Baoyi had never eaten it secretly, she was eating it honestly.

"Master, Tom really tried his best, but I can't stop the mistresses."

The domestic cat is very aggrieved, and Baoyi is too shrewd to keep the stock in the storage room.

It turned out that after Jiang Lin left, Bao Yi came up with the idea of ​​material treasure in the storage room, but she was a fairy after all, and she really couldn't do anything about stealing chickens and dogs, so she put the idea on Jiang Lin's group. on the wife.

Encourage them to exercise more.

It just so happened that Ren Tingting was told by Jiang Lin that her butt was wider than her shoulders, and she took the lead in responding.

When they exercise a lot, they have to replenish energy, but it is easy to grow meat by eating food alone, so this group of prodigal wives eat less and more meals, eat the treasures in the storage room, four or five meals a day or even six meals a day.

Baoyi has a good relationship with them, getting along better than her own sisters, eating and drinking from start to finish, without a single meal.


When Jiang Lin arrived in the back garden, a group of his wives who were exercising rushed towards him, all dripping with sweat.

"Husband, do you think they are slimmer than before?"

"Husband, I've lost weight too."

"The little belly is gone."

A group of wives and Jiang Lin showed their bodies. Tang Shasha and Zhang Xiaochuan also lifted up their clothes, revealing their small waists, and faint abdominal muscles could be seen on them.

"Skinny, I'll make you thin."

Jiang Lin patpated them one by one and said, "I don't know if you guys have lost weight. Does your husband feel bad?"

But after a while, Jiang Lin became fragrant. Now his wives are not only outrageous in appearance, but also in biubiu.


"Okay, stop sticking, my darlings. I brought you a sister from the United States. You can meet me, and I'll change the magic circle of our family."

Jiang Lin took a sip on Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and the others, and went to the backyard.

Now that the general is alive, he must strengthen Li Yangju's enchantment.

After all, he had killed Lan Dali and Xu Fu in the underground of Shu, which was considered a bad thing for the generals, and it was not impossible for them to find them.

Therefore, Jiang Lin had to plan ahead, at least before moving, Li Yangju must be solid.

He obtained the soil in the fairy garden on Skull Island. These soils can not only allow plants to grow, but also replenish the spiritual power consumed by the spiritual stones.

It has been ten years since Jiang Lin first came to Gantian Town. In the past ten years, he has improved a lot in the formation and formation. In his opinion, Li Yangju's original Tianlong formation is no longer enough.

While Jiang Lin was busy transforming the enchantment at home, there was an uproar in the middle-earth cultivator community.

Mao Xiaofang had already spread the word about Jiang Lin's unwillingness to deal with his generals.

The entire cultivating world seems to have lost its backbone. I don't know what to do. If there is no Jiang Lin, they will be hard enough to deal with another Fei Zong, let alone facing the ancestors of zombies?

Many people and many sects are quite disappointed, but more overwhelmed.

"He is the most powerful Celestial Master for hundreds of years, how could he retire without fighting?"

On Taibai Mountain in Shaanxi, in front of an ancient house, an old woman was leaning on crutches, with a very disappointed expression on her face.

"Aunt, who are you talking about?"

Beside the old woman, a tall, bright-looking girl blinked her bright eyes and supported the old woman.

This girl was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and the old woman was very old, at least eighty years old, but she was called an aunt by the girl.

"It's that Daoist Li Yang."

As soon as Jiang Lin's name was mentioned, the old woman slammed the ground with her crutches, and she became angry because of her disappointment.

The girl asked, "Ah, Daoist Li Yang, is that the Taoist priest Maoshan that even my aunt admires from time to time? Why is my aunt both disappointed and angry when she mentions him this time?"

"Dana, you don't know yet, the general that our exorcism dragon family Ma family has been looking for has appeared, and now it's getting more and more difficult to cultivate. If our Ma family wants to eliminate him, we need to use the power of other colleagues. He is our horse. The family's best help, but he...he doesn't want to deal with the generals."

The old woman sighed and looked at her niece with reluctance. She herself will pass away soon, leaving her niece to shoulder the mission of the family alone, how hard it would be.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-five chapters give the fairy a set

"Auntie, I will work hard to cultivate and undertake the mission of our Ma family."

This sentence Ma Danna said was sonorous and powerful. Even if her cultivation was only at the Taoist level, she would work hard to move to a higher level and take up the mission of the family.

"How can you do it alone? Alas, it's also our horse's family's bad luck. Your father had you two brothers and sisters when he was in his sixtieth year. I was injured in my early years, and I have been unable to go down the snow-capped mountains. old."

The old woman was very emotional. Each generation of their exorcism dragon family has a man and a woman.

But when it came to their generation, the male in the family was delayed for a long time, and finally there was, but their generation has already half a foot into the grave.

"Dana, you are not familiar with Tianlei Town, hurry up."

The old woman also knew that it would be useless to think too much now. She only hoped that her niece's cultivation would go to the next level, and then she would be able to pass her own cultivation.

When I succeed in my practice, I must go to the Daoist Li Yang. My aunt appreciates him so much, but he disappoints my aunt.

Madonna made a decision in her heart, and then went to the open space on the side to contact the family secret technique.

Jiang Lin naturally didn't know that he was remembered by a strange girl because of his decision. He has been busy upgrading Li Yangju's defense these past few days.

"Jiang Lin, did you get something good outside? Let me appraise it for you."

Jiang Lin was busy, and Baoyi came to him again.

In the past few days, Baoyi tried to find out what treasures Jiang Lin had harvested, but it never succeeded. She asked Anya and Eve, but they didn't know what a fairy weapon was, and she couldn't ask for a name.

She also came to Jiang Lin several times, but Jiang Lin ignored her.

"Stay away from me, fat lady, are you bothered?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. My wives don't care if they stick to me. Why are you sticking?

This time, he directly gave Baoyi a nickname. He has so many wives, all of whom have lost weight, but Baoyi is the only one who has gained weight. How many good things did he eat and drink?

"You... believe it or not, this fairy will let you taste a fairy fist the size of a sandbag?"

Bao Yi was so angry that her cheeks were bulging, and she gained a little bit of weight, so she was called a fat woman, and even a woman would be angry, and the fairy was no exception.

Huh, that's right.

Jiang Lin saw Baoyi's immortal power rising and falling, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he played Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

This Baoyi, the routine of his wives, took the opportunity to fill his stomach, since he ate so many good things from him, how could he not let Baoyi come to let him bleed?

Also let you try my routine.

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment in his heart, and was ready to give Baoyi a set, but on the surface he still pretended to be impatient.

He took out a bottle of marrow pulp from the ancient mirror, and he said to Baoyi, "I can't stand you anymore, take it."

"Cold marrow? No, it's a marrow fluid similar to cold marrow. If you are sensible, this fairy doesn't care if you call me a nickname."

Bao Yiqiong moved her nose, pursed her lips with her tongue, and came over.

Jiang Lin put away the medicine bottle and said, "I will give it to you for nothing? Give me some immortal power."

"Small things."

Baoyi didn't even know that she had entered Jiang Lin's trap. She put a palm on Jiang Lin's chest and delivered some immortal energy.

"why are you laughing?"

Baojian frowned when he saw Jiang Lin's wicked smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"You'll know what I'm laughing about in a while."

Jiang Lin suddenly took out the peach stick from the ancient mirror and sacrificed it out. The immortal artifact was motivated by immortal power, and suddenly it shone brightly, covering Bao Yi's head, covering her whole body.

After that, Jiang Lin followed the gourd and painted the scoop and sacrificed Wuji Cishan.

The peach stick fixed Baoyi, while Wuji Magnetic Mountain absorbed the immortal power in her body.

The use of Wuji Magnetic Mountain was only learned from Chi Xiaoyu when Jiang Lin showed the two immortal artifacts to the latter.

He intends to transfer the immortal power in Baoyi's body from Wuji Magnetic Mountain and inject it into Li Yangju's upgraded version of Tianlong Barrier.

"You...what are you doing? My immortal power! do you have an immortal weapon?"

Baoyi screamed, the immortal power in her body was replenished in the short period of time when Jiang Lin was away, and it was only after eating a lot of treasures that it was replenished to the current level, but now these immortal powers are being channeled away.

Jiang Lin crossed his arms and said lightly, "What am I doing? You little fat girl, while I'm not around, you eat my good things until you get fat, and now I want you to spit it out for me in this way. "

"Liar, you big liar, Jiang Lin, I hate you!"

Bao Yi was so angry that her face was red and her neck was thick, and Jiang Lin didn't want to give her any marrow fluid at all, but to give her a condom.

She struggled hard, but Jiang Lin had completely refined the immortal weapon and used her immortal power to motivate her. She, the wrecked fairy, could not escape for a while.

It didn't take long for Baoyi's whole body of immortal power to be left with a small half, and the rest were all introduced into the Tianlong enchantment from Wuji Magnetic Mountain.

Jiang Lin looked at the shimmering fairy mask around Li Yangju and nodded with satisfaction.

Now he can be completely at ease.

"Big liar, I fought with you!"

As soon as Jiang Lin took back the two immortal weapons, Baoyi rushed up, and she was so angry that her lungs exploded.


Jiang Lin dodged, his arm waved his peach stick and swiped on Baoyi's patpat.

Now that Baoyi has returned to before liberation, and Jiang Lin has the fairy weapon in his hands, naturally he will not suffer any loss.


Baoyi covered her hips with her hands, tears welling up in her clear eyes.

"Don't make trouble, you'll be at a loss if you make trouble again."

Saying that, Jiang Lin took a fairy grass and a fairy fruit from the ancient mirror and threw them over: "You can eat and live in my house for nothing. After all, I asked you to come here to cooperate with you. But you I always think of my storage room, and I won't take it as nothing. I may have to use your power in the near future, so you should take these two things away."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to break up the relationship with Baoyi, so after giving her a hammer, he gave "radish" again.

Carrots and sticks.

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