"My mother-in-law, Jiang Lin himself is not the high-level intelligent creature he said, right?"

For a time, Carl's brain was wide open. He even thought that Jiang Lin was originally an intelligent creature on Skull Island, and now he is playing some bloody turf battle.

It's no wonder that he thought so. The Sun Discharging Palm that Jiang Lin had burst out of his own load just now was so similar to those disintegrating beams.

As soon as it hits, nothing is left.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's is even more powerful and powerful.

Chapter [-] No matter how high the technology is, it will become ashes


Jiang Lin fell from an incomparably sturdy giant tree. He had already lost a left arm, and he forced the strongest blow out. Now, his whole body was in severe pain like being torn apart.


Xiaobai hurried over and caught Jiang Lin with his body.

"Take... the cold marrow and... and dinosaur pulp out of the ancient mirror."

Jiang Lin weakly told Xiao Bai that he could hardly move now.


Xiaobai touched the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms with a snake kiss and sucked out two vases.


Anya also came to Jiang Lin's side at this time. Seeing that Jiang Lin's left arm was nothing but bones, she covered her mouth and cried.

"Don't cry, I have nothing to do. This injury can still be healed. You let Carl and the others move forward quickly. There should be a lot of those guys."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and touched Anya's cheek, asking her to send a message to Carl and the others.

The intelligent creatures that use strange light beams and control the ant colony swarm are not the same wave, and the giant worms and large mantis shrimps are still following.

If he does not attack the enemy's stronghold as soon as possible, what he has done will be in vain.

Anya wiped away her tears and turned around to convey Jiang Lin's words.

"Duck rush!"

Carl held the camera and raised his fist to give orders. Now Jiang Lin has dealt with the guys who manipulated the terrifying beam, and they have seen some hope.

With hope, the anger in their hearts also followed.

Those abominable intelligent creatures in the past kept them from killing them and treated them like toys. The clay figurines were still full of anger, let alone real people.

"Master, don't worry, Xiaobai will save you."

Xiaobai's huge snake mouth bit two large vases and poured it directly on Jiang Lin's injured arm.

"Waste, waste!"

Jiang Lin shouted again and again, now he can barely move, can't inhale the marrow fluid into the body, and most of it is wasted.

Xiao Bai didn't seem to hear it, so he sucked two vases containing cold marrow and pulp from the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms, and poured it straight into Jiang Lin's mouth.

Jiang Lin quickly raised his hand and pushed Xiao Bai's head up, shouting, "It's a shame to waste!"

These cold marrow and marrow pulp are treasures of heaven and earth. Although Jiang Lin has a lot of stock, he is also distressed when he sees Xiaobai wasting like this.

"They don't have hands."

Xiaobai grunted, and then it sucked the marrow pulp into its mouth, put a snake kiss on Jiang Lin's mouth, and sent the two treasures into Jiang Lin's mouth.

On the side, Anya looked at Xiao Bai with a strange expression. She had been with Jiang Lin for a long time, and she could understand a part of Chinese.

If you don't have a hand, I have it. You can just let me come.

Kiss my man for what?

"How did you give me your pill core?"

Jiang Lin spit out a hard object in the shape of a jujube nucleus. Because Xiaobai has not yet reached the level of a demon king, the inner elixir in his body has not yet formed.

Xiaobai said: "Master, you should use healing first and recover as soon as possible. With Xiaobai's core, you will recover much faster. Now that we are not out of danger, Master is under a lot of pressure."

Jiang Lin nodded, then sat up cross-legged, refining his own corpse poison, absorbing the medicinal power of cold marrow and dinosaur bone marrow, and then absorbing the spiritual power in the core of Xiaobaidan.

After half an hour, he temporarily regained his mobility, and the spiritual power in his body also recovered by half.

Sensing the condition of his lower body, Jiang Lin temporarily bandaged his injured arm, and returned the core to Xiao Bai, then he embraced Anya's waist, jumped on Xiao Bai's back, and said, "I Just recover from the injury on your back, and you take us to catch up with Carl and the others."

Since the last molt, Xiaobai's body has grown a lot, and the length alone is more than [-] meters.Now it's no problem to have two people sitting side by side on its back.

Xiaobai nodded slightly, wriggled his body, and crawled forward.

Fortunately, the master went directly to my back.

Xiaobai lowered his head and looked at his originally gray belly turned into a whole crimson red due to shame and joy, and he was relieved.

I don't know if Xiu's mother will be angry with me if she finds out that I kissed her in the future.

Xiaobai remembered his original owner, Axiu, and then he looked forward to whether he would be more beautiful than his own show mistress if he changed shape in the future.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin and the others caught up with Carl and the others.

"Jiang Lin, your hand..."

"Don't worry, our Middle-earth Taoism has specialized refining elixir and elixir, which is much more advanced than your Western medicine. In a few days, the muscles on my arm will grow back."

Jiang Lin casually explained to Carl that this fat man cared about him from the bottom of his heart, so he made up a reason not to worry Carl.

Karl looked surprised and said, "The magical East, I must go and take a look in the future."


As soon as Carl finished speaking, Jiang Lin pushed him away with a palm, and a ray just shot from Carl's original position.

At the same time, those underground humanoids appeared around everyone.

They all have glowing energy shields, so even Jiang Lin didn't notice that they were approaching.

It turned out to be these giant humanoids.

Jiang Lin's eyes swept around, and then he shouted to Anya, Carl and the others, "All eyes closed!"

When the voice fell behind, he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and his body burst into a dazzling light.

"Whoosh! Swipe!"

There was the sound of sharp blades cutting through the air all around, and then the humanoid creatures burst out screaming.

The bodies of these humanoid creatures are not very strong, and even with the protection of the energy shield, they cannot resist the bone sword covered with the true fire of the sun.


"Counter-kill, we finally fought back!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

After the seamen and sailors opened their eyes, they found that the surrounding humanoids fell to the ground with dark blue blood.

"Master, something is wrong."

Xiaobai looked around. Those humanoid creatures were originally dismembered by Jiang Lin, but the energy light around them caused the stumps on the ground to quickly regenerate.

"Oh woohoo!"

One of the humanoids stood up again, and a strange cry came out of its mouth.

It also had an anthropomorphic smug expression on its face.

"The power of technology?"

Jiang Lin sneered and said coldly, "I think high-tech can save you?"

He flicked with his five fingers, and clumps of true sun fire shot at those humanoids and their stumps.

In an instant, the screams broke out again, and the stumps on the ground and the newly born humanoids became fly ash one by one, completely dissipating.

No matter how advanced the technology is, it will become ashes under the real fire of the sun in Jianglin.

Bunch of stupid things!

Jiang Lin looked at the pieces of flying ashes in the air, and the anger in his heart dropped a little.

Not even high technology can save stupidity, these humanoids may be highly intelligent, but equally, they are also extremely stupid.

This does not conflict.

If these guys didn't play them like monkeys, there wouldn't be such a change.

If the distance is too far, Jiang Lin has nothing to do, but once the distance is close enough, Jiang Lin is a ruthless stubble to the enemy.

Unless the power of science and technology can create an insurmountable gap for Jiang Lin, let alone these humanoids, even ETs and aliens, they have to die.

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-nine chapters of the magical palace

"Are they really dead?"

"Burn to ashes!"

"There is absolutely no way to be resurrected!"

Carl and the sailors all cheered. Originally, they saw that the humanoids could be reborn after being beheaded.

Things turned around so quickly.

Pick up equipment!

Sailors and sailors rushed forward, snatching the humanoid ray weapons and energy shields in their hands.

"Lost all those things!"

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and shot out a few flames, shooting at the weapons and instruments on the ground, and asked the sailors to throw away all the equipment they had picked up.


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