"This time out, I have gained a lot."

On the way, Jiang Lin recalled this trip with a smile on his face.

Come home full!

Although the trip to Egypt had nothing to gain, the trip to the United States made him a lot of money.

Four dinosaurs, a King Kong, two fairy artifacts and a fairy garden, and in Antarctica, he also gave birth to a light source from his own Daoji.

In addition, he also made a huge profit of [*] billion US dollars, plus a beautiful American wife.

No other harvest has ever been compared to this one.

Even the last time he went to the underworld and received a ton of cold marrow, it was not as good as this time.

The pinnacle of life.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but swell a little. This year, he not only directed and starred in the film and created a box office myth, but also made Middle-earth Taoism sown in foreign countries and became a preacher and cultural disseminator.

In addition to these two identities, he has also become the de facto owner of Skull Island from a certain point of view, and he is considered to have contracted half of Skull Island.


The first thousand two hundred and forty-three chapters will appear in the world!

"Husband, I really want to hurry up to Middle Earth and see what it is like."

Anya is quite excited that she will be able to live with Jiang Lin in his hometown in the future, and she will be able to wear bright red bridal clothes.

"No hurry, let's go to England first."

Jiang Lin needs to pick up Eve, and he is also going to leave a sum of money for his uncle and Rick to help them find Xianzi Jue.

The two arrived at the airport and flew directly to the foggy capital of the United Kingdom.

"Master, the mouse boy wants to kill you."

When he arrived at Jonathan's residence, the mouse boy from the window on the second floor jumped directly and landed on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

It looked at Anya next to Jiang Lin, and gave a gentle salute: "Hello, mistress! Mistress, you are really beautiful!"

As long as she follows the beauties by Jiang Lin's side, she will call her mistress and it will be over. Anyway, even if it is not, it will be [*]% in the future.

"Husband, what is it?"

Anya looked at the mouse boy with a look of surprise. Now, her Chinese has improved a lot, and she can understand the mouse boy.

Jiang Lin explained a few words to her, and then said to the mouse: "Go, I will give you something good in the yard."

He was going to distribute the bones and flesh and blood of King Kong in the ancient mirror to the mouse. The space in the ancient mirror was limited. He had dismantled the corpses of Tyrannosaurus and King Kong before, and those who couldn't fit in were swallowed by Xiaobai.

After all, King Kong is also humanoid. Jiang Lin felt that he and his family had eaten together, so he simply gave two pets and let them share.


The two entered the gate, and Eve ran down the stairs and threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms.

Jiang Lin kissed Eve's lips and said, "I've made you worry, we'll go home tomorrow."

Eve turned her head to look at Anya, and then looked at Jiang Lin with a small mouth.

"Sister Eve, I'm An, you can call me Anya."

Anya looked a little restrained, as if the second room had seen the big room.

"I think husband, you don't care about me anymore. Make up for me in the evening."

Eve took a light bite on Jiang Lin's earlobe, then went over to hold Anya's hand and chatted with him.

It didn't take long for Jonathan, Rick and Alex to come back from outside. The two bachelors found out that Jiang Lin had brought back a beautiful wife from the United States and was severely attacked. The eldest nephew Alex was even more determined. Learn from your uncle.

Jiang Lin took his two foreign wives to play in Wudu for one day. The next day, he left the check in his hand to Jonathan and Rick, and left them some funds and medicinal materials.

The checks wait a few years for the U.S. economy to recover before Jonathan and Rick can go there and cash them out.

Jonathan was naturally very happy and promised to help Jiang Lin find a job.

After that, Jiang Lin and the others set off on their return journey.

"Fellow Daoist, are you back?"

When the three arrived at the entrance of Gantian Town, they happened to meet Mao Xiaofang and his young apprentice Ma Fan.

Seeing that Mao Xiaofang had become an elder of the Beggar Gang again, Jiang Lin asked, "Master Mao, you are so troubled and frowning, have you encountered any trouble?"

"It's more than trouble, it's just big trouble."

Mao Xiaofang sighed and said something that shocked Jiang Lin: "The ancestors of zombies are now here!"


Jiang Lin clenched his fists subconsciously, it was a mess.

Fei Zong was eliminated only a few years ago, and it didn't take long for extraterritorial demons to appear, but luckily they were also sealed.

It has only been three or four years of peace, and the general has appeared again.

"That's right. Not long ago, the seniors from Maoshan of the Southern School were watching the celestial phenomena at night, and they found that the corpse star was shining brightly, and the corpse was hidden, so they carried out a deduction, and figured out that the generals and ministers were about to appear in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions. He brought many colleagues to the deduction show. He encountered the generals and officials, and before he died, he sent a message to the same sect. The news was too sensational, so Luofu Mountain called the Southern School Maoshan sects to search in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas, and finally confirmed that the generals and officials had really appeared. "

Mao Xiaofang's eyebrows were all twisted into a ball, and he continued: "Now we are planning to inform the rest of the comrades about this news, and prepare to discuss countermeasures together. It's really good that you come back, this fellow Daoist."

"Don't say anything like 'it's great', I have no plans to deal with the generals this time."

Jiang Lin waved his hand directly. Others didn't know how terrifying the generals were, but he knew it, although it was an indirect comparison.

The drought is terrifying enough. She doesn't move at all, so he can't move at all, and there is no possibility of any resistance at all.

And the generals are not inferior to the generals. The two of them fought hundreds of years ago, and they both lost, so there is nothing wrong with putting the terror of the generals directly on the generals.

Jiang Lin would not take the initiative to provoke such a terrifying existence.

The last time he was willing to deal with the extraterrestrial demons, it was because he killed the phantom demons and provoked the demons. Sooner or later, he was asked for trouble, and there was no way to survive, and at that time there was still the hope of the [*]th Bimo, so he dared to fight. .

But this time, there is no external force that can be used. Of course, Jiang Lin will not go to death by himself.

Although he had also slashed Lan Dali and Xu Fu, those three idiots obeyed the generals and ministers, which was equivalent to having a relationship with the generals, but now he has two fairy weapons in his hand, which can protect himself to a certain extent.

Now that he has a way to survive, he will definitely not have a brain.

As long as the generals don't come to trouble him, he won't compete with this Zombie True Ancestor. If he really competes, it's a thin arm twisting his thigh.

The ant's thin arm twists the dinosaur's thigh.

"Fellow Daoist, are you not going to deal with the generals? That's a bigger disaster than Fei Zong."

Mao Xiaofang was stunned by Jiang Lin's words. In his understanding, Jiang Lin had never been vague about killing the blood demon, killing Mao Zong, killing Fei Zong, sealing the demon, subduing the demon and subduing the demon, but this time Jiang Lin actually withdrew.

"Master Mao, you also know that generals are more terrifying than Fei Zong. If I meet him, there will be a dead end. If you face him, there will be a dead end. All the monks will go together, and there will be no dead scum left. I will deal with him. Fei Zong, to deal with extraterritorial demons, it is because there is a possibility of winning, even if the probability is very low. But this time to deal with the generals, it is purely a matter of life and death."


Mao Xiaofang was speechless for a while, even a person as high as Jiang Lin's Taoism clearly stated that there is no life after ten deaths, so no one has the right to question his words.

"I think Master Mao, you need to understand one thing, generals, not to mention far, there are records from the Qin Dynasty more than [*] years ago, at that time it was still the age of monks, how many skills were so high that they could People? But the generals have always existed, and now they are in the world. If they can be destroyed, he will not be destroyed sooner? Or do you think the enlightenment of the ancients can’t compare to us? Just let them walk in the world?”

Patting the stunned Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin said, "Master Mao, go back to wash and sleep. If you don't have the ability, don't worry about that. Seriously, we really don't have the strength."

Chapter [*]: Exorcism Dragon Race


Mao Xiaofang didn't know how to respond. On the one hand, what Jiang Lin said was not wrong at all. On the other hand, he had always taken it as his duty to eliminate demons and defend the way. Even when dealing with blood demons, he dared to die himself. So now, he Very confused.

"Master Mao, if you must go, I won't stop you. I know where the General's Cave is. Although I haven't faced him directly, I have looked at each other with him. That feeling is like escaping from death. Also, you can tell the rest of the comrades about this, so that they don't have to look for me."

Leaving Mao Xiaofang's words, Jiang Lin and Eve Anya entered Gantian Town.


As soon as the three of them arrived at the door of Li Yangju, Baoyi rushed out of the yard and ran towards Jiang Lin.

Baoyi's excited and excited look, if it was someone who didn't know what to do, he would have thought that it was his wife welcoming her husband who had returned from afar.

Of course she wasn't Jiang Lin's wife, at least not now. The reason she was so excited was because she smelled a little fairy energy from Jiang Lin.

There are a lot of fairy grass, fairy soil and fairy artifacts in Jianglin's ancient mirror. Although it is closed by the mirror virtual world, Baoyi can feel it from a distance.

"Husband, your wife is so beautiful, hello sister."

Anya looked at Baoyi's appearance, even as a woman, her eyes were stunned, Baoyi, a middle-earth woman, was simply outrageously beautiful.

"Don't talk nonsense, just her temper, I have to think carefully about giving me away for nothing."

Jiang Lin pouted, and Eve told Anya that he had many wives, which caused Anya to call her sister as soon as she saw the beautiful woman who ran away from Li Yangju.

Baoyi's black line on one end, a pair of pink fists clenched tightly, even if he was regarded as Jiang Lin's wife, but Jiang Lin actually said that she was sent to him for nothing, and he didn't want it.


But when she thought that Jiang Lin might have a treasure in the world, she held back, looked at Jiang Lin with a smile, and leaned over a little bit.

"Dog nose, stay away from me."

Jiang Lin's face turned dark. As long as he had a good treasure in his hand, he could not avoid Baoyi's perception.

"No, you seem to be... fat."

Jiang Lin looked at Baoyi's figure, his face darkened even more.

It seems that this distressed fairy is stealing his treasures while he is away!

Jiang Lin rushed into Li Yangju, ready to go to the storage room to check the stock at home.

"Are you fat?"

Baoyi looked at his body and said, "It seems that I have gained a little weight. Hmph, it's all my fault that you eat too well. But even so, they are still in great shape."

When he entered the yard, Jiang Lin called out the house cat. Before he left, he let the demon king guard the storage room and guard against Baoyi.

After asking, Jiang Lin was speechless.

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