Baoyi took Xiancao and Xianguo in her hands, and the anger in her heart went away, but she still pouted and looked at Jiang Lin angrily.

Jiang Lin shrugged and went directly to the storage room.

"Jiang Lin, this fairy swears that I will accept you as a big liar, big bastard!"

When Bao Yi thought that Jiang Lin had beaten her patpat, she stomped her feet in shame.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-six chapters leave Gantian Town

Jiang Lin has gained a lot from going out this time, and needs to be sorted out.

And the treasures he got before, including the first time he went to Dongyang to search, and the ones he collected later, have been kept in the storage room.

For example, the phoenix gallbladder obtained from Zuo Ci, the jade box obtained from Kunlun Mountain, the strange bead obtained from Wangyue Lingxi's mouth that can repel the yang energy in his body, and the lair of the Blood Ghost King. The spoils of war, which he did not take the time to ponder.

Over the years, he has basically been in a busy state, and he finally has some free time, and he has to accompany his wife, so that many of the treasures and treasures in his hands are not free to clean up.

The last time he traveled with his family, he only sorted them out roughly and took away the unwanted treasures.

Now that he has some free time, he is ready to take stock of it.

It took Jiang Lin a whole day to collect most of the treasures into different categories. He couldn't figure out the rest, so he asked his fairy wife to come over.

Chi Xiaoyu was Jiutian Xuannv in her previous life, and her experience was not much worse than Baoyi's. With her identification, Jiang Lin figured out the purpose of many treasures.

"Husband, I don't know what this jade box is used for. The seal on it is very complicated. Even if it was me in my previous life, it is estimated that I would not be able to open it."

Chi Xiaoyu put the jade box aside, picked up the strange bead, and said, "This round bead should be the Moon God Bead, which is also an extremely rare treasure in the world, but it is of no use to your husband, and is of no use to ordinary people and cultivators. Humans are useless, it is only useful to cultivators of the Tai Yin body."

"Tai Yin body?"

Jiang Lin recalled the physique he knew, but he didn't seem to say that.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Yes, this type of physique is very rare, even rarer than her husband's, and anyone with this type of physique must be a woman. I can't give any examples. Chang Xi, the goddess of yin in the upper realm That's the kind of physique."

"Baby is real baby, useless is really useless."

Jiang Lin shook his head and put away the Moon God Bead. As for the jade box, there must be some good things in it, but unfortunately he can't open it now.

Then he picked some treasures and asked Chi Xiaoyu to give them to Shentong Zhiwa.

Those two little guys will play a role in Huixing Mountain in the future, and they must be well raised.

After he was busy with the storage room, Jiang Lin took the Phoenix Galleries away and went to his own training room.

He rearranged the phoenix gallbladder and the corpse-eating horned tortoise with an extremely yin aura into a yin and yang array.

Over the years, Jiang Lin has eaten a lot of exotic fruits containing mysterious yellow energy, which can increase the effect of the Yin-Yang two-meter array in disguise.

Now that he is worried, he wants to raise the compatibility of his spiritual power and corpse poison to another stage.

Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in the formation, feeling the extreme yin and extreme yang of the two instruments chasing each other, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

The phoenix gallbladder replaced the phoenix stone, and the yin and yang formed by the corpse-eating horned turtle was much stronger than before.

The effect of the magic circle has been enhanced, and the black and yellow energy in his own body can reconcile the two to a certain extent. If he often practices in these two circles, the corpse poison and spiritual power in his body will be compatible faster in the future.

In the next few years, Jiang Lin never went out again, and some people came to him during this period, but it was not a middle-earth monk.

The generals and ministers did not cause any disasters after they were born, and Jiang Lin was unwilling to deal with the generals and officials, so the monks and Daoists in the Middle Earth did not seek their own death.

Those who came to Li Yangju to look for Jiang Lin were several spiritual masters from India.

There was also chaos in India. There was an Asura king and many asuras. The cultivators on their side couldn't deal with it, so they came to the Middle Earth to seek Buddhist assistance. These spiritual masters heard about it in the Middle Earth. Jiang Lin's reputation came to him.

However, Jiang Lin didn't agree at all. He didn't take action when the ancestor of zombies appeared in Middle-earth, not to mention troubles in foreign countries.

Do you really think he is the savior of the world?

In the end, it was Indian Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism that joined forces, and by chance, King Asura was sealed into the underworld.

This year, in [*], Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ping to send Li Yangju's magic talismans and instruments to many places, selling them at low prices, and asked him to exchange all the family's currency for gold.

If there is no change in history, a war will break out this year, and the little Japan will attack, and the oriental demons and ninjas will also come together.

Jiang Lin would rather not make any money, but also strengthen the power of the cultivators in the Middle Earth and let them slaughter more puppies.

The new home on the side of Xugang has been completed, and Jiang Lin has already shipped the property in batches. In the past few days, he moved with a large family.

As for the servants, he will take those who are willing to go with them, and he will also give them an asset if they are unwilling to leave their hometown.

"Fellow Daoist, are you leaving?"

A few days later, Mao Xiaofang received a lot of precious spiritual talismans and instruments from Uncle Ping, and immediately came to Liyangju from Fuxitang.

Uncle Ping had already told him that Jiang Lin was going to move out.

"Yes, I already had a plan a few years ago. Master Mao, you know that my family consists of thirty or forty people. Now not only are there evil and chaotic times, but the emperor has also fallen. I have to take care of my family. safety."

Jiang Lin told Mao Xiaofang that he had found a place to live in Xugang, and their family would settle in Xugang after that.

"Let me inform Captain Song and ask the villagers to send you farewells to fellow Taoists. Let's have a farewell meal together at the ancestral hall or Hexing Building in the town."

Mao Xiaofang felt a sense of loss for a while. He and Jiang Lin knew each other and fought side by side to fight demons and demons together. Their relationship was not shallow, and his apprentice Axiu was married to Jiang Lin, Li Yangju and Fuxitang. The relationship between the family has become much closer, and now Jiang Lin suddenly said that he will leave Gantian Town, and he is very melancholy.

Even when his apprentice A Hai A Chu left his apprenticeship, he didn't feel this sense of loss.


Seeing the reluctance in Mao Xiaofang's eyes, Jiang Lin nodded, and the townspeople of Gantian Town have always respected him very much. They often send handmade gifts during the festivals. Captain Song and Zhou Yuan often use the power of the police station. It's a bit inhumane to leave without saying goodbye to Li Yangju.

"Note: Captain Song has been promoted to director, but this title is still used here, the same below."

That night, Captain Song, Zhou Zhou and a group of townspeople held a farewell banquet at the ancestral hall in the town.

After the banquet, Jiang Lin left a talisman for Captain Song and Zhou Yuan as a thank you gift for their help to Li Yangju and Shuning News over the years.

In the end, the townspeople sent Jiang Lin a few blocks before they went back.

The next day, Jiang Lin took his family and his family, left Gantian Town, and went to Xugang.

Chapter [*] Immortals want to beat people when they know it

I don't know when the next encounter will be.

Jiang Lin opened the tent of the military vehicle and looked at Gantian Town behind him. After he left, he probably wouldn't be able to see many people in Gantian Town.

When he arrives at Xugang, he will arrange the magic circle and enchantment materials dismantled from Li Yangju. If nothing happens, within a few years, or even ten years, he should not leave his new home.

Originally, after the war started, Jiang Lin planned to take some of the war, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the generals appeared. If there was no intersection, Jiang Lin's plan would not change.

But a few years ago, he met Lan Dali, Xu Fu and Crow, three idiots.

This does not meet also handed over.

Therefore, Jiang Lin had to guard his new home to avoid any emergencies.

"Husband, when can we see my master again?"

Axiu sat next to Jiang Lin and hugged his arm. She had heard her man say it, and it would be a long time before she returned to the mainland.

Although he had also parted with his master, Axiu couldn't help feeling sad when she thought of not knowing when to meet again in the future.

"I really don't know."

Jiang Lin shook his head. When he parted with Mao Xiaofang, he told him that if Gantian Town was not able to settle down, he could come to Xugang to find him.

But if Mao Xiaofang didn't come, Jiang Lin couldn't tell.

In his impression, there seem to be two stories of zombie Taoist priests. Jiang Lin once tried to recall that the story of Gantian Town seems to be the second part of this series, and the timeline of the first part is suspected to be after the end of the Anti-Japanese War. The location takes place on Hong Kong Island, which is Hong Kong.

However, it is still unknown whether things will follow the development of the TV series.

Even if it is based on the plot, it is estimated that it will be seven or eight years later.

Jiang Lin stroked Axiu's hair and said, "Don't be so sad, we will definitely come back to see it in the future. Captain Song said that our house will always be kept, no matter how the town is planned in the future, Li Yangju will always exist. ."

"Husband, is our new home really much bigger than Li Yangju?"

Compared with Axiu, Ren Tingting and the others seemed a little novel. They already knew that there were large gardens, tea gardens and orchards around their new home, and they couldn't wait to see them there.

"Yes, it's too big, you can see it wherever you go."

Not only Ren Tingting and the others, but Jiang Lin himself also wanted to see what Zhang Han and the others had turned into Huixing Mountain.Jiang Lin and his family took a car to the provincial capital and got on the boat.

Uncle Ping and a few servants stayed behind to deal with the military vehicle, and then sent the police vehicle back to Gantian Town.

"It's fortunate that the boat is chartered, otherwise, if you group of beauties show up together, I'm afraid even the boatman will not be able to set the boat."

Jiang Lin looked at a boatload of beautiful wives, and suddenly felt that his own wife was too beautiful and inconvenient. He couldn't keep a low profile, unless all his wives wore bamboo hats and veils over their faces.

Ayan crossed her hips, pouted her mouth, and said, "Hmph, are you blaming our sisters for being too beautiful?"

Jiang Lin smiled and pulled Ayan into his arms, no matter how many wives he had.

Three hours later, the ship arrived at the port of Xugang. Jiang Lin and the others got off the ship and boarded a bus.

Before she came, Shu Ning had called her parents and asked them to arrange a special bus, which was also a package. The driver was a servant who came from Li Yangju first.

"Wow, it's really like what Sister Xiaochuan said, Xugang is so prosperous."

"It's more developed than the provincial capital!"

"The high-rise buildings are rising from the ground."

When they arrived in the urban area, Ren Tingting and the others were overwhelmed when they saw the high-rise buildings and western-style buildings in Xugang.

Jiang Lin said to them: "Xugang is a large port city. Since the Opium War was ceded to the United Kingdom in the name of Leasing, the level of development here has increased year by year."

The bus took more than an hour to arrive at Huixing Mountain.

"Husband, you said that our new home is in the mountains, so it wouldn't be the mountain in front, right? That's Xuanhuang Qi?"

Before the bus stopped, Chi Xiaoyu ran behind the front window of the car and stared at Huixing Mountain with wide eyes.

Now Huixing Mountain passes through Zhang Han and they are arranged according to Jianglin's design, the mysterious yellow energy in the mountain has already formed a cycle, and cultivators with deep Taoism can find it as long as they get close.

Jiang Lin will do some processing later to hide these mysterious yellow energy.

Although Chi Xiaoyu had seen the layout designed by Jiang Lin, he did not know that there was a mysterious yellow aura in Huixing Mountain. Jiang Lin also wanted to surprise his wives, so he did not mention the mysterious yellow aura here.

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