Hearing this, Baoyi also ran to Chi Xiaoyu's side, a pair of beautiful eyes like glass beads.

My God, Xuanhuang Qi, it is really Xuanhuang Qi!

Jiang Lin nodded and replied, "Yes, it's Xuanhuang Qi, otherwise, Xiaoyu, where do you think the fruit you eat came from? It's all from this mountain. This entire Huixing Mountain is a huge Huilong Xizhao Bureau. , the dragon fights in the wild, and the yin and yang fight each other, and these mysterious yellow qi are created. Our new home is there."

"This is a treasure mountain!"

Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu called out in unison. Although they were fairies, they had never been to the upper realm. They had never seen such a big mountain with mysterious yellow energy.

Jiang Lin continued: "It is indeed a treasure mountain. This whole mountain has been contracted by me and belongs to our Jiang family. The new home is on the top of the mountain, and there is a large flat land there, which is also the place with the most profound yellow energy. Besides, I also set up a magic formation in the mountain to guide the mysterious yellow energy to the top of the mountain. From now on, what we breathe is the mysterious yellow energy."

Baoyi: "..."

Chi Xiaoyu: "..."

The two fairies didn't know what to say. Even if they were monks or even human beings, it was too late to find such a treasured mountain and seal it up for protection. on top.

And what made them even more speechless was that Jiang Lin actually said that what his family would breathe in the future would be Xuanhuang Qi.

Local tycoon!

In Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu's eyes now, Jiang Lin is like a local tyrant. One of them was a mysterious girl in the Nine Heavens, and the other was a fairy in the world. Ordinary people squander their money, even if they spend a lot of money, they simply turn a blind eye.

However, what Jiang Lin was squandering was Xuanhuang Qi, which really made them unable to calm down.

Baoyi said to Chi Xiaoyu on the side: "Xiaoyu, what should I do, I really want to hit him."

She really had the idea of ​​battering Jiang Lin. Xuanhuang Qi is a treasure that even gods are jealous of. If she owns such a treasure mountain, she will definitely use her immortal power to condense Xuanhuang Qi and use it as a treasure for her own cultivation. For fear of wasting a little bit.

But Jiang Lin treated these treasures as air, which was more than gargling with bird's nest.

unacceptable!Too rich!

Not to mention Baoyi, even the Antarctic Immortal Weng, who Jiang Lin had been to his immortal mansion but had never seen before, would have wanted to beat Jiang Lin violently if he were present at this time.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-eight chapters broke out

"Fat woman, are you going to beat me? Okay, you originally had a room on the top of the mountain, but you don't want to live there. I'll have someone build a thatched hut for you at the foot of the mountain."

Jiang Lin looked at Bao Yi quietly, eating and drinking in his house for nothing, still want to rebel?

"No way!"

Baoyi hurriedly denied it, but she complained vigorously in her heart. Her voice was so small just now, who would have thought that Jiang Lin's ears would be so sharp.

Seeing Jiang Lin pouting, Bao Yi went on to explain: "Who are we with whom, why would I be willing to hit you?"

Although envy and jealousy are true, for Baoyi, Jiang Lin is an absolute big money, even a fairy wants to be a big money, she can't make this big money unhappy.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Baoyi with a strange look, as did Ren Tingting and the others.

A fairy was called a fat woman. She didn't say anything angry, and said that she was willing to fight Jiang Lin.

Is this the rhythm that we need another fairy sister?

In fact, they didn't know that Baoyi couldn't stand upright in front of Jiang Lin now, so don't even think about her beating Jiang Lin, but if Jiang Lin wanted to beat her, there would be absolutely no problem at all.

After getting out of the car, a group of beauties followed Jiang Lin up the mountain, and they were dizzy on the way.

The entire Huixing Mountain is almost full of fruit trees.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they were even more stunned. There were ancient pavilions and pavilions on the huge flat ground below. Although they were not luxurious, they were all beautiful.

There are also surrounding tea gardens, gardens and farmland in the building complex, which together with those pavilion buildings constitute a large ancient manor.

"Husband, there are also western-style castles, and there are also clock towers and towers. Did you build it for me and Sister Eve?"

Anya looked at the towers of different styles in the buildings below, and hugged Jiang Lin excitedly.

"It was originally built for Eve. I hadn't met you at that time, but since I have you, they are also yours."

Jiang Lin smiled and said to Anya and the others: "Okay, you go down and choose the house you like, and put the luggage brought by the people. You can decide which piano room, gallery and study room you like."

In this huge manor, there are only a hundred or so houses, enough for a group of beauties to choose. He also needs to set up a hidden magic circle on the periphery of the entire Huixing Mountain. In addition, he has to find the mandrill in the mountain.

When Zhang Han and the others remodeled Huixing Mountain, they did not dig holes in the mountain except for the necessary foundations. This was specially explained by Jiang Lin so as not to damage the mountain.

Now he needs to pave roads in the mountains, build cattle sheds, sheep farms, pigsties, etc., so he has to find mandrills.

The reason why the Huilong Xizhao Bureau has this title is that the "Xi" in the mountain - the mandrill is the key point. It does not only look at the underground Huilong, that is, Huiyang, but also guards the entire mountain.

In ancient times, creatures such as mandrills were regarded as mountain gods by people, and there was a reason for this.

Mandrill would not agree if the place where roads and fields were built would have an impact on the subterranean sun and the pattern of the mountains.

When Jiang Lin was busy with his new home, the mainland was already about to come.

"Good news, great news!"

"The Celestial Master in Middle-earth, he moved away!"

"He moved to Xugang!!!"

In July, the monastic world and the ninja world were in jubilation, celebrating with each other.

They found out that Jiang Lin was no longer in Gantian Town, and he decided to move out and moved to Hong Kong.

For them, the news was more exciting than their own wives having children.

Jiang Lin, the Celestial Master of the Middle Earth, had too much influence on them.

In private, all the religious circles liken Jianglin to the Great Wall of China.

If it weren't for Jiang Lin, their cultivator and ninja world might have found the Chinese dragon vein long ago and took it as their own. In that case, Middle Earth would have long since become a colony of their country.

In fact, since the last Fengtian Incident, ri has not made any big moves. Among them, there is the reason why the oriental demons are admonishing the emperor.

From their point of view, Jiang Lin alone can defeat thousands of troops.

If nothing else, Jiang Lin was determined to commit a beheading, and no one could stop him.

It's okay now, Jiang Lin is no longer in Middle Earth!

It's not a short leave, but even the house has moved away!

Kill to Middle-earth!

On the same day, the Yodo and the ninjas who got the news went to meet their emperor.

Knowing this, the Emperor almost dislocated his jaw with laughter.

This year, this month, on the seventh day, the Ri Army created an event in Middle-earth that shocked Middle-earth, which was later called the Qiqi Incident.

In the same month, Pingjing and Jinmen in Central China fell one after another.

The war broke out this month.

These are still on the bright side, and what is even more cruel and tragic is the war between the monastic circles of the two countries.

Riben's magicians and ninjas came out in droves and entered Middle-earth in a big way.

The Middle-earth Taoist priests headed by Master Hong Zuobao fought a thousand-man battle with these magicians and ninjas in Jinmen, and the battle was extremely tragic.

It's not the end of the matter when they die, but all those who are defeated are beaten and scattered, and the appearance of death is extremely tragic.

"Like history, there is still a war."

On this day, Jiang Lin was sitting in the courtyard, looking at the newspaper in his hand, the news of the outbreak of war in Middle-earth had already spread.

In his hand, there are also several letters, which were sent by a colleague in the Mainland who had inquired about his address from Mao Xiaofang.

I have to invite him back to deal with the Toyo Yodao.

Jiang Lin threw the letter into the basin under his feet and set it on fire.

Over the years, he has done enough. As a Taoist priest, the target he deals with in the war is naturally the enemy Taoist monk.

But over the years, there were not ten thousand, but seven or eight thousand of the Oriental magicians who died in his hands. There were countless people who killed them directly or died by digging holes.

Moreover, the celestial masters, holy masters, and talented juniors of Riben were all wiped out by him.

Not only that, but by himself, he has been to this place twice, and the monastic circles there can't lift their heads, which has severely hit their national spirit.

Not to mention the cultivators, even the soldiers of this army have killed the most.

Even Riben's previous emperor was slaughtered by him.

But after all, one person cannot save the world, nor can he control the general trend.

What's more, Jiang Lin still has his own concerns. Since he sold Li Yangju's inventory at a low price, he didn't plan to participate in this war.

As for Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han, Jiang Lin wasn't too worried. Dongyang Yaodao had investigated him, so he must know their relationship with him.

As long as they don't want their emperor to burp again, they have to polish their tricks, so as not to cause a catastrophe.

Chapter [*]: Madonna

"Husband, are we going to rely on this mountain for our meals in the future? I don't think you're going to be a Taoist anymore."

After breakfast, Xiao Ru came to Jiang Lin's training room and sat cross-legged in the two-meter formation composed of phoenix gallbladder and corpse-eating horned turtle.

It has been more than a year since Jiang Lin and the others moved here. During this time, Jiang Lin, in addition to supervising the construction of farm houses such as cattle pens and pigsties, as well as road construction projects, has also been raising flowers, birds and silkworms with his wives. Fish, vegetables, melons, and fruits, I have never made any magical instruments, and I have never drawn magic talismans, so Xiaoru is a bit strange.

In the past in Renjia Town and Gantian Town, the family's stable income depended on the sale of magic talismans and magical instruments in the shops, Xiao Ru and Chen Yu and other dozen or so cultivating sisters would all help.

They have been idle now, and they are not used to it.

Jiang Lin explained: "Yes, there are not many Taoist priests here in Xugang, and opening a shop is not comparable to that in the mainland."

At the beginning, Jiang Lin also thought about opening a shop, but he gave up when he thought that there were not many cultivators in Xugang.

Anyway, his fame has already started with Bishop. If you need to find him, you can naturally inquire and do some work of catching ghosts and collecting demons.

"Husband, why don't we open one? Isn't the house in the front row of the manor empty all the time? Let's decorate it with a big one. People, Ningshuang, and Sister Chili have been practicing Taoism for so long, so I want to hone my practice. "

"Okay, it's up to you."

Since his wife had a request, Jiang Lin certainly would not refuse.

"Hee hee, maybe in the future, people's reputation here will be even bigger than your husband's, and you are as small as a Taoist priest."

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