Not broken at all.

This is very strange. Since Ma Danna can't hurt the generals, why did the generals flee?

What's even more strange is that although the generals have been on the run, they occasionally counterattack, but the level of counterattack is exactly the same as that of the family, and even weaker than the ordinary zombie king's attack.

And every time an attack landed on Madonna, the generals kept their hands.

On this point, Jiang Lin admitted that he was not mistaken. He still had such eyesight.

The generals were either releasing water, or they were unwilling, or- they didn't dare to hurt Madonna.


Jiang Lin really felt that his head was full of question marks.

While Jiang Lin was following up and wondering, the general had already run to the place where Ma Danna had arranged the formation.

"Dragon God's decree, Mountain God only borrows the law!"

Madonna waved the magic wand and started to move. The talisman cloth buried under the ground around the minister flew up, like a huge moth, pounced on the general and minister, and many talismans were swimming on the ground. Covered the ground within a radius of ten meters.

And the generals and officials in this small area are like treading water with their feet, unable to exert their strength for a while.

The Ma family's formation is really a bit of a doorway.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin couldn't help but light up. Although the magic array Ma Danna created was ordinary, it was driven by the Ma family's unique secret technique, and it showed a good effect.

Ma Danna tapped the ground and rushed over. She stepped on the talisman and took a few steps to attack the generals.


The general was swaying in the corpse formation, and was attacked by Madonna one after another, and finally an angry roar broke out.

At this time, Madonna had already jumped up, holding the magic wand in her hand, and stabbed the general's brow.

The dragon shadow flickered on the magic wand, just like a red-hot iron rod pierced into an ice cube, directly piercing the head of the general.


The general opened his mouth wide, and two red lights bloomed from his eyes.

The zombie primogenitor was really furious.

The corpse gas in his mouth spurted out, making Madonna unable to discard the magic wand in her hand.

Her whole body and the magic wand in her hand moved forward involuntarily.

As if her palm was stuck to the magic wand, Madonna copied it into the satchel with her other hand, took out a pearl the size of a pigeon egg, and catapulted it into the general's mouth.

This is the pure dragon ball of their horse family, which has extremely powerful exorcism ability.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already acted.

After Ma Danna beat the generals and officials, she finally encountered a life-and-death crisis.

The generals are real!

However, before Jiang Lin teleported over, the momentum in Jiang Chen's body burst out completely, and the talisman cloth on the ground on his body was like a piece of paper, turning into pieces of powder.

This powerful momentum blasted Jiang Lin out of the teleportation.

And Ma Danna spit out a mouthful of blood in an instant, and more than that, with a wave of the minister's arms, red rays of light shot out from her steel-like nails.

At this moment, Madonna's whole body was like a punctured blood bag, and the blood spurted out as if it didn't want money.

how so……

Madonna had not recovered from this sudden turning point, but even if she recovered, it was useless, and now the feeling of death had enveloped her.

It turned out that what Brother Jiang said was true.

Madonna's eyelids gradually closed, and her consciousness began to blur. At this moment, a warm chest suddenly appeared behind her.

Jiang Lin had already embraced Ma Danna in his arms.

Jiang... Big Brother Jiang?

Although Jiang Lin had already put on his night clothes and covered his face, even his breath was hidden, but he was still recognized by Ma Danna.

Because it is not only Jiang Lin who will have a special feeling when facing her, but also when she is close to Jiang Lin.

Ma Danna recognized Jiang Lin because of that resentment she didn't know where it came from.

Wasn't he unwilling to deal with the generals?

Why is it here?

Is it because of me?

Madonna wanted to speak very much, but her throat had a wound, her throat was hurt, and she couldn't speak.

Jiang Lin put one hand on Ma Danna's throat to help her blood, and immediately teleported back.

He only hoped that the anger of the general would disappear, because when the general had exploded his momentum just now, he was bombarded, causing the hidden pattern on his body to be slightly damaged.

Coupled with his ability to use the corpse, his own corpse emperor's momentum has been leaked.

Unfortunately, however, his hopes were dashed.

A pair of red eyes of the general burst out with strong light and fell on him.


Chapter [*]: Life and Death Crisis (Part [*])

The general reached into his body with one hand, took out the glowing Dragon Ball of the Pure World, and squeezed it into two halves.

"Don't, don't, my baby girl is ignorant, you are the true ancestor of zombies, don't care about her like that."

Jiang Lin muttered as he teleported back and eased his nervousness.

I'm twenty-one, who is the girl doll?

Ma Danna couldn't help laughing when she heard Jiang Lin's gurgling, but this laugh affected her injuries and made her consciousness even more blurred.

The general roared, and his body suddenly disappeared in place. In the next instant, he appeared in front of Jiang Lin and grabbed Jiang Lin and Ma Danna with both arms.

In fact, as the true ancestor of zombies, generals and ministers generally do not get angry. Even if Ma Danna knocked on the head many times, he still does not get angry, and out of instinct, he just wants to escape this human girl who has "seen".

But Madonna had been pestering him like a candy cane, and she had also made him feel intense pain, which made him angry.

What's more, at this moment, there is another zombie that he hates and may grow up to be like him in the future. How can he stop there.

So fast!

Jiang Lin's eyes bulged, and he quickly teleported out, avoiding the capture of the general.


The general did not attack Jiang Lin three times in a row, so he roared, and then his figure disappeared in place.

In the next instant, he appeared in front of Jiang Lin again, and his claws were like iron hooks, grabbing towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin wanted to teleport again, but he found that he couldn't move, and his thinking almost stopped working!

He and Madonna, as well as the surrounding space, seemed to be frozen, and time could hardly flow.

control time!


At this moment, Jiang Lin really felt the premonition of death, which was deeper than he had ever felt before.

He regretted that he had underestimated the level of terror of the generals. Before coming, he believed that if he did everything he could, although he could not pose any threat to the generals, he at least had some confidence in escaping.

But now it seems that he is really not even half sure.

It seems that his road to the corpse has ended.

Jiang Lin was desperate. His corpse emperor's luck had brought him good luck more than once, and every time he encountered a life-and-death crisis, he could save him from danger.

But this time, in front of the generals, his corpse emperor luck failed.

He is still too far away from the level of a general.

Brother Jiang, you shouldn't have come.

Ma Danna really wanted to thank Jiang Lin Daosheng before she died, and then say a sincere apology.

But now, she can't move, she can only wait to die.

When Jiang Lin was in despair, the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, which was placed in the ancient mirror in his arms, suddenly shone brightly and burst out of the Mirror Void Realm.

This pocket magnetic mountain flew out, hovering above Jiang Lin's head, and a strong light erupted.

Stimulated by the power of time and space, it automatically flew out, bursting with immortal power, and confronted this power of time and space.

Great baby!

Jiang Lin was affected by the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, and the time ban around his body loosened. He immediately turned around and strengthened the defense behind him.

At this juncture, he was in the gap where teleportation appeared, unable to teleport again, and could only bear the attack of the generals.

"Pfft - kacha..."

Behind Jiang Lin came the sound of the flesh being cut apart, as well as the sound of bones breaking.

The double-ribbed bones on his back were broken.

After receiving the attack from the generals, Jiang Lin's body and Ma Danna in his arms flew forward together.

When he was about to collide with the stone forest next to him, Jiang Lin turned around again and protected Ma Danna with his body.


The back was hit hard one after another, Jiang Lin knelt on one knee on the ground, and several mouthfuls of blood spurted out of his black mask.

"Let me go..."

Seeing Jiang Lin's blood dripping dripping from the black cloth, Ma Danna made a sound with difficulty.

Without her, Jiang Lin might still have a chance to escape.

"To shut up!"

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