If the other party has explosive weapons such as artillery shells, there is no difference between them in the woods and in the open space.

"Hurry up, listen to Mr. Jiang, hurry up!"

Carl shouted to the people behind him, and a group of sailors and seamen immediately acted.

Now facing a huge crisis and unknown dangers, they all regard Jiang Lin as the backbone.

A few minutes later, hundreds of people retreated to the open space not far from the woods. Jiang Lin took out all the magic talismans from the ancient mirror and threw them around as if he didn't want any money.

As for the sailors and sailors, Jiang Lin told them to keep the ammunition. Unless there is a danger to their lives, don't waste the bullets easily.

An hour later, the thousands of giant ants around were almost wiped out by Jiang Lin and Xiaobai.

However, this is not over yet. When the ant colony retreats, there are pterosaurs and birds fluttering away in the distance.

The giant ants retreated, and swarms of giant worms came again, disgusting things like leeches.

These giant worms have no worm feet, but this does not affect the horror of their appearance. The huge worm mouths of these things all have gigantic teeth, and they also have mouthparts hidden in their bodies, which can be like the limbs of a turtle. Elongate like the head.

Before these giant worms arrived, an extreme stench came over, and there was dark green mucus on the ground they crawl, disgusting one.

In addition to these worms, there are huge crustaceans with a body length of more than one meter, which look like mantis shrimp.

"Mamma Mia!"

Carl vomited and screamed while shaking the camera handle.

Suddenly, there was a deafening roar in the distance, and then a huge beam of light shot from the source of the sound, bombarding the ground around Jiang Lin and them.

After these beams entered the ground, the ground on which Jiang Lin and others stood softened in a very short time, and it didn't take long for the entire open space to become like a swamp.

What's wrong with me, it's a technology I've never seen before!

Jiang Lin released his own Yang Yan, wanting to dry the ground, but to his surprise, there was no moisture in the swamp-like soil.

The beam just now directly liquefied the soil in this part of the area.

TMD, even the overlord of the dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex, was wiped out by me. This time I may really be planted.

Jiang Lin's right eyelid began to twitch. Whenever he encountered a crisis of life and death, he would have such warning signs.

He never thought that he might be planted on unknown technology. He was a Taoist priest who did not die in the battle of subduing demons and demons, but he encountered a life-and-death crisis here, which is really interesting.

After the ground was liquefied, those giant worms and large mantis shrimp entered the swamp area like fish into the sea, and quickly surrounded them in the river forest.


Sailors and sailors pulled the trigger when they saw these disgusting things approaching.

"Don't shoot! Physical damage doesn't do much for these invertebrates!"

Jiang Lin roared at the people who shot, and then used his palms as flamethrowers to shoot flames around him.

At this moment, another beam of light shot over, straight towards Jianglin.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin moved to a distance in an instant, and the beam of light hit a sailor.

Then the sailor's entire body slowly dissipated under the watchful eyes of the public, as if it had been disintegrated by a beam of light.

After that, another ten or so beams of the same beam shot. Jiang Lin didn't dare to be touched by these strange beams of light, so he could only take out the gossip mirror from his arms and threw it out.

A few beams of light were reflected by the mirror and irradiated on the giant worm and the large mantis shrimp. The same thing happened to them. They disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"My Lord!"

"Allah save me!"

Because Jiang Lin only saved five or six people, the rest disappeared, and the rest of the people saw this scene, and their psychological defense lines collapsed.

Even if they encountered a Tyrannosaurus rex, they could still run a few steps, and even if they were bitten, they might still be alive.

But now, it is purely waiting to die.

Even someone as arrogant as Jiang Lin could not protect them.

Jiang Lin roared: "I still ask God, can God save you? Shut up!"

"Jiang Lin, what should I do?"

Anya clasped Jiang Lin's hand with five fingers, and she was terrified now.

"Everyone, listen to my orders and charge at the sound source and the light source just now! If the technology of those intelligent creatures is very advanced, they may be relatively fragile themselves. We are now unable to resist the power of technology that we have never seen before, but If they find their base camp, there may be a possibility of survival."

Jiang Lin asked Xiaobai to stay behind the team to prevent those giant worms and large mantis shrimp from rushing towards him, and he took Anya to the front of the team to open the way.

If it continues like this, all of them will be finished sooner or later, so it is better to confront those intelligent creatures and fight for a chance.

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-seven chapters die! ! !

"Is there any way to live?"

"You don't know how to die, so what hope is there?"

Several sailors saw another beam of light coming, and they had already given up to survive.

They really can't think of what they should do to survive. As long as they are irradiated by those beams, they will directly burp, and there is no way to resist.

Moreover, even Jiang Lin, who had created miracles against the Tyrannosaurus Rex before, had no good way to do it. As soon as this life-saving straw didn't work, they were completely panicked.

As soon as these sailors spread negative emotions, other sailors and cast members were quickly infected, and panic was completely triggered for a while.

"Stay alive? TMD's way of life is fought for by yourself. If you don't want to live, even the gods can't save you!"

Jiang Lin snorted and continued: "Didn't you guys serve in the navy before? Didn't the U.S. military boast to other countries that they are U.S. soldiers? If you live, let me go."

At this moment, Jiang Lin said nothing merciless. He didn't have the energy and kung fu to comfort people here. Whoever doesn't have the desire to survive, get out as soon as possible, lest the panic continue to spread wanton among the crowd.

After that, Jiang Lin ignored them. He used the gossip mirror to reflect the incoming beams. Fortunately, the number of beams emitted this time was not large, and he blocked them all.

"Everyone, please believe in Jiang Lin, he definitely has a way to lead us to find a way to survive."

Carl pointed the camera at the sailors and persuaded him. Compared with others, he knew more about Jiang Lin and had a blind trust in Jiang Lin.

In fact, he was also quite frightened, but from the time he was in danger until now, Jiang Lin had never panicked, which gave him a lot of confidence.

After all, Carl is an American, and his words are more likely to resonate with everyone than Jiang Lin. Those seamen and sailors also gradually adjusted their emotions and followed Jiang Lin to open the way, heading towards the base camp of higher creatures.

"Starting to play around?"

Jiang Lin dodged the beam's shot with a teleport, and his face turned cold.

From not long ago to now, the casualties of their group have been reduced a lot. This is not his credit, but the intelligent creatures hiding in the dark and far away began to play them like monkeys.

The beams that attacked their group were no longer segmented, but a whole beam of light was extending.

However, these beams did not kill them directly. Instead, they chased and swept them. Sometimes, when someone was about to be irradiated by the beam, the terrifying laser suddenly stopped. A finger or toe is chipped.

As the leader of the crowd, Jiang Lin seems to have received special treatment, cutting and scanning his lasers a dozen times.

Even Jiang Lin had to jump up and down. His ancient mirror was running out of gossip mirrors, and he had to keep it for Anya and Carl as protection.

Whatever creature you are, better pray that I don't find you.

Jiang Lin laughed in anger. He has never been played with like this since he cultivated Taoism.

In the past [*] years, he has encountered countless evil demons, crooked ways, corpses, and evil spirits, but he has never been treated like a monkey.

No matter whether it is the Ghost Emperor or Fei Zong, even Bao Yi, an immortal in this world, did not play tricks on him like a cat teasing a mouse.

But those high-level intelligent creatures acted as circus audiences in the distance.

Interesting, really interesting!

Jiang Lin moved on the tall tree, dodging the gradually increasing beams, while focusing his eyes on the light source.

"A little closer, a little closer."

Although Jiang Lin was dodging, the overall direction was the same as Carl and the others below, approaching the light source.


Anya looked at Jiang Lin on the tree, and burst into a loud scream. When Jiang Lin teleported to the other side, a super-large beam of thirty meters in thickness suddenly blocked all the range of his teleportation.

As for Jiang Lin's left arm, only a bloody bone was left.

If he hadn't used his palms to discharge the Yang Yan recoil in an emergency, and protected himself with corpse poison, his entire left arm would have been disintegrated directly.

"Death to the Lord!!!"

At the moment when the light beam disappeared, Jiang Lin mobilized all the spiritual power in his body.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's upper body became very huge due to the filling of spiritual power, and it became an inverted triangle. His clothes were bursting by his body, and the exposed skin was covered with veins and blood vessels.

One-handed turtle qigong!

Jiang Lin's remaining right arm erupted with unprecedented light, and his right palm was charged like a laser cannon.

He held his right wrist with the white bone claw of his left arm, and stabilized the black light ball with a diameter of seven or eight meters in his palm, and then he shot out his strongest row of Yang palms.


A loud bang erupted, and a jet of black fire with a thickness of five meters shot out from Jiang Lin's palm at a slightly inclined angle.

There were flames of various colors in this jet-black fire column, and Jiang Lin almost sent all his yin and yang flames into it.

Not only that, this one-handed turtle qigong also condensed nearly [*]% of Jiang Lin's own spiritual power, and the speed was many times faster than bullets.

Ten times the speed of sound!

In an instant, the huge beam of light swept across, leaving only a small half of the trunk of the trees, all of which became wood powder. These trees were uprooted by the huge impact, and then turned into ashes.

A scorched black tunnel three or four meters wide appeared on the entire ground.


After a blink of an eye, a huge explosion occurred on the top of a low mountain five or six miles away. The mountain collapsed and the rocks collapsed.

The entire mountain was gone.

In the crisis of life and death, Jiang Lin couldn't help but unleash the potential in his body. In fact, his blow had already far exceeded his body's load.

Those intelligent creatures in the dark in the distance seemed to be tired of playing, so Jiang Lin could only squeeze his own limits like this.

Everyone, including Anya, was sluggish again, and they were really frightened this time.

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