Carl is puzzled, these weapons and instruments are so advanced that with them, they can also improve their combat effectiveness.

Jiang Lin explained: "We don't know how advanced these weapons and instruments are, and we also don't know what mechanisms are controlled by them. Are you not afraid of how these intelligent creatures will detonate these instruments?"

These weapons and the like all contain high technology, and no one can tell if there will be any doorway. If those humanoid creatures use some remote means to control them, then these things are dangerous hidden around.

Jiang Lin didn't want to take this risk.

When Carl and the others heard what Jiang Lin said, they quickly lost their instruments and weapons.

Jiang Lin also destroyed them one by one.

After that, hundreds of them continued to move forward. Along the way, they met several waves of humanoids, but they were all destroyed by Jiang Lin and everyone without exception.

Although the humanoids are protected by energy shields, not all attacks can be resisted. Jiang Lin's Yang Yan can directly break it, and Xiaobai's demon light bombardment can also break it a few times.

Without the energy shield, even if the ray weapons in their hands are very advanced, it will not play a big role. The seamen and sailors here have firearms in their hands. Although the power is not as powerful as the ray weapons, they want those humanoids. Life is still more than enough.

As for those who used disintegrating beams in the dark, they were all blown up by Jiang Lin's explosive flame runes and lightning runes, and were also burned to ashes.

After walking a few more miles, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the cave group, and a war broke out with the humanoids who had retreated here.

With Jiang Lin and Xiaobai on the verge of killing, those humanoids with high-tech weapons were finally wiped out.

"Xiao Bai, it is estimated that there is an underground world under the pit. If you go down there, if you see these creatures, don't leave any of them! Just kill them today!"

Jiang Lin gave some of the sun's real fire to Xiaobai. Since he was already an enemy, he decided to completely cut the grass and root it.

And when they got here before, they found that many humanoids were biting with savages in their hands. These guys could kill them all at the beginning, but they didn't do that. Eighty percent of them were deliberately keeping them. , ready to serve as food.

Therefore, Jiang Lin did not intend to leave a living hole at all.

"As ordered!"

Xiaobai responded and jumped out directly.

"Jiang Lin, it's all gone? If there are small ones, can we keep one or two and take them back to study."

Carl hurriedly discussed with Jiang Lin. So far, only one kind of highly intelligent creature has appeared in the world, and now there is another kind of intelligent creature with advanced civilization.

If you can take one or two outside, it will definitely be an earth-shattering discovery in human history.

"Want to die?"

Jiang Lin glared at Carl. It is not certain whether these humanoids are creatures on earth, maybe they are aliens.

If it were really some kind of alien, keeping them would be an extremely dangerous ticking time bomb.

Not only those humanoids, but also their instruments and weapons, as well as all metal and intelligent instruments, must be destroyed as much as possible.

"If you insist on taking them out, I can only say that the consequences will be at your own risk. If they are aliens, if there is any kind of them in the Bermuda Triangle or the forbidden area on earth, you just wait to die."


Carl was stunned for a moment, and then he shivered all over. He had never thought of this before, but now that he was so frightened by Jiang Lin, he immediately extinguished the thought of death in his heart.

It didn't take long for Xiaobai to climb up from the hole, and the remaining humanoid creatures below had all been wiped out.

Jiang Lin destroyed all the technological products, and set up a chasing formation, confirming that the spiritual substance contained in the bone marrow of Tyrannosaurus Rex was in this area, and the specific location was behind the building not far away.

So, Jiang Lin moved towards the huge building behind the cave group, and Carl and the others followed.

"Jiang Lin, I feel a little sick to my stomach."

Approaching the building complex, Anya shook Jiang Lin's hand. For some unknown reason, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Not only Anya, but Carl and the others also had abnormal symptoms, either wanting to retire or dizziness.

"It's really weird."

Jiang Lin also noticed something different. There was strong radiation behind those tall buildings.

Many years ago, when Jiang Lin dealt with Shiji in Fenghuang Miao Village, he was affected by radiation, so he was able to determine the reason for Anya and the others.

"You go back, Xiaobai, you protect Anya."

Jiang Lin asked Anya and the others to withdraw, and moved on by himself.

After approaching a huge hall, Jiang Lin was stunned.

The galaxy nebula pattern on the wall of the giant hall surprised him, but what really shocked him was the text on it.

The text of the upper bounds - Xianwen!

He even found the mural of the immortal coffin on the wall of the giant hall.

Fairy and high tech...

"These humanoid technologies are left by the gods? No way!"

Jiang Lin felt that his cognition was overturned. He also saw immortals and UFOs on the murals.

After being stunned for a while, Jiang Lin shook his head and entered the ancient temple.

Similarly, there are dense immortal texts and other patterns on the walls of the temple. Apart from these, there are many closets in the walls. Some of these closets are tens of meters high, and some are only half a meter in size.

There are specimens of various creatures, some of which belong to dinosaurs, and others that Jianglin does not even know.

The first thousand two hundred and thirty chapters

Jiang Lin walked around the hall, and finally stood in front of a huge mural.

Painted on the mural is a map of phagocytic cells of cancer.

Jiang Lin had seen it in Shu Ning's newspaper, so he could recognize it.

He thought it was very incredible. If this huge palace was built by immortals, then this is their research institute to study the methods of fighting against the five declines of heaven and man.

Not only the five declines of heaven and man, but in the long past, those immortals also wanted to use cancer cells to create immortal creatures.

Although Jiang Lin couldn't understand the text on the wall, after connecting the murals, Jiang Lin had such an inference in his heart.

Those humanoid creatures outside should not be descendants of immortals, let alone advanced intelligent creatures, but the experimental products here.

The reason why they can be reborn from amputated limbs is because they have cancer cells that can proliferate indefinitely.

After taking another look, Jiang Lin entered an underground space in the hall. There was a passage that was more than two miles long. At the end of the passage, there was a huge rock emitting light and radiation.

There are also fairy inscriptions on the rocks.

Red Rock Book!

Jiang Lin's eyes widened. He had seen this rock in the ancient books of the monk's era. It was a fairy treasure that was said to be more precious than an immortal coffin.

Then he looked up at the top of the underground space, and found that there were many plant roots exposed above.

The rhizomes of these plants alone contain the same spiritual substances as the bone marrow of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Fuck, no way, don't say that there are spiritual herbs and elixir growing on this space."

Jiang Lin's mouth turned into an "O" shape. After that, he didn't bother to investigate the Hongyan Book of the Heavens, so he went back to the main hall and ran towards the back of the hall.

Behind the building complex such as the giant hall, there is a large garden, in which all kinds of Rui Cao Xianzhi grow, and even the soil is crystal clear.

The more centrally located, the more lush vegetation and flowers, and even some of them are blooming with colorful light.

The Immortal Garden!

Around the garden, there are many small dinosaurs and other creatures, both carnivorous and herbivorous, and they gnaw on the vines and grasses that contain huge energy from time to time.

However, these creatures are not greedy at all, they only eat around the garden, and do not go to the center at all.

Mine, mine, all mine!

Jiang Lin was so excited that he became a bridegroom again.

Over the years, he has been lucky enough to collect a lot of heaven and earth treasures, and even the cold marrow has hundreds of tons, but compared with the gardens here, it is still incomparable.

In addition to the existing Lingcao Xianzhi, there is also an ecological environment that is difficult to reproduce in the world. Even if ordinary Lingzhi and ginseng are buried here, the efficacy of the medicine can be increased geometrically.

The blood orchids in his inventory and the corpse anemones that are about to run out can be put here to make them grow.

After a long time, Jiang Lin calmed down his excitement.

Now he doesn't want to play the idea of ​​Hongyan Tianshu, putting it here will play a greater role than taking it home.

Jiang Lin then took out the array material from the ancient mirror, went to the center of the garden, and set up an extremely powerful array there.

These babies can't just be eaten by dinosaurs.

After arranging the array, Jiang Lin went back first, lest Anya and Xiaobai worry.

"Master, what's in there?"

When Xiaobai saw Jiang Lin's return, he felt the medicinal fragrance on his body again, and immediately jumped over.

"There is nothing, just some buildings and murals, and some buildings with technological power have been destroyed by me."

Jiang Lin patted Xiaobai on the head intentionally, so that he didn't ask any more questions.

Carl and the others didn't have any doubts, and even if they had doubts, they couldn't approach those buildings.

After that, Jiang Lin and Carl turned around and went to the place where the freighter ran aground.

On the way, everyone encountered the King Kong that Jiang Lin and Anya met earlier, but with Jiang Lin there, they also had an accident.

A day later, more than [-] people arrived on the other side of Skull Island. Fortunately, the ship was not damaged and could sail far away.

"Take a shower."

Jiang Lin put a bathtub and clean water in Anya's room, and gave her a look you know.

Anya blushed and pushed Jiang Lin out the door.

Anyway, Anya turned her righteousness tonight, and Jiang Lin didn't even think about feasting his eyes in Anya's room.

He returned to his room, took the talisman paper, and began to design the magic circle and enchantment to protect the fairy garden.

It's far from the land, he can't come often, and the treasures in the garden must be fully protected.

But he didn't intend to cut off the entire garden.

That garden is inextricably linked to the ecology of Skull Island. If he rashly destroys the ecology of the island, it is likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the garden.

The next morning, Jiang Lin and Anya went out of the room together to find Carl.

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