However, Jiang Lin was a little worried. During this time, he didn't know if he was thinking about it or what, and he was always a little uneasy.

He wasn't too worried about Li Yangju, and it would probably take a while for him to leave.

"Fellow Daoist, while you are away, I will stay at your place. Although Miao Shan's Taoism is meager, even if a general comes, I can stop one or two."

Miao Shan spoke at the right time to dispel Jiang Lin's concerns.

"You have accepted your mind-reading skills. I don't have the habit of being spied on."

Although what Miao Shan said did relieve his worries, Jiang Lin still didn't like the fact that his inner thoughts were discovered by others.

Miaoshan snorted softly and said, "What's wrong? You only want to push want to push your hand with me, but you're not allowed to know?"

Halfway through the sentence, she immediately changed her tune.

Although she did not understand this popular vocabulary in later generations, it was not difficult for her to guess what it meant.

Jiang Lin: "..."

"Although I can't read minds, I can see through. Shall we exchange what we've read and what we've seen?"

Jiang Lin's gaze moved tentatively down from Miao Shan's face, but stopped at her collar.

He didn't corpse, so naturally he couldn't see through Miaoshan's clothes, he just gave her a warning.


Ami, the Buddha of your second uncle!

Miao Shan's face turned slightly red with anger, and she greeted Jiang Lin directly in her heart.

She was so angry that no one had ever made her so angry.

"Actually, I don't quite understand. With your cultivation, you can naturally protect Madonna. Why don't you go?"

Jiang Lin had always had this doubt, and now that Miao Shan was in front of him, he asked.

Miaoshan's cultivation base, he has never been able to fully understand, he asked himself if he fought with him, if he didn't use all his means or fight between life and death, his winning rate should be less than [-]%.

If you want to protect Madonna, Miao Shan can do it herself, why should she find someone who is not easy to negotiate?

In addition to this question, Jiang Lin still has a few doubts: "And I want to know what kind of family the Exorcism Dragon Clan is. Why do you want to protect Madonna? Why does she make me appear dead?"

Miaoshan took a sip of the tea cup, then looked around.

When Jiang Lin had blue veins on her forehead, she explained: "Although I walk in the world, I can't be affected by too much cause and effect. If I interfere too much with the world, I will be punished. I came to you because you are not afraid of cause and effect. Not bound by fate."

"As for your second question, after you protect Ma Danna, I will use Tianshitong to help you find the answer."


Since Miaoshan said so, Jiang Lin didn't ask any more questions.

After telling Ren Tingting and the others that they were going to go back to the mainland, Jiang Lin took the peach stick, Wuji Magnetic Mountain and a magic weapon, Lingbao, to the Guangdong and Guangxi regions that day.

Ma Danna left earlier than Jiang Lin, and she arrived at Fuxitang early the next morning.

"Master Mao, are you injured?"

As soon as she entered the door, Ma Danna saw Mao Xiaofang, who was being taken care of by Ma Fan. His face was pale and he was obviously seriously injured.

"It's not a big problem to be smothered by a few Oriental demons."

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand and asked, "Master Jiang, is he not willing?"

"He didn't want to, he just told me where the general's cave was."

Speaking of Jiang Lin, Ma Dannuo looked disappointed.

Mao Xiaofang nodded slightly, he had long expected such a result.

"By the way, Daoist Mao, Dao Jiang... Daoist Li Yang, does he know me? When he saw me, his reaction was very strange, he spoke hesitantly, and he was sweating a lot. He didn't know if he was angry or had a fever, and his face was red. very."

Ma Danna thought that Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin were very familiar, so she asked her doubts after seeing Jiang Lin.

"Talking hesitantly? No, he's never been like this. Fever is even less likely, he's never been sick."

Mao Xiaofang was also very surprised, not knowing what the situation was.

"Master Ma, is Uncle Jiang staring at you all the time?"

At this time, Ma Fan, who was pouring tea on the side, spoke up.

"Hey, Ah Fan, how did you know?"

Ma Danna couldn't help looking at Ma Fan in amazement, this little guy actually knew what happened to her in Xugang.

"If it is - then Shishu Jiang must have fallen in love with Shigu Ma at first sight!"

Ma Fan shouted loudly and clapped a pair of small hands, he shouted: "Da Sanyuan told me that if a man meets a girl he likes very much, he will blush and sweat, and he will not even be able to speak. Well, in short, it's uncharacteristic. Ma Shigu is so beautiful, and Jiang Shishu is a dragon and a phoenix, they are a match made in heaven!"

After this series of children's voices, the whole Fuxi Hall was silent.

Ma Danna's expression gradually solidified, her handsome face gradually turned red, and it didn't take long for her to turn red.

She was as red as when Jiang Lin saw her at that time.

Mao Xiaofang was also stunned, fellow Taoist fell in love with Junior Sister Ma at first sight?Is he a man who falls in love with a woman at first sight? ? ?

"Hu... nonsense! How could Big Brother Jiang fall in love with me at first sight!"

Ma Danna's words were almost shouted out in a shrill voice. There was no way to do this. It was a normal human stress response.

"What are you learning about! Give me a ride out!"

Mao Xiaofang got up and slapped Ma Fan a few times on the back of the head. He was only a little older, and he knew that it was love at first sight. It was time to slap him!

When Ma Fan ran out holding his head, Mao Xiaofang looked at Ma Danna with strange eyes again.

Brother Jiang?

Didn't you only go to Xugang once, and you came back in less than two days. You used to talk to Daoist Li Yang one by one, but now you go to see others and call them Big Brother Jiang?

Who are you two falling in love with at first sight?

Could it be that fellow Daoist really fell in love with Sister Ma at first sight?

After spending some time with Hei Rose, Mao Xiaofang was not too unfamiliar with the relationship between men and women. He pondered the words of his little apprentice Ma Fan, and felt that it was really like that.

"It seems... it seems that your big brother Jiang has never been so rude in front of any girl."

"Brother Jiang?"

Ma Danna was stunned again, and only then did she realize that she was in a hurry, and actually called out the name of Jiang Lin in private in front of Mao Xiaofang and the others.

囧, embarrassed!

"I... I have to... I have to hurry up immediately to find that... that general's cave!"

Madonna swayed her hands in front of her, and paused for a while before saying a word.

Then she hurriedly stood up and ran out of Fuxi Hall, even knocking the cup on the coffee table to the ground.


Madonna felt an unprecedented panic, her heart was flustered, and her face was as red as red paper.

Your big brother Jiang...

How to do?Faceless.

On the streets of Gantian Town, Madonna covered her blushing cheeks and trotted in one direction.

She didn't even notice that she was running in the opposite direction.

Chapter [-] Traitors have to die! (superior)

"Brother Jiang, does he really like me?"

"I'm pretty and attractive too."

"Oh, what if he falls in love with me?"

Ma Danna walked a long way before realizing that she had gone the wrong way.

She has also reached the age of a young girl Huaichun, and the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that her heart is like a deer.

"No way, the women of the Ma family can't shed a single tear for a man, the generals have not been eliminated yet, Ma Danna, how can you care about the love of your children!"

"Brother Jiang, he definitely doesn't like you. If he really likes you, why wouldn't he agree to deal with the generals with you?"

"However, if he doesn't like me, why is he blushing? His eyes are dodging, and he can't even speak fluently. He must be fascinated by my beauty."

The current Madonna, like a split personality, speaks to herself, asks and answers herself.

If it weren't for today's incident, she wouldn't even know she had such a narcissistic side.

As the protagonist she was talking about, Jiang Lin, had already gone directly to Guangxi at this time.

The general's cave is there. If Madonna goes to the general, she will definitely go there, so he didn't go to Madonna.

In fact, there is another reason that he does not get along well with Ma Danna, which has nothing to do with Ma Danna's character or person.

Purely because he needed to suppress the restless corpse poison in front of Madonna, it was very uncomfortable.

Moreover, when he was here to protect Ma Danna, he also needed to disguise himself so that she would not recognize him.

Otherwise, if Madonna shouted his name or dao number at once, and the generals listened to him, it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, he did not need to meet Madonna at all.

As for Daoist Ziyun and the others, it was also out of this consideration that Jiang Lin didn't plan to see them either.

Just get things done.

Because he didn't bring the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin arrived in Liuzhou, Guangxi two days later. The General's Cave was in Hongxi Village on the edge of this place, and the headquarters where the Ri Army was stationed was also nearby.

In addition to Jiang Lin and Ma Danna going to Liuzhou successively, on the same day, there was also a group of anti-Japanese guerrillas also marching in the same direction.

A tall and thin guy said to the young man in a green and gray jacket walking in front of the team: "Captain Kuang, Xiao Li has killed so many of our compatriots. This time, we must let them pay their debts with blood!"

This young man is Kuang Guohua, the leader of this guerrilla squad. Their anti-Japanese guerrilla squad is a daring army, whose mission is to destroy the RI headquarters in Guangxi.

"Definitely, Xiao Liben has a large amount of explosives stored in the headquarters in Liuzhou. As long as we sneak in in disguise as planned, and detonate the ammunition depot there with explosives, not to mention all of them are killed, at least [-]% to [-]% can be bombed. It's just that once we go, we may not be able to come back. Brothers, prepare to die!"

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