"What? Two Western zombies? Maybe there are more powerful ones behind? Are you eyeing the baby over there?"

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to receive a call. He didn't expect a similar situation, or else he wouldn't let the two demon kings pass by.

It's just that even he didn't expect this to happen so quickly.

Moreover, the colorful tiger king and the flying rat king were much stronger than the ordinary demon kings, and this also allowed the two western zombies to report to the outside world.

I'd like to see what kind of stuff is getting impatient.

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, put down the jade box in his hand, got up and walked out the door.

After arriving at the company, Jiang Lin went directly to the sixth floor.

He set up a tracing array where the two Western zombies disappeared, trying to trace their lair.

At this time, in a western-style castle on the outskirts of Xugang, a foreign man in an evening dress was sitting on the sofa, holding a goblet, and enjoying the red wine in the glass - it was actually blood.

"What a powerful monster."

The foreign man looked at the image projected by the eyes of the blood bat and muttered to himself.


At this moment, he suddenly stood up, stretched his arms, and hundreds of bats flew out from under the hem of his clothes, rushing out of the windows of the castle.

The bat swarm flew away from the castle, and a few minutes later, a beam of light rushed towards them.

These bats opened their mouths one by one and swallowed the beams of light into their bodies little by little.

This beam of light is exactly the retrospective array formed by the source tracing array arranged by Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin was casting a spell, but the source tracing array in front of him suddenly exploded, and all the array materials were destroyed.

"Get me out!"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand towards the dark corner of the wall, and took a blood bat in his hand.

However, as soon as the blood bat appeared, it turned into a blood mist and dissipated with a "bang".

"How come there is another one?"

The cat and the mouse cub screamed, but they didn't even find the blood bat that flew away and another one hidden in a dark corner.

Don't say they didn't notice it, even Jiang Lin realized that there was a pair of investigative eyes hidden in the corner when the formation was suddenly broken.

"Xugang actually has such a powerful Western zombie."

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. If nothing else, the blood bat, which he hadn't even discovered, was enough to demonstrate the power of the Western zombie behind the scenes.

It was much stronger than any Western zombie he had ever seen before.

While Jiang Lin was shocked, the blood in the goblet in the hand of the foreign man suddenly spilled out in the western-style castle.

He pondered for a moment, then turned his head and said: "Xue slave, there is a very powerful exorcist here, you can think of other ways to get those strange fruits."

Beneath the wall, an odd sculpture with wings and a human bat head trembled, and then the sculpture became a living creature.

It responded in a gloomy voice: "As you will, Count."

Jiang Lin stayed in the company for a day, but nothing happened again.

"Boss, the auction went well, and many rich people agreed to our terms."

In the afternoon, Deng Shen found Jiang Lin and told him about the auction. The auction went well. Li Xihe and Wang Emperor and other wealthy people went back with satisfaction. Of course, if there was happiness, there would be disappointment. Yes, those whose bids were not as good as Li Xi and them could only leave with regret.

Deng Shen said again: "As for the unexpected situation in the company, you don't have to worry about it, boss, I and the two demon kings will stay here."

He had already heard from the mouse that there were Western zombies, so he offered to keep himself and the two demon kings in the company to take care of him.

The strength of the lamp god is close to the peak of the ghost king, and with the two demon kings, he is confident that he can live in a stable place.

"Okay, that's it."

Jiang Lin nodded, it was impossible for him to stay here forever because of the Western zombies.

Moreover, he and the behind-the-scenes Western zombie can be considered a second hand. If he stays here, the other party may be a little bit afraid.

Jiang Lin wanted the other party to take another action, in that case, he would be able to find the other party's nest in one fell swoop.

After Jiang Lin left, there was still nothing unusual about his Shennong Company, but something major happened elsewhere.

Chapter [*] The tragedy of the richest man

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin flipped through some information about Western zombies in the yard. Compared with the local zombies, he knew much less about foreign vampires.

These materials are all compiled by Eve. In addition to researching history, she is more interested in zombie mummies and vampires.

"Uncle, this is your breakfast, do Zhuzhu and the others want to do it?"

Uncle Ping took the food table and put it on the stone table, and put a newspaper next to it.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "You don't have to be theirs, they're all asleep."

It's nice to be young.

Uncle Ping is quite convinced of his master. There are so many mistresses in the family, and they often stay in bed one by one.

Jiang Lin opened a newspaper, and the reports above were basically about Shennong Company. It took only one day yesterday. His company was basically a household name in Xugang.


Jiang Lin was startled when he saw the content below the newspaper.

A catastrophic tragedy occurred in the home of the richest man.

The above report is about Li Xihe, the richest man in Hong Kong.

Li Xihe just bought a different fruit yesterday, and something happened that night?

Is it possible that there are still people who are bold enough to go to the richest man's house to rob and kill?

Jiang Lin felt that he had really gained a lot of knowledge. Although he had heard about the richest man being blackmailed in later life, it was also a way to stop people, which was different from robbery and murder.

The mansion of the richest man, the defense power is not lost to some important institutions of the country.

It seems that there may be some desperadoes.

The newspaper didn't report the specific situation, and Jiang Lin didn't know what happened to the Li family. He guessed that there were really deadly gangsters who dared to be so bold.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to close the newspaper, Bishop's voice came from outside.

"Brother Jiang, something big has happened!"

After Bishop was brought in by Uncle Ping, he shouted loudly, and then put a stack of photos on the stone table.

Above are human figures.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with you again?"

"Yeah, you read the newspaper, something happened to Li Xihe's family, his housekeeper and many servants were turned into stones, and Li Xihe himself became seriously ill and went to the hospital. He stored his belongings. My room was destroyed, but I didn't lose any money or anything, just the medicine fruit I bought yesterday."

Bishop hurriedly informed Jiang Lin of the details of the tragedy that happened at the Li family's house in the middle of the night last night. After he received the report and went to the scene to see it, he knew that those things were not something that humans could do, so he hurried over to find Jiang Lin.

"Turns into stone? And only grabbed the fruit?"

Jiang Lin's tone became cold. If Li Xi and his home were robbed, he would not be able to control them, but if they were harmed by demons, then the problem would be bigger.

If this matter spreads out, then everything he has done before will basically be in vain.

Buying a life-saving treasure, but being targeted by evil demons, is not something that can be dealt with by human beings. Whoever buys his abnormal fruit will not be frightened?

If this matter is not dealt with, then it is estimated that no one will be willing to buy these treasures anymore.

It is not enough to make a wedding dress, and it may be life-threatening.

Moreover, when this incident happened, Jiang Lin himself was a Taoist priest who knew the Maoshan technique, so there must be some people who would guess whether all this was because he was black and white.

While selling life-saving medicine to the rich, after receiving the money, he used magic to snatch it back.

It is almost a white wolf with empty gloves.

So now, Jiang Lin's heart is not small.

"Brother Jiang, it is estimated that you will go out on this matter, but you see that we are both acquaintances, so don't kill them."

Bishop smiled embarrassedly, Jiang Lin is notoriously expensive to ask for, and the police station couldn't handle the incident that they encountered this time.

"I'll take action this time, and there's no charge. Take me to the hospital first to see how Li Xihe is doing."

It is about his own reputation. Even if Bishop doesn't come to find him, if Jiang Lin knows the ins and outs of the matter, he will also come forward to deal with it.

"Really, that's great!"

Bishop called out happily, and immediately took Jiang Lin to the hospital where Li Xihe lived.

"Mr. Jiang?"

Li Xihe was lying in the ward, and he was quite surprised to see Jiang Lin come to visit.

Because his impression of Jiang Lin was still the boss of the company, he ignored Jiang Lin's identity as a Taoist priest.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm not feeling well, I'm not polite, I'm sorry."

Li Xihe spoke weakly, his face was indeed very ugly, what he saw last night was really terrifying, and he still has lingering fears until now.

"Mr. Li, you can rest in peace. I have heard about the Li family. The housekeeper, the robbed servants, and the monsters and ghosts that appear, I will deal with them. If you eat this yellow jujube, it will be good for you. ."

Jiang Lin took a strange fruit from his arms and handed it over.

When Li Xihe heard Jiang Lin mentioned demons and ghosts, he remembered that Jiang Lin still had the identity of a Taoist priest.

He didn't reach out for a while.

He has been in the shopping mall for so many years, and he has seen many intrigues.

Just now, he suddenly thought of a possibility-did Jiang Lin do what happened to him?

"What? Are you afraid that someone from Jiang will harm you?"

Seeing that Li Xihe was hesitant to pick it up, Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "Mr. Li, since I'm doing business with you, the necessary after-sales work still needs to be done. I will come to the stolen fruit from your Li family. Bag, I'll give you another one. If it's lost, I'll recover it. Of course, this is only limited to the fact that the medicinal fruit and medicinal materials you bought were taken away by ghosts and monsters. If it's stolen normally, then I don't care."

"You will pay for the medicinal fruit I lost?"

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