Chapter [*] Better not ask me

These audiences are not the worst. The worst is that the sailors and sailors who once captured King Kong and the Tyrannosaurus were torn apart by King Kong, or were bitten into several pieces by the Tyrannosaurus.

After the seamen and sailors transported these two giant beasts, they basically all resigned, and even the captain did not go to sea.

These dead guys are happy every day, but now, they are not happy at all.

Today, Donkey Kong and Tyrannosaurus don't know what's going on, they have changed their previous state and become extremely violent.

They struggled to break free from the huge steel rings and chains imposed on them, and even the specially thickened walls of the Grand Theater were torn apart by them.

In fact, these two giant beasts had the ability to break free several days ago, but Donkey Kong has not taken any action. It pretended for several days, deliberately pretending to be crazy and foolish, and amusing many audiences to eat.

After recovering a lot of physical strength, Jin just started his own escape operation.

As for the tyrannosaurus, it was also instructed by King Kong and has been enduring.

After all, they all come from Skull Island. Although they are of different species, they can still communicate by trying to communicate. How to say King Kong is also a large primate, and his IQ is not low at all.

If they met each other in normal times, it would definitely be inevitable that you would yell at me or even fight directly, but now they are all grasshoppers tied to a rope, how can they not cooperate.

A giant King Kong and a Tyrannosaurus rex comparable to Tyrannosaurus rex, with the consciousness of cooperation, how can a human theater restrain them.

After the two prehistoric beasts were freed, there would be resentment for resentment, and revenge for revenge, just as the seamen and sailors came back with huge animal traps, narcotics and gas bombs.

But this time, no matter how many people there are, they can't handle King Kong and Tyrannosaurus at all.

King Kong was injured by Jiang Lin at the beginning, and he was arrested because he had never seen a beast trap and anesthetized chloroform.

Now that the two giant beasts have experience, it is useless to have ten times the number of them.

Squeeze, crush, shred, twist.

All the people who do security work, none of them have a good end.

Killing those who have hatred with them, King Kong and Tyrannosaurus howled again, and their anger is not finished.

The people who are blocked and unable to escape in the theater basically have some spare money. After all, the ticket price of the exhibition is not too cheap.

They could have lived well, at least they didn't have to worry about three meals, but now, because of curiosity, the sun will not be seen tomorrow.

"My God, Jiang Lin, thanks to you for coming, thanks to you for coming!"

At Carl's house, Carl was already a little hysterical. After he put down the phone, he kept shivering all over, and he kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.

From the other end of the phone, he heard the news that the two giant beasts, King Kong and Tyrannosaurus, were out of control. If Jiang Lin hadn't arrived today and persuaded him to quit his job, he would never die again.

"Go upstairs and see what's going on."

Jiang Lin really wanted to see the situation in the area of ​​the New York Grand Theater, especially after King Kong and Tyrannosaurus fled, how the US government would clean up the mess.

"Yes, yes, go up and have a look."

After Carl was extremely fortunate, he was also ready to see scenes he had never seen before.

He is completely watching the fun and it is not a big deal. Anyway, this prehistoric beast exhibition is supported by the idiots above. The bigger the disaster, the more relieved he is.

When the three of them got to the top of the high-rise building, they found that chaos had begun in the vicinity. The news of the giant beast's escape had spread quickly, and countless people had begun to flee. Many surrounding streets were already in chaos. There will be a lot of traffic.

Jiang Lin and Carl looked at the New York Theater, which was six or seven miles away, and found that there were huge concrete blocks thrown from time to time.

Donkey Kong climbed up the high-rise building over there, digging into the floor with a big hand, and after digging it, he sent it to his mouth.

King Kong was originally a giant orangutan, an omnivorous creature like a human being, and now there are a lot of "two-legged sheep", which are very enjoyable to eat.

After climbing a tall building, King Kong destroyed it, demolishing the floors, walls and even several floors of buildings and throwing them around.

As for the Tyrannosaurus, Jiang Lin and the others couldn't see it. The distance was too far, and they couldn't see the situation on the ground.

"It seems that a lot of people have to die."

Anya looked at King Kong several miles away and couldn't help but leaned close to Jianglin. Such a prehistoric beast can only be dealt with by aircraft cannons, and New York City is full of high-rise buildings and crowds, and aircraft cannons are not easy to use, unless it is an aircraft cannon. Only a person with supernatural ability like Jiang Lin can deal with it.

Otherwise, they can basically only let them destroy, at most, concentrate firepower, drive them to the suburbs, and then kill them.

But in this process, the number of casualties must be tens of thousands.

"It's true that a lot of people died."

Carl took out the binoculars and saw that there were many people lying around the Niuyue Grand Theater, more dead than injured.Then he asked Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, can you destroy the army if you say that?"

If King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are allowed to destroy in New York, Carl himself will be greatly affected, so although he wants to see the above joke, he still hopes that these two giant beasts can be destroyed in the end.

"It's hard."

Jiang Lin shook his head. In terms of human technology, it is true that King Kong and Tyrannosaurus can be killed, but that must be supported by the environment.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and the tallest Empire State Building is four or five hundred meters high. Not to mention that the plane is close to the ground, it is difficult to fly at low altitude.

If you don't need a plane, you'll have to use a tank, but King Kong is a very intelligent creature. In this densely built city, it's not realistic for artillery shells to hit it.

"I see, I can't guarantee that those stupid politicians will come to you. Now in New York, there are already many people in the upper class who know that you have superhuman abilities. If the aircraft cannons don't work, what will they do? will try."

Carl told Jiang Lin about his guess. With hundreds of pairs of eyes watching Jiang Lin's ability on Skull Island, there must be outsiders who would know that there is no airtight wall in the world.

As long as the disaster gets bigger and bigger, it is really possible for the US government to come to Jiang Lin for help.

"Looking for me? Begging me? They better not ask me."

Jiang Lin smiled. If he really wanted to deal with King Kong and Tyrannosaurus, he wouldn't have to spend much effort. If there wasn't a good double-standard thing to do with those double-standard dogs, even if he had reached an agreement with them, he wouldn't have to. Too much pay.

But this time, it's fine if you don't come to ask him. Once you ask him, he can pull this American eagle into a bald eagle.

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-eight chapters one billion, less than one child is not enough

"Husband, if someone comes to you to deal with King Kong and Tyrannosaurus, are you sure? If you are not sure, don't go, okay. These things are all done by those sailors and officials, so they will have a headache."

Although Anya has become Jiang Lin's woman, she still doesn't know much about Jiang Lin's style of doing things.

In her opinion, Jiang Lin is a Taoist priest, the kind of person in the book who subdues demons and subdues demons, and is dedicated to benefiting the common people.

So she was worried that Jiang Lin would force himself to deal with the two prehistoric beasts.

When on Skull Island, Anya saw Jiang Lin deal with two Tyrannosaurus rex one after another, and was seriously injured because of it. If King Kong and Tyrannosaurus join forces, Jiang Lin may be in danger.

She didn't want Jiang Lin to take risks.

Jiang Lin stroked Anya's hair, took her in his arms, and said, "I still have confidence, but now this matter has nothing to do with me, and I won't take the initiative to deal with those two guys. Even if someone comes to me, I have to pay a huge price to make me tempted before I can make a move.”

Anya snorted softly, because she had hurried a few days before, she snuggled into Jiang Lin's arms, and fell asleep not long after, Jiang Lin and Carl watched the situation change on the roof.

Coincidentally, the direction of King Kong and Tyrannosaurus is their side.

Jiang Lin put a silent note on Anya in his arms, and quietly watched this great drama of the century.

As for Carl, it was the sound of screaming and exclamation. King Kong is too arrogant, and he is not so conspicuous on Skull Island. When he came to this New York City, this guy is like a heifer who can't give birth to a calf-cow X is broken.

It held two public buses in its hands, and when it saw cars and people on the road, it went up and swung it. Some people were hit by the bus in King Kong's hands and flew from the street to the end of the street.

It is like an invincible destruction king, the vehicle wires on the street and the storefronts on the street are all destroyed by it.

The Tyrannosaurus behind King Kong is not inferior at all. Because King Kong was destroyed in the previous pass, it did not eat many people, so this dinosaur directly crashed the buildings on both sides of the street and went inside to find food to eat.

As long as the two prehistoric beasts passed by, there would be blood all over the place and a mess.

It didn't take long for a lot of sirens to be heard around, and the escape of King Kong and Tyrannosaurus has been known to the US government.

They dispatched many troops and military vehicles right away.

It's a pity that almost all the streets and alleys of New York were blocked by people and cars. King Kong and Tyrannosaurus were wreaking havoc behind, and it was not safe to hide in houses and buildings. In this case, who would not escape.

Those troops and vehicles couldn't even see King Kong and Tyrannosaurus.

After more than an hour of tossing, the military vehicles and soldiers finally met two prehistoric beasts.

However, soft use does not.

King Kong grabbed and lost the bus and sedan by the roadside, and a group of military vehicles flew everywhere like bowling balls.

It's so wonderful, so amazing.

Jiang Lin watched the battle on the street a mile away from the roof, which was more exciting than watching any Hollywood blockbuster in the future.

In the end, these troops could only concentrate their firepower against King Kong and Tyrannosaurus, while distributing their hands to evacuate the people near the street where the two giant beasts were located.

After many people were evacuated, military planes appeared in the sky, and the machine guns on them kept shooting at King Kong and Tyrannosaurus.

However, it still doesn't work.

King Kong directly used the sedans and buses on the ground as throwing objects, and came to ground-to-air-jump planes.

King Kong hit a plane, one hit and one hit, and the plane crashed directly, that's how bad it is!

In this way, the Tyrannosaurus dealt with the army of military vehicles on the ground, and King Kong found a bunker to fight with the low-altitude aircraft team.

I don't know how many American soldiers died in this behemoth battle.

It's not that the American army didn't think about driving the two giant beasts to the suburbs and killing them with destructive artillery shells.

But King Kong is very shrewd and would rather break down the walls of tall buildings and hide inside than run elsewhere.

It also smashed the first and second floors of some high-rise buildings, causing the buildings to collapse, blocking the streets and preventing the passage of military vehicles with machine guns and tanks.

The two giant beasts cooperated with each other with the help of their geographical advantages, and even if thousands of troops marched together, they would be wiped out sooner or later.

"What should I do, what should I do?"

In the New York City Hall, the mayor, who was meeting with many mayors, was so anxious that his hair was about to be pulled out by himself.

The rest of the people in the meeting were also gloomy. Before the day had passed, about a quarter of the city had been destroyed.

Even with soldiers and civilians, the number of casualties has exceeded [*].

If it goes on like this, the whole New York contract may fall.

"Mayor, Carl, look for Carl, the movie he made on Skull Island is likely to be a real record. Before the King Kong was captured, he was injured. Now only the Middle Earth Taoist who worked with Carl was found. There might be a way.”

The secretary on the side recommended Jiang Lin to the mayor. Now aircraft and tanks can't handle King Kong and Tyrannosaurus. Most of the reason is that the two giant beasts are in the center of the city.

If Jiang Lin, who may have supernatural abilities, is allowed to deal with them, there is no need to be restricted by the geographical environment.

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