He also didn't plan to find any treasures in the Antarctic continent, it was too difficult.

When the storm here is the biggest, the wind speed can reach almost [*] meters per second. Even if one flies and freezes here, it will be blown away by the super strong storm.

After resting in the cave for a day, Jiang Lin and Anya left the polar night area the next day.

Ten days later, the emperor penguins and the penguin group gathered in front of the ice shelf to see Jiang Lin and the others off.

Emperor Penguin was quite honest during this time, so Jiang Lin didn't embarrass it and removed the soul curse from his body.

For this reason, this emperor penguin has always kept saying "thank you to the Lord".

After entering the sea, Jiang Lin asked Xiaobaiyuan Road to return to Skull Island.

Because he got the Wuji Magnetic Mountain in the Antarctic Xianweng's cave, Jiang Lin planned to go to Skull Island again and set up a super-large maze in the sea around the island.

Now the information on Skull Island has been known to the outside world. For the sake of the fairy garden above, Jiang Lin plans to turn it into a lost world.

Moreover, he also collected a peach pit and a withered sapling from the Immortal Mansion. He needed to use the soil on the island to see if he could bring them back to life.

Jiang Lin didn't know what kind of plants these two things were, and he could only tell when they were allowed to grow and bear fruit.

"It's finally done."

Two months later, Jiang Lin emerged from the sea water outside Skull Island. During this time, he has been busy, using the Wuji Magnetic Mountain to magnetize the ores on the seabed of the sea around Skull Island. The ore veins are linked.

In the future, not only ships traveling around Skull Island will be affected by the magnetic force, but the sea fog around the island will also become denser.

Even if the previous group of sailors sailed around Skull Island again, it would be almost impossible to find that island.

Both Hongyan Tianshu and Xianyuan were guarded by powerful formations, and Skull Island was harder to find than before, so Jiang Lin didn't have to worry about anything.

On that day, he and Anya sat on Xiaobai's body and went to North America.

Half a month later, the two arrived at the port of San Francisco in the United States.

"Husband, it's too much to ban our movie."

Anya accidentally saw an old newspaper, and after reading the contents, she was very angry.

The movie "Maoshan Tianshi" that she and Jiang Lin participated in was banned by the US government, and it will be banned from playing in the future.

She originally planned to set up a movie theater and watch the movie they co-starred with Jiang Lin. If it weren't for this movie, she and Jiang Lin would not be able to get together.

But now, the movie is actually listed as a banned film.

"what happened?"

Jiang Lin took the newspaper and glanced at it, he was also quite annoyed.

He originally thought that the movie was too terrifying and scared to death or scared people, but the real reason for the ban was to resist cultural aggression.

According to an article in the newspaper, some time ago, when Jiang Lin and the others were away, there were many people in the United States, especially children, who either bought Qing Dynasty clothes in groups and pretended to be zombies, or bought Taoist robes, nine liang scarves, and Taomu sword gossip. Mirrors and other items, playing the role of a Taoist priest in Maoshan.

As a result, many Chinese workers in the United States resigned directly and started tailoring and craftsmanship businesses.

This is not to mention that a large number of fans have become very interested in Middle-earth Taoism, setting off a wave of Middle-earth Taoism, and even some people have invested in the establishment of Taoist temples in the United States led by Chinese.

There are tens of thousands of Americans who go there to worship Sanqing.

The flower of Taoism in Middle-earth was opened in the United States because of a movie, and it was out of control.

At this point in time, the Great Depression in the United States has not yet passed, and whenever this happens, it is the time for the rise of religion.

In the end, the US government had to come forward and banned the movie "Maoshan Tianshi", directly eliminating the source of the influence.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that a movie he directed and starred in would have such a huge influence, and he didn't expect that the movie would become a banned film because of these things.

"Hmph, it's really a good double standard to play."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly. He made a movie, which caused a certain religious upsurge in the United States, and had to be extinguished. Among those who spread Catholicism and Christianity in the Middle Earth, a considerable number of them were American.

And the time they preached was when the feudal dynasties in Middle-earth were gradually broken.

Not only religion, but some Western cultures also invaded Middle-earth when no one in Middle-earth abandoned the dross of ancestral culture and inherited its essence.

In Middle-earth, it is enough for the Americans to say "God loves the world" and "May the Lord bless you".

There is nothing wrong with the US dumping cultural garbage into China, and the Taoist culture of China has to be stopped when it spreads in the US?

"Let's go, I'll see how he bans."

Jiang Lin took the lead and went to the train station. He planned to go to New York to ask Carl about the specific situation.

As a Taoist priest, Jiang Lin was of course relieved to see Taoism spreading its branches in other places, but now the United States wants to put out this upsurge.

Not so easy.

If that movie didn't have such a big impact, it would be fine. Now that he has such a foundation, Jiang Lin is ready to use some strength to fight those double-standard dogs.

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-six chapters of the century drama

Two days later, Jiang Lin and Anya arrived at New York.

What surprised them was that there were huge posters in many places in New York, some of which were Carl's new movie "Skull Island", others were about "The Eighth Wonder of History" and "Prehistoric Tyrannosaurus", the latter two There are many kinds, and every time a certain distance passes, one or two will appear.

"Husband, Carl and the others... Did they catch King Kong and Dinosaurs for an appointment?"

Anya looked at the content on the poster, her eyes widened, it said that two prehistoric beasts are now on display in the New York Grand Theater.

"That's enough."

Jiang Lin shook his head. With the technology of human beings in this period, it is simply unrealistic to want to completely captivate the giant King Kong and the dinosaur overlord.

Maybe an accident will let them escape, and then it will definitely be a drama of the century.

The two went directly to Carl's residence, and Jiang Lin also wanted to ask if it was Carl's idea to capture King Kong and Tyrannosaurus. If so, he would replace him early.

The person who commits death doesn't live long, and he doesn't want the person who has spent so much effort to help him to be a guy who will only frantically test on the edge of dying.

If his life is over, it would be nonsense to help him find some kind of immortal character.

"Jiang Lin, Anya, you are finally back!"

It happened that Carl was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and he was just about to go out when he bumped into Jiang Lin and the others.

"You wait for me, I'll call and say I might be late."

Carl entered the door again, didn't know where to call, and then he said: "I was going to be the host of the New York Theater, but now that you are back, I will be a little late."

"New York Grand Theater?"

Jiang Lin frowned and continued: "Don't say you are going to host the King Kong and Dinosaur exhibition? It's really killing you, you gangsters brought King Kong and dinosaurs to Niuyue, and they didn't feed them halfway. They are really lucky."

Hearing Jiang Lin's tone was wrong, Carl quickly explained: "It's not us, I didn't participate in the hunt, and it wasn't my idea at all."

Carl knew that Jiang Lin didn't like people who were too adventurous, which was what the latter referred to as "dead ones", so he quickly defended himself.

After that, Carl talked a lot to Jiang Lin. All in all, it was too difficult for him.

Back then on Skull Island, a group of sailors and sailors were going hunting, and Carl and the crew had no choice but to wait for them to return before sailing.

After returning to the United States, he was informed by the above that the last film he and Jiang Lin co-produced was banned, and at the same time, his assets were frozen on the pretext of "creating panic with the film".

Later, the guys whose butts decided their heads learned that the gold master behind him had hunted King Kong and dinosaurs. In order to impact the impact of the last movie on the public, they strongly supported it.

In order to attract the attention of the public as soon as possible, they made Carl, the eloquent director who has actually been to Skull Island, as the host of the giant beast exhibition.

It is to serve the country.

As compensation, the above did not really move the knife on Carl.

Carl wanted to go because he thought he was the host and could promote the new movie shot on Skull Island.

"I only make movies, I'm not a poacher."

Carl was afraid that Jiang Lin would not believe it, so he emphasized it again.

Jiang Lin nodded and said to Carl: "As a friend, I still advise you, don't think about the box office of the movie first, if there is an accident, your life will be in danger. It's better to resign as soon as possible, even if you are there. To promote a new movie, you also have to live to see how much it does at the box office.”

After thinking about it, Carl decided to listen to Jiang Lin's advice. Although King Kong and Tyrannosaurus were both imprisoned by steel rings and thick steel cables, he was still frightened in front of him.

And this giant beast exhibition has been around for a while, and it doesn't make much difference whether he goes or doesn't go.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked Carl the specific process of "Maoshan Tianshi" being sealed, as well as things related to the Taoism boom in the United States.

"You said that in the United States, citizens can sue with ZF? In this case, you should contact the lawyers and ask them to sue the US ZF on this matter. There is no need to consider the funding. If you can't win the lawsuit, you can contact your sponsors. As long as they agree to file a joint lawsuit, I have a lot of money for them to earn."

Jiang Lin directly asked Carl to file a civil lawsuit. If he didn't make the matter uproar, the funds he got from the last movie might be hacked.

If the US government does not express a position, he will use his influence to set off a big wave in the United States.

From Carl's mouth, Jiang Lin knew that the movie he made was extended for a long time, not to mention all the Americans, at least [*]% of the Americans have seen it, and some people have watched it many times.

As the protagonist of the film, Jiang Lin's influence can be imagined.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Carl took a hard puff of his cigar, and now that Jiang Lin came back, he felt confident again.

Immediately, he dialed the phone and told his financial master to quit, worried that something would happen.

Coincidentally, Carl had just quit his job as the host when another voice came from the other end of the phone.

What a big deal!

King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are out of control!

Jiang Lin heard the voice from the microphone, and the expression on his face was also a little exciting. He was thinking about how stupid this American ZF must be. In order to dilute the people's impression of a movie, let them watch King Kong and King Kong. Tyrannosaurus.

Now there is something wrong at the New York Theater.

Although he hadn't seen what kind of scene it was with his own eyes, Jiang Lin knew after a little imagination that it must be a scene of thousands of people screaming and blood everywhere.

The real drama of the century.

You bunch of double-standard dogs, it's just your own fault.

Jiang Lin was a little gloated about the misfortune. Those idiots said that they wanted to resist some kind of cultural invasion. Now it's okay. I don't know if the cultural invasion was successful or not. The invasion of prehistoric giant beasts has already happened.

At this time, Niuyue Grand Theater can be described as hell on earth. Anyone who comes here and sees such a scene will have to spit out the yellow bile water in their stomachs whenever they see bloody steaks.

The dead are all meat patties, and the living are all insane.

In the limited space, the exit was blocked by the crowd, and there were two prehistoric beasts of [*] to [*] tons in the back.

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