This time, he "hunted for treasure" and encountered an unexpected situation. Fortunately, there was no danger. Although Ksitigarbha King was not kind, he suffered a small loss, but he also gained a strange fire because of it.

"Uncle, the Daoist Ma is here again."

The next afternoon, as soon as Jiang Lin got up, Uncle Ping informed him of Ma Danna's visit again.

What is she doing again?

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. It was good that he saved Ma Danna a few days ago, but at that time he changed his clothes and even changed his voice. Ma Danna should not recognize him.

Could it be that you came to me again to deal with the generals?

Thinking in his heart, Jiang Lin went to the front yard after washing for a while. He didn't draw any lines on his body. It is estimated that when he saw Ma Danna, he would just say a few words and let Uncle Ping see off the guest.

It would be funny if Ma Danna attracted the generals.

"Jiang... Daoist Li Yang."

When Ma Danna saw Jiang Lin, she smiled and greeted with a little more kindness.

"You're here again...what are you doing?"

Seeing Ma Danna, Jiang Lin still felt quite unwell, and the corpse poison in his body began to become restless again, causing his blood to surge.

But it's much better than last time.

Looking at Jiang Lin who was "blushing", Ma Danna was a little overjoyed, and she couldn't help thinking of what Ma Fan said.

love at first sight.

What made her even more happy was that she had already decided that the person who saved her was Jiang Lin.

Staring at Jiang Lin, Ma Danna said, "I... I have seen the general. He was terrifying. I almost died, but a man in black saved me. Guess who that person was?"

Hey, weird.

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, listening to the meaning of Ma Danna's words, he really recognized him.

"How do I know who saved you."

Jiang Lin shook his head, he saved Ma Danna because he had an agreement with Miao Shan, not purely saving people, so he didn't intend to keep Ma Danna in his heart, so he directly denied it.

There is nothing to deny, saving people is not a bad thing.

Ma Dannuo pursed her lips slightly, but she thought about it, maybe Jiang Lin was embarrassed to admit it because he had given her some medicine.

The thought of Jiang Lin applying medicine to her body made Ma Danna's face turn red.

"Oh, then I'll take back the Pure World Dragon Ball from our Ma family."

Madonna pinched her fingers with both hands, and the two halves of a dove egg-sized pearl flew out from the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms.

It turned out that it was by the bead that she found me.

Jiang Lin remembered that when he left Ma Danna in the cave, he forgot to leave behind the pearl that was cut in half by the general.

"This Pure World Dragon Ball is very important to our Ma family. If it is lost, it will be in big trouble."

Ma Danna took the two halves of the pearl, then threw them out, and threw out another magic talisman, her hands were constantly sealed, and she said in her mouth: "Lin, soldiers, fights, people, all, array, column, in front, in front. Shenlong, come out!"

In an instant, a golden dragon flew out of the talisman, tumbling a few times in mid-air, and swallowed the two halves of the Pure World Dragon Ball in one bite.

Jiang Lin was completely stunned at this time, and he subconsciously clenched his fists.

He had heard the voice of Ma Danna chanting the mantra just now!

And this golden dragon, he has also seen it!

Back then, when he traveled back to the age of monks and received the memories of his previous life in the Sanyuan Palace in Emei, he heard such a voice. In the fragments of those memories, there was this golden dragon.

It turned out to be the nine-character mantra of the Ma family and the dragon of the Ma family!

The memory in Jiang Lin's mind gradually became clear, and he suddenly discovered that the shadowy figure and face of the woman in his memory were overlapping with the current Ma Danna.

Could it be that my previous life, Master Li Yang, was killed by the Ma family of the exorcism dragon clan?

Was it killed by Madonna's previous life?

Jiang Lin seemed to understand why when he was absorbing Madonna's blood, he had the urge to bite her to death.

Thinking of this, the corpse poison in his body became more restless.

The Shenlong stopped in mid-air, and its pair of dragon eyes glanced at Jiang Lin, and then let out a slight sigh.

Two thousand years ago, it was driven by the people of the Ma family and killed a man who was exactly the same as the person in front of him, and the person who drove it back then also had the same face as Ma Danna.

The long river of time has spanned two thousand years, and the two of them met again now.

God's will tricks people, God's will tricks people.

Taking a deep look at Jiang Lin, the dragon flew back into the amulet.

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-eight chapters sad Madonna

However, the appearance caused by Jiang Lin's corpse poisonous agitation, in Ma Danna's eyes, was just ordinary sweating and blushing.

"These are the medicines in our horse's family that are very effective in healing wounds."

Madonna took out some medicine bottles and put them on the stone platform on the side, and then said: "You don't seem to be in good spirits, so you can recuperate. I have nothing to do, I just want to say thank you, thank you. , Brother Jiang."

After saying this, Ma Danna glanced at Brother Jiang, who was "stunned", and turned to leave.

"Bad fate."

After Ma Danna walked out of Liyang Residence, Miao Shan left the guest room. She shook her head slightly, sighed, and chased after Ma Danna.

In the Qin Dynasty two thousand years ago, what kind of grievance did my past life have with the Ma family?

Because Jiang Lin was lost in thought, he didn't even know that Ma Danna had left.

He regretted that he didn't ask more about Master Li Yang after Li Yingqi obtained Gu Yue's memory.

In fact, it can't blame him. He and Li Yingqi are husband and wife, and he can't always ask his wife about another man.

He doesn't want to be even in the future.

If he knew what happened that year, he might know the cause of his death in his previous life.

He was planted in the hands of the Ma family in his previous life, and now he has met Ma Danna, who is exactly the same as the woman in the picture in his memory. To say it was purely a coincidence, Jiang Lin himself felt that it was unlikely.

It was a pity that Li Yingqi was already asleep, and Miao Shan was unable to reveal what he knew, and he also had no way of knowing the grievances of those years.

At this time, Madonna was already halfway up the mountain. She covered her blushing cheeks and laughed like a silver bell from time to time.

It's him, it's him.

It's like a piece of wood, every time I see me, it's not natural at all.

"Don't look for Jiang Lin again."

Suddenly, Miao Shan appeared in front of Ma Danna and said something inexplicable to her.

" are Brother Jiang's wife?"

The joy on Ma Danna's face disappeared in an instant. She forgot that Jiang Lin was more than ten years older than her and should have a wife long ago, but Jiang Lin seemed too young, so she kept ignoring this matter.

"You are so beautiful, he is really right with Big Brother Jiang."

Looking at Miao Shan, Ma Danna felt that her heart was sour, as if she had poured a jar of vinegar.

"How could I be his wife?"

Miao Shan's voice became louder involuntarily. Normally, she only needs to explain, but just now she thought inexplicably that Jiang Lin once had the idea of ​​tai chi pushing hands with her on the bed, which made her feel like she was stimulated.

Buddha of immeasurable longevity, abstain from anger, abstain from anger.

Taking a deep breath, Miao Shan said, "I don't let you come to him because if you don't stop here, you will kill him. You are his doom."

"How is that possible? Why should I kill him? Also, what's your relationship with him?"

"Perhaps, not even ordinary friends."

"It turns out that it has nothing to do with him. If you talk nonsense again, I will be rude to you."

Ma Danna's attitude changed. Since she wasn't Jiang Lin's wife and had nothing to do with Jiang Lin, why should she care about the two of them?

"Look at this first."

Miao Shan smiled, her hands knotted with a Zen seal, and a flash of light shot from her eyebrows, which directly penetrated into Ma Dannuo's forehead.

"You... what did you do to me?"

Madonna covered her forehead, the severe pain in her head made her squat down.

After a while, scenes flashed in her mind, and these scenes were similar to the clips Jiang Lin recalled not long ago.

In the blurred picture, there is a man and a woman, standing opposite each other, and finally the woman formed a seal with her hand and read the nine-character mantra: "All the fighters who are facing the army are in the front, punish the evil!"

Then a golden dragon appeared and passed through the man's chest.

Ma Danna was completely stunned, because the voice that read the Nine-Character Mantra in her mind was hers, or it was not different from her voice at all.

And although the picture was a little blurry, she could see that the woman's face was exactly the same as hers.

In addition, what surprised her was the Ma family's Tianlei Town and the Ma family's Shenlong.

And the man who was pierced by the dragon and finally dissipated, gave her the feeling that it was Jiang Lin.

She was able to recognize him because of her inexplicable hatred for Jiang Lin.

Although the picture in her mind was not very clear, it gave Ma Danna a very real feeling. The feeling was so real that she could almost understand the state of mind of the woman in the picture. .

"Who the hell are you? What's with the picture in my head?"

Madonna looked at Miaoshan, eager to know what she saw.

"I am a person who can know the past and the future. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask your brother Jiang. The picture you see may be the past or the future. Don't look for him again, you really will kill him."


Ma Danna was at a loss for words, she didn't know why she didn't refute Miao Shan's words.

It seems that in her subconscious, she feels that she can't refute.

"But...but I seem to like him, I won't hurt him."

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