When he found Nanhua Laoxian's tomb at the bottom of the sea, he got a lot of good things. If there is a similar cave in Antarctica, then he has to go and fish it again.

Anya watched quietly from the side. Although she had been studying Chinese hard for more than a month, she could only understand some simple words. Now Jiang Lin and their conversations, she basically could not understand.

"Hmph, it's just the opinions of ordinary people. Xianweng I came here because of the turmoil in the heaven and the earth [*] years ago, and the road to ascension was blocked, and I came here with the intention of breaking through the barriers and returning. Primordial spirit is injured, and can only use the body to revive the soul."

The emperor penguin shook his head, and his eyes showed the horror caused by the memory of the past.

Maybe Antarctic Fairy Weng really stayed in Antarctica.

Seeing the appearance of the emperor penguin, Jiang Lin began to speculate in his heart. Of course, he knew whether this guy was telling the truth or not. Even if the real Antarctic immortals wanted to revive their souls, they would not choose a stupid penguin to take the house.

But not all of these words are false.

According to the information he knew, the time point mentioned by Emperor Penguin was indeed turbulent. At that time, there was still some time before the end of the Tang Dynasty, so it was not impossible that the road to the ascension of the immortals from the lower world was blocked.

So it is very likely that the Antarctic Xianweng came to the Antarctic that year. Seeing that this emperor penguin has a certain spirituality, he took it with him.

It's just that the Antarctic Immortal Weng flew away, but for some reason, he left his peach cane behind. The emperor penguin took the peach cane and made a fortune in this Antarctic.

Of course, these are all Jiang Lin's inferences, the real fact, he has to pry the mouth of the emperor penguin.

"You said you were the Antarctic fairy, do you still have any friends on this ice and snow continent?"

"It's gone, this immortal, lonely! That's why this immortal wants to accept you as servants, and quickly kneel with me. Serving this immortal is a blessing from your previous life."

After hearing Jiang Lin's question, Emperor Penguin thought that Jiang Lin had completely believed it. He immediately leaned on his cane with both fins and waited for Jiang Lin and the others to kneel and kowtow.

Oh ~

Since there are no gods in Antarctica, you are out of luck.

Jiang Lin looked at the Emperor Penguin with a smile. Not only did he have a guide this time, he could also grab equipment.

"Master, is it really an Antarctic fairy? But it looks like it's also a god in distress."

Xiaobai looked at the emperor penguin with a pair of snake eyes. He really felt that this "Antarctic fairy" was not as good as the pig in the fairy tale.

Zhu Bajie is still a pig's head, but this guy is just a big stupid goose.

"Hmph, what immortals in distress, what immortals in distress! Back then, this immortal split the sky with a stick, and this world was changed by this immortal! Today, this immortal still has the same demeanor as it used to be. It can cause the phenomenon of overturning rivers and seas and mountains and mountains!"

The emperor penguin is so eloquent there, it blows so much as if the water of the Yellow River from the sky can be blown back by it.

Come on, don't blow it, you've already exposed your stuff.

Jiang Lin never thought that the emperor penguin could blow so much. The Antarctic fairy was just a god of longevity. This guy pretended to be the Antarctic fairy. He even blew himself into a peerless god of war. Fire and air are the same.

"It's not an Antarctic fairy at all, it's a monster, or a penguin demon who can boast extremely well, a shameless posing as Li Gui."

"Bold! This immortal will let you feel the supreme immortal power and let you know the power of this immortal!"

The emperor penguin let out a sharp roar, and it held the peach staff in one fin and slashed towards Jianglin.

The peach stick suddenly became twenty or thirty meters long, and fell towards Jiang Lin's head.

Once it is smashed, it can directly smash Jiang Lin into the ice, and then sink into it for [*] to [*] meters.

"It turned out to be a Li Gui! Watch me kill you stupid goose!"

Xiaobai jumped out of Jiang Lin's arms, revealed his body, and sprayed a demonic light on the emperor penguin.

"Today, this immortal will let you know what immortal power is inviolable!"

The demon light rushed towards him, but the Emperor Penguin did not do anything to protect himself, but continued to attack Jiang Lin.

Xiaobai's demonic light fell on it, but it was blocked by Taozhang's protective immortal power.

However, because of this, the force it exerted on the peach rod was reduced by a part.

"I'll let you brag. Today, Pindao let you brag the most and get the most poisonous beating."

Jiang Lin snorted, and at the same time, his fingers quickly flicked in the air, and the Fengxianlu obtained from the Tianshi Mansion finally came in handy.

These immortal seals can not only seal immortals, but also ban immortals, but with Jiang Lin's current ability, it is very difficult to ban true immortals. You must go to the underworld to find help from ghosts such as Niu Tau Ma Mian and so on. power.

But what he wants to do today is to seal part of the power of the peach stick, and the emperor penguin is not a fairy at all, and the low-end version of Feng Xianlu is enough.

"Five Forbidden Immortals!"

After Jiang Lin pushed out the five golden light talismans in his hand, he immediately turned into a corpse and entered the battle pattern again.

He held up his hands and resisted the falling peach cane.

After Feng Xianlu got on the peach stick, he immediately rolled it up and stuck it tightly.

The peach stick erupted with strong rays of light and humming, but it has been around for more than a thousand years, and the immortal power contained in it is not much. After the violent vibration, it changed back to its original state.

Although Jiang Lin did not make it completely useless, it also greatly restricted the transmission of its internal immortal energy.

At the same time, the immortal qi in the emperor penguin also dissipated [*]% to [*]%, and the demon qi in the body radiated out.

"You... what did you do to this fairy's fairy weapon?"

The emperor penguin waved his peach stick and found that he couldn't shoot the rainbow light, and suddenly panicked.

Although it has seen other monsters in Antarctica, all of them were defeated by the peach stick in its hand. Now that the peach stick loses its due power, it panics.

"I really miss the violent penguins I played when I was a kid."

Jiang Lin took a Tyrannosaurus rex leg bone from the ancient mirror in his arms and charged towards the emperor penguin.

He didn't use the bone sword. The emperor penguin, who likes to brag, has to be his guide. If he is injured, it will delay the speed of his journey.

"This immortal once held the sky with a stick... oh!"

"Xianweng, my divine power is unparalleled... ah!"

The fairy weapon in the hands of the emperor penguin is temporarily weakened, and the penguin is very clumsy and slow on land, so even if this emperor penguin has a cultivation level comparable to the peak demon king, the actual combat ability is very poor.


Jiang Lin didn't plan to hurt the Emperor Penguin, but the worst beating was necessary.

Even Xiaobai turned his head. It watched the emperor penguin fly to a height of [*] meters by Jiang Lin's bone stick, and his scales stood upright.

No one can stand this beating.

"Come on, blow it, if you don't open up the world, if you don't go out, it's already over. Once you come out, you will overturn the river and the sea."

Jiang Lin hit the emperor penguin on the ice shelf with a stick and bounced it back. He clenched the Tyrannosaurus rex leg bone tightly, like playing baseball, and continued to wait.

"Grandpa! Daoist! Stop fighting, stop fighting, I'm pretending, I'm bragging, I'm just bragging!"

Emperor penguins flutter their fins and feet in mid-air, which is very funny.

It no longer calls itself "the fairy" and "the fairy", and directly calls Grandpa Jiang Lin.

Now it doesn't split the sky with a stick of its own, and goes out to reset the fire and air, and directly recognizes itself as its grandson.

If you blow it again, it will be beaten to death.

Chapter [*] Xianjia Cave House

Jiang Lin slapped the flying emperor penguin with a stick, and the king made a tragic goose cry.

"Say, what's your relationship with the Antarctic Fairy?"

Jiang Lin hit the emperor penguin's head with a bone stick while looking at the peach stick he had taken from his hand.

If this guy plays any tricks, then he has to make this guy see some blood.

"A thousand years ago..."

The emperor penguin is very honest now, telling Jiang Lin one by one about his encounter with the Antarctic fairy and getting along with him, as well as the whereabouts of the fairy later.

Exactly what I guessed.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, what Emperor Penguin said was almost indistinguishable from his previous inference.

"Haha, this Li Gui, not long ago was a fairy, Xianweng, and now it's a promise."

Seeing the Emperor Penguin pretending to be a grandson, Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh.

The emperor penguin laughed a few times. Now the situation is stronger than that of the goose. Can it do it without pretending to be a grandson?

Not only Xiaobai, but also the penguins who were doing the porting work lost the ice cubes in their hands, and they celebrated with their foreheads like people.

"You pretend to be the Antarctic fairy, if you let those penguins dig ice caves as caves, why do you let them carry ice?"

Jiang Lin was a little suspicious when he saw that the penguin group had lost ice, and found that the emperor penguin was reluctantly looking at the peach stick in his hand, and also looked at the buildings in the distance, unintentionally or unintentionally.

The Emperor Penguin was hesitant at first, but Jiang Lin went down again, and he could only tell the truth.

Those buildings are actually altars for gathering the aurora. Although the emperor penguin has obtained the peach stick, it is a demon and cannot completely use it for its own use.

So it asked the same kind to build altars, preparing to refine the peach stick with the power of aurora, and put its own brand on it.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked where the Antarctic Fairy Weng’s cave was, but the emperor penguin didn’t dare to hide it, and told Jiang Lin the location of the cave.

Right near the South Pole.

"In the next time, as long as you are obedient, I will consider keeping you alive."

Jiang Lin drew an intricate incantation in mid-air and directly printed it on the Emperor Penguin's forehead.

Almost no humans have been to Antarctica, and the monsters here naturally have no chance to harm people, so even if the role of the emperor penguin is finally played out, Jiang Lin did not intend to kill it.

But if the emperor penguin acts against yin, or becomes a thief, then he will have no mercy.

The emperor penguin wailed again before he could react to what was going on.

"Let the Daoist dispatch you!"

After a while, the emperor penguin recovered from the severe pain. After it found that powerful incantations were all over its body, it quickly nodded and bowed.

If it is not obedient, Jiang Lin can completely wipe it out with just one thought.

"Go and see the altar you set up."

Jiang Lin called Anya and Xiaobai, and followed the emperor penguin to its nest.

When he arrived at the ice building area, Jiang Lin checked the layout of those buildings, and it didn't take long for him to see the doorway inside.

According to the emperor penguin, this is reproduced by the altar arranged by the Antarctic fairy in its impression.

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