These bone injuries of his were caused by the generals. Even if a lot of heaven and earth treasures were used, it would take some time for him to fully recover.


On the third morning, Madonna groaned and showed signs of awakening.

Jiang Lin glanced at her and placed some powerful magic talismans beside her. After that, he went out of the cave, using a flying kite as a tool, and flew towards the due south.

The formation pattern on his body has been destroyed, and if he faces Ma Danna again, he will feel uncomfortable again, and the sun gold wheel also needs to be nourished with immortal soil and a lot of cold marrow in time, otherwise, if the spirituality of this magic weapon is greatly lost, Even if it is recast, it is considered waste.

Now that Madonna was out of danger, he didn't stay any longer.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

After Madonna woke up, she sat up quickly and looked around.

Seeing the unextinguished firewood not far away, she immediately ran out.

"Why don't you wait until I thank you before leaving."

Looking at Jiang Lin who had gone away in midair, Ma Danna couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It hurts."

Just as Ma Danna wanted to wave to Jiang Lin, she triggered the wound on her body, and she bared her teeth in pain.

Wait, my wound!

Madonna suddenly thought that before she fell into a coma, her whole body was injured, and then she tore off her collar.

Then there was a girl's scream.

No, I have to make sure!

Ma Danna blushed with embarrassment, and was ready to go to Hong Kong when her injuries were all right.

If the man who bandaged her wound wasn't Jiang Lin, she would have wanted to kill.

After returning to the cave, Madonna looked at the magic talisman on the ground and the patch of blood next to it, and covered her flushed cheeks again.

Even if she wanted to face the officials, her elder brother Jiang returned to the mainland without hesitation to protect her.

How to do?If he likes me, should I accept him?

He is ten or twenty years older than me.

When Madonna fell into the girl's fantasy, Jiang Lin had already flown to the pier and got on the boat.

"Fellow Daoist, have you met a general? How is she?"

After Jiang Lin arrived home, Miao Shan walked out of the guest room.

"I have done what I promised, and I hope you don't break your promise."

Jiang Lin's tone was not very good, and Miao Shan asked about Ma Danna's situation as soon as he opened his mouth, which made him a little uncomfortable.

His face is pale now, obviously seriously injured, and he doesn't even ask questions?He also fulfilled his promise first.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry."

Miaoshan realized that he was wrong, and quickly formed a Buddha seal on his hands, and the Buddha's light bloomed all over his body, which shone on Jiang Lin's body to heal his injuries.

"I'll go out to set up the enchantment, and tonight I can use Tianshitong to help fellow Taoists find the Immortal Character Jue."

Miaoshan smiled apologetically, then walked out of Liyang Residence, down Huixing Mountain, and set up a barrier on a high ground.

This time, she has to explore the secrets of the sky and find the relics of the upper realm. There may be unexpected situations, so she has to stay away from Huixing Mountain, so as not to affect the mountains there.

That night, Jiang Lin was outside the barrier that Miaoshan had set up, protecting the law for Miaoshan.

Now he is quite uneasy in his heart. After so many years, he has expanded his contacts and scattered his family wealth, just to make the immortal burial coffin complete. If Miaoshan finds out the whereabouts of the immortal burial coffin this time, it can also solve a knot in his heart. .

Miao Shan sat cross-legged in the barrier, and a pair of plain hands connected the complicated Buddhist handprints. Finally, she held the sky with both hands and gathered the Buddha's top seal with light.

"Introducing the Great Thousand Dharma, the Buddha's Light Views the World!"

After Miaoshan gave a soft drink, majestic treasures of Arhats and Bodhisattvas appeared around her body. These treasures were radiant and bright, and the golden "swastika" character seal appeared on the palm of her hand, which converged in the air, forming a huge of the Buddha's Eyes.

Jiang Lin looked at the treasures around Miaoshan and couldn't help taking a deep breath. If Miaoshan used the form of fighting to drive the power of the Dharma, he would probably be able to destroy the Feizhuo that he killed before.

At this time, Miaoshan in the enchantment was blooming with rays of light all over his body, and strands of rays of rays formed the veil and treasure wheel, while Miaoshan himself was wrapped in these rays of light, and from a distance, he looked like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

She closed her eyes slightly, then opened them abruptly, and two rays of light shot out from her pair of beautiful eyes, connecting to the huge Buddha eyes in the air.

"Xianzi Jue, Ma family..."

Miaoshan quickly searched for the objects and answers that Jiang Lin asked her to find, but at this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, bombarding the Buddha's eye map in mid-air.

And the enchantment arranged by Miaoshan disappeared under this thunder.


Miao Shan screamed, her eyes were also affected, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from her eyes.

"Is this a catastrophe?"

Jiang Lin's heart tensed, Miaoshan used Tianshitong, certainly not once or twice, but she never mentioned the matter of Tianjie, that is to say, there was an unexpected situation this time.

"go with!"

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it at all, so he sacrificed Wuji Cishan to protect Miaoshan.

"Fellow Daoist, Miaoshan will not break his promise to you."

Miaoshan quickly turned her hands like a wheel, and let the surrounding treasures protect her in the center. After that, she put her four fingers on her temple and looked at the Buddha's eye map again.

"I found it... ah!"

Miaoshan's face just showed a look of joy, and then she let out another scream. This time, the thunder fell from the sky more than once, destroying all the treasures around her, and bombarded her body again.

Jiang Lin could see clearly that Miao Shan's eyes were sprayed with blood from the thunder and lightning.

Chapter [*] My doom?

Because there is no treasure in Miaoshan that can deceive the heavens, Lei Jie found her, so even if Jiang Lin sacrificed Wuji Cishan and blocked some of the power of the thunder, Miaoshan was almost killed by the thunder. .

Seeing Wuji Magnetic Mountain bearing the brunt, Jiang Lin called him back, and at the same time he took the cold marrow from the ancient mirror and poured it on Miaoshan.

Now he still has to protect Miao Shan, after all, Xian Zi Jue's whereabouts depend on her.

With a roll of Yin Huo Whip, Jiang Lin dragged Miao Shan over, hugged him in his arms, and ran towards the distance.

With the protection of the cold marrow, Lei Ting suddenly lost his target, and after a mad slash in place, the thunderclouds in the sky gradually disappeared.

Jiang Lin took off his long gown and put it on Miaoshan's body. Now Miaoshan's clothes are basically crumbs and have disappeared in a large area.

"Fellow Daoist, I haven't found out the exact location of the immortal character Jue... but... but sixty years later, it will definitely appear, right in Xugang, Ma... Ma..."

Miao Shan fell into a coma before finishing a sentence.

Didn't find it?

Although Jiang Lin guessed that the whereabouts might not go well when Miaoshan had an accident, he couldn't help but be disappointed when Miaoshan said it himself.

But fortunately, the result has not disappointed him completely, at least he has hope.

Sixty years later, the immortal character Jue will appear.

After Jiang Lin brought Miaoshan back to the guest room, he used cold marrow, marrow pulp and immortal grass to heal her injuries. Although Miaoshan did not fulfill her promise, it was because of force majeure, not to mention that even if she suffered When he arrived at Lei Jie, he didn't flinch. While trying his best to investigate, Jiang Lin was not stingy with some treasures.

Three days later, Miao Shan woke up.

She changed into new clothes, walked out of the room, and when she saw Jiang Lin in the yard, she bowed and thanked: "Daoist friend, thanks to your help, Miaoshan might be blinded otherwise."

"I don't need to say thank you, everyone takes what they need. If you recover your injury and spiritual power, can you still use Tianshitong?"

Jiang Lin plans to build a great formation to hide the sky, and let Miaoshan use Tianshitong again to see if he can find the immortal character Jue.

Sixty years is too long.

But the premise is that Miaoshan can also use that ability to probe the past, present and future.

A look of apology appeared on Miaoshan's face and said, "I'm very sorry, fellow Daoist, I could only use Tianshitong once every thirty-three years."

"However, fellow Daoist, don't worry, Miaoshan has not fulfilled her promise after all. Thirty-three years later, I will investigate again. Even if I can't find the specific location, I will narrow it down to a country or even a city."

"That's all there is to it."

Hearing Miaoshan say this, Jiang Lin could only shake his head helplessly, and then he asked about the Ma family and Ma Danna.

"Actually, I will become attached to you because when I used Tianshitong a few times ago, I explored a corner of the future. After a year, there will be a catastrophe in the world, which is related to the generals and ministers. From [*] Since the beginning of eight years, that is, this year, things have really started to develop in the future, and the Ma family of the exorcism dragon family will play an important role in the future, which is why I asked you to protect Madonna."

After a pause, Miaoshan continued: "As for the doubts in your heart, I can't say much, fellow Daoist, please believe me, Miaoshan didn't hide it deliberately, it was too much involved, even if I wanted to reveal it, There is no way."

"Tell me, those are just the doubts in my heart, and they don't have to be solved."

Jiang Lin nodded, Miao Shan was willing to face Lei Jie to find out the whereabouts of Xian Zi Jue, so she should not deliberately hide it.

"The appearance of the Ma family of the exorcism dragon family has a direct or indirect relationship with you and the generals, and Ma Danna is likely to be your doom. I didn't know this before, if I did, I wouldn't let fellow Daoists and Ma Danna do it. The trajectories of fate have converged.”

"My doom? How is it possible?"

Jiang Lin frowned, what Miaoshan said surprised him.

Since he came to this world, he has never had any interaction with the Ma family of the exorcism dragon clan, and what is even more outrageous is that Miaoshan actually said that Ma Danna was his doom.

This is a fantasy.

If he thought he wanted to kill Madonna, it was not as easy as moving a finger, but it didn't take much effort.

It is no wonder that Jiang Lin thinks so. His own Taoist cultivation base has reached the ceiling of the Celestial Master, and the corpse is even further. Even Jin Dan who has stepped into the Dan Dao may not be able to destroy him.

Whether it is a Taoist body or a corpse, as long as he picks out one, he can make Ma Danna die no longer.

Jiang Lin subconsciously didn't believe or pay attention to what Miaoshan said. After all, although Miaoshan can use Tianshitong to probe the past and future, he also has the identity of a zombie. .

At least in terms of Miaoshan's ability, it is absolutely impossible to predict his future.

Her conclusions should be inferred based on some people or things she saw in the future.

This is not his subjective guess. More than ten years ago, Miao Shan found him and met him only through Zhang Xiaochuan and Zhang Dashao as "media".

Therefore, Jiang Lin was only surprised and didn't take it seriously.

If at this time, he recalled the first encounter between the general and Ma Danna, he might not be so disapproving.

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