It’s over.

After Mayor Niu Yue heard the report of his subordinates, his eyes went black and he kicked his legs and fainted.

"Quick, help me up, find...find...find Mr. Jiang!"

The mayor took the secretary's arm and shouted to find Jiang Lin.

Last night, he seemed to be able to bite through steel with his teeth. If he said anything, he didn't do anything. Even if he stepped down, he wouldn't look for Jiang Lin.

But when he was about to step down, he took his own words as farts.

The first thousand two hundred and fortieth chapters do not cry without seeing the coffin

"But the mayor, he said to find him again, it would cost [*] billion, [*] billion."

The secretary reminded the mayor that if he really wanted Jiang Lin to take action, he had to prepare astronomical dollars.

"I know, you don't have to repeat it with me! Look at the number of casualties, it's almost [*]."

The mayor yelled at the secretary. In fact, what he cares about is not the casualties of the people at all, but his own official position. If he does not take quick and effective measures, when things ferment, he will definitely step down, and may even go to prison.

Moreover, the speed of the two giant beasts was beyond his expectations. If they could not be stopped, the consequences would be more serious once they ran to the neighboring city.

The capital of the United States is only more than [*] kilometers away from New York. If these two giants rush to the capital, he will become a sinner in the history of the United States.

"I will contact the capital immediately, ask them to dispatch the federal army, and discuss with them the matter of more than one billion US dollars, you, hurry up and act for me."

The mayor kicked the secretary's ass in a hurry.

"I'm going, I'm going!"

The secretary felt that it was too difficult for him. He told Jiang Lin on the phone last night that he hoped there would be no cooperation between the two parties. Now the mayor has asked him to find Jiang Lin again.

At the same time, he also tried his best to greet the mayor, Fake, who said that he would not agree even if the people throw eggs and vegetables, which grandson said that if he agreed, he would kiss the pig's butt?

It's like a fart!

Cursing in his heart, the secretary immediately left the city hall and went to Carl's residence.

"Jiang Lin, did you know? King Kong and Tyrannosaurus went to Manhattan."

Carl ran in from the outside with a newspaper and told Jiang Lin and Anya about the protests in the city.

"Tsk tsk, this time the loss is not ordinary."

Jiang Lin took the newspaper in Carl's hand, read the report on it, and observed a moment of silence for Mayor Niuyo.

New York is the largest city in the United States, and the damage caused by such scourges is huge.

"Mr. Jiang!"

At this moment, the mayor's secretary rushed in panting and said to Jiang Lin, "The mayor has been willing to accept your request, and is now in contact with the capital. The two prehistoric beasts have already run to the other side of New York. Now, please ask Mr. Jiang to help us solve the problem."

"Oh? Are you willing to accept my request?"

Jiang Lin sat on the sofa and continued: "Then wait for the mayor to coordinate with your capital. When the time comes, I will come over."

He wouldn't immediately take action just because of the mayor's secretary's mouth.

After all, the remuneration he asked for was not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but more than one billion. Even if Mayor Niu Yue was willing, the Congress on the other side of the capital might not agree.

He didn't mind letting King Kong and Tyrannosaurus wander off for a while until things were completely settled.

Jiang Lin guessed it well. After Mayor Niu Yue got in touch with the capital, they firmly disagreed.

They scolded the mayor and dispatched a large number of federal troops to march on New York.

This American ZF, I really don't cry without seeing the coffin.

After Jiang Lin knew about these things, he didn't find it strange at all. Most of the Americans are proud and conceited, not to mention the officers.

Pride is real pride, but not knowing the situation is just as real.

In fact, the real reason why King Kong and Tyrannosaurus have not been eliminated is not that they are not armed enough, nor are they lacking in manpower, but that the army throws a weapon against rats.

In a place with such a high population density in New York City, it is not realistic to completely evacuate the people. Even if it can be done, it cannot be done in three or two days.

Unless the army can be firm and indiscriminate, bombarding indiscriminately, then King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are not enough to play.

In reality, however, the military cannot do that.

In addition to this reason, as a primate, King Kong is also very smart. It knows how to use tools and environmental advantages to cooperate with Tyrannosaurus.

Under such circumstances, even if the time is pushed back fifty years, if the United States at that time encountered such a disaster, there would be no good way.

Jiang Lin was waiting leisurely at Carl's residence. He really wanted to see how the federal army of the United States was shriveled.

On this day, the sirens of the planes were constantly heard over the city, and a large number of troops and vehicles and tanks marched towards the place where the two prehistoric beasts were located.

But it was useless at all, as long as it was where King Kong and Tyrannosaurus stayed, the streets would be chaotic.

People hid in the house, and King Kong was taken out for them, so a large number of people fled everywhere.

The two giant beasts switched places with one shot, and they chose crowded places to cross the road, or went directly into the river to avoid the artillery fire.

As soon as they get to one place, they cause unprecedented riots, and the army cannot concentrate fire at all.

And King Kong and Tyrannosaurus also like to smash the bottom foundation of high-rise buildings, causing the buildings to collapse, as their excellent bunkers.

On this day, the entire city of New York was completely out of order.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the commander of the federal army had no choice but to report the situation truthfully.

Can't fix.

Now the direction of the two giant beasts is the Empire State Building. If the Empire State Building collapses, the whole world will have to watch their American joke.

So far, about one-third of the entire area of ​​New York has been bombed by aircraft cannons, and the federal army no longer dares to admit that it is arrogant.

When night fell, Mayor Niu Yue personally found Jiang Lin.

All the requirements are fully agreed, and [*] billion is also granted.

They really have no choice. If they wait another night, King Kong and Tyrannosaurus do not know where they will appear again. The US government can no longer bear such large-scale casualties and losses.

If you don't see the coffin and don't cry, don't you have to find me?

Jiang Lin smiled unkindly. If he had agreed to his request earlier, there would have been nothing to do.

"These agreements, I hope, are not just a blank sheet of paper."

Jiang Lin shook the contract in his hand to the mayor. If those officials dared to play tricks with him, they would have to suffer more serious consequences than the prehistoric beasts.

Chapter [*] Spike!

"As long as you can completely eliminate those two giant beasts, Mr. Jiang, we promise that there will never be any problems."

The mayor repeatedly patted his chest to assure Jiang Lin, and then he said: "Since the agreement has been reached, please ask Mr. Jiang to leave immediately. It will take nearly an hour for the car to drive there. I hope that before dawn tomorrow, Mr. Jiang, you can completely They are wiped out."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "It doesn't take an hour, the mayor, and your secretary, you two can send me over together, so that you can be a witness."

In order to prevent the mayor and the others from not acknowledging the account afterwards, Jiang Lin planned to let the mayor and the secretary go with them, which could be regarded as a deterrent to them.

The mayor was stunned for a moment and said, "It doesn't take an hour? Mr. Jiang hopes that your ability is higher than your bragging ability."

He felt that Jiang Lin was making an international joke with him, it was almost an hour after the drive, and he still didn't need an hour?

Do you mean it can be done in a few minutes?

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I'm a professional, so I'm not bragging."

"Okay, okay, the professional's words are not bragging, we will send you there."

The mayor nodded, Jiang Lin's words made him laugh, they dispatched the army, the tanks and planes went on together, and for two days, they did not kill the two giant beasts, but Jiang Lin was here to talk for a few minutes to settle it, and said this Not bragging.

After telling Anya not to worry, Jiang Lin and the mayor went out of the gate, got on the special car, and went to the area where King Kong and Tyrannosaurus were located.

After half an hour, the three arrived at their destination.

There are troops stationed in this urban area, but they are only stationed there. Now King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are hidden in the building, they dare not force them too much, otherwise it will be a big trouble if they are sent to other places. .

"Mr. Jiang, King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are in the building over there, we won't go there, wait for the good news."

The mayor explained the situation to the commander, and then pointed to the building in the distance. He thought that he was too close to the two giant beasts when he got here, and it was absolutely impossible to let him get close.

"Then you can just wait here."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and walked to the tall building in front of him.

"Professionals, I'll see what kind of professional method you have? If you can't handle two giant beasts, don't even think about taking a penny of money, and you'll have to be arrested and put in jail!"

After Jiang Lin left, Shi Chang put his hands on his hips and waited to see Jiang Lin's good show.

"He's the savior you're looking for? I don't believe he can be more powerful than a plane and tank. If you make things worse, you'll be fully responsible!"

The commander looked at Chief Shi and the secretary with disdain. The federal army was unable to deal with King Kong and Tyrannosaurus because of the environment.

Now a foreigner is invited, who is still a weak yellow race. This is simply an international joke.

Fortunately, he didn't know the agreement between Shi Chang and Jiang Lin. If he knew about the promise of [*] billion yuan, he would definitely be furious, pointing at the two people's nose and cursing.

The faces of Chief Shi and the secretary were not very good-looking, and the Commander's tone was too rude.

Don't you have nothing to do?

Since there is no way, why not try any method?

At this time, the two hoped that Jiang Lin would really be able to solve King Kong and Tyrannosaurus quickly.

When Jiang Lin arrived at the high-rise building, he let Xiaobai in his arms come out, let him enter the building, and provoke King Kong and Tyrannosaurus.

When Xiaobai entered the building, he manifested his main body. With lightning speed, the snake tail whipped at King Kong and the Tyrannosaurus, sending their eyes into Venus.

Before the two giant beasts could react, Xiao Bai greeted the wounds on their bodies with a long snake tail.



King Kong and Tyrannosaurus were sleeping, and being attacked by giant snakes for no reason had inspired them to get up. In addition, the wounds on their bodies were attacked, which made them violent.

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