"You move the building over there to the Kun position..."

Jiang Lin pointed to the ice building in front of him and asked the emperor penguin to make changes.

The current layout simply cannot attract much aurora.

Emperor Penguin wanted those ordinary penguins to start construction, but was kicked by Jiang Lin.

This guy is the king of penguins, but he does nothing good and squeezes his own clan.

Half a day later, Jiang Lin arranged some magic circles around the Frozen Array and sat directly on it.

He didn't absorb the aurora gathered by the altar into the body, but directly used it to refine the peach stick.

Now that he has come to the South Pole, there is no need to worry about the aurora, and he has to go to the South Pole to find the cave of the Antarctic fairy, and it will not be a problem to absorb the aurora when he gets there.

For the next month or two, Jiang Lin and the others lived with the emperor penguins and the penguin colony.

After forty-nine days, Jiang Lin finally stamped his mark on the peach stick.

Not to mention that he is a peak Tianshi, even if he is two levels higher, it is difficult to completely take the peach stick for his own use, but he has the true fire of the sun and a huge amount of aurora assistance, so he can do it.

The emperor penguin is like a mourning concubine. At first, it did not believe that Jiang Lin could make Taozhang recognize the master. It had lived with the Antarctic fairy, and was inspired by it and accompanied Taozhang for thousands of years. Only then did it have the ability to refine this fairy weapon. possible.

But Jiang Lin completely took the peach stick under its nose.

On the same day, Jiang Lin let the emperor penguins lead the way and took them to the South Pole.

The Antarctic environment was much worse than Jiang Lin imagined. Even if he could go to the sea, he would not be able to directly cross the ice and snow continent to reach the polar center.

There are often storms here. Before they encountered the penguin colony, Jiang Lin and the others had encountered a blizzard that was comparable to a typhoon of the eighth or nineth level, so it was not the strongest storm.

If you rush in by yourself, you have to traverse across, and I don’t know that it will be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

With the Emperor Penguin leading the way and predicting the storm, Jiang Lin and the others avoided a lot of trouble. Although they also encountered some Antarctic monsters on the way, they did not cause any obstacles.

Half a month later, they entered the polar night area, and it took another seven or eight days before they reached the South Pole.

"Master Dao, there is the cave of Antarctica Xianweng. Since I left here a thousand years ago, I have never come back."

The emperor penguin pointed to an iceberg in the distance, and there was a cave in the mountain, which looked dim and dark in the noon light and aurora.


Jiang Lin moved towards the Antarctic Immortal Weng's cave, and he was quite excited. Although he had seen the real immortal before, he had never met the immortal cave.

This Antarctic Immortal Weng's cave, even after a thousand years, still overflows with immortal energy, and I don't know how many good treasures are in it.

Approaching Xianweng's cave, Jiang Lin was forced to show his corpse appearance, Xiaobai also turned back into a demon body, and even the emperor penguin felt uncomfortable.

It hadn't become a demon back then, but now it has become a demon king. Without the protection of the peach stick, it can no longer approach.

The three of them are still like this, not to mention Anya.

Xianjia Dongfu, all evils are warded off, and idlers cannot approach.

Jiang Lin sent back the corpse poison in the flesh and blood, and took out the peach stick, and then protected Anya and Xiaobai.

After entering the cave, Jiang Lin realized that the cave was much more than it looked on the surface. The space inside was bigger than the entire iceberg.

In the hall facing the entrance, there is a dark rockery.


The bone sword in Jiang Lin's body suddenly jumped out, sticking to the rockery with a "dang" sound.

Afterwards, the ancient mirror in his arms also flew out, and all the metal utensils in the mirror, such as the copper coin line and the soul bell, flew out of it and were sucked on the rockery.

Could it be the legendary Promise Magnetic Mountain?

Jiang Lin hurriedly ran over, his spiritual energy surged in his body, gathered in his palms, and pressed them on the rockery.

However, the spiritual power he exerted on the rockery automatically merged into one group, and was finally divided into five strands, which disappeared completely.

"Oumaiga! It's really a poleless magnetic mountain!"

Jiang Lin cried out excitedly, with this treasure, even if there is another true immortal like Baoyi, he is not afraid anymore.

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-four chapters of the source of the aurora

Back then, when Jiang Lin traveled to the age of monks, he had seen many descriptions of magic weapons in ancient books, and Wuji Magnetic Mountain was one of them.

The most prominent feature of this magic weapon is its defensive properties. As long as it is in the yin and yang of the five elements, it will be dissolved once it hits the magnetic field of the magnetic mountain.

This is not to mention that many powers that are not in the yin and yang five elements will also be removed by the infinite magnetic mountain. For example, the karmic world force and even the time and space power generated by time distortion and space fragmentation can be greatly reduced by it.

In the age of monks, there were monks with extremely high levels of cultivation who could soar to the outside world and go to the universe, but if they wanted to come back, they had to wait for the world power on their bodies to completely disappear before they could return.

But if you have this magic weapon, you don't need so much trouble.

In addition to its excellent defensive ability, Wuji Magnetic Mountain also has the ability to collect other magical tools. As long as it is a magical tool containing metal materials, even if it is a fairy tool, it will be taken away by it.

Although Jiang Lin's bone sword was made from his own coccyx, over the years, he has also used a lot of rare meteorite iron and dark iron to feed him, so he was attracted by this Promise Magnetic Mountain. Needless to say, the rest of the copper coin line and the soul bell are all made of copper and iron.

"With this legendary magic weapon, you won't have to worry about some things in the future."

The smile on Jiang Lin's face couldn't be stopped. If he can take this Wuji Magnetic Mountain away, let alone any extraterrestrial demons in the future, even if the real immortals came down from the upper realm to find him trouble, he also has an amulet. .

And in the future, he will go to another world to break through the realm. Even if it happens, the system on his body is not reliable. When crossing the boundary wall, he can also use the Wuji Magnetic Mountain to protect himself.

"Master, you can't stop laughing, what's the name of this rockery?"

Xiaobai got his head out of Jiang Lin's arms. From just now until now, Jiang Lin has always been cheerful, making it a little bit incomprehensible.

The emperor penguin also opened its ears and listened. Although it lived with the Antarctic fairy, it didn't know much about this rockery. Later, because it couldn't move it, it left it here.

"This rockery is called Wuji Magnetic Mountain, and it is much more precious than this peach stick."

Jiang Lin explained it to Xiaobai, and then used the immortal power on the peach stick to remove the sword and ancient mirror. A miniature mountain the size of a palm.

It was also the one who took away this Promise Magnetic Mountain. Five years later, when Jiang Lin suffered a calamity, he relied on this magic weapon to save his life.

More precious than peach stick?

The emperor penguin watched Jiang Lin put the Wuji Magnetic Mountain into the ancient mirror, his heart was bleeding, if he hadn't met Jiang Lin, he would definitely come here again after refining the peach stick, the treasure in the cave. It's all about it.

But now, nothing is left.

After Jianglin took away the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, the immortal aura originally emitted by the immortal mansion of the Antarctic Fairy quickly disappeared. Some monsters and creatures around the iceberg noticed that their ability to ward off evil spirits had weakened and began to attack the iceberg. shock.

Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on outside, but he was in a good mood and continued to search for treasures in the cave.

It's a pity that there is only a peach core and a small sapling that has been dried up in the cave except for the Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

Jiang Lin was relieved after being disappointed for a while. This is just the temporary residence of the Antarctic fairy, not his dojo at all, so it is impossible to have a lot of treasures.

After a few more turns, Jiang Lin gave up and took Anya and Xiaobai out of the immortal mansion.

At this time, there were already many monsters squatting around the iceberg, fighting with each other endlessly, all of which Jiang Lin had never seen before.

There are ice spirits like Huo Ling Shiji and Wu Yao, as well as huge snow monkeys, and there are many other avian monsters.

These monsters all know that there is a fairy cave in the iceberg, but they couldn't get close to them before. Now the Wuji Magnetic Mountain in the cave has been taken away by Jianglin, and there is no evil spirit around the iceberg, so they all came.

When hundreds of monsters saw Jiang Lin and the others coming out of the immortal cave, they immediately stopped fighting and attacked Jiang Lin and his party.

If in the past, facing so many big demons and demon kings all at once, Jiang Lin could only run away, but now he has the peach stick of the Antarctic fairy, and he can solve this group of demons with three strikes and five divisions. .

Three or two fierce demon kings did not give up, but they were killed by Jiang Lin with the force of thunder, and the rest of the demons could only obediently withdraw when they saw this.

Because the iceberg was not far from the South Pole, Jiang Lin thought about it, and decided to let Anya and Xiaobai stay in Xianweng's cave and absorb the aurora by himself.

Now the sun shines directly on the northern hemisphere of the earth, the center of the Antarctic continent is in the polar night, and the dazzling aurora in the sky is almost always there.

Jiang Lin reached the South Pole, and his body floated upwards, absorbing those strange lights with extremely high purity.

For the next month, except for the necessary rest and food, he sat cross-legged in mid-air.

On this day, Jiang Lin entered into meditation at a high altitude, and a large amount of aurora entered his body and converged towards the spiritual power liquid ball in his dantian.

This liquid sphere is now like a miniature sun, with the spiritual power flowing on the surface, yin and yang flames are active in it, and sometimes fire snakes of different colors are sprayed.

Due to the convergence of the aurora, the brightness of this miniature sun gradually increased. At a certain moment, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the center of the spiritual power liquid sphere, and a little light appeared at the center of the sphere.

The source of the aurora.

After a month of absorption, a light source was finally born in Jiang Lin's body.

The real fire of the sun in Jiang Lin's body seemed to be stimulated, seeping toward the center of the liquid sphere, and finally merged with the light source.

And that group of true sun fire, under Jiang Lin's view, seemed to have changed. It was no longer a flame, but formed an outline, which seemed to be like a Golden Crow.

"It should be after the upgrade of the Sun Yat-sen Technique, the true fire of the sun will gradually form the Golden Crow."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, now that he only needs to get enough suffocation value and use the system to go to Da Luo Xianjie, he will be able to break through the realm in one fell swoop, and then his cultivation will be able to reach a thousand miles in a day.

At this moment, the true fire of the sun in Jiang Lin's body suddenly scattered all over his body. His entire body was like a huge light-absorbing sponge, and the huge absorbing force quickly filled the aurora from the sky into his body.

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-five chapters play a good double standard


With the massive amount of aurora incorporated into his body, Jiang Lin involuntarily uttered a cry, and his whole body radiated blazing strong light and enormous heat, almost illuminating the entire area within a radius of [-] to [-] miles. It melts rapidly when subjected to high heat.

The sudden high heat collided with the icy air of the polar regions, causing storms to appear over this area.

The aurora changes with this huge storm, looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a huge colorful vortex.

At this moment, Jiang Lin was like a nova with a diameter of only one person, breaking the polar night in this area.

"Fortunately, it is in the Antarctic. Otherwise, it would be a lot of trouble to trigger such a vision."

After the suction force in his body gradually subsided, Jiang Lin looked in all directions and was glad that he was in the South Pole in the polar night.

It was daytime now, and if it were somewhere else, the changes in his body would definitely cause big trouble.

Jiang Lin remembered very clearly that when he upgraded his cultivation technique, he had caused a solar storm. This time, a light source was born in his body, and the impact was definitely more serious than that.

If you can see the sun, there is a chance that some powerful star rays will come.

After falling back to the ground, Jiang Lin went to the Antarctic Immortal Weng's cave. Now that the trip to the polar region has been successfully completed, there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

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