When Li Xihe heard what Bishop said, he looked at an apple on the coffee table and put it into his mouth.

He also didn't believe that with so many eyes watching, what Jiang Lin would do with the fruit.


After eating the flesh, Li Xihe was stunned. There seemed to be a stove in his stomach, making his limbs and bones full of heat.

"my eyes……"

Li Xihe quickly rubbed his eyes. At this age, his eyes were already showing symptoms of presbyopia, but just now, he could clearly feel that his eyesight was getting better.

"Mr. Li, might as well try the black tea on the coffee table again."

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and pointed at Li Xihe with a smile on the cup next to him.

Li Xihe took two sips of tea without thinking about it.

These teas can quickly remove the medicinal power of the different fruits. After the tea was in his stomach, Li Xihe felt full of strength. He seemed to feel that he was not an old man in sixty-six, but a middle-aged man.

"This... what is this? Why did my body become tougher than before after eating?"

Li Xihe looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief. He had never been so surprised before. The pulp he just ate and the tea he drank actually showed signs of improvement in his old stomach problems. The department was warm, and the discomfort that had always been felt was gradually disappearing.

Jiang Lin laughed and responded, "That's why Jiang's company is named 'Shen Nong', and this is what we sell."

The others who hadn't left their seats, including Emperor Wang, were all stunned, and then they also put the pulp in the plate into their mouths.

As for those wealthy businessmen who have walked more than ten meters, they even turned back and picked up a small piece of apple and put it in their mouth.

"These fruits are better with tea."


When everyone heard Jiang Lin's words, just like a ox drinking water, they picked up the teacup and poured it into their mouths.

"My God, my toothache is gone!"

"My cervical pain is also showing signs of relief!"

"Tinnitus, tinnitus gone!"

After a while, a group of rich people screamed loudly, each of them either beating their waists or stomping their legs.

Amazing, simply amazing!

It's not a fruit at all, it's a panacea!

Previously, these rich people were furious because Jiang Lin only let people have a small piece of fruit, thinking that Jiang Lin was sending beggars, looked down on them, and used them rich people as monkeys.

But now, all of them have broken noses.

Especially those who almost left, Xiang's face is like a chrysanthemum.

Fortunately, did not go.

At this moment, there is still a little anger in their hearts. They are rich, but money is not absolutely impossible. In the face of illness, it doesn't matter who has money and who doesn't.

Now that the physical ailments that plagued them all tended to improve, what could make them happier?

There is really fragrance everywhere. It seems that this is the commonality of human beings, even the rich are no exception.

Jiang Lin looked at the happy rich people and nodded with satisfaction.

Fragrant, the more fragrant you are, the better the effect.

"Oh, why don't you feel like shrimp?"

Looking at the happy expressions on the faces of the people beside him, Emperor Wang was even more stunned. There was no abnormality in his body, and he still had hemorrhoids.

Jiang Lin looked at him, then pointed to the cases next to him, and said, "Your tea has been spilled. You need to mix it to see immediate results."

"Lost Mother! That bastard spilled Lao Tzu's tea!"

When Emperor Wang saw the teacup he had poured in his hand, he cursed loudly.

Li Xi and the others on one side were quite speechless. Didn't you shake the table by yourself?

Emperor Wang cursed, then ran to the side and poured himself the untouched tea of ​​those who had left before.

"Oh~ Laozi's ass is so cool~"

After a while, Emperor Wang made a philosophical cry.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Chapter [*]: The family has Baoshan, and it is inevitable to be missed (Part [*])

Jiang Lin glanced at Li Xi and them, and said, "Everyone, Jiang is just entering the business world, and it is a bit unreasonable to invite you to come when the company has just opened, but now everyone thinks it is worthwhile to come to Jiang's place? These fruits and tea are Jiang's sincerity."


Li Xihe patted the armrest of the chair and cried out excitedly. He didn't know how many medicines he had taken for his stomach problem, but he had not seen any improvement, but when he came to Jianglin, after a while, there were signs of improvement.

He didn't know how lucky he was to agree to Jiang Lin's invitation.

Now he has completely lost the previous unhappiness in his heart, and he is very happy.

Behind him, Secretary Fan wiped away a cold sweat. This time, he was considered a meritorious deed. In the future, it is estimated that no one else will be able to take away his position as the general secretary.

"Jiang Xiansen, these fruits under your banner are all included!"

With a big wave of his hand, Emperor Wang looked like he was rich, and wanted to buy all the fruits that Jiang Lin was selling.

How much he buys.

"What do you mean by all-inclusive? My richest man hasn't even spoken yet."

Hearing that Emperor Wang wanted the whole package, Li Xihe was immediately unhappy, and other rich people also responded.

It's not just you who have money, what kind of bag do you pack?

"You should figure out one thing first, whether to sell it now, and who to sell it to, the decision is entirely with me, not with you."

Jiang Lin interrupted the quarrel between Emperor Wang and the others, and said, "Since I have invited so many people, I won't just do business with one or two people."

When Emperor Wang and the others heard what Jiang Lin said, they all became quiet.

As long as you think about it for a while, you can understand what Jiang Lin means. Whenever Jiang Lin wants to sell those fruits with medicinal effects, he just needs to take the initiative to come to the door or have someone sell them. There is no need for such a big battle. .

"My Shennong Food and Medicinal Materials Company sells products, including grains, vegetables and fruits, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, fish, turtles, crabs and shrimps, etc., all have more or less medicinal effects, and the best medicinal effect is directly linked to the price. What you eat is not the best, the best is more effective than thousand-year-old ginseng. As long as a person does not lose his head or his five internal organs are destroyed, anyone who takes it will be able to survive. absolute."

After a pause, Jiang Lin continued: "However, that level is not for sale, it will be traded in other ways, and it is limited. The kind of medicinal fruit and medicinal materials of the same level that you have tasted, not to mention a hundred cures. Illness, as long as they are not terminally ill, they can all recover. These are sold publicly every three years. The company opens today, and it will be officially opened tomorrow. Anyone who comes can buy it. In the form of auction, there will be additional conditions. Come first First serve."

"Mr. Jiang, are you kidding me? Can it really be used as a life-saving medicine?"

Li Xihe straightened his waist immediately. If he could really prolong his life, he would be willing to trade at any price.

But as soon as the words came out, he felt that it was unnecessary to ask, after all, he had just experienced the effects of those pulps.

Although Emperor Wang and the others didn't ask, they still stared at Jiang Lin. If what Jiang Lin said was true, they would also be willing to trade him at any cost.

"Do I look like I'm joking? It's normal for you to have doubts, after all, it sounds too bizarre. This is what I call life-saving medicinal fruit. Today, you can go to any hospital and find any one A patient who is dying, give him this medicinal fruit to see if it has the effect of bringing back the dead."

Jiang Lin took a dark-yellow plum, which was the bomb he dropped.

He just wants these rich people to know that he is a person who can give them a chance to live and even prolong their life.

Who doesn't want to live or live a few more years?

As long as there is this idea, and the financial resources or ability, no one does not want to take these different fruits into the bag.

But thinking and wealth alone are not enough, he must be provided with help or convenience.

As for using the different fruit to save people, whether it will disturb Yin and Yang, Jiang Lin is not worried. He is a yin division himself, and he has a lot of merit. It is not a problem for him to save anyone casually.

Of course, he certainly wouldn't save a heinous damned person, and he would let the Dengshen go with him.

"Jiang Xiansen, you don't have to try it, right? This is my first letter."

Emperor Wang's face was full of pain. It would be a huge waste to use such a life-saving fruit for any sick patient.

And after a while, his hemorrhoids were almost healed, so he believed Jiang Lin's words with confidence.

"No, you have to try, and you all have to be there to witness that kind of miracle."

Jiang Lin's attitude is very firm, giving up a strange fruit in exchange for a large amount of human and financial resources in the future will not be a loss.

"A Deng, tell them my request, and it's up to you to negotiate with them."

Jiang Lin threw Yiguo to the Dengshen, and now that he has obtained the expected effect, he can directly act as a hand-dragging shopkeeper.

"Got it, boss. Everyone, it's like this..."

Deng Shen talked about business with Li Xi and them, because the production of grains, vegetables, fruits and meat in Huixing Mountain is limited, no matter how much medicinal effect it contains, all products are restricted from purchase. If you want to buy more, you must accept additional conditions - help to find Fairy word Jue.

Jiang Lin himself will provide a considerable part of the funds, which can be regarded as mutual cooperation.

If you don't agree and want to buy it with money, the price will soar directly.

Jiang Lin is not short of money, what he lacks is manpower, material resources and contacts from all parties.

But if he were to run the business himself, he would not have the time and energy.

It is also a condition to want a top-level abnormal fruit, but it requires much more manpower and material resources.

On the same day, Li Xihe, Wang Huang and others witnessed a miracle in a hospital.

And in the afternoon, the news about their meeting in the living room and the miracle spread like wildfire.

On this day, I don't know how many rich businessmen and tycoons have regretted their bowels, and they have all turned black.

Mother, what sin did I do, and I didn't get past it!

Ancestor, please come back and slap me, why did I go and leave!

In many villas and western-style buildings, there were sounds of smashing things.

I'm so sorry!

"Uncle, there is a life-saving treasure in our family. Someone has already reported it. Will it be remembered?"

In the evening, Uncle Ping and Jiang Lin returned to Huixing Mountain together, Uncle Ping couldn't help but worry.

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