Seeing Xiaobai running out, the two giant beasts directly smashed through the wall of the high-rise building and rushed out of the building.

One of them beat his chest and howled loudly, and the other opened his mouth wide and yelled at Xiaobai.

"My God, why is there another giant beast???"

The eyeballs of Chief Shi, the secretary, and the commander almost fell out, and the surrounding troops and the fleet of planes hovering in the sky were completely stunned.

Two prehistoric giant beasts are enough of a headache, and now there is a giant python more than [-] meters long.

Before these people could regain their senses, Jiang Lin, who had been prepared in front of the tall building, had already acted.

The spiritual power in his body spread all over his body, and an extremely dazzling light suddenly erupted all over his body.

King Kong and Tyrannosaurus didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. Unpredictable, their eyes were stabbed by the strong light and caused severe pain.

In the blazing whiteness, King Kong screamed while covering his eyes, while Typhoon turned his head to the side and closed his eyes tightly.


Jiang Lin shouted loudly, clenching the bone sword in both hands.

Xiaobai has closed the snake pupils at this time, and the bright red snake letter keeps spitting out. The eyesight of snakes is generally poor, and they mainly rely on their powerful sensory organ-the snake letter to perceive objects in the distance.

Although he has become a demon, Xiaobai's eyesight is similar to that of a human, but his sensory organs have not deteriorated, but have become more sensitive.

Even in the strong white light, even if Xiaobai closed the snake pupil, he could still "see" the surroundings clearly.

After Jiang Lin shouted violently, it wrapped Jiang Lin's body with its snake tail and threw it out. During the swing, its snake tail was still like a yo-yo rope, driving Jiang Lin's body to use his torso as the main body. The shaft turns extremely fast.

In this way, Jiang Lin Lianren took the bone sword held above his head, like a feathered arrow from the string, and like a drill bit of a drilling machine, he shot towards King Kong's heart.

Almost instantly, Jiang Lin passed through King Kong's body with his sword.

When Jiang Lin rushed out of the back of King Kong, Xiaobai wrapped the blood-covered Jiang Lin again with the tail of a snake.

With enough strength, Xiaobai regarded his back body as a huge whip and slammed it towards the Tyrannosaurus.

This time it didn't let go of Jiang Lin.

With the help of Xiaobai's more than [-] jins, Jiang Lin used his whole body to slash the Tyrannosaurus's neck with a sword.

This cut off most of the Tyrannosaurus's neck.

It's a pity that the zheng bone sword is not long enough, otherwise it would be able to directly decapitate the Tyrannosaurus.

But the results were almost the same. After Xiaobai let go of Jiang Lin, he swung the back half of his body again and beat him.

A huge dragon head of the Tyrannosaurus flew directly.


A real spike!

Since Xiaobai shed his skin, his body's strength has improved a lot. In addition, it was night, and Jiang Lin's fierce Yang Xuanguang directly blinded the two giant beasts. They were too tired to respond in time to protect themselves. , One person and one snake work together to kill two prehistoric beasts in seconds.

King Kong was pierced through his heart, and Jiang Lin left a lot of yang flames in his body. It is estimated that the entire heart and even many internal organs were cooked, and the Tyrannosaurus was directly decapitated.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-two chapters come home

After getting the two giant beasts, Jiang Lin hurried to the side of the fallen King Kong, and put its still warm body into the ancient mirror. The rest of the Tyrannosaurus was swallowed by Xiaobai and collected into his own. in the intra-abdominal space.

Although the body of the Tyrannosaurus was very huge, Xiaobai had no problem putting it into his abdomen for a short time.

There is no way to do this. Jiang Lin's ancient mirror has limited internal space, and now it is no longer possible to fit King Kong and Tyrannosaurus at the same time.

At this time, Chief Shi and the commander and the soldiers in the air on the ground regained their sight, and then they were collectively stunned.

What about King Kong?

What about the Tyrannosaurus?

Why is there only one giant python left?

When the surrounding soldiers saw Xiaobai coming towards them, they immediately prepared to fire.

"Don't move!"

Jiang Lin snorted around, then jumped and jumped onto Xiao Bai's head.

"That giant python is the one in the movie! It's not a prop in the movie, it's... it's real!"

Secretary Shi suddenly shouted, and he finally remembered that he had seen the snake demon in "Maoshan Tianshi".

"My god, he... he can actually tame such a beast?"

Shi Chang held his head and tried hard to restore his overturned cognition.

As for the commander, he was always ready to issue an order. If there was anything unusual about the [-]-meter-long giant snake, he would let his subordinates fire without hesitation.

Jiang Lin arrived next to Shi Chang and the others, jumped down, and said lightly, "It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

"What do you mean? You solved King Kong and Tyrannosaurus?"

"What do you think? Didn't you see the blood all over me?"

"But...what about the corpse?"

Shi Chang scratched his head, he couldn't find anything.

Even if King Kong and Tyrannosaurus are eliminated, there must be dead bodies.

But if they weren't destroyed, where did they go?

Jiang Lin pointed at the corner of the high-rise building: "Isn't that a Tyrannosaurus head? As for the corpse, I have already said that I have the power to dispose of it at will. What are you doing with the corpse? In addition, you transported the Tyrannosaurus head to Carl's house. "

Tyrannosaurus head, Tyrannosaurus head!

Shi Chang rubbed his eyes, and only now did he find the dinosaur head rolling against the wall.

"Quick! Let your subordinates look around to see if there are any traces of King Kong and Tyrannosaurus! The aircraft team also moves!"

Then he hurriedly pushed the commander beside him, who also recovered from the shock, and immediately let his subordinates start action.

"No, no, no?"

Chang Shi has been thinking about it all the time. Of course, he hoped that the two giant beasts were eliminated, but the inherent logic and cognition made him have to doubt this fact.

Less than a minute, less than ten seconds!

They were blinded by the strong light, and it only took a few seconds to open their eyes, and then King Kong and Tyrannosaurus, two giant beasts, were gone.

It was not until ten minutes later that the army on the ground and the aircraft team in the sky reported the results-no trace of the two giant beasts was found.

"Destroyed, eliminated! Look, look! That's called a professional! This is a professional!"

Shi Chang put his hands on his hips, pointed at Jiang Lin and yelled at the commander, and the secretary beside him pouted.

Can I still have a face?

Jiang Lin crossed his arms, looked at Chang Shi, and said, "Master Shi, can you go back with me now? What do you think of the agreement between us?"

Saying that, he deliberately made Xiaobai move.

Xiaobai's huge head lowered and stopped in front of Shi Chang.

"Of course...of course it counts."

Shi Chang's voice trembled as he spoke. He didn't know that Jiang Lin was trying to dispose of him.

If you dare to play tricks, you will definitely be swallowed by this giant python.

Jiang Lin smiled and got into the special car. Mr. Shi borrowed a manpower to transport the dinosaur's head away. He originally planned to keep it for exhibition or scientific research, but now he dared not have any other thoughts.

The next day, a large number of money-transporting trucks came to and from Carl's residence. The US government did not break its promise and sent tons of dollars and dollars.

But these are far from [-] billion, and the rest of the money was cashed to Jiang Lin in the form of checks.

As for Jiang Lin's other requests, the US government has also fulfilled them one by one.

On the same day, Jiang Lin planned to leave the United States, and he had been out for a long time.

"Carl, do you have a pistol?"

Jiang Lin asked Carl while drawing a golden amulet on his palm.

"Yes, do you want to take it away and keep it for self-defense?"

Carl took a pistol from a drawer by the wall and handed it over.

After Jiang Lin took it, he put a palm on Carl's forehead and said, "This is called a talisman in our Maoshan Taoism."

Then he put the muzzle of the gun on Carl's forehead.

"Jiang Lin, if you have something to say... say it well."

Carl suddenly screamed in fright, his mind was completely blank now, and he was getting along well before, but now Jiang Lin pointed a gun at his head.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Anya was also terrified, she thought Jiang Lin was going to kill Carl.


Jiang Lin pulled the trigger directly, Carl was immediately dumbfounded, and Anya also screamed and covered his face.


There was the sound of bullets hitting the ground.

Jiang Lin shook his hand in front of Carl and said, "Don't be stunned, you're fine."

"I... I'm not dead?"

Carl touched his face and forehead and screamed wildly.

"The spell I pressed on your forehead just now has a powerful protective effect, and even a pistol can't hurt you. You have seen it with your own eyes. This spell is enough to give you six chances to survive, even if a sniper rifle can't be used. your life."

After a short pause, Jiang Lin took out two small medicine bottles and continued: "The medicine liquid in these two medicine bottles, one can keep you from all diseases, and the other can at least make you live a hundred years old. As long as you Do your best to help me find what I'm looking for, and if you go to Middle Earth to find me in the future, I'll give them to you."

Jiang Lin shook the medicine bottle in his hand and took Anya away from Carl's house.

"Two-thirds of my income in the future will be used to find that antique!"

After a while, Carl shouted excitedly, but Jiang Lin and Anya had already left.

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