Jiang Lin put Ma Danna on his lap, took out a bucket of cold marrow from the ancient mirror, and threw it directly into the air above his head.

He knew that it was only temporarily delaying the arrival of death, and the generals flew over again!

"TMD, I will kill you!"

Jiang Lin called Wuji Magnetic Mountain back and protected him on top of his head. His heart was ruthless, which directly triggered the punishment.

Even if he died at the hands of a general today, he would have to let this zombie ancestor lose a few pounds of meat.

After a violent drink, Jiang Lin's whole body burst into an extremely dazzling light.

Since the light source was born in his body, the brightness of the ruthless Yang Xuanguang he released has increased geometrically, which is an effective means for him to assist himself and escape.

After the strong light broke out, Jiang Chen suddenly closed his eyes due to the dazzling light.

"go with!"

Jiang Lin let the golden wheel in his dantian fly out and put it on the body of the general. Then he covered his mouth with one hand and spit out a mouthful of blood essence in the palm of his hand, and then his arm quickly stretched out, and the palm of his hand was winded. As soon as it came out, the source blood essence in the palm of the hand was beaten on the general.

In a blazing ray of light, Jiang Lin formed a seal at an extremely fast speed, and used his strongest method - Jinwu Yangyang.

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, he sprayed the corpse pill in his body as a bullet. In this corpse pill, in addition to the corpse poison in his body, there was also his spiritual power and Yang Yan.

Blast Dan!

The corpse pill interacted with the spiritual energy of Yang Yan, yin and yang repel each other, and in an instant, a sphere the size of a football was formed.

The third leg of the Three-legged Golden Crow grabbed the sphere and rushed towards it.

In this very short period of time, black clouds appeared out of thin air in the sky, and finally, under the thunder, the Corpse Pill and the Golden Crow also exploded at the same moment.

"I'll give you a hammer! TMD, try Laozi's dog-beating stick too!"

Jiang Lin held the peach stick in both hands, making it ten feet long.

Before he came, Jiang Lin had asked Baoyi to inject a lot of immortal power into this fairy weapon. In addition to Baoyi's immortal power, Jiang Lin also let his fairy wife Chi Xiaoyu transform a lot of immortal power with a special method. in.

This blow can almost be compared with the attack launched by the owner of the peach stick, the Antarctic Xianweng.

In the thunder, there was the screams of the generals and the sound of gold and iron breaking.

The golden wheel of the day has been broken by the generals and has been broken into pieces.

Even the current generals and officials cannot withstand the thunder of thousands of tens of thousands of heavenly punishments.

In the end, Jiang Lin stood up again, twisted his waist and waved his arms, as if he was playing baseball, and hit a home run.

After knocking down the generals, he calmed down the spiritual power in his body, and then summoned the fragments of the Japanese Golden Wheel and the Dragon Ball of the Pure World, which had been broken into two halves.

Picking up Ma Danna, who had passed out in a coma, Jiang Lin didn't stop for a moment, and ran wildly in the opposite direction.

Nearly alive!

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-one chapters will transform

While running wildly, Jiang Lin used the little remaining spiritual power to cast spells and made several avatars of himself and Ma Danna, causing them to spread out in other directions. Madonna's breath.

After running for fifty or sixty miles in one breath, Jiang Lin took out the flying kite from the ancient mirror and took Ma Danna up to a high mountain.

With Ma Danna in his arms, Jiang Lin glides to the east.

It seems that this method can no longer be used in the future.

Jiang Lin sighed. On the way to escape just now, the system warned him that if he triggers the punishment again, he will be locked by the secret, and by then, he will be wiped out.

Jiang Lin still had lingering fears at the thought of the previous adventure. If he hadn't made a trip to Antarctica when he was in the United States, I'm afraid he would have been completely helpless this time.

"It seems that the generals should not go to me, the 'Shuimu Tianzun'."

Jiang Lin murmured, although the general was terrifying, it was not what he imagined.Compared to the drought, this Zombie True Ancestor is like an uncivilized wild Zombie.Moreover, Ma Danna angered the general by hitting so many sticks on the head of the general. He only taught Lan Dali and Xu Fu a lesson. According to the current situation, the general should not go everywhere to find him specifically for this.

In fact, Jiang Lin really guessed right. Although the current generals are the true ancestors of zombies, their minds are still immature, and they can't even speak human words.

But it was also today that the general met the first human being who had a profound influence on him.

Time went back to ten minutes ago, when the general was swept away by Jiang Lin with a stick.

The general was bombarded by thunder and beaten again, and his body was thrown into the distance, flying for more than two miles.

Back then, Baoyi, the fairy, was smashed by a thunderbolt, and the three flowers on the top of her body were all cut off.

He was not only bombarded by thunder, but also injured by the explosion of Jianglin Corpse Pill and the explosion of the three-legged Golden Crow, which did not make him lose a few pieces of meat.

The true ancestor of zombies is so terrifying.

The general flew upside down in mid-air, and by coincidence, there were several people at his landing spot.

When Jiang Lin and the others faced the generals, Kuang Guohua and Yamamoto Kazuo kept fighting and came to the vicinity of the generals' cave.

When Kazuo Yamamoto was physically weak and was about to be beheaded by Kuang Guohua, a native soldier took He Fusheng as a hostage and threatened Kuang Guohua to lay down his weapons.

As soon as Kuang Guohua threw the machete, this soldier fired a shot at He Fusheng, and then another shot at Kuang Guohua.

Before he fell, Kuang Guohua kicked the machete at his feet, hitting the soldier in the heart and killing him.

And Kazuo Yamamoto got up and rushed towards Kuang Guohua, holding the saber, and wanted to make another knife.

But at this moment, the general flew over and bumped into him.

Kazuo Yamamoto didn't think much, and stabbed him with a knife.

The general had not recovered his eyesight because his eyes were stimulated by strong light, and he thought that the knife was given by Jiang Lin.

With a long roar, the general took a bite on Kazuo Yamamoto's neck and threw it out, and Kazuo Yamamoto fell to the bottom of a cliff not far away.

After the general recovered his eyesight, he saw the dying Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng.

He felt that the two of them were in pain and had a strong desire to survive, so he decided to fulfill their wishes and took a bite on their necks.

Afterwards, the generals flew to the original battlefield with Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin and Ma Danna were no longer there.

He searched for Jiang Lin's breath everywhere, but in the end he found the slightest breath left by Jiang Lin on Kuang Guohua, who had been bitten by him.

Jiang Lin once rescued Kuang Guohua, but at that time, he hadn't painted a pattern of hidden breath on his body.

Therefore, his breath was contaminated by Kuang Guohua.

So, after Kuang Guohua woke up and carried He Fusheng back to the village, the generals followed.

When he went, he saw a human tragedy of life and death.

Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng returned to He's house, and soon they became zombies. Kuang Guohua almost bit Xiu Gu who had been taking care of him before, and if He Fusheng hadn't been held down by Kuang Guohua, he would have killed He Weilun who was unconscious on the bed.

"Note: There is a "Axiu" in Zombie Taoist and Zombie, because the story of Zombie Taoist was written first, so Axiu in Zombie is referred to as "Xiu Gu" to make a difference. 』

During the time Kuang Guohua was in Hongxi Village, Xiugu was taking care of him. The two had developed a relationship after getting along day and night. Originally, Kuang Guohua had already told Xiugu that he would come to marry her after he reported his job, but now he has He became a zombie with a strong bloodthirsty desire, and could no longer be with this gentle and kind woman.

And He Fusheng was only eight years old, but he couldn't live with his father anymore because he was bitten by a general.

That night, Kuang Guohua took He Fusheng away from Hongxi Village. Since then, the two of them have disappeared, leaving only Xiugu and He Weilun, who are crying bitterly.

The general has been watching out the window of He's house, and this incident has touched him a lot.

After he returned to the cave, he tore off the cloth strips on his head and face to reveal his true colors. He decided to step into the world as a human being to understand human beings, and he also wanted to find out the reason why people have always wanted to kill him since ancient times.

Since then, the mind of the real ancestor of the zombie has gradually matured, and his own infinite potential has been fully developed because of his open mind, so that even the scorpion has been beaten to the core for his carelessness and his own problems many years later. scattered.

And the true ancestor of the general, the zombie, also brought a century catastrophe to the world more than [*] years later.

On the other side, Jiang Lin took Ma Danna to fly a few hundred miles and found a cave on a high mountain.

He couldn't delay any longer. The wounds on both him and Madonna were filled with the corpse poison of the generals. Before, he had used the True Sun Fire to help Madonna suppress these powerful corpse poisons, but now it has reached its limit.

After setting up a barrier around the cave, Jiang Lin took Ma Danna into the cave, untied her belt, and sucked out the corpse poison for her.

"what happened?"

Jiang Lin spit out the poisonous blood in his mouth. For some reason, as soon as his lips and teeth touched Ma Danna's blood, the blood automatically seeped into his flesh and blood.

After absorbing Madonna's blood, the corpse poison in his body became agitated again, causing him to have a long-lost bloodthirsty desire.

Looking at Madonna's snow-white neck on the ground, Jiang Lin subconsciously swallowed.

His corpse teeth were exposed, and at this moment, he really wanted to bite down.

Chapter [*] Tianshitong

You have to ask Miaoshan.

Jiang Lin suppressed the bloodlust in his heart. After he was ready to go back, he asked Miaoshan to clarify.

Since he met Madonna, there had been a series of oddities that even he couldn't understand.

Nice body.

Jiang Lin smeared Ma Danna's wound with cold marrow, and couldn't help but glance at it, and then he took a silk cloth to wrap it up.

After solving the danger of Ma Danna, Jiang Lin began to take care of his own problems again. His entire back was covered with terrifying lacerations, and his ribs were broken a lot. In addition, the corpse poison of the generals was always on him. Invasion in vivo.

"If the corpse poison of the generals is forced out of the body, it will be wasted."

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. The corpse poison on his body was much more than that on Ma Danna's body. They were all directly from the generals.

However, with his current corpse level, it is impossible to swallow and digest it.

That's right, Ning Dan!

After hesitating for a moment, a flash of light flashed in Jiang Lin's mind. His corpse pill had already been spit out by himself to detonate it with spiritual power. If the corpse poison of the generals was condensed into a ball, and then wrapped with his own corpse poison into a corpse pill, It can be left to slowly devour later, allowing your corpse to grow.

Of course, he can't directly contact these corpse poisons with his corpse pills, and he needs to use the blood of the dry scorpion as a reconciling agent.

The blood essence and blood of the scorpion he possessed was sent by the scorpion voluntarily, and absorbing it would not have any side effects on him, but he was still at a low level and could not absorb it.

Like the generals and ministers, the daggers are also corpse ancestors, and the blood of the former can just suppress the corpse poison of the generals and ministers.

He did what he said. After Jiang Lin swallowed the cold marrow and the pulp of the dinosaur, he forced the foreign corpse poison into his throat.

It took Jiang Lin a whole day and night to condense the corpse pill again. After that, he extended his arms and used his nails as a scalpel to operate on the ribs on his back.

Even after using a lot of material treasures, Jiang Lin was sweating profusely in pain when his bones were taken back, and there were bloodstains on the ground.

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