Kuang Guohua took a deep breath and asked the team behind him to hurry up. This time, he was ready to die for the country, and he must destroy the military base of Xiao Liben.

It's just that he didn't expect that his fate in the future would be completely changed.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Lin arrived at the ri army headquarters in Liuzhou. He originally planned to come up and destroy the group of little riben, but when he got there, he found that there were Chinese monks, oriental demons and Yiren. is fighting.

The monks and Taoists on this side of Middle-earth have been losing ground.

Jiang Lin didn't think much of it, and after a few jumps, he entered the headquarters campus and killed the dozen or so magicians and Yi Nin who were chasing down the monks and Taoists in the Middle Earth.

"Li... Daoist Li Yang?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with a birthmark on his face who was rescued by Jiang Lin couldn't help screaming when he saw that it was Jiang Lin.

The rest of the monks were also quite surprised.

The birthmark Taoist hurriedly said: "Taoist, didn't you move to Xugang? Hurry up, there are still many comrades trapped inside."

"You be careful."

Jiang Lin explained and immediately rushed into the base building.

The Birthmark Taoist winked at his companions, followed closely behind, and rushed in.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, Daoist Li Yang is here to save us!"

"Work together to fight against a strong enemy!"

The Chinese monks and Taoists who rushed into the building shouted, and at the same time gave Jiang Lin directions.

In the depths of the building, gunshots were heard one after another, and after a moment of silence, the original screams of killing suddenly became high-pitched.

"Daoist Li Yang, it's great that you are here!"

After Jiang Lin killed a few magicians and made many magicians Yiren retreat, the monks and Taoists who were originally in the building all looked happy and leaned over to Jianglin.

"Yeah, that's great."

The birthmark Taoist laughed, then took out a silver snake-shaped sculpture from his eight-treasure bag, and placed it on Jiang Lin's back at a very fast speed.

The other monks and Taoists behind Jiang Lin were not slow at all. They took out the same snake-shaped sculpture from their sleeves or their arms, and aimed the open snake mouth at Jiang Lin.

As for the people who came over, the expressions of joy on their faces suddenly turned hideous. They also took out magical instruments with different styles from those in the Middle Earth. Some were gossip mirrors that were as black as ink, and some were talismans carved with demon patterns. And so on.

These instruments all fired beams of various colors, hitting Jiang Lin with a thunderous momentum.

Jiang Lin's reaction was also very fast, dodging most of the attacks, but he still said "his own" after all.


Jiang Lin's face turned gray-black in a very short time. He covered his heart and looked at the crowd around him coldly.

Although these people surrounded him, they also kept a certain distance from him.

"Clap clap clap."

There was applause at the end of the passage, and many magicians and different ninjas came out. It was the people who retreated after fighting with the monks in the building.

"It's a good trick to kill the poison. I didn't expect that this time, it was actually the famous Daoist Li Yang. I can't think of it, I really can't think of it."

Among the approaching artisans and yin-nin, the one with a goatee in the lead was beaming with joy, his face smiling like a chrysanthemum.

The goatee looked at Jiang Lin, who was getting poisoned, and said triumphantly: "In the Qing Dynasty, when you used the barbarians to control the barbarians, the effect was not good, but now this policy is used on your own, and the effect is terrible."

"A bunch of traitors."

Jiang Lin didn't need to think about it anymore, he knew what was going on.

The scene of the battle between the Middle-earth monks and the Oriental demons that he had seen before was all for the purpose of slaughtering. Under the surface, it was an extremely vicious scheme!

These little ri are also arrogant to this group of traitors and monks, taking advantage of the psychology of others to rescue their compatriots and compatriots, and set up such a killing situation.

Under the fact that the Chinese people did not have much guard against their fellow compatriots, they stabbed them fiercely.

The white knife goes in directly, and the red knife goes out.

Chapter [-] Traitors have to die! (middle)

"The actions of this headquarters were deliberately released by you?"

Jiang Lin looked at the birthmark Taoist priest with murderous intent in his eyes.

The birthmark Taoist was stared at by Jiang Lin's gaze, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"What are you afraid of? Although he is a Taoist, he is immune to all poisons, but what we use is the poisonous saliva of the eight-headed snake mixed with the poison of Guixu for thousands of years, not to mention that he is a celestial master. The real person who formed Dan must also be honest."

The goatee chuckled lightly, they set up this killing game just to attract the capable people in Middle-earth.

Because I don't know how many high-level people who can't escape from the world and can withstand great aliens, the poisons they use are all super-class.

Even a Taoist priest who has formed a golden elixir or an old monk who has collected relics, who has been poisoned by this kind of poison, will also have to wait for death slowly.

Hearing what the goatee said, the fear in the heart of the birthmark Taoist was much less. He said: "Daoist Li Yang, as the saying goes, people do not kill themselves for their own sake. Now the Middle Earth is weak, the ruler Fubai is unbearable, and there are powerful demons. Running rampant, we are just looking for a way out.”

"Hmph, you've already become a traitor, so don't set up an archway for yourself. This land of China has nurtured you, your fathers, your ancestors and even your ancestors, what does it have to do with those in power? You bastards, Worse than these wolves, everyone will kill them!"

Jiang Lin sneered, this group of traitors, even if they were female cousins, they still had to find some reason to move closer to Guangwei, it was really fucking ridiculous.

Those in power can't do it, is that the reason why you betrayed your compatriots and betrayed the land that gave birth to you?

A group of traitors, monks and Daoists, who were all scolded by Jiang Lin, blushed and couldn't answer.

While scolding these traitors, Jiang Lin is also using the corpse poison and Yang Yan in his body to detoxify.

But unfortunately, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

If it is a common toxin, even the most poisonous poison, even the evil poison of demons and monsters, can't do anything to him.

But the poison he is currently poisoned includes the high poison of the eight-headed snake, and the ten thousand years of sinister poison in the return to the ruins. Even if he uses the corpse poison and the true fire of the sun, he will not be able to remove these poisons immediately.

But even so, his life is not in danger for the time being.

To want his life, this level of strange poison is not enough.

"You don't have to care about his words, people, you always have to live in the moment. He can't protect himself now, so he can only try to be quick."

Even if Jiang Lin scolded him as a Japanese donkey, the goatee was not angry, on the contrary, he was very happy.

In their hearts, Jiang Lin is synonymous with terror, like a big mountain pressing down on their hearts.

Now, the mountain of Jianglin is about to collapse, or it will be destroyed by their hands, and it is too late for the goatee to be happy.

"Come here, take this middle-earth Celestial Master down, and I will inform Chief Yamamoto that he will be publicly executed tonight, and the scene will be photographed at that time."

The goatee laughed happily, this time they were really proud of themselves.

Back then, when Jiang Lin alone suppressed their cultivation world, they couldn't raise their heads at all. Now if they publicly executed Jiang Lin, then this incident would definitely be a century-old event for their Yamato nation.

Then the goatee said to a group of traitors such as the birthmark Taoist priest: "You will all go there when the time comes, and accept the award from Chief Yamamoto."

Yo, will I be publicly executed?

Jiang Lin had temporarily suppressed the strange poison in his body, and was ready to kill anyone, especially those traitors, who had to die.

But at this moment, he changed his mind again.

The traitors in this headquarters should be more than a dozen birthmark Taoist priests. He came to the whole pot at one time, and saved them from looking for them one by one.

With this plan in mind, Jiang Lin also cooperated very well, pretending that only Half-Life was left.

"Master Yangji, do you want to seal his spiritual power?"

The birthmark Taoist saw that the two magicians just locked Jiang Lin with iron chains, so he felt that it was not safe, and asked the goatee to take more protective measures.

Jiang Lin is not only a big mountain in Ri's heart, but also in Middle Earth, he is regarded as a land fairy.

Although he is poisoned now, as long as he doesn't die, the power is there.

"No, the poison he's inflicted can only be cured by Daluo Immortal."

Goatee is very confident in the strange poison he uses, and he is not worried about any accidents at all.

After brushing his beard, the goatee continued: "Also, don't you think it's interesting that we tie him like this? If he wants to escape, he wants to survive, just try. I think our martial artist ninja and Soldiers are very happy to see his expression of unwillingness to give up but in the end he can only despair."

"Ha ha……"

The other magicians and ninjas all laughed, and if they could really see the despairing appearance of this middle-earth celestial master, it would be a very memorable memory.

"Master Yangji, as the only peak celestial master in the world, he has mastered countless Taoist secrets. As I see it, it is better for me to discuss it with him. If he is willing to cooperate, it is certainly good. If you don't want to cooperate, it's not too late to deal with him."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was honestly tied up by the magician, and it seemed that he had no strength to break free, the birthmark Taoist recommended himself, and suggested to the goatee to let Jiang Lin spit out the stunt that he was carrying.

In his opinion, Jiang Lin was able to have such a high level of cultivation in the era of the end of the law, and the exercises he cultivated were definitely not ordinary. If he could get it and practice, he might not have the possibility of impacting the heavenly masters in the future.

"Yes, if you can really let him reveal his Taoism, Chief Yamamoto will definitely be very happy, and he will definitely give you a great reward."

Goatee nodded and let the two magicians escort Jiang Lin away.

The Birthmark Taoist also followed, and he believed that he was quite sure about what made Jiang Lin speak.

It is basically impossible to directly make Jiang Lin submit, but as long as he is a human being, he has weaknesses. He does not believe that Jiang Lin will disregard the safety of his wife and master.

The two magicians sent Jiang Lin to a prison in the headquarters and waited on the side. In case the birthmarked Taoist priest really had a way to get Jiang Lin's Taoist secret book or something, they had to prevent him from hiding it. .

"Daoist Li Yang, I know you look down on me, but now the situation is better than others. If you cooperate, although you may not be able to survive, you can die quickly, and you can leave a whole corpse."

The birthmark Taoist rubbed the moles on his face and "persuaded Jiang Lin with kind words" in the prison.

Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to him at all. This kind of traitor would feel dirty even if he looked at it more.Taking advantage of this time, he secretly did everything he could to dissolve the strange poison in his body.

Chapter [-] Traitors have to die! (Down)

Seeing Jiang Lin's eyes closed and silent, the birthmark Taoist smiled and continued: "Daoist Li Yang, you are also an earth-shattering figure, and I don't expect that a few words will make you bend your Taoist bones. But , you can think about it, it's easy for you to go, but your family, those beautiful wives, and teachers, you don't think about them? We can trick you, naturally You can also trap them, and then they will suffer."

"I originally wanted to wait for you bastards to get together before doing anything, but you have to court death."

Jiang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, the killing intent in his eyes almost turned into reality.

This birthmarked traitor was the first to threaten him with his wife and masters.

It's really interesting, even ri himself has not dared to do anything to his family for so many years, whether it is openly or secretly, and as a result, these traitors are even fatter than their masters.

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