With a pair of fists clenched, Madonna finally expressed her heart to others.

Although it was only a few days ago that she met Jiang Lin, she was no stranger to Jiang Lin since she was a child.

With this premise, and having experienced together dealing with the generals and being rescued by Jiang Lin, she would have developed an admiration for Jiang Lin so quickly.

Miao Shan looked at Ma Dannuo quietly, but Ma Dannuo didn't know what was wrong, and gradually became guilty.

Afterwards, Miao Shan shook his head slightly and said, "When you kill him, you may not be you anymore. You are his doom, and that's it."

"He... did he know?"

"he knows."

It turns out that Big Brother Jiang knew that I would kill him, so, is he still saving me regardless of the danger?

Hearing Miao Shan's answer, Madonna felt her heart hurt.

Did he dress up when he rescued me because he knew that he might be killed by me in the future?So you don't want to be recognized by me?

Ma Danna remembered the scene where Jiang Lin rescued her, and her heart ached even more.

From childhood to adulthood, she has basically been on Taibai Mountain. Although the practice is hard, she has never been unhappy.

Except for the death of her aunt, she has never felt such a heartache as she is now.

It was a cruel thing for Ma Danna, a girl who had never been in love before, for a newly born relationship to be cut in half like this.

"I...I won't look for him again, you...you see him, and then thank him for helping me."

Madonna stood up and went down the mountain with a lonely expression.

Miao Shan let out a long sigh, no matter what, her doing this was equivalent to hitting a mandarin duck.

In fact, if she hadn't intervened, the relationship between Jiang Lin and Ma Danna would have been the same as it was two thousand years ago.

Even with Miaoshan's intervention, if Jiang Lin didn't get the jade box from Kunlun Mountain, the outcome might not change.

Because of the intervention of external forces, Jiang Lin and Ma Dannuo had almost no interaction in the future.

However, it was because of the intervention that the ending that originally belonged to them was overturned. The relationship between the two was postponed for more than [-] years.

It's just that in the years to come, Ma Danna has always been thinking about a man - her big brother Jiang.

But Jiang Lin, who was remembered by her, didn't realize that he was remembered by a woman for a lifetime only after decades.

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-nine chapters, whoever does not come will regret it

"Fellow Daoist, Miao Shan should leave after being harassed here for a long time."

Seven days later, Miao Shan's injuries fully recovered, so she said goodbye to Jiang Lin, and she had no reason to stay at Jiang Lin's house.

She gave Jiang Lin a magic talisman, and if Jiang Lin needed to find her in the future, he would tear up the talisman directly, and she would be able to receive the signal.

In fact, Miaoshan didn't want to leave so early. Huixing Mountain was a treasure. Even if she lived here for a long time, it would be beneficial to her cultivation.

It's just that Jiang Lin's wives don't like her very much, making her embarrassed to eat and live for nothing.

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting already knew that Jiang Lin had faced a general and was seriously injured, so they all disliked Miao Shan very much.

It was because of Miaoshan's request that their men almost couldn't come back.

Apart from them, Baoyi did not show any kindness to Miaoshan.

One monk had water to drink, and two monks had no water to drink.

Miaoshan's strength is similar to her current strength. If Miaoshan has been staying in Liyangju, then Jiang Lin will have a choice. She is now equivalent to a part-time worker. If Miaoshan also lives here, she will fight for her. share.

So Baoyi wished Miaoshan to leave quickly.

Then she can occupy Jianglin.

"The green hills do not change, the green waters will flow, and there will be a period in the future."

Jiang Lin didn't hold back and asked Uncle Ping to send Miaoshan away.

Gotta plan well.

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. Although Miao Shan said that the Immortal Character Jue would definitely appear, he couldn't wait that long. He wanted to do everything possible to find the Immortal Character Jue so that Li Yingqi would wake up as soon as possible.

But apart from spending money to find it, he really has nothing to do.

And looking for the immortal character Jue all over the world is really like looking for a needle in a haystack, and he needs more power.

It happened that the layout in the mountain was completed, and I got in touch with some businessmen in Xugang.

Jiang Lin is ready to implement the previous vision.

Now that the five grains, vegetables, fruits and the six animals and three animals that are cultivated in Huixing Mountain have matured, he wants to open a food and medicine company, get to know some businessmen, and use their network strength to find Xianzi Jue.

Xugang is a major port in the east. Many merchants in the past came from all over the world. Even local merchants, many of whom have business spread across several continents.

If you can use it, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

Before moving, Jiang Lin had this idea.

He asked Dengshen to learn Chinese and Western business and economic knowledge, and this is the purpose.

"Hey, Bishop, I'm Jiang Lin. I've come to Xugang. Now I'm here in Huixing Mountain where I bought it. Come over here, I'll trouble you."

Jiang Lin called the police station and found Bishop. To implement his ideas, he had to find someone to help him.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, have you come to Xugang again? I haven't seen you for a long time. I can't talk about troubles or anything. I can help you if you have anything. Just go."

Bishop on the other side of the phone heard that Jiang Lin called, and his attitude was a good one.

Not to mention, the last time Jiang Lin asked him to help him buy Huixing Mountain, he let him get two gold bricks. This alone was enough to make him a sheriff nod and bow down.

What's more, Jiang Lin is still a capable person. If they encounter a supernatural and tricky case in the future, they will have to rely on Jiang Lin to take action. No matter what the reason is, he has to treat Jiang Lin as a brother.

Brother Jiang?

Jiang Lin almost laughed when he heard Bishop calling him that. It seemed that Bishop, the sheriff, intended to be his younger brother.

It didn't take long for Bishop to drive to the foot of Huixing Mountain, and Uncle Ping, who had been waiting there for a long time, took him up the mountain.

"My God, Brother Jiang, when did this mountain become like this? It's like heaven! Also, what kind of fruit trees are planted in the mountain? You're very full of energy, and you don't feel tired at all?"

Bishop arrived at the front yard of Li Yangju, and when he saw Jiang Lin, his mouth was like a cannonball.

He was really amazed. Since he took the car to the mountain road, he felt like he had taken a big tonic, and he felt full of energy all over his body.

"Those are not ordinary fruit trees. They all have very good medicinal effects. Not to mention eating them, even if they often wander around in the fruit forest, they will not get sick for many years."


Bishop's subconscious reaction was that he didn't believe it, but he also knew that Jiang Lin was not a casual joker, and he had smelled the fragrance of the fruit himself, and he really felt like taking medicine, so he stared at Jiang Lin and asked: " real?"

"Try it."

Jiang Lin cut up an apple in the fruit bowl on the stone platform, gave Bishop a tooth, and ate the rest himself.

This is a strange fruit. If Jiang Lin wants to make the products in Huixing Mountain famous, he still has to have the necessary publicity.

And then, he still needs to let Bishop run errands, so he will be cheap.

Just give me a tooth.

Bishop was quite disgusted in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Oh my God!"


After swallowing a different fruit, Bishop jumped up and down like a can of stimulants.

"My God, what is this? My back is sore and my legs are sore, it's gone!"

Bishop looked in disbelief, pressed his waist and pressed his legs there, and finally he was convinced that all his physical problems had disappeared.

"Okay, I eat and eat, and it's time to tell you the business. I'm going to open a food and medicinal company, and I'm going to sell the things that are grown and farmed in the mountains. I'll let people go with you and help you with the procedures for opening a company. It's done. In addition, I also want you to tell me about the wealthy people in Hong Kong, and those who have cross-border business are the priority. I'm going to send invitations to them, and you can post them. When the company opens, I will talk to you about it. They discuss cooperation."

Jiang Lin then added: "I'm looking for it. If you have a clean foundation and started an illegal business, you don't need to mention it to me."

"Brother Jiang is going to open a company, so the business must be booming!"

Bishop hurriedly flattered Jiang Lin, but then he frowned again and said, "Brother Jiang, although your company must have business, but if you hire some rich people just after opening, they may not come."

Bishop is telling the truth. Jiang Lin doesn't have many contacts in Xugang, and he has never dealt with any businessmen and wealthy people before. Now that he has just started a company, he will invite those business leaders. Who is willing to go?

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said: "So, I need you to run away. As for whether they come or not, I don't care too much about how many people come. The effect I want is that whoever doesn't come will regret it. It's all green."

Whoever does not come will regret it.

This is why Jiang Lin posted the invitation, which is similar to the hunger marketing strategy that prevailed in later generations.

He didn't have the heart to run the company he opened, nor did he have the leisure to accumulate contacts.

All he wants is to open the business on the first day, and on the second day, all kinds of rich and powerful people line up to send him money.

Just sending money is not enough, you have to send him contacts.

Even if you want to send it, you may not be able to rank.

This is his ultimate goal.

"Who will regret not coming?"


Jiang Lin smiled, shook the Yiguo in his hand again, and said, "I won't do anything about the reception, so I'll treat them with this stuff. First come, first served."

"When the time comes, you will come too, and you will be able to eat another tooth."

"I understand! Brother Jiang, I'll tell you who the richest people in Xugang are, and I'll run errands for you when I go back!"

Bishop immediately took out a pen and paper, and he could almost foresee the scene of a large group of rich people beating their chests a few days later.

why?Why didn't I go there!

Chapter [-] Everyone here is almost like a pauper

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