In addition to Jiang Lin, Chen Yu and the others also often eat fruit, but Xiaoru's effect is the most obvious. She herself is yin and yang, and her appearance is pure yang. After absorbing the mysterious yellow qi, her cultivation has improved a lot. Quick, it has now broken through to the alchemist level.

In addition, Jiang Lin built a suitable Yin-Yang Spirit Sword for her. In terms of actual combat, even Bai Min'er was inferior to her by three points. Usually, when she was training with her, the Demon King Panlan Tiger King was often repaired by her. .

"Xiaoru Daochang doesn't sound good, let's call Daobao Daochang."

Jiang Lin smiled and pulled Xiao Ru to sit on his lap, stroking her slightly protruding belly. Since she often practiced in the two-meter formation, her belly has grown a bit bigger than before.

"I hate it~ People don't call it a big belly."

Xiaoru waved her pink fist and gently thumped Jiang Lin's chest.

When the two were tired, Uncle Ping's voice came from outside: "Uncle, there is a Taoist priest surnamed Ma visiting outside."

The Taoist priest surnamed Ma?Is it Ma Ganma Roadmaster?

Jiang Lin frowned. Among the people he knew, there were only two surnamed Ma, one was Mao Xiaofang's apprentice A Hai, whose real name was Ma Xiaohai, and the other was Yue Mei's fellow Daoist Ma.

If it was Xiaohai, Uncle Ping would definitely know him. If it wasn't for him, it would be Daochang Ma.

come to me for what?

Jiang Lin didn't even guess, he patted Xiaoru in his arms, got up to open the door, and went directly to the vestibule.

is a woman?

When Jiang Lin arrived at the front court, he realized that the visitor was a woman with a peach wood sword and an embroidered bag on her shoulder.

She was wearing an embroidered gown on a white background, the same color as the satchel on her waist, and her bottom was a pair of white silk trousers with two long braids hanging down to her waist.

Jiang Lin didn't see the visitor's face, because the woman's back was facing him at this time.

Looking at this outfit, it should be a girl.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Daoist Li Yang."

Ma Danna got up and turned around, looking at Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin and Ma Danna looked at each other. At this moment, he didn't know what was going on, and there seemed to be an explosion in his mind.

Some fragments of memory that did not belong to him were surging in his mind, but these fragments of memory were very vague.

But at this moment, Jiang Lin didn't have the mind to pay attention to the vague fragments in his mind. His whole body was tense, and his whole body was shaking slightly.


Jiang Lin could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

How is this going?

For a time, Jiang Lin was stunned. In front of this girl who had never met, he had a tendency to be forced to corpse.

In the blink of an eye, his forehead was covered with fine sweat due to the corpse poison in his body. A faint line of blood has been revealed.

Not only Jiang Lin had an abnormality, but Ma Danna was also frozen in place like a statue.

What's wrong with me?Why do you feel hatred towards Daoist Li Yang?

I should never have seen him.

Madonna was full of doubts, and she didn't know why she felt this way.

"Daoist Li Yang, do we know each other? Daoist Li Yang?"

Ma Danna frowned slightly. From just now until now, Jiang Lin's eyes have been on her face. She is a young girl, and she is naturally a little uncomfortable to be stared at by a man like this.

"No... don't know, are you?"

Jiang Lin covered his mouth with his hands, and at the same time he covered the surface of his body with sea air and smoldering fire.

His zombie teeth have begun to grow slowly, so he needs to cover it up, and the corpse energy in his body is gradually becoming richer, so he needs to use Yin fire to cover it up.

He tried to make the corpse poison back to the bone, but it didn't have much effect. The current situation is similar to when he was forced to reveal the corpse when he was close to the Immortal Burial Coffin.

Jiang Lin's eyes swept across Ma Danna twice, trying to find the magic weapon that caused his abnormality.

The girl on the opposite side, although only in her tenth year, has a cultivation base similar to that of Mao Xiaofang, but even so, it is impossible for him to become like this, so Jiang Lin thought that the girl might have some magic weapon to ward off evil spirits.

This Daoist Li Yang is so unreasonable.

Ma Danna was a little embarrassed. If she hadn't heard of Jiang Lin since she was a child, she would have gone mad on the spot.

Staring at her face before, and now looking at her again, this is too out of style!

"No... I'm sorry, I... I'm just surprised that your cultivation is so extraordinary at such a young age."

Aware of Ma Danna's expression, Jiang Lin also realized that he was a little abrupt, so he found a reason and made a mistake.

At the same time, he also looked away.

"Daoist Li Yang, I am Ma Danna, the thirty-ninth generation descendant of the Northern Exorcism Dragon Clan."

"Exorcism Dragon Race? Madonna!"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Ma Danna again.

An oval face, a beauty mole on the corner of the mouth, and... a pair of long legs.

Madonna of Zongyori!

Chapter [*] I am a Celestial Master, but not a god

"Master, have you seen me?"

Ma Danna stared at Jiang Lin with wide eyes. Jiang Lin's reaction made her even more puzzled. She only descended to Taibai Mountain in recent years to subdue demons and subdue demons. According to the information she knew, Jiang Lin had not left five years ago. After passing through Gantian Town, I moved away a year ago.

It was impossible to see her at all.

But despite her doubts, Ma Danna's feelings towards Jiang Lin finally changed.

If Jiang Lin knew her or knew her, then staring at her earlier would make sense.

But why has he been sweating since just now?He was also flushed with qi and blood, and his face was as red as an apple.

Could it be sick?

They are all peak heavenly masters, will they still get sick?

Looking at Jiang Lin, Ma Danna felt that this man she had never met but heard of often was really strange.

"How... how to say it, know... know who you are."

Jiang Lin stammered when he spoke now. He finally realized that his abnormality was not because of some magic weapon or the like, but because of Ma Danna.

As long as he and Madonna face each other, the corpse poison in his body will be restless.

Jiang Lin tried his best to recall the plots of TV dramas he had watched, and wanted to know more about Ma Danna.

Too bad those memories are so broken.

Wait, Madonna, this year, [*], is still July, isn't that the beginning of the dead-end story?

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin couldn't help but blurt out: "Don't say that you came to me to deal with the generals?"

"Master Dao, you have reached the realm of unpredictable prophets?"

Ma Danna was both surprised and strange. The Ma family of the exorcism dragon family did have the mission to kill the generals, but the problem was that their family hadn't been around for decades, and her aunt had been in the outside world at least [*] years ago. Now, almost no one in the outside world knows about the Exorcism Dragon Race.

Not to mention knowing the mission of their family.

Even the Tiandao faction, who has always had an intersection with their exorcism dragon clan, did not know that their Ma family was going to deal with their generals.

But Jiang Lin knew it clearly.

Jiang Lin thought: I am not a prophet, I have watched TV series.

Holding the teacup on the stone platform, Jiang Lin turned his back to Ma Danna. As long as his eyes met the girl in front of him, he felt uncomfortable.

Taking a sip of tea, Jiang Lin said, "I'm not that capable, I'm just guessing. If you came to me to deal with the generals, then you've come in vain, and I won't go."

The matter that the Ma family wants to deal with the general is the matter of the Ma family, and it has nothing to do with him. He is eager for the general to not come to him. It is impossible for him to take the initiative to provoke that guy.

"Jiang Da... Daoist Master, why? Subduing demons and demons is the vocation of our cultivators. Your cultivation has reached the peak of the Heavenly Master, so that the cultivators of the world can only look up, and you are only one step away from winning the gold medal. Dan Dao. Now there is a war in Middle-earth, blood is flowing into rivers, if the zombie king and his subjects are not eliminated, all living beings will not only suffer from war, but also die from corpse disasters. Dao Master, you have such ability and influence, as long as you raise your arms and call out , the Chinese colleagues will all echo it.”

Ma Danna didn't understand why Jiang Lin was reluctant to deal with the generals. During the time she was born and walked, she heard a lot about Jiang Lin, and he even dared to deal with the extraterrestrial demons. Why did the generals appear, but he backed away .

"First of all, it is our duty to subdue demons and subdue demons. Over the years, I have killed blood demons, hunted down Fei Zong, and confronted demons from outside the realm. Apart from these, I don't know how many large and small monsters, monsters, corpses, evil spirits, and spirits have been eliminated. Therefore, I, Jiang, think that as a Taoist priest, what I have done is beyond description. Secondly, the general is not a zombie king, he is a zombie ancestor."

After a pause, Jiang Lin continued: "Finally, I'll tell you the truth, I have met a man who is also the ancestor of zombies with his generals. If she wants to kill me, it will be a matter of moving a finger. Therefore, I will not To deal with the generals, whoever wants to go, he is in a cave ten miles south of a village called Hongxi Village in Guangxi."

"It's good that I am a Celestial Master, but I am not a god. My ability can only be combined with the power of everyone to kill Fei Zong."

Jiang Lin added that he has dealt with many powerful evil monsters, but he is still a person, not a god.

To deal with a general who is as terrifying as a scorpion, it is useless even if he tries his best not to.


"No need to say more, if there is nothing else, just invite Miss Ma to go back."

Jiang Lin directly blocked Ma Danna's words. Even if Ma Danna spoke out, he would not go.

Ma Danna clenched her fists. She really had nothing to say. If Jiang Lin was incompetent, no one in the middle-earth cultivating world would agree.

The blood demons, the golden armored hairy zombies, the flying zombies, the plague demons, the locust demons, and even the extraterrestrial demons were all eliminated or sealed by Jiang Lin. Now Jiang Lin is unwilling to deal with the generals because he really does not have the ability.

"Dana's farewell."

In the end, Ma Dannuo clapped her fists to Jiang Lin and left directly.

I hope you are lucky.

Jiang Lin turned to look at Ma Danna's back and shook his head. There are many paranoid people in this world who know they can't do it.

Although it was the first time to meet Ma Danna, Jiang Lin could see that she was such a person.

However, he still felt that no matter how lucky Ma Danna was, it was not enough to watch.

Not to mention one Ma Danna, there are one thousand, ten thousand, and it is a dead end for the generals and officials.

Some gaps simply cannot be narrowed by numbers.

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