The wealth of the family is nothing, but there are treasures that are closely related to life at home, so you have to beware, not to mention the fact that there are treasures in Huixing Mountain has spread outside.

People can give up their lives for money, let alone for their lives.

"There is definitely something to worry about. We can't control it, but as long as anyone dares to do something wrong, he must think about whether he has nine lives."

Jiang Lin didn't care, just today, he didn't know how many rich tycoons were thinking about the fruit in his hand.

But if there are really irregularities, then he has to let the other party know how to write dead characters, or let them experience the feeling of being lost.

Jiang Lin guessed that someone was thinking about his treasure, but what he didn't guess was that in addition to people, there were also non-human things that began to miss his treasure mountain.

Chapter [*]: The family has Baoshan, and it is inevitable to be missed (Part [*])

When Uncle Ping thought about it, he felt that he was worrying too much. With Jiang Lin here, let alone ordinary people, even if an army came over, it would be the same.

After Jiang Lin got home, he instructed the cat and mouse boy to go with Uncle Ping tomorrow, and he would not go there by himself.

If there is a lamp god there, it will do.

As for those rich people who haven't seen him, or tycoons who have gone and gone, he is not ready to take care of them.

The impression he will give these people in the future is that if he misses one side, it will be difficult to see him again.

Just so cold.

Early the next morning, in the downtown area of ​​Xugang, the gate of Shennong Food and Medicinal Materials Company was crowded with people, almost all of them rich.

Li Xihe, Emperor Wang and the top ten richest people in Hong Kong are basically all there.

These rich people lined up at the company gate one by one, waiting for the door to open.

They are all wealthy business giants, but this status does not bring them any convenience, and they have to queue up obediently.

Such a big battle also alarmed many reporters and melon eaters.

"My God, these millionaires, are they crazy?"

"Li Xihe, the major shareholder of Yellow River Industry, and Emperor Wang, the owner of the Royal Club, they are all in... queuing? Am I right?"

"What exactly is this Shennong company selling?"

A group of people who eat melons are discussing together. They can't believe that these rich people will line up to buy things like the poor people.

From their point of view, Li Xihe and a wealthy man like Emperor Wang, what they want, merchants can't wait to deliver directly to their door, and things like queuing are almost impossible to link with them.

But now these rich people are lining up in front of this Shennong company, very well behaved, without any pretense.

"Mr. Wang, I'm a reporter from the Hongdao News, can I interview you? You are all rich and famous people in Hong Kong, why are you queuing at the entrance of this company? I just heard from some citizens that this company is newly opened. Yes, and the goods inside are very expensive, and there was basically no business yesterday. What kind of magic does it have to make you line up here like ordinary people?"

A reporter took a notepad to Emperor Wang's side and interviewed him.

Although the story of Jiang Lin's company selling medicine fruit spread, it basically spread among the wealthy circles, and not everyone knew about it. These reporters did not receive the news immediately.

"My fellows, even though they are rich, they are also human beings. What's so strange about standing in line? Even though I have a lot of money, they are considered poor compared to the boss of this company. Are there any that sell here? Most of them are treasures that cannot be bought with money, and if you want to buy them, you have to queue up.”

Because his hemorrhoids completely recovered overnight, Emperor Wang was in a good mood. He also changed his fiery temper and said a few more words to the reporter.

Just yesterday, Jiang Lin said that he was a pauper, and he was so angry that he was on fire, but today, he admitted that compared to Jiang Lin, he was like a pauper.

He has a good fortune of millions and tens of millions, but these are all valuable, but what Jiang Lin has are priceless treasures, especially a mountain of priceless treasures, based on this alone, he can't compare with Jiang Lin at all .

If he was on the verge of death, as long as Jiang Lin was willing to take out those life-saving medicinal fruits and let him hand over all of his net worth, he would also be willing.

In comparison, his net worth was only worth a medicinal fruit to Jiang Lin.

For Jiang Lin, what is he not a pauper?

"Impossible? The boss of this company is so rich? Compared with him, you are poor???"

The reporters who interviewed Emperor Wang had their mouths open enough to put a goose egg in their mouths. All these rich and powerful people were rich, and poor words were not related to them at all. Emperor Wang considered himself poor.

This is definitely a joke!

"Boss Wang must be joking?"

"Banana, you guava! My emperor is just a joker? Thream!"

Hearing that the reporter didn't believe him and said he was joking, Emperor Wang immediately changed his face and asked the bodyguard to drive the reporter away.

Before long, almost all the newspapers in Hong Kong sent reporters to Shennong Company.

When the door was opened, these reporters and the masses entered, and there was basically no calm.

Sky-high fruit, sky-high shrimp and crab, sky-high rice.

The aquatic products and grains sold in it are much more expensive than the market price, and some are even ten times or even a hundred times more expensive.

What's even more outrageous is that those rich people went upstairs by themselves and let their bodyguards or servants scan the goods on each floor.

Looting, looting.

Moreover, none of these people who scan the goods does not ask the service staff if they can buy more.

"Rat boy, those two guys are a little suspicious, have you found it?"

When many reporters took pictures and customers wandered around, a big man pointed at two foreign men and said to the shorty beside him.

The big man and the dwarf were actually house cats and mice. Jiang Lin used ever-changing powers on them. In the eyes of outsiders, they were just like ordinary people.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, if one cat and one mouse move, it will cause a large area of ​​panic.

The mouse boy nodded and said: "I found out, they are not human, and just now they poked a carp and tasted the blood of the fish, it should be a zombie, but the camouflage is very good."

Then it said: "There are many people here, follow up first, it seems that the owner should not have thought of opening a company, which will attract these dirty things."

After the two foreigners got into the elevator, the cat and mouse chased up from the stairs.

"We have to make a great contribution. The things here are the same as the information the earl heard, and they have a lot of medicinal effects."

"Yes, the ones below are estimated to be of low efficacy. Those rich people buy here are good things."

"We gave him a pot, and the Earl's children are likely to survive."

"If we ask about the origin of those aquatic fruits again, the earl will definitely reward us."

When the two foreigners got to the sixth floor and got out of the elevator, they were talking to each other with excited smiles on their faces.

The cat and mouse were already waiting in the corridor. The two foreigners were talking in English, which they couldn't understand at all.

But it doesn't matter anymore, they are two demon kings, if it can't be seen that the two foreigners are coming for the fruit and medicinal herbs in the reception hall, then they can retire with honor.

Chapter [*]: Powerful Western Zombies

"I didn't expect it to come up so easily. You see, there are only two people guarding the entire floor."

"Yeah, the boss of this company probably doesn't have a good mind. With such a treasure lying around, he doesn't have many preventive measures."

The two foreigners were overjoyed when they saw the "two men" of the cat and the mouse.

Although they want to grab the treasures that the rich are trading, they don't want to make much noise.

Unexpectedly, things are still "as they intended", and there are two security guards on the entire floor.

As soon as the two licked their lips, they rushed towards the cat and mouse.

Then they were sad.

In just a second or two, the two idiots had their limbs broken by the two demon kings and were thrown to the ground.

The two foreigners were cut off by the two demon kings, and they turned out to be two Western zombies.

"You watch here, I'm going to tell the master, he should have the means to prevent such a thing from happening again."

The mouse boy asked the cat to stay, intending to tell Jiang Lin about it himself.

It thinks things are a little weird.

The company only opened yesterday, even if it attracts some monsters, it will not be so fast.

Previously on the floor below, these two Western zombies disguised as foreigners behaved very cautiously, with a discipline that ordinary evildoers did not have, so it suspected that these two idiots might have a comrade.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening again in the future, it is better for Jiang Lin to handle it himself.

That's why they could have wiped out these two idiots but didn't kill them.

"Who are you?"

The two Western zombies bared their teeth and roared at the cat and the mouse, this time in Chinese.

They really didn't expect that two normal people could knock them down in such a short period of time.

The house cat stepped on the face of a Western zombie and said, "Hey, you can speak Chinese. Say, do you have any other party members? Dare to come here to make trouble, I really don't know whether to live or die."

The Western Zombie was writhing all over, and suddenly a ray of blood spurted out of its mouth, forming a blood bat.

The blood bat's eyes glowed red, and it swept over the house cat, and then broke through the glass window not far away and flew out.

When the domestic cat was scanned by the blood bat, the illusion on the body disappeared temporarily, and then it turned back into a big man.

The mouse ran to the window, but the blood bat had already flown several hundred meters away.

" are monsters!"

After spewing blood bats, the two Western zombies turned pale in shock, and at this moment, blood-colored veins suddenly appeared on their bodies.

"Earl, spare your life!"

"Forgive me!"

The two Western zombies noticed the blood marks on their bodies and screamed in fright.

However, calling for help and begging for mercy could not change their ending. In the blink of an eye, these two Western zombies became a piece of flying ashes.


The house cat stomped its feet in anger, and the two demon kings, it and the mouse boy, actually let these two idiots disappear under their noses.

"Let's call the master. It seems that this is not easy."

After thinking about it for a while, the cat didn't let the mouse cubs leave. Jiang Lin asked them to come over to guard the place. If something happened in a while, because there was not enough manpower and something went wrong, then they would be dereliction of duty.

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