While Jiang Lin was thinking about it, Ksitigarbha King spoke again: "If there is nothing else for the two of you, you should go back to the Upper World Spirit Mountain as soon as possible, do your duty of guarding, and wait for fate to return. The world has stayed so long that it has forgotten when King Kong was still angry. Fate cannot be changed, but it can be fought!"

Ksitigarbha King said these words unceremoniously. In those days, the gods and immortals in the east and west, except those who stayed in the upper realms, basically went to fight their fate, and now I don’t know how many are left, only the Buddhas Staying in the Lingshan Mountain of the Upper Realm, we must guard the separation zone between the upper and lower realms.

He made a big vow, and he vowed not to become a Buddha if the hell was not empty, and it was not without reason.

It's good now, not only has fate not been eliminated, but it may return to this place soon. At that time, the book of heaven will be automatically corrected, and the book of life and death will no longer be able to function, and all beings will be played by fate again.

If all the Buddhas also participated in the war, it might have been another result.

It’s enough to nest in Lingshan Paradise, and now I have to destroy the world, what about the face?

Da Ri Tathagata was silent for a moment, and his face did not show joy or anger. After a while, he said, "Master Guanyin just now also suggested to give the world a chance. Since Earth Store Bodhisattva has great compassion and desire to persuade, this seat also Don't insist on doing it anymore. It's just that the Taoist corpse is still shallow now, and it is easy to become the first choice for Rahu to seize the house. Once that happens, Rahu, who was once the body of fate, will lead fate to return and have to be removed."

Yes, it's good that Lao Tzu is a Taoist corpse, but does TMD eat your steamed buns or owe you money?

Knock on mom!

Jiang Lin warmly greeted Da Ri Tathagata in his heart, Lingshan, right? When Lao Tzu has stepped onto the peak in the future, I won't be named Jiang until I don't get rid of all the misfortunes of your Elysium!

But after cursing wildly in his heart, Jiang Lin felt a little bit shy again.

Co-authoring, he is dealing with Fei Zong and Tianmo, and he has to guard against generals and officials. Why is there another Luohu now?

Second uncle, let no one live!

King Ksitigarbha glanced at Jiang Lin and said, "As for Rahu, he has his own underworld cooking, so he doesn't bother the World Honored One. Although he is a Taoist corpse, he is also a person from the underworld, and what he does in the world is mostly good. This is the most important reason why people in the world often recite the name of Taiyi for saving the suffering Tianzun, if you want to move him, go outside the world and ask Tianzun if he will answer."

Unexpectedly, during the disaster relief before, the people kneeled and thanked me. I asked them to thank Taiyi for saving Tianzun, but instead I saved my own life.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel fortunate. Back then, when he was in the inland to disperse wealth and disaster relief, someone asked him to live as a Bodhisattva and said something to thank the Bodhisattva.

His unintentional behavior now plays an important role.

"That being the case, Master, let's return to the upper realm."

Da Ri Tathagata glanced at Jiang Lin, and then the Buddha's light bloomed on his body and disappeared in place. Guanyin glanced at Jiang Lin with a strange look. Just now, she seemed to sense the tears of red dust left in the mortal world. There is some entanglement with this corpse.

However, she didn't go to investigate much, and disappeared with the Great Sun Tathagata.

If she investigates, she will know that the entanglement between Jiang Lin and Miao Shan is too big, the kind of Tai Chi pushing hands.

"Alas! The greed, ignorance, love and hatred of all living beings grow deep year after year. Even if the purification mantra is not used, once the ancient catastrophe reappears, the human world will become a prajna hell."

After the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara left, King Ksitigarbha had a look of sympathy and could not stop sighing.

Chapter [*] Let me local Tibetan agent?

Jiang Lin hovered silently beside him, and he didn't say much. As for the ancient catastrophe they were talking about, he didn't have the curiosity to know.

There is the Tathagata, there is Avalokitesvara, there is Ksitigarbha, these are all tall people, why does he need to worry about it?

"Thank you for the rescue of King Ksitigarbha."

When the Ksitigarbha King turned around, Jiang Lin saluted him and thanked him.

"You have a very laid-back mentality. Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs? When the catastrophe arrives, how many people can stay out of it?"

King Ksitigarbha looked at Jiang Lin with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

Jiang Lin laughed dryly and said, "If you have a good mentality, you can eat well, and what kind of ability do you have to consider what kind of things, don't you think?"

King Ksitigarbha shook his head with a smile, and said, "You bastard, you are very slick. If it weren't for the great merits you accumulated in the world, all beings would be grateful to you and at the same time recite the kindness of Taiyi Heavenly Venerate for saving suffering, and send them to him. With a lot of willpower, this seat will not leave the underworld specifically for you to make this trip."

It's really strange, Ksitigarbha King is a Buddhist Bodhisattva, and Taiyi Jiujiu Tianzun is one of the Daoist gods Xiao Jiuchen Great Emperor. Even if there is some friendship, this Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva will not be specially made for me. The little people who run for the road, right?

Jiang Lin was quite puzzled. He originally thought that the appearance of King Ksitigarbha was because the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara came out of the realm, but the meaning of King Ksitigarbha's words could be heard. This Bodhisattva came specially for him, and the reason It was his previous actions that allowed Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun to gain a lot of power of belief.

"Although this sect and Tianzun have different sects, there is no difference in their compassion for all living beings. He and this sect are also teachers and friends. Today, the order of the underworld still needs the power left by Tianzun to maintain, and you can let that power. be supplemented."

"So it is."

Jiang Lin nodded on the surface, but he was speechless in his heart. Like Miaoshan, the Ksitigarbha King could read minds or have supernatural powers like his mind, so everything he thought was completely seen through.

"Bodhisattva, there is something I don't know about the poor way. I have also heard about the catastrophe that will occur in the future. According to the Da Ri Tathagata, the catastrophe is likely to be related to Rahu. If this is the case, why not kill him directly? The underworld has the ability. Sealing Rahu in a forbidden area, with your ability as a Bodhisattva, you should be able to kill him, right?"

Because Jiang Lin heard Da Ri Tathagata say that Rahu might find him, so he wished that terrifying existence would die sooner rather than later.

"The power of the underworld, including this seat, has other uses, and Rahu can't be destroyed if you want to. Now our world is sealed off. Once you move Rahu, it will cause the imprint on its body to be released. Signal, the catastrophe will only come sooner."

When he mentioned this, King Ksitigarbha also felt a headache. Now that Rahu's breath has leaked out, and in the mortal realm, most of the parasites have already been parasitized on the host. Unfortunately, the secrets of the sky are now dark and unknown, and even with his ability, he cannot detect the parasitic body. s position.

In the future, once the parasitic body grows up and provokes the main body to attack, the underworld and the upper world may be in trouble both internally and externally.

"If you are worried about your own safety, this seat has a way."

"Buddha, please speak."

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up. He had already said what kind of ability he has to consider what kind of things, and the King Ksitigarbha should have some understanding of his temperament, so the method mentioned by King Ksitigarbha should not make him take any risks. risk.

"This seat may be reincarnated in the near future. After that, there will be no Kizang king in the underworld. However, in order to maintain the existing order, a local Tibetan agent is needed to handle all the affairs of the underworld. This seat thinks you are quite suitable. As the agent of Jizo, I naturally have some of my mana, and it should be no problem to protect myself."

King Ksitigarbha looked at Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin had the protection of the Great Luck, and he was able to die in many cases. Moreover, he had a lot of willpower and great merit. The most important thing was that he had already begun to show the corpse. Phase, without karma, is indeed suitable to take his class.

In addition to these, there is another reason, that is, although Jiang Lin is only a sinister in the underworld, his reputation has already surpassed that of ordinary judges, and his influence is not small.Especially the last time he found the Cold Marrow Vessel, which benefited most of the underworld's sinisters. Now as long as he goes to the underworld and speaks up, basically no one will sell his face.

What?Let me local Tibetan agent?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a while, before he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Bodhisattva, are you kidding me? I'm a little yin, and I don't often stay in the underworld. Isn't it like a joke to go to the local Tibetan agent? And the Ten Temple Yama, where can I get my turn?"

"Does this seat seem to be joking?"

King Jizo's face tensed, and no one has ever taken his words as a joke.

In fact, he does need to be reincarnated. Once fate returns, he will incarnate into millions. It is very difficult to find him. However, at this point in time when the catastrophe opened, the chess piece of fate appeared again, and he was ready to reincarnate into fate. Go to the family of Zhiqi to find and deal with fate.

Then Ksitigarbha King said again: "It shouldn't take too long, Yama of the Ten Temples of the Underworld and most of the underworld officials will soar and embark on the journey. And you are a more suitable candidate."

"Can't do it, can't do it, it's not that material."

Jiang Lin waved his hands again and again, and it was no problem for him to clear ghosts, clear demons, subdue demons and subdue demons, but let him be a manager, he really doesn't have that ability.

Otherwise, there are so many gold mines in his family, he would have invested in and become a super boss.

The most important thing is that his ambition is not in management, he is not in that mood.

When Niu Tau Ma Mian asked him to be the emperor of the land in the underworld, he refused.

In the chatting and laughing of Huangtu and Baye, he is incomparably drunk in the world.

The thought of reviewing documents every day, worrying about this and that, gave Jiang Lin a headache.

When you have time to sleep with your wife, isn't he fragrant?

And just now, he also thought carefully, if Luo Hu really found him, in order not to make the situation worse, there would definitely be someone capable.

If it really was a disaster, even if he became an agent of Ksitigarbha, he probably wouldn't be able to escape, not to mention that if he became an agent of Ksitigarbha, he would have to live in the underworld, wouldn't he be a neighbor with Luohu?

Don't go, definitely don't go.

Ksitigarbha: "..."

"Don't look at me like that, it makes me panic. I'm a Taoist, so I should be pure-hearted and have few desires. In ancient times, I was a monk, who was dedicated to the Tao. As a Taoist, you should be born, and what kind of ordinary The world's red dust, all kinds of disturbances, should be actively avoided."

Being stared at by Ksitigarbha King, Jiang Lin hurriedly explained.

"go away."

It's good that Jiang Lin didn't explain. With this explanation, there were faint veins on the forehead of Ksitigarbha King.

Pure heart and few desires, pure heart and few desires!

If you have time, it is better to hug your wife to sleep, what kind of pure heart and few desires!

King Ksitigarbha stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance. Jiang Lin was hit by a huge force, flew out, and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds in the blink of an eye.

Chapter [*]: The Dragon of the Ma Family

Hold the day!

How do you let me go back?

Jiang Lin was flying passively in midair, and he was tired and crooked. Because he didn't want to be an agent of Ksitigarbha, King Ksitigarbha used his supernatural powers to blow him away.

At this time, his whole body felt as if he had been hit by a huge stone, and he felt pain everywhere.

Some of the wounds on his body that had just healed had worsened again.

This is not to mention, the flying kite on his back was also destroyed by that huge force.

Where he is now, the horizontal distance from Huixing Mountain is still five or six hundred miles away!

"If you can't buy and sell, there is still benevolence and righteousness. What is this!"

Jiang Lin shouted loudly above the clouds, but the Ksitigarbha King had long since disappeared.

Because of the aggravating injuries on his body, Jiang Lin couldn't use his palms as jets as he did when he came, and he gradually landed.

Coincidentally, Ganzhou was below, and the war was going on. The Japanese fighter planes were hovering in the air, constantly dropping shells and bombing, and the war was raging.

The Japanese troops who had invaded the city burned and killed yin, and the streets were full of blood, corpses and artillery fire.

"Grandma's, take your anger out!"

Jiang Lin looked at the tragic situation below, and his originally depressed mood was added to the fire.

He landed on a plane and destroyed the small Japan in two strokes. After that, he threw the artillery shells from the back row of the plane to the surrounding planes one by one.

It didn't take long for more than twenty planes in the sky to explode.

After falling into the city, Jiang Lin slaughtered when he saw the Japanese army, and at the same time inhaled all the fighting on the road into his body.

Until the middle of the night, Jiang Lin took over all the bases where the Japanese army was stationed. Finally, he hijacked a small Japanese pilot and ordered him to fly to Xugang with him.

Jiang Lin also killed the little Japanese pilot just after flying over the port of Xu and the inland bay.

I finally feel better.

On the way, Jiang Lin looked at the fire source around his dantian, and the previous unpleasantness disappeared a lot.

He originally thought that it would take many years for the flames of war in his body to be born, after all, he was not planning to go out for several years.

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