Jiang Lin painted many ice seals one after another, and after freezing all the flesh and viscera, they were all sent to the mirror virtual world space in the ancient mirror.

After the work was over, he sat on the ground to rest, and even unloading and carrying the belt made him very tired.

At this moment, a strange noise suddenly appeared in his arms, which was made by Xiaobai.

This little guy has fallen asleep in his arms since he drank the dinosaur pulp.

Jiang Lin took Xiaobai out and put it in his palm, the greedy snake was still asleep.


Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he saw Xiaobai's snake kiss and thin skin on his head.

Once snakes become demon queens, they rarely shed their skins. Apart from the fact that the scales on their bodies are their armor, there are two other reasons.

One is that once they molt, their demon power will have a vacuum period, and their defenses will be very fragile, so their situation will become quite dangerous; the other is that when they molt, their sanity will be greatly reduced, once disturbed. , It is very likely to restore the cold-blooded wildness, and it is very easy to hurt people. Once they have made murders and exposed themselves, there will be monks who will eliminate demons and defend them.

However, as long as they shed their skins successfully, there are also many advantages, which means that their bodies will become stronger and their cultivation will increase.

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-five chapters of the underground strange people, prehistoric civilization (below)


Seeing the old skin around Xiaobai's head, Anya suddenly got goosebumps and ran away quickly.

Although she was no longer afraid of Xiaobai, she still felt her scalp tingle when she saw the snake shed its skin.


Jiang Lin motioned her to keep silent. Xiaobai probably subconsciously felt that he was safe, so he would sleep and shed his skin. If he was disturbed, he would be in trouble.

I'll go, this is... dragon scale?

Jiang Lin was also taken aback when he saw the scales on the neck of the little white snake. The new scales on Xiaobai's body had been shortened by half, showing imbricate arcs, and the pieces were densely packed, completely different from the slender scales before. .

Xiaobai was crawling on Jiang Lin's arm in a daze, and about ten minutes later, it was completely separated from the snake slough.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin took some dragon blood and dragon essence from his arms, refined it with Yang Yan, and dropped it on Xiaobai.

These things can quickly harden Xiaobai's new scale skin and strengthen it.


Xiaobai opened his vertical pupils because of the irritation on his body, his head shook, and he looked at the snake slough in Jiang Lin's hand, and then looked at Jiang Lin.

"Master, you are not allowed to look, you are not allowed to look!"

Yelling, Xiaobai got into Jiang Lin's arms at once, only showing his head and babbled: "I'm so ashamed, Xiaobai has no face to see anyone, and he's all seen by the master. Hey~"

Jiang Lin: "..."

What the hell is this?I was so caught off guard.

Jiang Lin was speechless, as if he had seen something he shouldn't have seen.

"Shut up, you idiot, I'll let Axiu go back to you, and I don't know who you learned from."

Jiang Lin tapped Xiaobai's head and put it directly into the ancient mirror in his arms.

The little guy moved around in his arms, scratching him.

"Go back quickly, there seems to be something wrong with Carl and the others."

At this moment, Jiang Lin sensed a change in the spiritual talisman in his sleeve, so he took Anya back the same way.

When the two returned to the highland where Carl and the others were, they found that hundreds of people were howling and shouting loudly, and there were swarms of big ants around them.

Those ants are not ordinary. The smallest ones are as long as adults' forearms, and the larger ones are as long as a man's arm.

Giant Ant!

There are bull ants and desert army ants in the outside world. Compared with these big ants, they are simply weak.

"Oh! My Jesus God!"

Anya was completely stunned when she saw this scene. After entering Skull Island, she also saw insects that were much larger than their counterparts, but those insects were only several times or ten times larger.

But the ants that appear now are more than a hundred times larger than the ordinary ants in the outside world.

Even if the body shape is so abnormal, the number is still in the thousands.

Even if a Tyrannosaurus Rex was surrounded by these giant ants, it is estimated that it would not survive.

Now there are many blood-stained bones in the ant colony, and some people are covered with giant ants, and they are about to be eaten clean.

"Jiang Lin, help, help!"

When Carl saw Jiang Lin coming, he hurriedly called for help. There were too many giant ants, and even if they had guns in their hands, they wouldn't have much effect at all.

Two huge balls of flame appeared in Jiang Lin's palms, which he threw out, forming a large circle of fire around Carl and the others.

Those giant ants that were about to rush over were stopped by the flames, and Carl and the others in the encirclement were temporarily safe.

Jiang Lin shot again with ten fingers, saving more than ten people who were bitten by giant ants.

After that, he hugged Anya's waist, jumped, and jumped to Carl and the others.

"How many are there?"

Jiang Lin glanced around, his brows furrowed, and after a little thought, he immediately decided to retreat with Carl and the others.

I don't know how many giant ants there are. In terms of his ability, it is not a problem to protect himself or even protect Anya and Karl, but it is basically impossible to protect everyone.

"Hurry up and take dead wood or branches, set it on fire, use the flames to open the way, and withdraw! If you find a group of dinosaurs or Tyrannosaurus rex or the like, rush towards them!"

Jiang Lin shot Yang Yan with both palms while giving orders to Carl and the others.

These giant ants just use them as prey, and if the ant colony is led to a place with large dinosaurs, they should divert their targets.

After all, even if the hundreds of them were added together, the total weight did not exceed three tons. Any ordinary Triceratops was much heavier than them.

Carl and the others acted immediately, picking up dead branches and breaking them one by one. Before long, almost all of them had torches in their hands.

These flames are the Yang Yan of Jianglin, they don't depend much on burning objects and can burn for a long time.

A group of sailors opened the way with torches on the other side, and Jiang Lin was at the rear.

The crowd ran for more than ten miles under the chase of the ant colony before they encountered a group of dinosaurs.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the giant ants rushed towards the dinosaur group instead.

However, before he could catch his breath, a strange sound resembling a whistle suddenly sounded in the distance, and the giant ants that had already turned were affected by the strange sound and went back and forth, surrounding Jiang Lin and the others again.

"My God, why do they keep staring at us, and we didn't rob them of their food or provoke them!"

Carl yelled as he turned the handle of the camera.

The swarms of dinosaurs are over there, and the meat is fucking delicious, but this ant colony is just staring at them.

"Jiang Lin, did I hear it wrong just now, as if they heard a sound similar to a machine, they abandoned the dinosaur group and came to us."

Anya looked around, because she was relatively safe, so her attention was relatively scattered, and she heard the voice just now.

"You heard it right, it is indeed the voice of a machine. These giant ants are commanded and controlled, and those who control them are likely to be intelligent creatures or people."

Jiang Lin's face became solemn. The breadth of sounds that his ears could hear was much greater than that of ordinary people. The sounds that were just heard in the distance were indeed emitted by metal instruments.

Jiang Lin was confident that he heard this correctly.

He now feels that this Skull Island is becoming more and more mysterious. In a lost world, there is actually metal appearing.

You must know that those savages on the periphery of the island only use animal bones and fishbone as tools, and there is no technology to refine metal at all.

"Isn't it an alien? Is it a prehistoric human?"

Carl suddenly froze. With the current technology of human beings, it is almost impossible to control beasts and insects.

But now it seems that other civilizations that may exist on this Skull Island can actually control such a large and terrifying number of giant ants.

The sailors and sailors around were panicked, and sometimes people or beasts with high intelligence were more frightening than those furious dinosaurs.

Jiang Lin closed his eyes and let his thoughts dissipate towards the source of the sound just now.

It didn't take long for a shrill voice to come over, like the kind of screeching that the microphone and speakers don't coordinate well at a large speech.

Hearing this sound, Jiang Lin knew that there were creatures with high intelligence who were using electromagnetic instruments to control the giant ant colony.

He said to the people behind him: "Everyone is in the spirit of [*] points. There should be advanced intelligent creatures that we don't know about on Skull Island, as well as alternative civilizations, which may be prehistoric civilizations. Now we seem to have become their prey."

Chapter [*] Unseen technology

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, everyone was ready and focused.

Not only do they guard against the surrounding ant colonies, but they also pay attention to the distance.

Jiang Lin let Xiaobai in the ancient mirror come out, and at the same time tried to spread his spiritual sense as far away as possible.

Human civilization has been ahead of other creatures, and it has only invented thermal weapons. If there are more advanced civilizations and higher intelligent creatures than humans, most of their tools and weapons will be stronger than humans.

If it was outside, Jiang Lin would have a lot of confidence to protect himself even in the face of a human army, but in the face of a more advanced civilization, he would be at a loss.

Although he can be immortal and his vitality is very strong, there is a limit.

If the intelligent creatures that control the ant colony have weapons like laser cannons, no matter how capable they are, they will have to hate them.

Jiang Lin didn't make random guesses. He now suspects that the tornadoes around the other peninsulas of Skull Island may be related to these creatures that control the ant colony.

If such a vision of heaven and earth is not formed naturally, then the technology possessed by the other party is something he has never seen before.

At least in the next twenty-first century, human technology will not be able to create and control storms.

"Proceed to the clearing over there."

Jiang Lin instructed everyone to set out to the open space not far away.

Now that he knew that there was more to the trouble than the ant colony, Jiang Lin planned to retain his strength and use magic talismans such as the Essence Fire Talisman and the Explosive Flame Talisman to kill the ants.

If it is in this wood, there will inevitably be a fire, and then their vision will be blocked, and the situation will be even more unfavorable.

As for whether he would be exposed to the sight of those intelligent creatures when he went to the open space, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it.

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