When the generals met Ma Danna, after being slapped with a stick, their first reaction was to flee, and when they were chased by Ma Danna, the generals and ministers did not attack him, even if they were provoked in the end. took her life.

If Jiang Lin filtered these kinds of oddities in his mind, he might have a different attitude.

It's a pity that during this period of time, he has always been concerned about the immortal character Jue, and put aside some less important memories.

"It's your doom, Ma Danna may be Ma Jiaxian... poof!"

Miaoshan was halfway through speaking, when she suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, her clothes began to become dirty, and there was also a strange smell of sweat coming out of her body.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

"Stop talking."

Jiang Lin took a small medicine bottle, flicked his finger at the bottom, and shot the cold marrow into Miaoshan's mouth.

Now he completely believed that there were some things that Miaoshan really couldn't say.

There will be other unknowable additions.

Miao Shan nodded and began to sit on the side, refining the cold marrow with spiritual power, suppressing the abnormality of the body.

In fact, what she wanted to say was that Ma Danna was probably the reincarnation of Ma Linger, the ancestor of the Ma family, but she could not convey this information to Jiang Lin.

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-four chapters Ksitigarbha, Guanyin, and the Great Sun Tathagata!

"Fellow Daoist, Miaoshan has a request and I don't know whether to say it or not."

Miao Shan frowned and looked hesitant.

"Tell me, I will agree if I don't see you."

Jiang Lin shrugged. He made a deal with Miaoshan. No matter what, Miaoshan had already broken his trust. It would be unreasonable to make a request now.

If it wasn't for Miao Shan's good attitude, he would have turned his head and left.

"Can you continue to protect Madonna? When she is in danger, just protect her secretly."

"are you kidding me?"

Jiang Lin was amused by Miao Shan. He said not long ago that Ma Dannuo was his doom, and now he asked him to protect Ma Dannuo.

Raise an enemy?


Miao Shan was embarrassed, she organized the language before saying: "I also know that this request is unreasonable, but the appearance of Xianzi Jue sixty years later may have something to do with Ma Danna, but I am not very sure about this. So this I think it is too much to ask, but if you are willing to agree, Miao Shan will do her best to help you when you encounter difficulties.”

"What if she goes to the generals again?"

"In that case, you don't have to go."

Miaoshan did not hesitate to reduce the difficulty of the request. If Ma Danna still wanted to find a general, then she really had no choice.

"to make."

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment before agreeing to Miao Shan's request.

First of all, he didn't believe that Ma Danna would pose a threat to him. Second, he felt that as long as he was not facing a general, he would not have a huge crisis like a few days ago. Finally, Miaoshan's strength should not be under the current treasure. , Therefore, after making some measurements in his heart, Jiang Lin felt that the transaction was not a loss.

After reaching an agreement with Miao Shan, Jiang Lin looked at the sunset on the horizon in the distance, and soared into the sky.

Since the light source was born in his body, the effect of absorbing the morning sun and sunset has become much better. After moving house, almost every day at dusk, he will go above the clouds and absorb the essence of the sun.

When he was high in the sky, Jiang Lin suddenly noticed that there was a golden light shining above the clouds in the north.

Could it be that some fairy artifact appeared?

Jiang Lin's first reaction was that a baby appeared. After all, the Seven-Star Crescent Saber he got back then was hidden in the clouds at a high altitude.

So Jiang Lin took out the flying kite again, used his palms as jet thrusters, and flew towards the place where the golden light appeared.

Now that he has met with the generals and officials, he knows the terror of the other party, and he will embark on the road of corpses in the future, and he is likely to fight with the generals and officials, so the more magic weapons in his hand, the better.

At this time, at the light source hundreds of miles away, the golden light gradually flourished. After a long time, two lotus platforms appeared out of thin air. Under a Buddha light, two human-shaped silhouettes appeared on the lotus platforms.

Finally, the Buddha's light faded away, revealing the Dharma body of a great Buddha and a Bodhisattva.

And the appearance of that Bodhisattva is exactly the same as Miaoshan. She is holding a suet jade bottle in one hand, and the other hand is tied with a seal. She is the Guanyin Bodhisattva in Buddhism.

Guanyin looked down on the world and said to the great Buddha on the side: "The Great Sun Tathagata, it seems that we are late, the wheel of fate has turned, leading all living beings to the catastrophe."

"Amitabha, the secret of heaven is hidden, and even we can't see it in time to prevent the ancient catastrophe from returning to the world. It is true that the number of days cannot be changed, and the fate cannot be changed!"

The Great Sun Tathagata shook his head and sighed, and continued: "Master Guanyin, let me use the heart of compassion to destroy the world with the mantra of purifying the world, and make the world start over from chaos, so as to avoid endless suffering for all living beings in this world."

"Guanyin understands the compassion of the Tathagata, but since the fate of the heavens cannot be changed, all sentient beings are at the mercy of fate, which is both pitiful and pathetic. Why don't we give them another chance."

An unbearable look appeared between Guanyin's brows, if the Pure World Mantra came out, all sentient beings would vanish.

The Great Sun Tathagata pondered for a moment, and suddenly, he looked into the distance, and then the fingerprints on his hand changed.

Jiang Lin, who was hundreds of miles away, was moved in front of him out of thin air.

"Dao Corpse?"

The Great Sun Tathagata glanced at Jiang Lin, then moved his fingers, and a Buddha light popped out, ready to erase Jiang Lin.

"The Tathagata, wait a minute."

Guanyin took the willow branch of the clean bottle in her hand and brushed it over. She closed her eyes slightly, then opened it, and said to the Great Sun Tathagata: "Although he is both good and evil, he has the power of wishes for all living beings, and he also saves many sufferings in the human world, why bother. Kill him?"

I say you!

Jiang Lin can't move at all now, he just wants to yell at him, he came to hunt for treasure, but he bumped into the Tathagata and joked with him!

No matter if you bump into it, you will kill him as soon as you meet, Ri Changjing!

In just a moment, his system made a beeping sound.

Fortunately, that Bodhisattva... eh, Miaoshan?No, this is Guanyin!

Jiang Lin looked at the female bodhisattva out of the corner of his eyes, only to realize that she and Miaoshan had the same face.

"Master, this seat also knows. The destruction of the world is still debatable, but he is the body of a Taoist corpse. If the body is taken away and becomes a container in the future, it will only make the catastrophe more serious."

Having said that, Da Ri Tathagata pushed out with a palm, and he still wanted to obliterate Jiang Lin.

I'm knocking mom!

I don't know what to do with corpses, what does it have to do with you, dead bald donkey!

Jiang Lin was so angry that TND was high above the gods and Buddhas, and if he wanted to kill him, he would kill him.

I bought a watch last year!

"Leave someone!"

At the critical moment, a loud voice resounded through the sea of ​​​​clouds, and a Buddha light shield appeared on Jiang Lin's body, blocking the magical powers of the Great Sun Tathagata.

Another Buddha appeared.

This Bodhisattva wearing a celestial crown and sitting on a divine beast with a one-horned tiger head came from a distance riding a cloud.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva riding on a listening listening!

Jiang Lin has a position in the underworld, so he is not unfamiliar with the king of the underworld. Long ago, the underworld was under the control of Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, and now the king of the underworld is in charge of the entire underworld.

"The Great Sun Tathagata, Master Guanyin, the two of you are not guarding the Lingshan Mountain in the upper world, why did you come here after breaking the world?"

After King Ksitigarbha announced the Buddha's name, he looked towards the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara.

The Great Sun Tathagata put one hand on his chest and explained: "Amitabha, I and Guanyin have deduced that the ancient catastrophe will be reproduced in the human world, and fate may return soon. In order to prevent sentient beings from suffering endlessly, this The seat is hereby descended to the realm, ready to destroy the world with the Purification Mantra. The number of days cannot be changed, and the fate cannot be changed. In order to prevent the Three Realms from falling into Prajna Hell in the future, only people can start anew."

Chapter [*] The truth of the disappearance of the gods

Purity mantra?

By the way, I remember this!

Jiang Lin listened to Dairi Tathagata's explanation, and suddenly remembered part of the TV plot.

He was deeply impressed by the plot arrangement of this part. When he was watching the drama, he was quite puzzled. Any Tathagata Avalokitesvara can destroy the world, but he didn't deal with the boss in Zong Yue.

If you kill the boss directly, isn't it over?

It's just that he doesn't remember whether Ksitigarbha King appeared with the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara.

But these are no longer important. The important thing is that he is not in danger for the time being.

"If the number of days was immutable and fate was immutable, then the gods and immortals would not have driven their destiny out of the world, and arrested and hunted them down. Those gods and immortals isolated the world, and they were separated from the world by the endless world. The purpose of fighting to the death is to leave a ray of possibility for all sentient beings, but now you have to use the Purification Mantra on the human world, wouldn't their efforts be wasted?"

King Ksitigarbha questioned the Great Sun Tathagata in a reproachful tone, keeping him silent for a while.

Holy crap, is King Kizang so rude?Even the Great Sun Tathagata does not pay attention to it?

Jiang Lin was stunned, the Tathagata is the same as Shakyamuni Buddha, belonging to the Buddha's three bodies, and because King Ksitigarbha made a great vow, if the hell is not empty, he will not become a Buddha, that is to say, he is still a Buddha. Bodhisattva, theoretically speaking, the status is lower than that of the Great Sun Tathagata.

However, it was really cool that the dead bald donkey was taught by King Ksitigarbha.

After being stunned, Jiang Lin felt relieved in his heart again, this Tathagata would kill him when he met him. If it wasn't for his lack of ability, he would definitely hold this Tathagata on the ground and beat him like a dog.

"Back then, Empress Houtu handed the underworld to Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun. Later, after Tianzun created the book of life and death, he also went out of the world and handed the underworld to me. If you destroy the world, the existing order of the world and the underworld will completely collapse. I don't want to. I will agree. The world has been isolated from the upper world, and even God Haotian will no longer intervene in the affairs of the world because of the existence of the book of life and death. Have you discussed with him about the destruction of the world? Or even he has gone The outside world?"

With that said, King Ksitigarbha got down from Di Ting and stood above the sea of ​​clouds. The Buddha's light radiated from his whole body, and he looked as if he would not hesitate to fight the Great Sun Tathagata.

It turns out that this is the truth of the disappearance of the gods in the world.

After listening to Ksitigarbha King said this, and combining with the information he had heard from Judge Wang before, he finally understood the reason why Taoism, Buddhism and other religions had many gods, but all of them disappeared.

Fate, what the hell is fate?

Listening to the words of this Ksitigarbha, it seems to be a materialized thing.

Wait a minute, Ksitigarbha, destiny, isn't this the story of the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man in Zong 3?

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, and he finally recalled the plot.

He didn't react before because he remembered the Ksitigarbha King as a man in a suit, and the current Ksitigarbha King is the image of a Bodhisattva.

The story of the dead date unfolded so early?

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