"Speaking of the richest people in Hong Kong, we have to mention the richest man on Hong Kong Island, Li Xihe of Yellow River Industry..."

Bishop said a lot in one breath, including the helms of several shipping companies and tobacco companies, all of which met Jianglin's requirements.

Jiang Lin didn't listen carefully. He just wrote down the names of these people. Those who have multinational business, he focused on memorizing them in his heart.

"Okay, I'll have someone accompany you to do the rest. You just need to deliver the invitation. You don't need to disclose too much other information, just say that the products I have here are different from ordinary food and medicinal materials."

Jiang Lin instructed Bishop, and then asked Uncle Ping to call the lamp god and leave the rest to the tool man.

On the same day, Deng Shen and Bishop went through all the procedures for handling the company, and Bishop also took a stack of invitations to go to one company after another.

"Secretary Fan, I used to have some friendship with you. You must hand over this invitation to Mr. Li Xihe and let him come over. It will definitely make Mr. Li worthwhile."

In the afternoon, Bishop entered the office building of Yellow River Industry and handed the invitation to the secretary of Li Xihe, the richest man in Xugang.

Secretary Fan looked at the contents of the invitation, frowned and said, "Shen Nong Food and Medicinal Materials Company? Why haven't you heard of it."

"A new company opened today," Bishop explained.

"I said Bishop, I have a good relationship with you, but you can't play with me. If I submit the invitation to Boss Li, he can't scold me?"

Secretary Fan's face is not very good-looking. Although they are involved in the food and medicinal materials business, Yellow River Industry is also involved, but it is not the main business. It can be said that even if he sends the invitation, his boss may not be able to read it.

This is not the point. The point is that this food and medicinal material company only opened today, and when it opens, it will send invitations to the richest man to discuss business?

International joke!

I don't know how many people are staring at his position as the general secretary now. If something goes wrong, he will have to be laid off directly.

"This company is run by Jiang Daochang, whom I mentioned to you before. If Boss Li believes that there is a panacea in the world, he will never be disappointed if you go there. Secretary Fan, you told me about your current situation. The situation is not very good, we have friendship, so I told you so much."

Bishop said goodbye to Secretary Fan and went to the next company to distribute invitations.

Secretary Fan thought about it, and sent the invitation to Li Xihe's office.

"Don't you know that my time is precious?"

Sure enough, after Secretary Fan handed over the invitation and gave a brief explanation, Li Xihe got angry.

As the richest man in Hong Kong, he does not know how many meetings there are every day, yet the secretary actually handed over such an invitation.

"Boss, this Shennong Food and Medicinal Material Company is actually run by a Taoist priest from Maoshan. I once heard about this man from a friend of the sheriff. He is a capable man, clearing ghosts and clearing demons, and he is good at everything. Boss might as well In the past, I saw that there is a normal Taoist priest who has opened a company to sell food and medicinal materials, and maybe the products they sell have some ways. Moreover, even if the business cannot be done, the boss can have a face-to-face with him. In the future, the company expands the branch, maybe he can still invite He looked at Feng Shui."

Secretary Fan quickly explained to Li Xihe that he only hoped that Bishop would not cheat him.

"Let's take a look then."

Li Xihe nodded and continued to work.

Three days later, in the morning, Jiang Lin and Deng Shen arrived at a building in the city. This is the address of his company.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care about the company name except for the company name "Shen Nong". For choosing a place with good feng shui, Deng Shen's ability was completely able to do it.

"Boss, look at the place I choose, isn't it good?"

Deng Shen was quite satisfied with his vision. Now he directly recognizes Jiang Lin as his boss. Although he has been used as a tool all these years, Jiang Lin did not treat him badly because of his hard work.

Now he doesn't want to run away anymore, he can "eat and drink spicy food" with the boss, what is it like being a tool person.

"Go ahead, businessmen are generally more punctual."

Jiang Lin entered the door. In fact, his company said it was a company, but in fact it was more like a large supermarket.

On the first floor are various water storage cabinets, which contain various aquatic products such as fish, shrimps, crabs, shells, kelp, algae, etc. The second floor is for poultry and birds, and the third and fourth floors are grains, fruits, vegetables and real medicinal materials.

As for the cattle and sheep raised in captivity, Jiang Lin did not let Deng Shen rectify them. He did not intend to slaughter cattle and sheep in Huixing Mountain and sell them alive.

"The arrangement is really good. At the end of the year, I will give you some treasures that are useful for cultivation. It can be regarded as a reward for you."

"Thank you boss, I will sit on the fifth floor in the future, specializing in the acquisition of foreign medicinal herbs, and I will definitely keep my eyes open."

Hearing that there was a reward, the corners of Deng Shen's mouth couldn't close his eyes with laughter.

"Okay, let someone go out to receive them. Those rich merchants should be here soon."

Jiang Lin asked Dengshen to take care of the next thing, and took the elevator to the sixth floor, which was the reception hall.

He asked Uncle Ping to pour tea on the coffee tables beside the two rows of Taishi chairs, and Jiang Lin sat on the main seat, waiting for someone to come.

"What? You Shennong Company sell these things? Just kidding!"

Not long after, a fat businessman with a fat head and big ears entered the door with Deng Shen. As soon as he entered the door, he was so angry that he turned his head and left.

"Alcoholic liver fatty liver, sigh, if you go up there, maybe it will be fine, but you won't be that lucky."

Deng Shen shook his head and felt that this fat businessman's departure was more serious than missing several hundred million.

After that, some Hong Kong businessmen came one after another, some left and some stayed.

A few minutes later, the reception hall on the sixth floor was full of people, and the people who came were basically tycoons with a net worth of tens of millions.

"Jiang Xiansen, although I know you and have some skills, I came here this time to give you face, but you have invited so many people from us, because you mean shrimp? Your company has just opened, and you are going to join us, wealthy businessmen. Do you do business? How much money do you have?"

Sitting in the middle, a strong man with a strong Fujian-Taiwan accent opened his mouth to question Jiang Lin.

Talk about business, talk about business, what kind of business are you talking about with our group of super rich people alone?

Occasionally, you can buy your new company with a wave of your hand!

The strong man was upset. If he hadn't heard of Jiang Lin's name by chance and knew that Jiang Lin had a lot of skills, according to his temper, he would have had an attack long ago.

Jiang Lin glanced at the strong man and smiled. He had heard Bishop introduce this Taiwanese businessman. His name was Emperor Wang. Lost to the richest man Li Xihe.

As soon as Emperor Wang opened his mouth, a few of the other tycoons also agreed. They were all businessmen, and they basically talked about business with people of similar level. If Jiang Lin only did small business of these foods and medicinal materials, and he didn't have much wealth, They won't waste time here, and in the future, they will pull Jiang Lin into the blacklist in their hearts.

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and said lightly, "Boss Wang and everyone else, don't be impatient. Since Jiang invited everyone, there must be business with you. As for Jiang's family, if you really want to know , then Jiang Mou will tell the truth. Everyone here, in Jiang Mou's opinion, is almost like a pauper."

"Who do you say is a poor man? My Emperor Wang, not to mention the richest man in Hong Kong, is also the top three richest man. I would be a poor man? Banana, you guava!"

Emperor Wang slapped his palm on the coffee table, knocking the teacup down, and the tea was flowing.

Emperor Wang, who was about to continue to get angry, smelled the aroma of tea, and the fire in his belly disappeared immediately, and he felt relaxed and happy.

Waste, waste!

When Bishop saw the tea on the coffee table next to Emperor Wang, he felt distressed, but he knew that the tea leaves in those cups were all precious, and belonged to the same kind of fruit that he had eaten.

Chapter [-] There are real fragrances everywhere, and the rich are no exception

After feeling distressed, Bishop felt that Jiang Lin was a little silly again.

He knew that Jiang Lin was rich, but no matter how rich he was, he wouldn't be so rich that he would treat these business giants as paupers!

Taking a step back, even if you treat them as poor people, there is no need to say it directly in front of these people, right?

This is going to be a big deal.

Bishop panicked, these rich people came here, and they were all invitations from him. If he talked about it today, he would have a hard time in the future.

In addition to Bishop's panic, Li Xihe's secretary was also panic-stricken. He felt that this time Bishop had completely fooled him.

It's a big deal this time!

Sure enough, just as the two of them thought, this group of tycoons were directly fried by Jiang Lin's words, and they were all furious.

Even Li Xihe, the most calm in his [-]s, seemed to be burning his nose.

These giant crocodiles in the business world might even shiver when they sneezed together, but now Jiang Lin treats them as paupers.

"I don't care what skills you have, from today onwards, you don't want to hang around in Xugang!"

"Humph! We don't need to meet again in the future!"


The presidents of several banks were so angry that they left.

Jiang Lin didn't care about their departure, which was actually what he did on purpose.

For those who have received invitations, there are those who come and those who do not come, and those who do not come will regret it.

Among the group of people who have come now, there will be some who will leave or stay, and those who leave, he also makes them regret.

These rich people basically look at people through their nostrils. Even if they came here, they didn't take him seriously, so he would take this opportunity to kill the spirit of these people.

Only by following his will can it be profitable.

Only with such an effect can he often take the initiative when he makes any demands in the future.

Otherwise, how could he directly use Yiguo to entertain these people, Jiang Lin is not full of food.

Some people got angry, some people shouted, and in just a short while, a small half of the two rows of Taishi chairs were empty.

The rest did not leave, including Emperor Wang and Li Xihe.

They are all people who have been in the shopping mall for many years, and they still have the necessary patience.

Now, they all want to see what medicine is sold in Jianglin Gourd. If there is no good medicine, then they will not let it go.

"Everyone, you might as well have tea and snacks while we discuss business matters."

Jiang Lin gave Uncle Ping a wink, and Uncle Ping brought up a fruit plate with many small plates on it.

Two apples, cut into sixteen halves, a small piece on a plate.

The remaining part of the rich who did not leave is frying again.

Serve snacks and get fruit directly?

How about an apple cut in half?

What about Hanako begging for food? ! !

"Banana is a guava! I can see it, you guys are playing us like monkeys!"

The anger that Emperor Wang had calmed down rose again, and Li Xihe also shook his head, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

A few more people left.

"Secretary Fan, let Mr. Li have a taste."

At this time, Bishop came to the back of Secretary Fan and tugged at the latter's sleeve. Then he patted his chest and assured: "If this apple is like a normal fruit, I will pluck it off and give it to you."

He didn't know how Jiang Lin was going to arrange it, but if Li Xihe got up and left, he would have offended the richest man in Hong Kong, and then he would not know how hard his life would be.

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