the big fool to sit down and crush him under him.

This Tyrannosaurus Rex weighed about [*] or [*] tons, or nearly [*] jin. Such a weight weighed on Jiang Lin's body, causing him to vomit blood.

Although this is not the full weight of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is also extremely terrifying.

If such a weight made Jiang Lin use the lifting method to resist in a full state, he would still be able to support it for a very short time, but if he pressed his body directly, his body would not be able to bear it.

Jiang Lin could only use the corpse poison in his body to protect himself and prevent his bones and internal organs from being crushed and exploded, but in this way, he could no longer be invisible.

Tyrannosaurus Rex heard the voice, and when he lowered his head, he saw Jiang Lin being held down by him.


But finally found you!

The Tyrannosaurus rex let out a roar, and then it stood up and took a kick.

Jiang Lin couldn't recover in one breath, and his body and limbs were in pain everywhere, so he could only roll a few times in succession, dodging the giant palm of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


At this time, Carl and the sailors, who had been watching the battle on the tree, took action. With their submachine guns and machine guns in their arms, they swept wildly at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The other sailors and seamen also rushed out, and the reason for their help was very simple. Although they did not have a friendship with Jiang Lin like Carl did, if there was no Jiang Lin, would they be able to reach the berth of the freighter alive? Places are unknown.

Therefore, Jiang Lin could not have an accident, and they had to act.

In addition to them, Anya also rushed out with a submachine gun. She already knew from Carl that Jiang Lin was in danger, that her lover was in trouble, and she forgot that she was a woman.

With Carl's assistance, Jiang Lin finally got a chance to breathe.

Although the Tyrannosaurus rex's flesh is extremely tough, it can also feel pain when it is thrown at random.

"Bring me back!"

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus Rex turn around and want to rush towards Anya and the others, Xiaobai jumped out of Jiang Lin's arms again, showing his body, entangled the Tyrannosaurus Rex's legs, and tripped it and gnawed at the mud.

Jiang Link took a mouthful of blood, and he teleported out again regardless of his injury.

In front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he came with another super flashbang.

"Blind me!"

After that, Jiang Lin folded his arms and stretched out his palms, directly digging into the left and right eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, he was also hit by a Tyrannosaurus Rex because of this, and several big trees behind him were broken.

"Anya, throw the gun over here!"

Jiang Lin knelt down on one knee and shouted at Anya.


Anya didn't know where the strength came from, and threw the submachine gun in her hand.

After Jiang Lin took it, he extended his arm and wrapped it around one of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's legs. He shrank his arm and carried himself over. The remaining arm held the submachine gun and fired at the Tyrannosaurus' knee joint.

He was injured like this, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes were also blind, so he absolutely couldn't let it run away like this.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex became a blind dragon, and could only run around, but the power of the submachine gun in Jiang Lin's hand to fire at zero distance should not be underestimated.


Jiang Lin also had almost no strength, so he just gnawed on the Tyrannosaurus Rex's knee with his zombie teeth.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Lin finally matched the Yang Yan in his body, and finally took down the knee joint of this Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Second uncle's, it's really a feng shui turn. Two days ago, it was your two tyrannosaur parents-in-law who almost swallowed us. I didn't expect that today, the two of you will be planted in my hands one after another."

Jiang Lin sat slumped on the ground, a smile barely appeared on his face.

To be honest, he never thought that he would be able to kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex that was nearly [*] meters long.

What about the prehistoric overlord, isn't it also planted in his hands?

"My God, my God!"

Carl came to the battlefield with the camera in his arms, and he could only scratch his hair wildly.

A human has wiped out the Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of the dinosaurs, and if it is wiped out, it will have two heads.

The Arabian Nights is nothing at all!

"Jiang Lin, I don't want to be a director anymore, how about learning to be a Taoist priest from you?"

Carl was suddenly whimsical. No matter how awesome the director was, he was also a director. If he learned Taoism and became a fierce man like Jiang Lin, he would be able to leave his heroic name in the history of mankind.

Jiang Lin ignored Carl, who now has no energy at all.

After giving himself and Xiaobai the cold essence, Jiang Lin sat down and adjusted his breath. Now they are in the center of the island, and there may be other carnivorous dinosaurs coming over, and they must recover as soon as possible.

"You guys, go and cut the meat of that female Tyrannosaurus Rex over there, and quickly recover your strength after eating it."

Jiang Lin really wants to taste what dinosaur meat is like now. If it has a lot of medicinal effects, he is going to hunt a few more and bring the dinosaur meat back to Liyangju.

Chapter [*]: Strange People in the Underground, Prehistoric Civilization ([*])

After instructing the sailors and sailors, Jiang Lin waited for himself to recover some physical strength, and went over to end the life of the male Tyrannosaurus rex that was still alive.

Otherwise, this thing keeps howling, and maybe it will attract other dinosaurs.

"Jiang Lin, can you eat dinosaur meat?"

Carl looked at the rock-like skin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and suddenly felt a little nauseated.

And he knew that dinosaurs were creatures at the top of the food chain, and the toxins in their bodies were estimated to be quite large. If they were eaten, they might poison themselves to death.

Jiang Lin glanced at Carl and said, "If you don't eat it, do you have any other options?"

Carl thought about it for a while, and he really had nothing to do. Along the way, they also saw other creatures, but basically all of them had bright colors on their bodies, and they knew they couldn't eat them at a glance.

And ordinary herbivorous dinosaurs lived in groups, and it was impossible to catch them.

With a dry laugh, Carl said, "As long as it's cleaned up, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Although he said so, Carl couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

I'm so...

Seeing that the sailors and sailors were about to start a fire, Jiang Lin immediately patted his forehead, and he said, "Can you use your brains a little, find a clear pool or a stream first, and clean up the meat. Also, you guys are making a fire here for barbecues. , isn't it obvious that you want to attract dinosaurs?"

He originally thought that these sailors and seamen often went out to sea and had some ability to survive in the wild. Now it seems that he overestimated these guys.

Afterwards, he climbed a giant tree in Jianglin and looked around. Finally, he pointed to a highland with a river, and asked sailors and sailors to unload the dinosaur meat and carry it there.

An hour later, hundreds of people carried dozens of kilograms of meat and arrived at the highland pointed by Jiang Lin one after another.

As for Jiang Lin, he dragged some Tyrannosaurus Rex bones there.

"It smells so good, it smells so good!"

Carl ate the barbecued dinosaur meat, his mouth was full of oil, and he was really fragrant.

Previously, when he knew he was going to eat dinosaur meat, he wanted to vomit, but now, he eats it more than anyone else.

What Carl can think of, Jiang Lin has long thought, the flames used to grill the dinosaur meat are all the yang flames in his body, which can remove all the harmful substances in the dinosaur meat.

And dinosaurs have a lot of salt in their bodies, and they can be eaten directly after they are cooked, which is very fragrant.

"Delicious, we have discovered a new continent now."

"Yes, if you take a dinosaur back, you can not only display it, but also make delicious food."

Many sailors were excited again and continued to dream of making a fortune.

Unlike these people, Jiang Lin didn't care about the quality and taste of the meat, but his expression was also quite excited.

He didn't know whether dinosaurs had anything to do with dragons, but he knew that dinosaur meat had more medicinal value than dragon meat.

Because he had taken the cold marrow before, after Jiang Lin ate the dinosaur meat again, his injuries completely recovered in a very short time.

And he could also feel that the flesh in his lower belly was exuding a strange energy, repairing the fine cracks in his bones.

Holy shit!Holy shit!

Feeling the changes in his body, Jiang Lin couldn't even close his mouth.

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