After Ma Danna left, Jiang Lin returned to his original state. The corpse poison in his body was no longer restless and returned to the bones.

What exactly is going on?

Jiang Lin was still confused. To say how high Ma Danna's cultivation was, it would be fine if he forced him to show a corpse, but Ma Danna's cultivation was only at the level of an alchemist.

Could it be that the exorcism dragons are really zombie nemesis?

Jiang Lin didn't know if he remembered it wrong. He vaguely remembered that in the Zhan Yue drama it was mentioned that the exorcism dragons were the best at catching zombies.

However, he felt that no matter how good he was, with Ma Danna's ability, he could at most leapfrog the thousand-year-old zombie king, and even if he could deal with Mao Zong, he was still a thousand miles away from his generals.

so disappointed!

Madonna was walking on the road and was very unhappy.

From childhood to adulthood, she often heard her aunt mention Jiang Lin, that is, Daoist Li Yang, and used Jiang Lin to spur her to practice.

Although she had never seen Jiang Lin before, in her heart, she always regarded him as an idol, a big brother whom she looked up to.

Many times, when she encourages herself, she will use what Big Brother Jiang is doing to motivate herself.

But he really saw Jiang Lin and asked him to deal with Jiang Lin together, but he was still unwilling.

Jiang Lin's image in her heart dimmed a lot.

Although she couldn't refute what Jiang Lin said, she was disappointed.

"Go back quickly, I hope Taoist Chief Mao hasn't left Gantian Town."

Ma Danna didn't delay at the port at all, and went straight to the wharf. Jiang Lin didn't ask her, so she asked Mao Xiaofang to go with her.

Their exorcism dragon clan had friendship with Mao Xiaofang's Tiandao sect. When Mao Xiaofang was just cultivating Taoism, he accompanied the first-generation head of the Tiandao sect, his master, to visit Taibai Mountain.

She was not born yet.

With the friendship of the previous generation, after Ma Danna went south, she found Mao Xiaofang. The address of Jiang Lin was also given to her by Mao Xiaofang.

Chapter [*] Goodbye Miaoshan

"Husband, Daoist Ziyun from Luofu Mountain has sent a letter."

Bai Rourou came back from outside with a letter in her hand.

"Husband, listen to Sister Xiaoru, you are going to reopen the Taoist Church."

"It's good, it's still called Li Yangju, but it wouldn't be beautiful without the Taoist Church."

At this time, Linglong and Hongdou also came to the front court. They were very happy to know that Jiang Lin was going to open a church.

"Sister, you are getting younger and younger, at least twenty years younger. You don't look like a woman in her forties at all."

"I haven't followed our husband yet, or else I'd already be a yellow-faced woman."

Linglong Hongdou and the two made a joke about Bai Rourou. Now Bai Rourou is forty-five or sixty-six, but she looks like she is in her twenties.

Bai Rourou put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "You two, have forgotten that I am your master!"

Jiang Lin looked at the three masters, apprentices and sisters who were getting together, laughed lightly, and opened the letter.

This group of little Japan has forgotten the fear of being dominated by me.

Jiang Lin snorted, causing Bai Rourou and the others to stop playing.

"What's the matter, husband?"

"It was the group of Japanese pirates who actually found out that the generals were in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, and most likely found the location of the generals' caves. Those bastards were going to disguise themselves as Han Chinese and Taoist priests, and bombed the generals' caves indiscriminately, making the generals go mad, and in the middle slaughter in the land of the earth."

Jiang Lin told the three sisters the contents of the letter, making them so angry that they gritted their teeth.

In the past few years, although the generals and officials have appeared in the world, they have not caused corpse disasters like Fei Zong, just like a ferocious tiger.

But if he was frightened, he would definitely bleed into a river.

What's even more outrageous is that those Japanese pirates and demons actually want to bring misfortune to the east and put the blame on the Chinese people.

cheap!Too cheap!

"Uncle, another guest came outside, claiming to be your old friend. I saw her looking around, as if she was investigating the terrain, so I didn't let her in."

Uncle Ping came in from the outside to inform Jiang Lin that there was another visitor.

Bai Rourou asked, "Male and female?"

"Girl, she's pretty."


The three master and apprentice let out a long sigh in unison, and then looked at Jiang Lin in unison.

A beautiful long-legged beauty has just left, and here comes another beautiful guest.

"You three, do you still want to sleep at night?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and asked Uncle Ping to invite someone in.

Not long after, a woman in a moon-white gown walked in with Uncle Ping.


Jiang Lin frowned, the guest who came was Miao Shan who had been with him for more than ten years.

During the three years of his family's long-distance travel, Jiang Lin also looked for this Miaoshan who could know the past and the future.

Miaoshan appears every thirty-three years to answer the doubts in the hearts of thirty-three destined people in the world, and the time she reappears is in one of those three years.

But Jiang Lin could not find any trace of her.

Now Miaoshan has come to take the initiative to find him.

"Rourou, Linglong Red Bean, go find Tingting and the others."

Jiang Lin asked Bai Rourou and the others to leave. Miaoshan came here, and she would definitely go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. She might be holding the news of Xianzi Jue in her hand, and in exchange, he estimated that he would need to agree to some conditions—not easy to do. conditions, which are likely to be accompanied by great danger.

So he didn't want to worry about his three wives.

The three women nodded and left the vestibule together.

Jiang Lin made a salute and said, "Sit down."

"Fellow Daoist, I haven't seen you for many years. This Xuanhuang Treasure Land is really a paradise."

Miao Shan smiled slightly and sat opposite Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "What's the matter, let's get straight to the point."

"Fellow Daoist is also a cheerful person. Miaoshan came here this time because she wants you to go back to the mainland with someone. I think she should have come to find you today. I became attached to you many years ago, and it was also for her."

"You mean Madonna? You want me to go with her to deal with the generals?"

Jiang Lin's face gradually turned cold, and Miaoshan really knew how to make conditions.

"Fellow Daoist, are you already playing my crooked idea? I didn't let you deal with the generals with her. I said many years ago that you should protect a person, and now all you have to do is protect her. That's it. Of course, you can't interfere with her decision."

Miao Shan still kept a smile, as if she was not worried that Jiang Lin would attack her.

I'm still trying to hit you with a crooked idea. If you shaved your head, I can still have some special hopes.

Jiang Lin slandered, the first half of what Miao Shan said was too ambiguous.

But also because Miaoshan made it clear, the hostility in his heart was reduced a lot, and it was not a big problem if he just protected Ma Danna.

But the premise is that Miaoshan has the capital to let him take risks.

Jiang Lin's expression softened, but Miaoshan's expression became ugly.

"Fellow Daoist, please respect yourself, what do you mean when I go to the bottom of my blue silk and get pushed down by you?"

"Pfft! Cough cough..."

Miaoshan's words directly made Jiang Lin spit out the tea in his mouth, and even choked on the tea.

Mind reading.

Miaoshan read the special thoughts in his heart just now.

"Pushing... Pushing hands is... just practicing Tai Chi, you know."

Jiang Lin used both hands to show Miao Shan...Tai Chi Push Hands.

But Miaoshan just looked at him coldly, pushing hands, pushing hands, do you need to push on the bed?

"Cough, fellow Daoist, I think you have a certain understanding of me many years ago. If you make this request, what conditions do you have to make me tempted?"

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea in embarrassment and quickly changed the subject.

Miao Shan gave Jiang Lin a wide-eyed look and said, "You already know that I am the incarnation of Guanyin's red dust. Every thirty-three years, I will use the Tianshitong left by Guanyin to answer the perplexities of life for those who are destined. Six years ago, I I didn't walk in the world, but left the opportunity to use Tianshitong."

"Can you detect the whereabouts of Xianzijue?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help straightening his waist. If he could obtain the exact whereabouts of Xianzi Jue, he would have to go even if he took risks.

Miao Shan shook his head and replied, "Be sure of [*]-[*]%."

Only seven or eight percent?

Jiang Lin couldn't help sighing. He wanted Li Yingqi to recover completely, why was it so difficult.

However, even if Miao Shan was only [*] to [*] percent sure, he still had to fight.

Moreover, Daoist Ziyun wrote to him that Xiaori was going to do something in Guangxi and anger his officials.

They also want to put the blame on the Taoist priests and soldiers in the Middle Earth. Among those who are blamed, there must be him.

Those puppies didn't want him to die for a moment, but they never had the ability.

Now that he can kill with the hands of a general, can he still run away?

So no matter what, he had to make a trip inland to Hongxi Village.

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-two chapters panic Madonna

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