There is not much dragon meat left in his family, and now there is dinosaur meat instead.

As for Anya and Carl, they haven't responded yet.

They are all ordinary people, their digestive system is incomparable to Jiang Lin's, and the effect of dinosaur meat has not yet come out.

After that, Jiang Lin took a dinosaur leg bone and covered his own Yang Yan on the dinosaur bone. It didn't take long for him to break the long bone and poured the dinosaur bone marrow into his mouth.

One mouthful to refresh the mind, two mouthfuls never get tired, and three mouthfuls live forever!

As the pulp dropped from his stomach, a colorful glow appeared from Jiang Lin's nose and mouth.

"Jiang Lin, what's wrong with you? Is it poisonous?"

Anya looked at Jiang Lin spitting out the glow, her eyes widened, she thought Jiang Lin was poisoned.

Carl and the others stopped chewing in fright, and some even spit out the meat in their mouths.

"I am fine."

Jiang Lin gave Anya a reassuring look, and then said to everyone: "You guys continue to eat, it's not poisonous, this is the phenomenon that I only use magic to digest food."

He didn't tell these people about the effectiveness of dinosaur bone marrow, otherwise it would spread, and Skull Island would probably no longer be peaceful in the future.

Just now, Jiang Lin became more and more sure of the guess in his heart, that is, there is a treasure of spiritual medicinal materials that does not exist in the outside world on Skull Island.

If it wasn't for that, these dinosaurs simply couldn't have existed.

Just like dragons, when the environment is not enough to support their survival, they will gradually disappear.

The same principle applies to dinosaurs.

Without nutrients, even if dinosaurs could survive, it would be impossible for the bone marrow and muscles in their bodies to have such a great medicinal effect.

Carl and the others listened to Jiang Lin's words before continuing to eat with confidence.

"Come on, Xiaobai, I'll give you the rest."

Jiang Lin poured out part of the pulp and put it in two small medicine bottles, and then sent the broken bone in his hand to Xiao Bai's kiss. , Even if it was cold marrow, it couldn't heal it right away. Now that he has the marrow of this dinosaur, Jiang Lin can't miss it.

"Thank you master."

Xiaobai shook his tail and drilled directly into the keel.

Jiang Lin took Anya into his arms and whispered softly, "Anya, here's some for you. There are a lot of beneficial substances in it, which are better than the medicinal effects of ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum."

Saying that, he poured the pulp from the medicine bottle into Anya's Sakura mouth.

After a while, Jiang Lin placed a formation on the ground. He poured out the pulp from another medicine bottle and refined it with Yang Yan.

This formation is the origin tracing formation of Fuxitang Tiandao School. Jiang Lin wanted to find out where the spiritual substances contained in the pulp came from.

As Jiang Lin cast the spell, the fire group floating in the formation burst out with strong light.

The beam lased out and shot into the distance in a parabolic trajectory.


Jiang Lin was overjoyed, and now he finally proved his conjecture was right.

He climbed up a towering tree and watched where the beams landed.

It is a pity that the place where this beam of light landed is still a long distance from his current position.

Jiang Lin no longer looked into the distance. Since there was one on the island, he would be able to find it sooner or later.

Shortly after Jiang Lin fell from the tree, the beam shot into a deep mountain.

On the ground in this deep mountain, there are many pits. In addition to these pits, there are many creatures that are three meters high and similar to humans.

Their skin is indigo blue, and there are scales in some parts of their bodies.

On the side of the mountain not far from the cave group, there are various buildings with strange shapes. Any building can reach four or five hundred meters high, and there are various exquisite reliefs on it.

Anyone who sees these reliefs will be very surprised, because many of them are about galaxies and nebulae.

On this Skull Island, where dinosaurs are scattered and humans have never been before, there is actually an alternative civilization.

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-four chapters of the underground strange people, prehistoric civilization (in)


A humanoid noticed that the light beam in the sky was shooting behind a group of buildings, and immediately screamed.

Its kin also looked into the air, and these creatures suddenly boiled, beating their chests and howling.

At the same time, many of their own kind crawled out of the pits in the ground.

These humanoids are actually a huge group.

Among them, there are many humanoids carrying people in their hands - savages, the ones that Jiang Lin and the others met when they first landed on the island, alive and dead.

These savages or savages were held by their legs with the big hands of the humanoids, and those who could make a sound would scream, but they were bitten by those weirdos, and there was no sound.


After all the same kind came out, the humanoid creature who discovered the light beam in midair before stretched out his arm and pointed to the spot where the light beam landed, explaining to his own kind.

Then it bent down to the leader of a humanoid race of its kind with a dinosaur skull on it.


The humanoid leader roared loudly and rushed towards the rear of the building with his own group.

These humanoids rushed to the edge of the jungle behind the building complex, and when they saw that there was nothing abnormal in the jungle, they stopped calling.

The humanoid leader walked to the tall building on the side, stretched out his hand and pushed the relief above.

Immediately, an invisible energy fluctuation appeared on the relief, and it spread out at an incredible speed.

Before long, images of Jiang Lin, Anya, and Carl appeared above.

"Oh ah!"

Those humanoid creatures gnawing on the savage saw Jiang Lin and others in the image, and then looked at the black savage in their hands, with an anthropomorphic expression of disgust on their faces, and threw them aside.

The food is not tasty anymore.

All the humanoids stared at the images revealed by the relief, all of them like gluttonous gluttons that had been hungry for thousands of years.

The humanoid leader gave an order, and all the humanoids shouted loudly and rushed towards Jiang Lin's direction.

At this time, Jiang Lin and the others did not know that a huge danger was approaching them.

"I'll go alone, this dinosaur meat really makes up for it!"

Carl was sweating from eating. He felt that he was full of energy now, and he got up and punched a set of military punches.

Not only him, but the other sailors and seamen also felt full of energy, almost all the fatigue caused by the two-day journey.

The medicinal effects of dinosaur meat have begun to take effect gradually.

But they didn't think much about it. After all, they had never eaten dinosaurs before, and they didn't feel strange to have such a reaction.

Eating beef makes you stronger, let alone dinosaur meat.

"Master, baby, baby! Let's hurry up and collect the rest of the dinosaur meat!"

Xiaobai got his head out of the keel and yelled for Jiang Lin to go back and collect all the unfinished Tyrannosaurus Rex meat and skeleton.

After it drank the marrow pulp from the keel, the injury to its own bones was much better. This dinosaur bone marrow was simply much better than ginseng and ganoderma lucidum.

Before, because he was not sure whether dinosaur meat had any medicinal effect, Jiang Lin didn't bring much.

A single Tyrannosaurus Rex has seventeen or eight tons, and even if hundreds of them carried a lot, there would still be a lot left.

Jiang Lin smiled and touched Xiao Bai's head with his fingers, and said, "You little greedy snake, look at how greedy you are."

Then he gave Carl a talisman and let them wait in place. He took Xiaobai and Anya back to the Tyrannosaurus rex's territory.

"Jiang Lin, it's so hot."

On the way, Anya felt that something was wrong. The temperature on the island was not too high, but she felt extremely hot inside.

"I forgot about that."

Looking at Anya's flushed cheeks, Jiang Lin remembered that Anya hadn't actually taken any material treasures before. She ate dinosaur meat and tasted dinosaur pulp, and she couldn't make up for it.

Jiang Lin stretched his finger and drew a cool talisman on Anya's forehead, which made her feel better.

"Huh...I didn't expect that dinosaur meat and bone marrow are more powerful than medicine. I feel that I have no fatigue at all now, and my energy is very strong. I don't know if I can fall asleep at night."

Anya twisted her waist and shook her arms. Although Jiang Lin relieved her heat, she still wanted to move.

Can't sleep at night?

Jiang Lin glanced at Anya more, if he could find a relatively safe place to rest, he would let Anya sleep well tonight.

"Do I still have oil in my mouth?"

Anya found that Jiang Lin had been looking at her, and wiped her mouth.

"No, I'm thinking that I can turn you on the right track at night, Mrs. Jiang."


Anya was stunned for a moment, but as soon as she heard Jiang Lin calling her Mrs. Jiang, she understood, her face as shy as a monkey's butt.

"Let's go first, don't wait for the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body to be eaten by other dinosaurs."

Jiang Lin flicked Anya's forehead lightly and continued on his way.


Anya coyly followed behind Jiang Lin.

After arriving at the previous open space, Jiang Lin dismantled the corpses of the two Tyrannosaurus Rex. Before the blood in the male Tyrannosaurus rex had solidified, Jiang Lin collected several buckets of dinosaur blood.

"This is estimated to be enough for the family to eat for thirty or forty years."

After dismantling the bones and muscles of the two Tyrannosaurus Rex, Jiang Lin laughed himself. The two Tyrannosaurus Rex were very sturdy and full of treasures, with more than [*] tons of fat and muscle alone.

Even if their family of more than [*] has one or two meat dishes made of dinosaur meat for three meals a day, it is enough to eat for decades.

This stuff is not like pork and beef. It can be eaten as a meal. These dinosaur meats have excellent medicinal effects, and they cannot be digested if they are eaten too much.

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