"Yes, Carl, Carl!"

"Go get in touch and find him!"

Many participants thought of Carl, and only through him could they find out where Jiang Lin was.

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up, hurry up!"

The mayor immediately asked the secretary to contact and find Carl. It was exactly as Carl expected. These officials saw that the most advanced weapons were useless. They scratched their heads one by one and thought about a solution. Now the secretary suggested a way to contact Carl. Jiang Lin's suggestion, where would they think more, try it first.

That night, the mayor's secretary found Carl and Jiang Lin.

"Dear Mr. Jiang, it's great to see you. Now, I think you should know the situation in New York City. On behalf of the mayor, I would like to invite you to deal with those two prehistoric beasts. If you can eliminate them They, you are the hero of New York City."

The mayor's secretary directly explained his intentions, Jiang Lin looked at the secretary, flicked his nails, and said, "I'm not interested in being a hero, let alone doing a giant beast exhibition, it's a matter of your group of officials. It has nothing to do with me. But it is not impossible for me to deal with them. You have used tanks and planes to deal with those two guys. You should know how difficult and dangerous it is. "

Chong the mayor's secretary smiled, Jiang Lin continued: "If you want me to solve these two disasters, you must agree to my conditions."

The mayor's secretary nodded and said, "Of course, as long as you are willing to take action and solve them, I think the mayor and the others will agree no matter what the conditions are."

"That's it, my conditions are also very simple. The last movie I co-produced with Carl, you US government directly lifted the ban and continued to show it in theaters. This is one of them; the second is that the Taoist culture of our Middle Earth is in your US country. spread, you must not obstruct it."

The mayor's secretary recorded all of Jiang Lin's words on a notepad, and said, "I wrote them all down. I need to ask the mayor, but I think there should be no problem."

"These are just conditions. In the end, it's my reward, a billion dollars. If you can agree to these three requirements, I will solve those two beasts soon."

Jiang Lin said that as long as the ZF of the United States came to ask for it, he would pluck the eagle of the United States into a bald eagle. Now that someone really came to him, he would ask for one billion dollars, or US dollars.

In the future, "set a small goal and earn [-] million yuan first" compared with Jiang Lin's current whale's big mouth, that is to play a family.


The pen in the mayor's secretary's hand fell directly to the ground. He blinked, as if he had not fully recovered.

Even Carl and Anya spit out the coffee in their mouths.

One person, Zhangkou asked the US government for one billion yuan. I am afraid this is unprecedented. As for whether it is a newcomer, it is not clear for the time being.

"One billion? Dollars?"

"That's right, one billion dollars, not even one less."

Jiang Lin repeated the number again. The cultural double standard played by ZF in the United States made him extremely unhappy. Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he do it without slaughtering it severely.

"Mr. Jiang..."

"Needless to say, go back and tell you my request. If you don't agree, don't talk about it. Also, I'll be here tonight waiting for phone news. If they don't agree, come back to me and increase the price."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, directly blocking the mayor's secretary's mouth and letting him go.

Seeing Jiang Lin's resolute attitude, the mayor's secretary had no choice but to go back.

"What? One billion? Dollars? Fart, big shit!"

When the secretary told the mayor, the latter was furious.

TMD, now that the economy is in the Great Depression, the annual GDP of the United States is only [-] to [-] billion yuan, and Jianglin’s mouth is only [-] billion yuan?

Quanmi (US) for nearly a week of gross domestic product income plus taxes and other funds should be given to Jiang Lin?

The big joke of slipping the world!

"I made an appointment to the mayor, but if I quit, I would step down, and I would be thrown eggs and vegetables by the people outside! I won't agree to his request! I won't agree to a single one!"

The mayor slapped the table furiously, and asked the secretary to call Jiang Lin and scolded Jiang Lin to death.

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-nine chapters clearly start

"Mayor, Mr. Jiang said that if we don't agree and go to him again, the price will be increased."

The secretary was not as excited as the mayor. After all, it had nothing to do with Jiang Lin's salary, and he didn't need to pay.

It is precisely because of this mentality that the secretary has a clearer head than the mayor. If the two prehistoric beasts continue to suffer, the loss will only increase.

The money is given out, and the economy can be slowly earned back, but if it continues like this, there will be no end.

So after thinking about it, the secretary politely reminded the mayor, but the mayor's stinky face responded to him: "If he adds any more, if I give him a penny, if I go to him for help again, I will Go kiss the pig's butt!"

The secretary had no choice but to contact Jiang Lin.

In Carl's house, Jiang Lin was sitting in the living room, waiting for the mayor's secretary's response.

He is not in a hurry at all, the current situation is so severe, no matter whether the government in the United States answers his request or not, the unblocking of the film and the spread of Taoist culture in the United States will have a turning point.

Now that the Great Depression has not yet passed, the people of the United States are only one fuse away from the full outbreak of dissatisfaction with the society.

If they knew that the behemoth exhibition was supported by ZF, the consequences would not be too serious.

The ban of the movie and the boycott of Middle-earth culture, as the cause of this series of events, will naturally be reversed.

Before long, the phone in the living room rang.

"How about, promise or not?"

Jiang Lin answered the phone and asked the mayor's secretary how it turned out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, the mayor can't agree to your request. Your request is too outrageous."

The mayor's secretary did not scold Jiang Lin as the mayor requested. He felt that no matter what, letting Jiang Lin take action could be used as a backup plan, in case the army really couldn't deal with those two prehistoric beasts. , it is possible to find Jiang Lin.

If Jiang Lin was completely offended at this time, once the situation worsened, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

"Mr. Jiang, the mayor did not agree, mainly because the remuneration you asked for is not high enough to describe. If you think carefully about the remuneration, I will ask the mayor again."

"This doesn't need me to think about it at all. You may think that there is still capital to bargain with me, but in my opinion, this is a very ridiculous thing. I have the ability to solve King Kong and Tyrannosaurus in a short time. Can you Can you? You can't. Since you don't have the ability, you don't have to think about sitting on the ground with me and bargaining."

Jiang Lin thinks that the US government is very interesting. Now two prehistoric beasts are wanton destruction in the city of New York, killing the Quartet. The official here still doesn't know what kind of position he is in, and he has to bargain with him.

It's like a fire in a person's home, property and family are in the sea of ​​fire, and he can't put out the fire himself. Some people can put out the fire and eliminate the disaster, but the fire in the house is actually like a grocery shopping aunt at the door of the house. Yes, suspects are expensive.

Funny how is this?

As for Jiang Lin's claim that he could solve two giant beasts in a short period of time, he didn't brag at all.

Under the premise of Xiaobai's assistance, if he made a surprise attack, it would not take much effort to take care of King Kong and Tyrannosaurus.

These two giants have been entangled with the U.S. Army Air Force for a day, and it is impossible not to get tired.

Taking advantage of their tiredness, Jiang Lin felt confident that he could handle them.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. I've made it clear to you before. If you come to me later and ask for an increase, I'll reiterate it to you again. [-] billion, and I have to add a condition that if King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are resolved, I will have full authority to dispose of their corpses."

When discussing the conditions with the mayor's secretary earlier, Jiang Lin forgot to add the latter one. King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are both creatures on Skull Island. If they found that the body was a huge treasure, they would definitely seek Skull Island at all costs.

"[-] billion? Mr. Jiang, are you asking for a price on the ground."

The mayor's secretary on the other end of the phone simply didn't know what to say next. The one-way price is one billion yuan, and the additional price is [-] million yuan. Does it really mean that the money came from a strong wind?

"Am I raising the price on the ground? The choice is with you, and we are not trading now, I'm just giving you a warning."

Although he said so, Jiang Lin actually started the price on the ground.

Originally, if the US ZF did not play double standards, he would not have opened his mouth to the whales, and he would not have raised the price on the ground, and the increase would have been [-] million.

Is it him, I just sit on the ground and raise the price, what about you?

When Jiang Lin thought of the cultural aggression of the United States in later generations, and madly dumping cultural garbage, he was extremely unhappy.

If nothing else, it's enough to disgust the foreign devils of the West to let the women of Middle-earth be the women of their gods.

It's just disgusting, what's even more disgusting is that it is still playing double standards and resisting the Taoist culture of the Middle Earth.

Am I boycotting you!

"Hopefully we won't have cooperation."

After the mayor's secretary finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly. There was really no way to communicate.

"Jiang Lin, are you really going to ask for one billion? You're adding another five hundred million?"

Carl stared at Jiang Lin, originally he thought Jiang Lin was talking casually, after all, this number is too scary.

But now it seems that Jiang Lin is real.

Anya also asked, "Husband, do you want too much?"

Similar to Carl, she thought that Jiang Lin rejected the mayor's secretary in this way, but she never thought that Jiang Lin really wanted it.

One billion, one and a half billion...

Anya looked at the ceiling with her eyes on the ceiling, thinking in her heart. The "Maoshan Tianshi" she and Jiang Lin filmed created a box office myth in the history of movies, but the box office before and after the movie was only [-] million, which was already for her. It's astronomical.

One billion, one hundred "Maoshan Tianshi", [-] billion, one hundred and fifty "Maoshan Tianshi".

Omg, it's so scary.

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said, "A lot? It's okay, it's just a small amount of money."

Carl: "..."

Anya: "..."

The secretary relayed what Jiang Lin said to the mayor, but he blew the mayor's lungs with rage, and that night he increased his troops to completely eliminate the two giant beasts.

However, the two prehistoric beasts disappeared. The two brothers in need of Skull Island rushed out of the army's encirclement at night and entered the largest river in New York.

The two brothers walked the waterway to the other end of Niuyue, and began to be cheerful and cheerful again.

What's interesting is that New York's military power was concentrated in the city where they were originally, and on the other side, they became a veritable overlord.

Without the blocking of the army, they can be built vigorously.

The number of casualties among the people has doubled.

Refugees who fled there had the heart to die. As soon as they escaped, King Kong and Tyrannosaurus followed.

The next morning, a large number of Niuyo citizens fled for their lives in the surrounding cities, and in the rest of the places that were not devastated by the two giant beasts, the people took to the streets to parade.

"Stupid mayor, step down!"

"Incompetent ZF, unable to guarantee the property and safety of citizens!"

"Resolutely protest!"

Thousands of people poured into the streets, demanding an explanation from the mayor.

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